chapter 43: Love 18+

Our carriage trundled up the long brick road. Our new house was in a very remote part of town, far away from the common folk.

“This is quite the area you have chosen to live in.”

“Yes….it is. I thought being far away from everyone else would work better for my goals, But now I realise it's just going to make travelling Difficult.”

“Then why don’t you just hire a personal coach driver?”

“Because I like to keep the people who know my true self small. Don’t want a random coach driver to start asking unwanted questions now, do I?”

“Then why not get her to do it?”

I looked towards Sally, who had been doing nothing but gawking at all the nice houses. I guess it's rare for her type to be up here.

“That’s an idea, I suppose.”

“Just send her down to the town hall. They do training there. In a day, she could be a fully-fledged carriage driver. Hell, give her some gold, and she can buy a carriage and a horse right there.”

“Is it really that easy?”

“Yeah… The trainers are really that good.”

“I'll keep that in mind.”

*ring* *ring*

“Oh, we're almost there….”

The carriage came to the top of the hill until finally, Our house came into sight. It was a large compound Surrounded by a large stone wall mixed in with some dark wood. The carriage slowed down to just in front of the house.

 Outside the fence was a second carriage and Apollinaris talking to a man in a black suit. I guess that the secretary. I quickly slipped on my mask and got ready to open the door when suddenly, a hand gripped my robe.

“Aren't you forgetting something?” Andre said, pointing at his shirt. Shit, I’m still covered in Blood and gunk.

“Do you, by any chance, have any spare clothes.”

He rolled his eyes as he placed his hands on my chest.


Suddenly, my clothes glowed a light blue before returning back to normal, Minus all the Blood and gore.

“That should do it.”

I gave him a nod as I opened the door. I was immediately hit with a cold breeze, which shook me to my core. Let's hurry this up.

“There she is!” Apollinaris yelled. The two of them jogged over to me.

“Look, this guy’s being difficult and not letting me in until you sign this.”

“That’s not it!” The man protested, “The owner of the house has to sign it before I hand over the keys. Your name is not listed here. SO I CAN'T LET YOU IN!”

Apollinaris rolled her eyes.

“Relax, It's fine now, I'm here. Can I have the paperwork?”


The man undid his thick binder and pulled out a scroll.

“Please sign here, ma’am. Once signed, the property is all yours.”

I quickly read it over Before signing the paper. It was a brief summary of what me and Mr Ashdown agreed to.

“Thank you.” He said, taking the document away from me. “With that sorted, here is the deed and the key.”

He passed me an orange scroll and a large keychain with 2 golden keys on it. The man quickly packed up his stuff and hopped back into his carriage.

“Sorry, I was gone for a while.”

“It's fine, more importantly, Isn't that?” She pointed behind me.

“Oh Andre….. Well, let's say….. We have come to some sort of an agreement. I'll tell you all the details later.”

She nodded. I gave her one quick hug before we both returned to our carriages. Soon, we were on our way to the main entrance.

“So…..Do I still need to meet you and Titus.”

“Yes, as far as anyone else is concerned, we never met. So when we meet again, we are not friends.”

“We were friends?”


The carriage once again slowed to a halt as we arrived at the entrance of my mansion.

“Thank you for the ride. I look forward to our next meeting.” He gave us a wave as we disembarked the carriage.

“Come, Sally!”


 Sally snapped out of her trance and quickly hopped off the carriage. I looked back and pulled my mask to the side at the same time giving his driver a toothy smile. His face twisted with terror, and in no time, he was off my property.

“Divaaaaa!” Apollinaris yelled. “Can you


I quickly sprinted over and started helping her unload our stuff. With the three of us, we were done in no time.

“That’s the last of it.”She said. The driver nodded and set off back down the driveway.

“Wait, Mother, I'm gonna be living here?”

I turned to Sally, who had finally caught on to what was happening.

“Yes. This is your reward. You are to help around the house by keeping everything clean, doing the laundry etcetera. I expect good things from you.

“Yes! Of course, Thank you, mother! Thank you.”

“Is that?.... who I think it is?” Asked Apollinaris.

I nodded. “Yeah, it’s a long story I’ll tell you later. For the foreseeable future, She is gonna be here with us. She's gonna help around the house and help me with….. things.”

I walked up to the door and opened it using one of the many keys. The door swung open, and we were met with a polished stone floor and pure white walls. The home was furnished, Filled to the brim with paintings, cupboards and various pots and vases. In the centre, there was a large set of stairs that led up to the second story.

“What do you think?”

“Its….It's beautiful.” Said Apollinaris. I looked at Sally, whose jaw was so wide that it might crash through the ground. After a few minutes of gawking, we quickly moved our stuff into the main passage and started exploring the building.

“Sally, when you’re done exploring. Go pick any room on the 1st floor. It's yours also *sniff**sniff* Take a shower while you’re at it.”

She nodded and disappeared off into a room. Me and Apollinaris quickly made our way upstairs.

“There are so many rooms?”

“Yes, there are, aren't they.”

“Do you plan to fill the rooms with more people like her?”

I sighed. “Yes,” I pulled her close. “This place is way too big for just the two of us. So having a few servents around would make our lives a lot nicer, and besides, the only person who matters to me the most in this house is you.”

I pulled off my mask and kissed her on the cheeks

“But I believe actions speak louder than words so…”

My hands started drifting down her body to her pants.

“Wait…Wait…” She said, pushing against my chest.

“At least let me shower first.”

I sighed and instantly put her into a princess carry.

“Any room in mind. They all have en suites.”

She looked around and pointed to a large double door with an ornate ebony trim. If I had to guess, that is the master bedroom. I sprinted over to the door and quickly barged through the door. The room was a massive master bedroom, complete with a balcony, walk-in wardrobe and a super large bath.

“What do you think?”

She nodded. “It’s like something a queen would have,” She said, slipping out of my hands onto the ground.

"Well, i am one." She rolled her eyes as headed to the bathroom.

“Don’t take too long now.” Her face went bright pink as she sprinted to the bathroom. I threw myself onto the bed and waited.

“Might as well deal with the notifications I've been ignoring for a while.”

2 X  human (Thug) 400

2X human (Bodyguard) 800

Bonus Xp: 780

Total xp: 1980


Level up awarded! You are now level 18! 3 points awarded
Total 21 -> 24


Wow, My first level up in what feels like ages. Thank you, system. I flexed my hands I don’t feel much stronger but that’s okay; every little helps me grow stronger. I quickly flicked back through the notifications and noticed that humans Give a lot more xp than the animals I had my children kill. Another fascinating thing was that the system considered The strength of my opponents and awarded more xp for it. I mean, I got double the xp for killing the bodyguards then the thugs. However, like many things with the system, it isn't perfect. It gave me the same xp for both bodyguards, but I doubt they were of the same strength. Giving me XP based on their job is nice, but in the long term, this will cause me to lose XP.

I let out a deep sigh. However, knowing this system, there is a fix for that, but it's going to cost me shit tonnes of points. I rubbed my temples. I should move on before I get more annoyed.

+1000 biomass

+500 bonus biomass (Efficient processing bonus)


So that puts me up to 3,500 Biomass in total. That’s not really a lot, but it will do. I flicked through the hive management screen.



  • Population Of hive: 447
  • biomass: 3500


  • Unspecified eggs: 15
  • Specified Eggs: 0









Let's see…. what do I want. My top priority is and always has been; growing the hive. Thanks to Andre, I will soon have a fresh supply of hosts to impregnate, but as nice as it is to have lots of hosts it's useless if I don’t have a place specially made for them. There is the warehouse basement, but it's way too small……But it can be expanded. With all of that in mind, I have no choice but to make workers 7 workers, to be precise. It's a shame because I really wanted to increase my offensive power, but I guess that will have to wait.  


I snapped my head towards the voice, And what I saw made my jaw drop. She was standing in front of me completely naked, her beautiful curves covered in tiny water droplets slowly descending down her Body. Without realising it, I dropped all my menus and started walking towards her.

“You look…. Amazing”

She blushed as she walked closer to me. In no time, we were standing in front of each other. My heart raced as my mind went blank about what to do next. Come on, Idiot! You’ve been dreaming of this moment for a long time, and when the time is finally here, you freeze like a Virgin about to have his first time! Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands touch my clothes; slowly, one by one, Apollinaris removed my cloak, then my shirt and then my pants until we were both stark naked. Her hands then danced around my armour, feeling in between the gaps in my armour. With each touch, electricity moved through my Body. Like a flash, my hands snapped around her arms. Stopping her movement. I looked towards her, and she smiled.

“Please be gentle…..It's my first time.”

I pressed my lips against hers, and We started making out, my tongue twisting and mixing with hers. I placed my hands on her curvy hips and lifted her up. Instinctively, her legs wrapped themselves around me. I carried her over to the bed and threw her down; instantly, I was back on her, smothering her in a stupid amount of kisses.

As our tongues met, one of my hands slowly descended her Body Towards Her expecting pussy. Soon She started moaning as my fingers met her clit. I moved deftly around her folds, exploring every part of her. The air between us was electric. I could feel our hearts race as we smothered each other in sloppy kisses.

I circled her folds once again before finally plunging my fingers into her soaking channel.

“DIIIIIIIVAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa!” She yelled as I dove into her faster and faster, giving her her more and more pleasure.

“Don’t stop!, don’t stop, DON’T AHHHHHHHHHHHH”

She came all over me. I pulled away my now-drenched fingers. Her juices dripped from my hands and onto our pearly white bed sheets.

“How was that?”

She didn’t respond, but she didn’t need to. I could tell from how heavy her chest rose that she was very satisfied. I gently fondled one of her very erect nipples, causing soft moans to eke out of her Body. God, Seeing her like this lit all kinds of desires in me. I quickly flicked to the hive management screen and quickly specialised 7 workers.

I moaned as the familiar warmth spread from pussy. I reached down to put my fingers in my pussy when suddenly my hand stopped. I opened my eyes to see Apollinaris holding my hand with a mischievous grin on her face. Oh no. She took the initiative and pushed me back, putting her on top. And then, slowly she started Kissing my chest. With each kiss, she slowly moved down.

“Hmmmmm Apollinariiiisss” I begged. I slowly gyrated my hips against her body trying to get some relief, but she wouldn’t let me.

“Shhhhh. Patience”

I writhed in pleasurable agony as she denied me any release. Soon her lips reached my pussy.

“Wow….. Yours look so neat.” I felt my cheeks get warm.

“T..T..thank youAGHHHHHHHA”

Suddenly, her tongue invaded my pussy. I couldn’t think as she went to town on my lower lips. Leaving no part of me unexplored. I could feel my heart racing and a familiar pressure building in my crotch.

“Apollinaris. I’m close!”

she increased her assault on my pussy, Focusing more and more on my clit. The pressure was building more and more. I grabbed her head and forced it deeper into my pussy. The pressure in my crotch increased more and more until it built up more and more.


My legs wrapped around her like a vice as I came all over. The sounds of loud slurping filled the room as Apollinaris earnestly drank my fluids. Soon, Apollinaris stopped drinking and patted my thigh. I loosened the grip my legs had around her head.

“That was…..Amazing”

“Thank you,” She said, raising her head. Her face was drenched in my fluids, and her cheeks were bright pink. But she held a proud smile on her face.

“Diva….. I think I’m ready.”

I leaned over and gave her a kiss before opening up the hive management screen and selecting host impregnation. Heat spread from pussy, and then with a loud *SCHLURCH*, My ovipositor appeared.

Apollinaris's eyes bulged as she saw my member.

“It's….. bigger than I thought,” She said in awe and with a little bit of fear in her voice. I rubbed her head.

“Do you wanna touch it?”

She looked up to me briefly and then slowly put one of her fingers against it.

“It’s hot”

I nodded as she stroked her finger up and down it. Tracing her finger along the big girthy veins. She stared at it with childlike wonder. Suddenly, My ovipositor twitched, startling her.

I chuckled. “Don’t Worry, he is just eager.”

She nodded, and she went back to exploring it with her fingers. Slowly, over time, she started adding more fingers, going from 1 to 2 to 3, until finally wrapping as much of her dainty hands around it as she could.

“ummmmmmm” If she doesn’t stop, I might blow my load right here. She continued to stroke my member until, out of nowhere, she kissed it. I looked down in surprise to see her kissing it again. I worked hard to contain my moans, but it became hard when her kisses slowly turned into licks.

“It tastes… like almonds.”

She continued to lick it more. Completely drenching my member in saliva. My moans got louder and louder, im pretty sure Sally could probably hear me. She brought her attention to the tip and started circling it with her tongue. Oh god. If she continues like this, I don’t think I'll be able to contain myself. I need to stop her now. In an instant, I grabbed shoulders, stopping her from going any further. I was breathing heavily. This girl is something else. I smiled back at her as I laid her back on the bed.

“I think you’ve had enough fun, haven't you?”

Her face went pink as she blushed. “Yeah….” I could feel her timid frame shake. I kissed her forehead and reassured her. She slowly spread her legs apart, revealing her still-soaking pussy. I grabbed my ovipositor and gently readied outside her entrance. I gave her one more reassuring smile as I slowly pushed it against her entrance.


She moaned as my ovipositor started to split her folds in two. Slowly and slowly, more of me inched inside her. Her moans got louder and louder, louder than they had ever been before. Her insides were tight as hell, gripping me like a vice at every inch.

“Apollinaris! Your tooo tight!” I Yelled as I inched deeper into her. I was too deep to stop now. I moved deeper into her.

“Aghhhhaaaa NOOOOOOOO!”

I stopped dead in my tracks. Did I hurt her too much?


“Are you-“

Before I could speak, she instantly rose up and planted a kiss on my lips. That was all I needed. I held her back, and with one thrust, I broke through her hymen and crashed straight into her womb.

She screamed like she was being murdered. I quickly held her tight to let her know it would be okay. Soon, her screams died down to a dull roar. I looked down, and Blood was flowing down the side of my ovipositor and ruining our brand-new sheets.

“I'm gonna move now.”

 She nodded. I gently cupped her face as I  started to move my crotch. Her soaked insides still gripped me like a vice, but I was gonna make this work. I started moving my hips more and more. Pained moans escaped from Apollinaris as I slowly shaped her channel to fit me. I continued thrusting slowly. Soon Her pained cries started transforming into moans of pleasure as her pussy loosened up to fit me. Pleasurable waves washed through me in a way that none of the other girls were ever able to do. Every time I went into her felt special in a way I couldn’t describe.


I yelled her name as I continued to fuck her. She did the same as she slowly got more confident, and soon, She started to move with me and match my steady tempo. I swiftly pulled out and signalled for us to change positions. I let her ride me, And ride me she did. Her stomach bulged every time my ovipositor entered her womb. Without realising it, my hands suddenly found themselves on her boobs. My fingers deftly played her nipples, causing her to get more ecstatic and her movements to get wilder and wilder; it was hard to believe moments ago; she was struggling. I thrust into her hard a few times, causing her to scream my name to the heavens.


“Let's Aim for the same time!” I yelled as I picked up my pace. Taking control from her, I drove into her harder than I had ever done before. Shocks of pleasure travelled up my Body as I went harder into her. Before I realised it, our pleasure hit a climax and…



We came at the same time. Apollinaris's Body twitched like it had been struck by lightning before slumping over my Body. I basked in the afterglow as Apollinaris’s belly slowly grew; finally, it had happened, and I couldn’t be happier.

7 eggs Impregnated

 Closed the notification and huddled up close to her. She did the same, cuddling up close to my Body.

“Hey, diva?” She said, breathing heavily like me


“I love you.”

I kissed her on her muffin cap.

“I love you too.”

Yes! it finally happened. sorry it took a while but I had to spend extra time on this one.




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