Chapter 54: Like mother Like daughter.

I gently closed the door. Apollinaris should be safe inside there.

Say “system” to begin the tutorial.


GO AWAY YOU INSUFERABLE YELLOW BOX! The Box detecting it was unwanted phased out of existence. Mother, why would you give me such an annoying thing? Ever since I’ve awoken, that Box has just been pestering me. Mother, why have you given me this……Thing?! I shook my head. I’ll have her explain it later. Right now, I need to figure out how I'm going to deal with the intruders. As it stands, we are outnumbered drastically here. There are 10 of them and 2 of us, well, actually one. Apollinaris is a capable mage, but she lacks fighting experience. Well, I guess the same could be said for me, but for some reason, I feel like that’s not the case. Maybe it’s my instincts or the gifts Mother has given me, but I'm not worried. In fact, it’s the opposite. I'm disappointed I finally get to use my new gifts, and this is what I have: some weak pushover who is way above his head.

“I know you're hereeeeee COME OUT!”

I shook my head enough dawdling. Let's move. I silently moved from the cupboard entrance around the library using the tall bookshelves as a library around the room. Thanks to the special feet that Mother gifted me, I can move almost silently around the room. I felt like a predator stalking its prey. I guess you could say I am now thanks to the gifts I have, especially the improved senses I have. Everything I saw looked more crisper. The smallest, most minute sounds were 10x louder; I could even hear his breathing from here. I took a deep breath. So exhilarating! Is this how my mother sees the world? No wonder she is so amazing.


For a would-be assassin/kidnapper, he is very impatient. I took a right by one of the large bookcases but immediately stopped. Informed of me was a familiar silvery flashing wire.

<I should be careful around these.>

I looked down and noticed that he had put wire everywhere.

<Guess I have no choice.>

I held my wrist to my face to see there was a long thin slit going up the inside of my wrist. A smirk appeared on my face. Thank you, Mother, for the gift. As if sensing my intention, the blade eagerly shot out of my wrist.


I was half expecting it to be silver like a regular blade, but instead, it was pure white and curved slightly. I tapped my finger against it. It was dense as well. Is this bone? No, something similar to it, I guess. I looked a little closer and noticed tiny holes in it, secreting a small amount of green fluid lubricating the blade.

<I will have to thank Mother for this gift later. Maybe I could ask her to come to my room for some…Fun>

My cheeks went hot, but I quickly shook it away. The horny thoughts can come later. Now, let's deal with this. I brought my blade up towards the sky and then, in one swift downward motion. The wires were sliced into pieces

<Nice to know they are as sharp as they look>

 suddenly, a metal Whirring sound erupted and filled my eardrums.


I snapped my head up just in time to see a bunch of silver wire heading down towards me.

<Tch, how annoying>

My leg muscles tensed as I lept up towards the wire.

“If you think such a thing will stop me.”

I slashed my bladed arm in a cross in front of me. Severing the wire into useless strands.

“Then you have another thing coming.”

I landed gently back on the ground in the centre work area of the library. It was a small circular area filled with tables and chairs for working. It's not where I want to be, but it will have to do. I took a few steps back and focused on the man. He was tall, bald and held a cocky expression on his face, coupled with the eye patch that covered his right eye. This guy was the textbook definition of an asshole.

“Holy smokes, aren't you a pretty one? It's rare you find smoking hot redheads.” He said, walking in a clockwise direction. I did the same, keeping the distance between us the same. I looked at him closer. I spotted what looked like 9 reels on his belt. That’s it. We need to make it so he can't use his wire. But how.

“I take it you’re the silent type. No matter. How about this? Why don’t we put all this stuff behind us, and you come back to my place for a good time? Of course, before you go, you must tell me where you hid my mushroom friend.”

I looked around the room, looking for anything that could help me disarm him. But there was nothing except.

<Hahah, yes, that might work.>

“What did you say? I don’t understand random clicking.”

“You’re a dead man.”

Instantly, I reached for a nearby sofa, and with ease, I lifted it and threw it towards him.

Several wires shot out from the reels on his belt and easily sliced the sofa into pieces.

“Oh, come on now, don’t be like that. One night with me is all you need. But seeing how you wanna fight, let me oblige you!”

He raised his hand, and a familiar metal Whistle rang out, but nothing came from the reels. Dammit, where is it? , up, left, right, behind? Wait?! I looked up just in time to see a silver glimmer head towards me

<Shit, it's too close to cut!>

Instictively my hands formed a cross and blocked the wire from hitting me. The wire wrapped itself around my hands and moved down my arm.

“Get off, AghhhaAAAA!” I screamed. Fucking FUCK, this wire fucking hurts. My arms looked awful. They were a Gnarly bloody mess of exposed pale yellowish armour. My now green blood dripped across the wire onto the ground.

“I'm surprised your arms are still attached, no matter.”

The whirring began again as several strands of this wire moved towards me. In an instant, both blades shot out of my hands, cutting the strands that had wrapped around me.

The Whirring sound rang out again, except his time, it was louder and more vicious. I started running as the wires quickly approached me, cutting and slicing everything in their path like it was nothing. I need to disable those wires Now!

“Please stop running, cutie pie. It's not fun for me,” He said, laughing to himself.

The whirring sound tripled as several thin, silvery lines appeared in front of me. My blades shot out one more time and easily cut them to pieces. I quickly bolted towards one of the few undestroyed bookcases and lept on top of it.

<I hope this is enough height; I'll have one shot at this.>  I tensed my leg muscles harder and waited until the wires were close enough to


I shot up into the sky, going higher and higher. I kept going up and up towards my target, the chandelier, but it wasn’t enough. I needed to do something before I- Aha! Instantly, my 2 new pincers shot out of my back, hahaha, that will do it. As I got to the apex of my jump, I swung my pincer forward and hooked it around the chandelier. It swung back and forth, but that wasn’t enough to stop me. I quickly hoisted myself up and onto the chandelier.

“If you think being up there will help you guess again.”

The whirring picked up again as several thin, silvery strands shot up towards me. Good, he’s taking the bait. The wire shot towards me, and just as it was about to hit, I lept towards the nearby chandelier. The wire sliced the chandelier to pieces, dropping it to the ground. As soon as the chandelier hit the ground, the room got several octaves darker. That's 1. 2 more to go. The wires changed their direction and went towards me again, and just like before, I lept to the other just as the wires sliced the chandelier to pieces.

“What your planning won't work, you know that, so come down here.”

I raised my blade hand and sliced the chandelier I was standing on in one smooth action. I fell like a ton of bricks towards the ground, and just as the chandelier landed, the entire room was plunged into darkness. Except for me, These eyes that I was gifted with allow me to see better and in the dark.

“Oh, so that’s what your plan was. Clever girl. But if you think that will help, you’ve got- UUOOOFFF.”

The man keeled over and toppled to the ground from the heavy blow to his stomach. “You humans really overestimate your skill.” I followed up with another kick to his face that sent his head flying back. However, he quickly recovered and sent a few wires flying to where I was.

“Dammit! Stop hiding and fight me.”

I chuckled as I quietly danced around him. “Not so confident are you now?”

He yelled out in rage and sent a torrent of wires towards where I was, but I easily sidestepped them. It's laughable how easy they are to deal with now, thanks to this darkness and my near-silent movement.

I silently made my way behind him and delivered a quick chop to the back of his neck, sending him head-first to the ground, and with my bladed arms, I delivered a quick slash across his belt. Effectively disarming him.

“Noooo! Give tha-“

 “Stop talking, vermin!” I said, kicking him again in the head. “You intrude in our home, slay my brothers and try to kidnap my mother's partner. You should be happy I haven't beheaded you right now.”

The man rolled onto his front towards me, still with that smug smile on his face.

“heh, why haven't you done so cutie pie? Maybe you do wanna piece of me after all.”

I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. “Like I would ever sleep with trash like you. The only person I would ever sleep with is so much more than you could ever hope to be. They are so strong, so powerful, so… Big.”

Instantly, my two pincers shot out and impaled his sides, causing him to scream like a banshee.

“However, it would be wrong to judge you without seeing so…..” I reached out and began circling his cock through his uniform.

“Let's take a better look.”

Instantly, my hands wrapped around the entirety of his meat, balls and all.”

“no! Let go. Don’t ahh...ahhhhh AghhHHHHHHAAAAAAAA” he screamed into the darkness.

I kept hard. I could feel the fibres of his flesh stretched more and more. His whole body thrashed and writhed as he tried to free himself, but my pincers held him firm. I slowly started to twist to the side, eliciting more screams from him. The sounds of his screams sent waves of pleasure down me. Is this how Mother felt that beautiful night. The pleasure of the suffering of others is so…intoxicating.

His screams increased in volume as blood started to gush onto the ground from his crotch.

“Ha-hahaha, yes! Scream more; we are almost THERE!”

“AAAGHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA!” he wailed; I smiled as I held his still pulsing manhood in my hand.

“How pathetically small.”

I retracted my pincers and let his body drop onto the uncaring ground.

“I’m surprised you're still alive.” I said with a chuckle, “Don’t worry, I’ll fix that problem soon..”

I straddled his stomach.

“Any last words…”

The man just moaned and wailed in pain. I could just let the blood loss take him, but where is the fun in that? I bent over, placed my lips over his neck, and took one swift bite. More screams of pain came from him, but I ignored him as I let The crimson fluid fill my mouth, and I eagerly swallowed its sweet-salty goodness. He tried to fight me off, but his already weak blows felt like nothing to me, and soon his body went completely stiff.

I pulled my lips away from his cold, bloodless body.

<So Delicious….>

New title added: Culicidae.


Annnnnnnd that's all he wrote.... for this year anyway. That's right, I'm taking a break from writing until sometime next year. I know it sucks, but Xmas is right around the corner, and I think a break will do me some good.  I will be back sometime in January. Until then, you guys stay safe, and merry xmas and a Happy New Year.

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