Chapter 68: Homecoming

Finally here. Sorry, guys, but my work has me doing some really unsociable hours. Making it hard to write.


“Are we there yet?”


Penn let out a long sigh as she sat back in her seat.

“Why are we in a carriage again. I'm sure those wings of yours aren't just for show.”

“They aren't, but as for why we are here, well. My daughter bought this, so the least I could use it.”

“That girl up there…” She exchanged several glances between me and azuura. “Is she adopted?”

I chuckled. “In a way. But it doesn’t matter. She is just a part of my family as azuura he-ARAHHH!”

The carriage suddenly veered towards the right causing us all to nearly fall out of our seats.

I quickly went over to a window and pulled it open.

“Sally! Is everything okay!”

“Yes, mother just lost control a little bit.” She managed to glance back at me, giving me a glimpse of her face, and she was not okay. Her face was tired, filled with bags under her eyes. Her eyes looked exhausted after hours of continuous straining, and even as we spoke right now, she looked like she was on the verge of falling asleep.

“Pull to the side NOW.”

“Yes, Mother…” she said too tired to say any more

I came back inside.

“So what's the plan,” said a mildly interested Penn. “How far do we have to go?”

“still a bit to go. Around half a day's travel. But for now, let’s rest up and give Sally a break.”

The carriage veered to the side one more time, but this time, it was a lot more controlled as we came to a stop under a bunch of trees outside.

I quickly jumped out of the carriage and towards the front just in time to catch a tired Sally about to fall off.

<Sorry mother..>

<Don’t apologise. Just sleep.>

With my words, she easily fell asleep in my arms. I carried her around to the other side in time to see azuura pulling everything we needed out of the back of the carriage. I Gently put her down and got to work.

“You wouldn’t happen to have some firestarters in that pouch, would you, penn”

“Sure, it's right next to the portable house and fridge I keep here.” She said with a deadpan tone. “Also, it's not a pouch. It’s a satchel.”

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed 2 nearby sticks, which thankfully were dry. 1 was wider than the other. I placed the wider one flat on the ground and then placed the end of the other stick against the body of the wider one, and then, with one quick twist of my hands, A small plume of smoke erupted from the wider piece. I Pulled the other stick away, revealing a smouldering ember. I grabbed some nearby dried grass, placed it on the ember, and blew it, causing the kindling to catch. From there, I placed it on the ground and surrounded it with several pieces of wood, and before I knew it, we had a nice fire.

“wow.... that was....impressive.”

“Thank you.” I sat down next to the fire and listened to the wood splinter.

“Say where you learned that?”

“Oh, that. It’s just something I picked a while ago. In another life, let’s say”

“is that so?” she said as she sat down close by. Everyone else had settled by the fire as its warmth radiated through our camp for the night

“Are you in the mood to elaborate?”


Penn frowned but didn’t push. The life of Paul Allen is something from the past. Wow, even saying that name felt weird. Even now, when I look back at those memories, they don’t even feel like mine. They feel more like remembering a movie or TV show I watched. I chuckled. We really are 2 different people now, aren't we?

“Say Penn. Why do you want to create the perfect body?”

“Why would I not? No sickness, no pain, no problems. Why else would anyone want to be perfect? To have a body that can do Anything and everything. A body that can never disappoint and can always perform up to the highest expectations. Why would nobody not want that?”

“Is that all? Is that really all there is to it? You expect me to believe that?”

“As per our agreement, I will help you with all my knowledge whilst you give me access to everything about the Alvearix. As long as we get what we want at the end. What does it matter?”

“It matters because what you are making may be something that causes me problems later..”

“It won't….. Trust me.”

“Penn….. would you trust me if the roles were reversed? ”

She opened her mouth but immediately shut it. It was the first I’ve seen her speechless.

“I won't push you any further. But you have to understand why I'm asking. I'm taking a large risk showing you this.”

“THEN WHY DID YOU ACCEPT THE DEAL THEN?! It wouldn't have been so much simpler for you if you just didn’t accept. WHY DID YOU SAY YES!”

“Because you are talented.”

Her eyes bulged briefly before quickly returning back to normal.

“My goal is not achievable alone. I will need strong, USEFUL people to help me. That is why I agreed.”

“And what is your goal?”

“Hmmph. If you stick around and help me. You might find out.”

“So am I just some investment? Something you hope that will make you “rich” in the future?”

“You can see it that way if you want. But what I saw was a girl with tonnes of potential sitting in a decrepit apartment, trying her hardest and failing to achieve her goal. Tell me. Is my assessment wrong?”

She stared at me briefly before letting out a deep sigh. “You’re a piece of work you know that?”

I chuckled. “ It’s not my intention, Penn.”

She turned her back away and lay on the ground. Soon, the sound of soft snoring came from her. Leaving me alone with azuura.

<Mother, do you think we can trust her?>

<As of right now. I dont know. But the future is unpredictable. Maybe this is a mistake, or maybe this is a Boon. Only time will tell.>


<I know it's risky. But everything we are going to do is risky. Also, remember that Apollinaris was in the same boat. When we first met. I didn’t see her more as a means to an end. Someone who could feed my children, and that’s it. Now.... she’s much more. Penn is someone I feel will be useful in the future. And besides, I have a feeling her reasons for being perfect are a lot more complex than she wants to admit.>

Azuura gave her a concerned glance before relaxing again

<Okay, mother.>

<Good. Now get some sleep.>

 Azuura settled in next to me, and soon, he was asleep. I kept watch over everyone until there was a smidgeon of orange light on the horizon.

<Azuura. Wake up.>

His beedy eyes opened slowly and glared at me

<5 more minutes, mother...>

I chuckled. Seriously, is he going through his teenage phase?

<No. Now. Help me wake up the others>

<yes...mother> He said with a groan. Seriously, he is just like a teenager. How long before he starts going through phases. I gently pulled him up and started clearing the camp. In no time, we had everyone up and into the carriage, and we were on our way to the hive.

“shouldn’t be too far now. I’d say an hour or so. Oh, that reminds me.”

I closed my eyes and contacted the workers about our arrival so they will be ready to move all our cargo.

“Fascinating... What did you do there? Were you contacting someone? Your eyes were twitching like crazy.”

“something like that.”

Penn assaulted me with more questions until, finally, the carriage came to a halt.

“We're hear everybody out!”

We climbed out into the middle of the road.

“Diva. This road can't be your hive unless it's all underground. Wait, is it all underground?”

I gave her a crooked smile. She’s gonna be so fucking disappointed when she sees this place.

A loud drone suddenly assaulted our eardrums.

<Mother about my horses>

<don’t come to me. They are your responsibility>

Before she could say another word, several workers landed next to me.

“Diva, what are these…… amazing specimens.”

“You can oggle later.”

<Now then, I need you to->

<MOTHER!> They all screamed as they all jumped onto Me, tackling me to the ground.

<Mother, you're back! It's been so long. Are you hurt? Is everything okay?>

<Yes im fi-HAHAHHAHA. Stop! You're tickling me!> I pulled my children close and hugged them. It has been so long, hasn’t it?

We cuddled for a little bit longer before I pushed them away.< I'm so happy to see you all as well. But we have to go.>

I quickly explained the plan to them, and soon, we got to work unhooking the horses from the carriage. Then, all 6 of the workers grabbed a part of the carriage, lifted it up, and carried it slowly towards the hive.

“What about us.”

“We wait. That’s what.” Penn let out an annoyed sigh as we waited around

<are those my older brothers?>

<Yes azuura.> His body looked stiff. Is he intimidated by them? <Azuura? Are you…Okay>

<Mother, don’t you think it would be better for one of them to lead instead of me?>

<Azuura.Remember this. I. chose. You. It's nothing about your age. You showed me you can lead your brothers. That’s why I chose you. You have what this hive no this family needs to prosper. So relax. I'm sure they will accept you. You just have to be more confident in yourself, okay?>

I pulled him close into my chest, and he happily nestled himself in it.

<Thank you, mother.> He really is like a teenager now. Is this what the royal jelly does? Ever since then, he’s become more….alive, for lack of a better word. Why is that?

Soon, a deep rhythmic buzzing could be heard as several workers came back.

“Alright, everyone, get ready.”

My wings started fluttering, followed by azuura as we started to lift off the ground. The workers soon flew down to the ground and grabbed hold of everyone's shoulders.

“Not so tight!” Penn complained as she started to take off

<Mother…. My hors->

<Sally. What did I say earlier?>

<They are my responsibility. I'll find a way to get them to the hive.>

<Good, I'll ask a few of the workers to stay and give you a hand.>

She nodded as I increased the speed of my wings, and soon, I was in the air, followed by a squadron of workers. To think I'm finally going back home! I'm so excited. My wings ruffled slightly. I can't wait. My wings started flapping faster as I started to pick up more speed.

<Mother, Please slow down!> one of the workers cried as they struggled to keep up

<Ah, sorry!> My wings slowed down as I fell back towards the rest. Guess I'll just have to be patient. I smiled as we continued flying, and soon, a familiar feeling started to fill my chest.

< I'm so close…I'm almost home!>

 I started to descend, and soon, the hive came into view. However, something felt off about it.

I dived towards the hive and landed in a now-empty camp surrounded by a thick waxy wall. The wall itself was at least 10 feet high and covered in leaves and tree bark to help it blend in. All the tents had been removed, and there was nothing but an empty clearing.

<What the hell happened here?> The place was empty; where were the tents and the crates?


I turned around just in time to see everyone else, except Sally. Land next to me.

<What happened here?>

<We cleared the area to allow for more space for us to move into the hive.>

<I see. And the wall?>

<Mother? Do you not remember you asking us to build this wall?>

Did i? God, it's been so long. I think I vaguely remember, though. Yeah, I asked them to build this because they were bored. In hindsight, This was a bad idea because even with the work to hide, it still stands out like a sore thumb. I looked to azuura, whose face mirrored my opinion.

<Azuura? What’s bothering you?>


He looked at his older brothers, who glared at him with interest. I patted him on the back. <Do you want me to introduce you formally?>

<No. I can and should do this myself. Can you summon all the workers up here?>

I nodded and sent a signal to all the workers, and soon, the once-empty clearing was filled with the entire hive.

<Mother…. All I wanted was all the workers.>

<I know azuura, but I think this will help you. It's character-building. Remember what I told you.>

I took a step back towards Penn, who was furiously writing down notes in her diary and rambling about different types of chitin and how unique every member of the hive was. Azuura took a step forward. Dozens of beady little eyes were on him.

<T..thank you all for coming. M..m..mother has summoned you all here because…..>

He froze. The others looked at him with confusion and concern. I quickly walked up behind him and patted him on his back. <You are doing fine. Trust me. Take a deep breath and try again. We are all family here.>

His shoulders dropped as he took a deep breath. <Thank you, mother.> He quickly turned around with more confidence in his posture.

<Mother has asked you all here because of me. She. No, I asked to be here so I could make sure that our home would be perfect. A perfect home not just for me, but for you, my fellow brothers and for our brothers that aren't here yet. I know I am young, but I need all of you. Will you all please help me? To make our home the best it can be.>

Everyone looked at each other before they all let out a screech of approval.

<Whatever you need, lil bro.>

<Just tell me what you want, and I'll build it.>

Azuura's face lightened up as they all gathered around him. He looked at me and I gave him a thumbs up. I'm so happy for my son.

Azuura managed to split away from the others and come to me.

<T..thank you, mother. You being there->

<Don’t thank me.> I interrupted. <This was all you. Remember this feeling, okay?>

He nodded. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. <Im so proud of you!>

<M…mother…..> I chuckled at his embarrassed expression. He really is like a teenager.

<Now, azuura, what do we need to do?> He quickly surveyed the entire area. <First thing we need to do is remove that wall. While the defence it provides is good, it stands out too much. The best defence we can use right now is not being seen. So I'm thinking of expanding underground.>

<Go on.>

<The first thing we need to do is secure a solid food supply, so we will need to create several mushroom farms dedicated to producing food. After that, we need to create a room dedicated to creating more siblings and a nursery to raise them.>

<Once we have those things, we can start to expand, creating spaces for accommodation and storage. And Anything else we may need>

<I see, and how long do you think it would take?>

<At our current numbers. At least 3 years.>

<3years! That won't do at all.>

<That is why, Mother, if you could give life to more brothers, it would help.>

<How many?>

<I would say at least 100 to start>

A smile crept on my face as I beckoned Freya to come close to me. As soon as she was within grasp, my hand lifted up her robe, revealing her plump ass.

<Oh, this is gonna be->

I paused again as a memory flashed by me, causing my face to twist into an evil smile

<Of course. How could I forget my first?>

I pushed Friede to the side and headed down toward the cave entrance.

Let’s give her a proper welcome.


Penn’s log.

Alvearix Queen Psychological evaluation.

The Alvearix queen, who goes by the self-given name of Diva, Is an interesting person. If I had to describe her as an object, it would be a coin. One side of that coin is a loving mother who would do Anything to protect her family and encourage her family to grow and develop. This can be seen when she interacts with her son, named azuura. Whilst I do not understand what they talk about, I can glean a lot from her happy and more “Soft” body language. The other side of Diva is a ruthless uncaring being who doesn’t care about any other creature and would happily kill, maim and rape, The latter being her favourite. My reason for this thinking comes from her treatment or lack of treatment for the 3 girls in her captivity. She barely recognises that they exist and only interacts with them when she needs their body.

During our journey here, I quizzed her on some of the things she’s done during her time here. One of the things that she mentioned that stood out like a sore thumb was where she mentioned an orphanage where she, and I'm directly quoting here, “She slaughtered them all like animals” Now my opinions on the matter are inconsequential people die every day it means nothing to me. But what really interested me was when I asked her how it made her feel. She said that, in the moment, it was fun; however, now she feels nothing and that she will probably forget it even happened.

The level of apathy towards others is beyond Anything I've ever encountered. Even your most prolific serial killers will feel something towards the person they kill, whether it be love or anger, but Diva feels nothing. She is not a psychopath as she is shown to be capable of showing empathy. Knowing this raises one big question. How did Apollinaris, the Alvearix queen partner, manage to win the heart of such a creature, and does she know that she is partnered with probably one of the most dangerous existences to ever grace this world?



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