Chapter 69: An old flame 18+


A fitting chapter number for a smut chapter. Enjoy. Also, apologies for this chapter being late. I have been awfully sick for the past 2 weeks. However, that has given me time to prepare for this week, where I do something I've never done before: DAILY UPLOAD. watch this space.
content warning: Rape, abuse

“Diva, slow down!”

I turned around to see Penn and the other 3 other humans following me. I stopped a few feet away from my bedroom door to let them catch up.

“Why do you move so damn fast?” Penn said while trying to catch her breath. “What was all that about anyway with azuura?”

“Oh, just him talking with his brothers. Nothing you should be concerned about.”

“It has to be more than that! How they looked at him….it couldn’t just be a simple talk between brothers!”

“If I told you they were talking about construction, would you believe me?” Her face twisted and turned as I walked away. Hahaha, it's always fun working her up like that. I walked over to my old bedroom door and put my hand against it.

< It's been a while since I've been in here, hasn’t it??>

“What's behind here?” Penn asked while trying and failing to hide her annoyed expression.

“What behind here? oh… Just somebody I hate.” She looked at me, confused. “You will see….”  I pushed the door open, and there she was, strapped to the bed just like I left her.

“NO….” She said as her eyes landed on me. A small chuckle escaped my body as I watched her start to shake uncontrollably, and a small amount of pee flowed out of her body. I smiled


I chuckled. “So that’s what you told yourself to cope with my absence, Spawn Killer. I'm sure you’ve missed all the fun times we had.” I slowly started walking towards my bed.


The rope securing her hands stretched and strained as she tried to escape me.

“Oh, come on. You are ruining our reunion.” I raised my leg and climbed onto the bed. The sound of the rope tightening increased even more.

“NO! STOP I DON’T WANNA. I DON’T WAN-“ My tail wrapped around her mouth, instantly silencing her. A nostalgic feeling and excitement started to echo through me, but I had to stay calm. I have a job to do here; I can't get lost in the moment, which is a shame. I usually like to spend my time with them and really savour the moment, but in this instance, it's different. Everyone in this hive has a role. The workers build, The combat units fight, I lead, and, importantly, I create. That is my role.

The hive management screen popped into life on my right.



  • Population Of hive: 573
  • Resources: 100,000


  • Unspecified eggs: 120
  • Specified Eggs: 0









100k biomass. That was the most I could get in before we had to leave. While 100k sounds a lot, it's barely enough to get seriously started on making the hive. But it’s a good starting place, so let's see, Azuura wants 100 workers. Unfortunately, he will have to settle with 50 for the time being. I need to keep a healthy balance of everything, and I need a good number of nurses and combat units as well, especially the combat units, as we will be short on food for a little bit  as we build

Are you sure you want to specialise

25x Worker

25x Worker (Nature Variant)

20x Nurse

20x Combat unit

For: 45,000 Biomass?





And just like that, half my biomass is gone. Food is something that I need to get on top of pronto, which is why half the workers are the nature variety.

I selected yes, and soon, the intense heat started to spread. Ali started to jerk her head violently to the side as she tried to get free of my tail. I gently loosened the grip on her mouth, letting her break free.

“Are you that eager to talk to me…”I mocked. “LET ME GO. I CAN TELL FROM YOUR FACE YOU ARE NOT DOING THAT AGAIN. YOU! DON’T JUST STAND THERE HELP ME AND KILL THAT MONSTER!" Ali yelled more desperate cries at Penn, trying to get her to help, but she didn’t even register her existence as she wrote like the wind into her diary.


“SHUT THE HELL UP!” A vein popped up slightly on Penn's forehead. “you are so incredibly ANNOYING! No wonder why she hates you so much! You are interrupting my studying, and I HATE people who interrupt my studying. So be quiet and be a nice silent little test lamb for us.” Penn's face twisted with a demented smile. “Yes, be a good little test subject for us. Silent and obedient. I wonder what we will learn from you.”  Penn grabbed her hair and yoinked her head up. “When she does do whatever she does do, try to tell me EVERYTHING every sensation. Every touch, every tiny experience you feel. I must know. I NEED to know Every small detail, you can do that for me, can you? You can be my nice little test subject.”

I felt my face frown. What do you mean by” My nice little test subject”? Ali shrunk back as Penn got uncomfortably close to her face. “Hahahaha, I’m looking forward to the data you will produce. I can see it now.” Penn's eyes dilated as she pressed her face against her “Test subject” Ali was shaken to her core, and I can't blame her. Penn does a good job hiding her crazy, but when it comes out, it is something else.

Specialisiation complete



My ovipositor shot out in front of everyone for them to see…,

“Hahahahahaha. So that’s it! That’s how you reproduce” Her face twisted with glee as she ogled it.

“Such length… Why? A smaller one would make more sense, as it would make you more compatible with other species?” Penn’s eyes dilated even more as she approached the ovipositor. “There are so many questions. Why this large size? Where does it fit inside you? Why do you need to impregnate people to reproduce? So much I want to know. So much I NEED to know.” Her hand slowly raised up towards my ovipositor


I slapped her hand, sending it flying away from my ovipositor. “NO! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!”

“WHO DO I THINK I AM?!” I spat out with Harsh Venom in my voice. “You are overstepping your boundaries, Penn. You are here because I allow you to be, do you understand?! This is my kingdom, my home. do that again, and they won't even be able to recognise your corpse after I’m done with it.“ Penn shrank back, her once dilated eyes returning back to normal. “I am not one of your test subjects, do you understand? You are here to observe nothing more and nothing less.”

The atmosphere in the room was so cold and so thick. You could slice through it with a knife.

“I..i..i am sorry, Diva. I didn’t mean to disrespect you.” She backed off away from the bed and returned to her corner.

<How annoying>

My tail rose into the air and quickly swung around her body, slicing the rope that bound her to the bed. Ali tried to run for it, but I instantly had her up in my arms Before she could even make it off the bed. My ovipositor twitched several times at the sight of her expecting hole. I Moved her until she was hovering just above my tip, and then, with one unceremonious thrust, I pierced into her womb.

“NOOOOOO! Shto-“

I thrusted up and down, causing her words to fall silent.

“You are looser than I remember,” I said mockingly as I pounded into her body. Without a care, her legs kicked and flailed around my body as she lost herself to me.

My 2nd right hand danced down her back towards her unprotected asshole.

“I don’t think I've played with this.” Instantly, I shoved one of my fingers up her hole, causing her to moan like crazy. At the same time, my tail slithered up her leg and up her back before finally wrapping itself around her neck.

She tried to shake her head free, but my tail just ended up tightening around her thin neck.

“Pleashh shtop ack-“My tail tightened again like a snake

“HAHAHAHA YES! I've missed that fucking ugly face of yours! Make more of those nostalgic faces for me!” flashes of enjoyable memories flashed through my mind as the dormant sadistic part of me woke up more

“Hahahaa, I really didn't want to get too into this. But I just can't help myself! When I start fucking you!”

My tail yanked her head upwards, letting me plant my lips onto hers. My longer tongue easily beat hers into submission as it forced its way deep into her body. As I made out with her. Her taste was still phenomenal, just like I remembered it from that time truly fantastic. I moved up to a nearby wall and pressed her against it as I continued to fuck her violently against the wall.

I pulled my tongue out of her throat to give her a small chance to breathe, allowing me to get a good look at her teared-up face. Her eyes were red, and her hair was all over the place.

“Please shtop. Im sorrish. Im sorrrish. Im sorri-“ she slurred as I continued to thrust up into her battered cunt.


“SHUT UP.” I shoved it hard into her, causing the bulge in her stomach to move upwards and for her to scream like a banshee as her legs twitched and convulsed as she had her 1st orgasm.

“Your apologies mean nothing!”

I quickly pulled Ali off my ovipositor and slammed her face-first into the wall.

“I've just remembered I've never truly broken in this hole. On your retched body.”

I held her against the wall with one arm as I positioned myself and her ass into the right position. She had no clue what was going on, but as soon as she felt my ovipositor caress her ass hole, her whole body froze.

She tried to move it out of the way, but my other 3 arms held her firm. God, I love having four arms.

“Luckily for you, your fowl cunt did a good job lubricating this.”

I started pressing against her cheeks. Her scream echoed throughout the room as I went deeper into her and started spreading her wider and wider. Her screams got louder to the point her voice started to break, but I kept going until all of me was buried deep into her.



A wave of pride went through me at the sight of a large cylindrical bulge marking where my ovipositor was.

“And the best part is I'm NOT EVEN DONE.”

Pleasure washed through me as I watched her face twist with pain and moans of pain and pleasure as I started thrusting. My body shook in response to the sight of her. This is what I've missed. This feeling of euphoria when I'm breaking people is a feeling that, no matter how many times I experience it will never get old. My ovipositor twitched violently in her ass, causing her to scream.

“HAHAHAHA, EVEN MY BODY WANTS TO INSTINCITVELY HURT YOU ALI.”  I continued to thrust in and out of her ass. I said to myself before I started that I would focus purely on just breeding, but when it comes to this bitch I can’t. I must torment her. She must suffer At every single stage. She must never know peace.

I thrust hard into her ass once again, causing Her body to convulse again as a second orgasm took her. Soon, I started to feel mine come. I looked around to see Penn staring at the entire scene thing, her brain captivated by the scene happening in front of her, and luckily for her, she was about to witness the literal climax of the show.

I Pulled her off the wall and held her head towards Penn. Our scientist wanted to observe well; here it is! My ovipositor twitched again inside her body as the pressure from my thrusting built up more and more.

“I'm almost ready…Just a few more seconds.”

I kept pumping more and more into her ass, cheeks rippled every time I went into her. I kept pumping until-

“AHHHHHHHHH!” A deep animalistic moan left my body as eggs shot up into her ass. Penn watched in awe as, one by one, each egg went into her body, filling her up and making her stomach inflate.

“So many and so quickly….” She said her pupils dilated a little as she observed.

“ahhhhhh”, I moaned again as every egg escaping me felt like a mini orgasm. I fucking love being back home.

30 eggs impregnated


I slipped my ovipositor out of her gaping her asshole. White fluid flowed out of her asshole like an avalanche and straight onto the unforgiving ground.

“Are you still awake bitch…”

No response, figures. I let go of her head, and on cue, her body buckled over, causing her to fall face-first into the dirt. Blood came out of her nose and mouse and mixed with my fluid.

“Tch. Useless vermin.” I placed my hands on her and cast lesser heal, stopping all the bleeding.

“Even when you are unconscious, you still cause me trouble.”

I stood up and grabbed hold of my ovipositor, and stroked it back and forth a few times. There was a good strong twitch from it as a single thick rope of white fluid went on her back. A little goodbye from me. Not that I'm going anywhere

“Diva…can I”

I turned to Pen, who held a small glass vial in her hand.

“Knock yourself out. There will be plenty more of that stuff.” I pushed her body off to the side with my leg and started making my way to the main door. I quickly opened the door and was met with my 3 walking wombs. I quickly grabbed Kaylah and Theresa's hands and pulled them into my room, and soon the breeding process began again.



Penn’s Log

Alvearix queen reproduction and role in the hive (Initial impression)

Today, I was lucky enough to witness how the Alvearix reproduced. Let's just say it was a lot more violent than I anticipated. Diva has demonstrated a more sadistic nature when it comes to reproducing. Now, violent reproduction isn't uncommon for insect-type creatures. One that comes to mind is the female praying mantis that attacks and cannibalises its partner after reproduction. However, seeing those same violent tendencies in a hive species like the Alvearix is uncommon. In regular hive species like bees and wasps, the act of reproducing for them is more focused on efficiency than pleasure. This is because the hive is always in need of new workers and drones to make sure it can function. However, the Alvearix queen has shown the complete opposite. Instead of being efficient, she takes her time to ensure she enjoys it. Much of what she does during reproduction is entirely unnecessary in the act of reproduction, but yet it always happens. I feel like there is a personal grudge between Diva and the host named Ali, as the other 2 hosts she impregnated were less violent.

Seeing her reproduce has made me wonder about her role in the hive. If we go back to the bees and wasps mentioned, contrary to popular belief, a queen bee does not lead the hive; instead, it is more of a democracy focused around the female worker bees. If the queen were to die or fail at her job, a new queen would be made to replace the old one. However, the alvearix differ. Diva has the same role of growing the hive. However, unlike the queen bee, she is the leader of the hive. She makes the decisions and calls the shots. Whether or not this method of functioning is a blessing or a curse, time will tell, but I will continue to observe.

One other thing: A sample of white fluid used in the reproductive process was taken from Diva. On initial examination, It is quite similar to the seminal fluid that a human male produces alongside his sperm. However, I do believe there is something more to this fluid. More study is needed as I believe there is more at work here.

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