Imperium Insectum Christmas special 2023

Merry Christmas, everyone, and here is a little gift. Note this takes place way, way way ahead of the current events of the story. As such, to avoid spoilers, details and descriptions of things are kept sparse to avoid giving anything away. so if it feels like a detail is missing somewhere, it is not a mistake. Its intentional. Then again, if you don't want spoilers, feel free to ignore this chapter. Ok now I'm done for the year CYA. 

<Hey Diva, do you know what the Frost-Vale Festival is.>

I looked down to Apollinaris, who was happily wrapped in my arms.

<No. What is it?>

<Well, around this time of year. When all the leaves have fallen in the forest. We would take time to celebrate all our work throughout the year. We would exchange gifts with friends and family, decorate our houses with nice lights, and, of course, have a nice meal well, as nice a meal as you could make anyway.>

<Oh, so it's like Christmas.>


I chuckled. <Never-mind. Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?>

<Well, I was thinking we could do the same here. What do you think?>

<I mean, it doesn’t sound too bad, fun, actually. But how are we going to do the gifts?>

Apollinaris dug closer into my chest as she thought about it. <Why don’t we do a secret gift exchange? Everyone puts their name in a sort of hat, and everyone draws a random name.>

 <That might work, however. May I remind you that our family is much, MUCH larger than the average you are used to. The logistics of- MMPHHH!?>

She placed her lips square onto mine As her hands danced down my body <Don’t you worry about that, Diva. Leave that to me.>

I returned the kiss back to her.  <Fine. I’ll leave it in your VERY capable hands.> I sent my hands down her back and towards her plump rear as we settled down to have some “fun” for the night.

The next morning, the preparations for the festival began. The hive was filled with the buzz of thousands of workers as they strung up loads of decorations across the hive. They even had a massive tree in the centre of the hive covered in loads of sparkly decorations, most of which looked handmade.

I walked down the long, open-air balcony into Apollinaris's office. As soon as I pushed the door, I was engulfed in the sounds of all of Apollinaris's attendants chatting with each other. There were so many in here that it was impossible to even move.

I reached outward and gently tapped one of them on the shoulder <Excuse me>


In an instant, many of them flocked out of the room, making enough space for me to walk through. How odd. They must be really stressed not even to notice me like that. I walked towards the desk where Apollinaris was busy talking to another one of her attendants.

<You look stressed; everything okay?>

Apollinaris glared at me before letting out a long sigh. <Organising the gift exchange and educating the hive on what the Frost Vale festival is was more complicated than I thought. However, I managed to do the latter, and now I've got a plan on how to do the former. If it isn't too much trouble, Can you Put some of your pheromones on this?>

She handed me a stone plate. I looked at the plate briefly before shrugging and putting my finger in my mouth. Soon, I felt my pheromones begin to pool at the back of my throat. I brought my finger out, and there it was, soaked in a thick pinkish-purple fluid. I rubbed it across the stone plate and passed it back to Apollinaris.

<Thank you.> She took the plate, placed it in a sealed box, and cast a small spell on it. <Now it's sealed. The problem with your pheromones is that they are way too unique, so your box has to be sealed with magic so it's similar to the rest. Right now, a few of my attendees are doing the same with the rest of the family. Once we have all the boxes, we can shuffle them up and start distributing them.>

<All of the hive?>

<Well, minus those on the front line, yes.>

A wave of sadness washed over me; however, it can't be helped. <What a shame. Maybe next year.>

Apollinaris gave a similar sad look as she passed the box to an attendant who carried it away.

<It will all be over one day, Apollinaris, trust me.>  With that, I said my goodbyes to Apollinaris and left the office. I walked back towards my room. Thinking about it, is it a good idea to put my name on for the gift exchange? What the hell is the person who got me gonna get? I started walking. Well, it's too late now.



[POV CHANGE: Worker]

<That’s the last one.>

I dropped the last batch of supplies for the frontline, turned around, and left. It's been quite busy these past couple of days. With all the decorating and work we've had to do. Big Sis Apollinaris's attendants came and explained what we had to do. It was a lot of fun making the decorations and hanging them.

I flew up the hive, where I saw many other workers all flying in the same direction.

<What's going on?>

<Do you not know, little brother.>

I shook my head. <What did I miss>

<Big sis Apollinaris is calling us; she says we have something to give us all>

Before I could ask any questions, he was gone. I quickly followed behind him. Big sis wants to give us something? I wonder why?

I flew toward the central open area of the hive made for gatherings. It was filled to the maxi with my brothers.


I quickly fell into line and waited. The queue moved quickly and efficiently, and I was at the front in no time.

<take this.>

The attendant placed a plain grey box before me, which I eagerly picked up.

<Open the box in a private location. Your task is to get a gift for the person inside.>

I nodded and carried the box away. Gift? What can a worker like me get for anyone? I pondered this as I flew to my room in the hive. As I moved, I noticed the hive was filled with activity. Everyone was excited for this. I heard many of my brothers discuss ideas with each other on what they were gonna get.

I flew up a little bit more before landing in my room.

<Well. There is no time like the present.>

I placed the box down, and with my arms, I quickly lifted the lid of the box. Instantly, an explosion of mother pheromones hit me in the face. It felt like she was in the room with me.

<Mother? I got mother.>

I gently put the lid back on the box, and like that, the scents and aromas were gone. I can't believe I got Mother. Me, what should I

<No way!>

I snapped my head around and was met with a wall of beady eyes from my brothers.

<No, it's not- >





The entire hive exploded with the voices of my brothers as they all tried to get closer.

<No, wait STOP!> I Cried. < We all won't fit in my room AHHHHH MOTHER HELP!>


Some time later….

<Whew, that was a close one. I don’t know how I made it out of there alive

I was currently hiding in a remote part of the hive, away from anyone else. It was a small location high above where we slept. I liked it up here because you could see the entire hive from up here.

I looked down towards my box. I can't believe I got Mother! Why me? I don’t.... I don’t even know what I could even get her. Mother has anything and everything she wants, and if what she wants isn't there, she could just ask for it to be made.

I let out a loud sigh.

<Well, that’s a very sad sigh.>

I turned around and was greeted by a tall, red-headed woman. Wait, this is.

<y…y…..your….. Sally?>

She chuckled. <That’s the one.>she said as She moved and sat beside me. <You like coming up here as well?>

I barely eeked out a nod. First, I got my mother, and now I meet her personal maid. Why me? What should I-

<Easy…> I felt a hand rest on my back. <You can relax. I don’t bite, well, most of the time anyway > she said with a chuckle.

<S….sorry.> I managed to spit out.

<why are you apologising? You have nothing to apologise for. So tell me, what is the sad sigh for.>

I looked away from her and towards the grey box. How could such a small thing cause me such grief?

<Ah, gift exchange is it. Let me guess, the person you got is hard to get presents for.>

<Y…yeah, you could say that.>

<Mind if I take a look?>

I shook my head.

<Thank you.>

She walked over and opened the box. Suddenly, like before, the entire area was soaked in Mother's smell and aura. It was so warm I could sleep in it right here.

<Ah, now I see why you are stressed.>

The lid closed, and she sat back down.

<You don’t know what to get her.>

I nodded. <Mother has everything she could ever want or need. What could I possibly get her? And besides, I’m just a worker; I can't fight like some of the others. Do magic like some of the others and so on. And even if I could, it still doesn’t change that I don’t even know what Mother likes. So what can I get her?>

<Hmmm. You really are in a tight spot.>

<Yes, I don’t know what to do. And it's not like I can just act like I didn’t get the box and not get Mother a gift.>

<Why not?>

<Because I don’t want mother to be sad.> That’s right, Mother being sad is the last thing I want. She does so much, and I can't possibly do that.

She patted my back once< you’re a good child. I’ll tell you something. Do you want to know what Mother loves the most in this entire world?>

I nodded eagerly. I have to know to at least think about getting a gift.

<what mother loves the most is her children. You, me, everyone. She loves you all the most. Do you love her?>

<Yes, of course! We all do! It's why everyone else was so sad that they didn’t get Mother as well. I wish we could all get her a…..THATS IT> Like a bolt of lightning, I had the perfect idea for a gift for a mother that would make her and everyone happy.

<It looks like you’ve finally got an idea in Mind.>

I nodded. <Yes. Can you help me?>

Sally smiled <I’m all ears.>

<Haha well……>


A few days later…..

[Diva pov:]

<♫Todays the day, Todays the day♫>

I happily skipped along the walkway. I can't remember the last time I've skipped like this

< It's so weird seeing you so happy.> Apollinaris said,  following me from behind.

<What do you mean? I've been like this before, surely.>

Apollinaris shook her head.

<Ahhh, whatever. I'm just excited to open my gift.>

We walked down the walkway and into the bedroom where my gift was waiting. On my bed.

<There it is.>

I don’t know what's inside, but it must be nice because that wrapping is amazing. A lovely mix of black gold, and white with red and green accents.

<I wanna open it now!>

<No!> Apollinaris snapped. <You open it with the rest. Now take it and come on.>

<eughhhhaaaaAAA FINE!”

 I swiped the nicely wrapped gift up, and we started descending towards the main centre tree, where my entire family was waiting. My children cheered as we made our way down and onto the special platform made for us. The platform had a large table filled with food surrounded by chairs. 2 of the chairs were bigger and more ornate than the others.

<I guess those are our seats.>

Apollinaris and I made our way towards the seats and sat down, where we could see all of my children. The entire main area had been converted into a makeshift canteen filled with tables and rows of food similar to ours.

<Where are the others?> I asked Apollinaris, who was eating a small snack.

<Dont worry, they will be here eventually.> I nodded as I stole some food from her side. I looked back towards my family and just how many there were. I can't believe I made all of them… its.. it's crazy.

<I forget just how big our family is sometimes, Apollinaris.>

<hahaha Yes, our family is very large; to think the hundred thousand or so that are here or so isn't even a fifth of it>

<Yep, and to think every day, it's always getting larger.> I said, rubbing her huge tummy. Her cheeks went bright red as she brushed my hand away.

<I….i … I think it's time we started the festivities. Don’t you think?

She stood up and called for silence amongst the many, many children that were here.

<Thank you all for taking part in the Frost-Vale festival. This tradition meant a lot to me and my mother growing up, and I am happy I could share it with my family.>

There was a loud cheer from the entire hive.

<Thank you, thank you. Now, I know you are all eager to open your gifts, but I think the person who should open theirs first is- >

<MOTHER!> the entire hive said in unison.

I let out a small laugh as Apollinaris sat back down.

<Thanks for that.> I said, raising the gift for everyone to see. Now, let's see what we've got here.>

I tore open the wrapping eagerly.

<come on, come on. I've been curious for the last couple of days.>

I tore off the last bit of wrapping to reveal a huge white book with a completely plain cover.

<Just what is this?>

I opened the book to the first page, where a message was left for me.

‘To a fantastic mother, I hope you enjoy this gift; love you always.’ Right next to it, sort of like a signature, was a tiny amount of pheromones left from the worker.

I turned over the page, and what I saw made me freeze <This is>

‘Thank you for giving birth to me, mother.’

‘when I was born as one of your guards, I swore to protect you with my life. That has not changed and never will. Love you, Mom.’

‘You are and always have been a fantastic mother. Love you lots.’

And like before, each message was attached with a small amount of pheromones. I turned over the pages again, again and again, each page filled with hundreds of messages from my children.

I gently closed the book.

<Diva, are you okay? is something wrong.> Apollinaris chimed

I ignored her and sniffed amongst the children.

<Come on, he has to be here some whe- THERE.>

I jumped down from the stage and ran towards him, who was sitting right at the far back. A normal lone, singular, unsuspecting worker.

I skidded to a stop in front of him. The awes of the rest of my children filled my ears as I looked down at him.

<M..m…mother. Are you mad? Did you hate the gif->

<Did you make this?” I held the book in front of him. He briefly looked down at the book before looking back at me


Before he could finish, I pulled him into a deep, loving hug.

<I don’t hate it. The opposite, actually, I love it, I love it so much. And if I could, I would probably be crying right now.>

<Mother, please don’t cry.>

<I won't. I'm just so happy. Thank you so, so much>

I held him in a tight hug and carried him back up to the stage with me, where we enjoyed the festival like one big happy family.


The End.



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