Chapter 76: Origins.

“You sure this is gonna work, Penn?”

She glared at me. “Diva, a task like this is so beneath me it's not even funny.”

Her finger touched the centre of the rune she had carved into the floor of the room. Flashes of red erupted from the rune as heat surged around us. The once quite mild room started to feel like a sauna.

She nodded to the workers, who then tipped over several barrels of water onto the rune


Steam wrapped around and went up into the ceiling of the room.

“Repurposing the rune from your bathroom really sped up the process and saved me having to do the maths.” She took a step back as more barrels of water were dumped onto the rune.

“Your girlfriend said we need humidity. If the workers repeat this for a few hours, this room will feel like hell.”

“Thank you, Penn”

She nodded as she headed upstairs. Since the fight, azuura and company had made changes to the food room he had created a set of stairs in the middle that led up to another floor that was created. He said splitting the room into multiple floors would allow us to grow more with the same space.

I looked towards the nature workers who looked excited to get started with their own jobs

<do you think you can get started?>

They nodded, and soon, green mana swirled from their mandibles onto the corpses. I watched eagerly as the mana swirled and twisted around the bodies. The mana focused on a few small areas until, finally, mushrooms started to appear.

<ha yes! Keep this up! Create as many as you can and quickly. Once we have a good amount, start dispersing them throughout the hive.>

<Mother, I must object> Azuura cried  <You should eat first. You haven’t- >

<I’ll survive for a *YAWWWN* few more days. Enough to feed a good portion of the hive.>

They all protested against it, but I shooed them away as I headed upstairs to my room. In reality, I was famished; my stomach had been constantly rumbling over the past few days, driving me to insanity. I’ve been fighting my hardest against the feeling to devour the next thing I bump into. But it’s been difficult with Penn around; maybe it’s the hunger, but she smells like she would taste Heavenly. Maybe with a bit of butter, I could- Damn hungry thoughts! Leave me alone!

I quickly made my way to my room, which was empty thanks to azuura moving my breeding stock to the cage room. I pulled up the system in hopes to distract myself from the thoughts of penns tasty body. I'm expecting some juicy things to come after that victory.


45x Mana beast slain.

6750 xp earned

+3375 (Bonus xp)


So, the level-based XP ability will only apply to my kills, not to the children. That’s a letdown. I feel like the xp gains would have been higher if I had just killed them all myself; I suppose it’s a fair trade-off I mean, my children do the bulk of the fighting for me.


1x alpha Mana beast Slain

1000 xp

+500 (bonus xp)


Wait What! Are you telling me Sally stole the xp for those 3 kills? Actually, thinking about it, she gained all the xp as well for killing those assassins. I let out a loud groan. No. I should be happy for her. I shan't complain, and besides, her gaining strength is a net benefit for me. Yeah, I should be * YAAAAWWWWNNNN* happy for her….

Congratulations, you have levelled up x1 time


4 Points awarded


Wow, only one level, huh, after nearly 50 kills. If that’s the case, then I'm going to have to drastically up my kill count if I want to gain any reasonable amount of strength in a good time. However, that’s something I ca- YAAAAWNNN- another day.

My body felt lethargic and heavy and so…so very tired. It has been a very busy few days with the planning and the breeding. Maybe it would be YAAAWNNN- A good idea to get some rest. had been placed in cages with the assasins leaving my room thankfully empty. I crawled into bed And closed my eyes. I felt my stomach roar like a beast for food, but I ignored it. What I need now is rest and sleep. Maybe for a few hours or more………….

Caution! Low food intake detected. Entering hibernation to conserve energy……



I find myself floating in a mass of exploding and twisting colours. Blues, greens and red twisted with each other to form a mass of obscene colours. I wanted to look away, but even if I closed my eyes, the colour still somehow bled its way into my sight, assaulting my retinas at each moment. Every sense in my body was in overdrive, which made the loud, unbearable hissing even worse. It came from everywhere behind, ahead, side to side inside- Nothing I could do could escape; it was maddening. The only thing stopping me from ripping my ears off and gouging my eyes out was the fact I was 100% sure I t wouldn’t do anything. Please just let it end! Suddenly, a loud clap hit my ears, and everything stopped. All the colour condensed into a singular white ball, and the hissing was silenced entirely.

The orb hovered in the centre of the pitch-black void.

<just…..What is this....>

“The beginning...” I turned around to see Cindi sitting in a chair behind me

<cindi... you look better>

“Thanks, master, but this is all thanks to you, really.”

I moved close to her and held her still, wrinkly hands. She looked a lot better, but she was still pretty ancient-looking; however, she doesn’t look like a zombified corpse anymore

<Just how did I help you?>

“Your evolution played a big part in that. Ever since your evolution, I've looked like this. You’re a lot stronger now, and in turn, the soul connection we had is getting stronger, allowing me to regain a little of my former strength.”

I let go of her hand and looked around the room.

<If we are speaking, it must mean that I'm gravely injured again, but how? I don’t remember fighting anyone>

“No, this is much different, master. I feel you  brought yourself here indirectly.”

<And what is here exactly, Cindi>

“Like I said, this is the beginning. The beginning of this accursed world.”

On cue, the white ball exploded into a blinding light, which swiftly turned into an array of different nebulas and galaxies.

<Where are we….>

“Space…. Approximately 4,500,847,788,199 light years from your Milky Way galaxy.”

<Amazing…. This place is->

Suddenly, there was a large explosion of more vibrant light.

“The universe is a volatile thing. Order collides with Disorder to create phenomena that can barely be quantified and extrapolated to make sense.”

<English please cindi,>

“Sorry, my master. In short, the universe is a constant battle of chaos and order. When these 2 entities collide, it can lead to  things that just  can't be explained.”

There was another coalescence of light around, and suddenly, a strong force zipped past us, shredding surrounding planets and asteroids. Nebulas and galaxies that were probably light years away were dragged in, twirled around, and torn asunder by this unforgiving, uncaring force that made a mockery of physics and everything we understood about it. I wish I could explain what was happening right in front of my own very eyes, but there are no words that I can use to describe what I am seeing. Stars that were probably as ancient as the universe were dragged into and devoured by this force until there was one final explosion of light, and all the chaos that was before disappeared, leaving a lone feminine figure, its body made out of pure white light.

“I don’t know why I was born into this universe; maybe it was for some grand purpose or it was the whim of some all-powerful entity, or maybe it was just chance, an infinitesimally small chance that the right conditions were met for my birth. Either way, it doesn’t matter.”

We watched as the figure floated around with a white aura around. It looked around, confused, as if trying to figure out where it was. We followed behind the figure as it moved around the uncaring universe with ease. Crossing distances that would take millions of years to do in mere moments.

We zoomed by stars as tiny as a house and planets so large they make Earth look like a marble in comparison. It was all so beautiful. I know none of this is real, but to see things that people could only dream of I can't help but be amazed.

“I explored this new universe I was unwittingly thrust upon eons. I saw planets die and crumble to dust and stars super nova and turn into black holes over and over again It was all so…….boring.”

I stared at Cindy <Boring? How could such a thing be boring, Cindi?”>

Cindi creaked back in her chair “ My master, I was born from the universe. Things like these, I inherently understand How they are formed, the energy required to make one, etcetera etcetera. When you know everything about something, all the excitement and wonder tied to it fades. Think of it like a plane. If you were to show primitive people a mass of flying metal, they would be amazed because they don’t know what they are looking at, but to you, someone who knows how it works, it's nothing but a tool to get from A to B”

We followed the figure as it blew past multiple galaxies, ignoring the sight of all the black holes and never-before-scene phenomena in space before eventually slowing to a halt.

<What are you doing? Why did you stop?>

“watch my master.”

The figure clasped its hand and slowly opened it, revealing a tiny orange sphere. The orange orb hovered in place as the figure moved backwards for a few moments before snapping its fingers, causing the orb to erupt into a large sun. The figure then twirled its hands around, and soon, stray asteroids that were flying past pulled themselves towards us, colliding and obliterating themselves into dust, forming large dust fields spanning miles. The figure clamped its hand, white energy wrapped around all the dust, compressing them down until they were all roughly the size of Earth. The figure flew to the rock and gave it what looked like a gentle push; however, that push was enough to send that rock into an orbit around the sun.

“To create the world you live in now, my master. Took almost 3 million years to make.”

There was another bright, blinding flash That faded as quick as it came. Time had moved forward, and the system had fully settled. There were multiple planets, each with an atmosphere and unique environments ranging from a hellish volcano planet to an icy hellscape filled with sky-scraper high glaciers.

<Why did you do this, Cindy? Why make all of this.>

“Curiosity and bordem. I was a creature thrown into an uncaring universe; nothing gave me a goal, nothing gave me a reason to exist. So, I spent a good amount of time trying to find my reason. And when that didn’t work, I decided I would make my own reason to live.”

We flew past the many stars and planets in the system she had created towards one. One very familiar planet.

<Is that?>

She nodded. “This is the world you now call home.>

we flew towards the planet's surface and into a flourishing landscape filled with trees, mountains, and the beginnings of civilisation. We kept on flying until we reached an empty patch of grass, where we waited a few moments for the figure to fly back into sight. It stopped just a few meters off the ground before snapping its fingers; suddenly, a large forest began to erupt from below, engulfing us and the figure

<I Recognise this place….>

Cindy nodded. “The consecrated forests is the name given by the humans. It was one of the few places I enjoyed crafting master.”

The figure twirled its finger, and suddenly a large cave appeared. We flew closer and watched as it was carved out into the ground. Once it was deep enough, the figure drew a box, and suddenly a large door appeared.

“This is what I wanted you to see, master.”

The figure put its hand on the door, and dozens of symbols and runes that made no sense carved themselves into the door. The figure pulled its hands away from the door, and as it did a large blue key crept out with it. The figure held the key for a brief few moments before it suddenly melted into her arm.

“Master, can I have your hand”

I gave her my arm, and she held it. “Thanks to your efforts, I have been able to regain a small amount of my power. Enough to give you this.”

A hot, burning pain seared itself across my arm, followed by an ice-cold feeling. I looked towards my arm, where there were now light blue glowing runes.

“Master, find that door. Inside, it is something that will help you and protect you and your hive in the future.”

I looked towards the figure as it stood completely still, like a video that had been paused. And that’s all this was, a video, a recounting of events that probably happened before I was even born as a human and despite getting so many answers, God I still had so many questions.

<Cindi. How did this happen to you? Clearly, you were powerful. I just don’t see how you could be weakened to the point that you could become like this>

She chuckled. “Don’t underestimate the forces that exist in this universe. Like you, I trusted someone or, in my case, multiple people. They were like family to me. and when you are a being that’s roamed around the galaxy for eons, finding people who you can trust, talk and confide in is….nice.” Her eyes warmed up as if reliving some fond memories, but as soon as that warm expression came, it was replaced with an even more sour and hateful face.

<I want the details just what did they do?>

“Remember those body parts I showed you a long time ago.” I tried to jog my memory, but nothing came to mind. Just how long ago is this?

this was something mentioned in chapter 39 but I hate how I introduced it in that chapter, so I'm doing it again here


Cindy let out a chuckle. “I'm not surprised you forgot it was a long time ago, and you were….. going through a lot.”

She held her hand out, and several gold body parts formed in front of me. A pair of arms, followed by a torso, legs and finally a head with long flowing hair.

“The people who weakened me did so by carving my body into 4 parts. Each part is a powerful piece capable of  incredible power.”

<And let me guess, everyone I collect helps you regain your strength.>

She nodded. “yes, however, the damage they did to me is unrepairable. I will never recover from the being I was.”

Out of the 4 pieces, 3 disappeared, leaving the arms. “The closest one to you is the arms.”

“is that’s whats behind that door.”

She shook her head. No, that’s something else. I'd argue that what's behind that door would benefit you more than my old body parts.

I Let out a long sigh. <the food on my plate keeps getting bigger and bigger.>

“Sorry, my master. But do not feel pressured. The enemy does not know of our existence yet. We can use this as an advantage.”

<And just who are these enemies?>

“One of them you already know the names of.”

Only one name came to mind<Eupharn….>

She nodded, her eyes as cold as ice. “the names of the others are  Sha-el and Kahdal. Be wary of the latter; out of the 3 I would say he is the strongest.”

The world around us suddenly started shaking. as the once beautiful universal backdrop of our conversation shattered and fragmented like glass.

“My master. It seems our time is up.

“I wish we could meet a lot more often than what we do now.”

Her eyes lit up a little bit before relaxing.

“I'm sure you will be able to find a way to do that soon, my master. Until then, Sys will look after you. Nice name; she really likes it.”

I gave her one last wave before a familiar white light took me, and I found myself looking up at several faces.

I felt something smooth and wet slide out the back of my throat. I hope that isn't what I think it is.

I briefly glanced to the side to see a nurse at my side with its feeding tendril out. Its only that, that’s good.

I moved my head back again to see Sally scanning me up and down. <Sally, What's going on? Why are there so many people here?>

I pushed everyone away and sat myself up on my bed. I was surrounded by azuura, Sally and Penn and several nurses.

<Mother, why did you go into hibernation?>

<Hiber…. Alright, can someone please just explain to me why everyone is in my room.>

Sallly and azuura exchanged a glance.

<Mother, you’ve been asleep for 1 week.>

<What? I don’t… why>

<You went into hibernation; after Penn finished her work in the room, you went upstairs to bed, do you not remember?>

I thought back a little bit. I do remember something like that happening. If I remember correctly, I went to bed and checked through my menus when suddenly I felt very tired, and then I got a notification

<I remember just before I went to sleep, I got a notification telling me I was gonna hibernate. But why?>


Sally yelled <Why didn’t you eat anything ?! We were worried stiff?! We thought that something awful had happened to you. Why would you do that?!>

Sally's face was a mix of anger, happiness and relief.

<Sorry Sally, that wasn’t my intention> I pulled her in close and gave her a hug. Azuura moved in close to fill in the remaining details. Penn figured out what was happening quickly and suggested to Sally that the nurses try force-feeding me like they do with the children.

<So this was Penn's idea?>

<Yes, mother. I had reservations about them waking you.>


<You were in hibernation. We shouldn’t disturb our mother as she sleeps>

I let out a quiet sigh. At times, I forget that the hive will never question my actions, even if they are against my best interest.

<From now on, azuura. If I ever go into hibernation without telling you or the hive directly, wake me up. Do not wait.>

<Yes, mother.>

I looked towards Penn and smiled. “I guess I owe you know.”

She chuckled. “You do, but I won't cash it in now. I may ask for your help with something later.”


<Now that you are awake, Mother, would you like to see the changes to the hive?> Azuura chimed in. <There have been several developments you will be very interested to see.>

The original plan was for this chapter to be a time skip forward, but I thought instead of just time skipping, let's use that empty time to answer some questions and reintroduce some older plot lines and straighten everything out. Honestly, I don't say it enough, but thanks to you guys for reading. I never imagined I would get this far seriously. Prior to this I had wrote 3 other stories all of which I dropped due one reason or another. I honestly didn't think I would have a story with over 60 chapters and almost 1k readers. so, thanks for reading.


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