Chapter 77: Big Developments

<You can let go now sally…>

She shook her head. Sally had thoroughly wrapped herself around me like a snake. I know she is scared of me going into hibernation again, but this is a little bit ridiculous.

I let out a deep sigh as I clambered out of bed with the 5 foot 6 munchkin around my waist and followed azuura down toward the food production room. However, the moment I stepped out of my room, Something was immediately off.

<Azuura….> I said point where the store room and the prison cells were. < Where are the storage rooms and the breeding stock? Don’t tell me we had a cave-in whilst I was asleep.>

<Follow me, Mother. Everything will be revealed> A slight smirk was on his face as I followed him down. He’s enjoying me being clueless, doesn’t he? Well, whatever, I'll entertain him, and I am curious about what he has been up to whilst I was out.

We continued to follow him down the tunnels, which looked like they’d been expanded to make it possible for multiple people to simultaneously move up and down the tunnel. Which was a great quality-of-life improvement. another one was the installation of some sort of lighting, as there was an orange glow coming from the bottom of the tunnel

<Oh, you installed lighting>

Another smirk was on his face. <Something like that>

<Azuura Just what the hell have you do->

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what was the old food storeroom

<Apolinairsis mushrooms do like to grow quickly..>

<Quickly, it is an understatement. This is insane>

The room was filled to the top with grey mushrooms as far as you could see. Mushrooms taller than some houses and as wide as a boulder dominated the room; along with their presence among them were “smaller” mushrooms, still grey in their shape but around the size of a large family car. Additionally, there were these new orange square-shaped fungal mushrooms that I had never seen. They didn’t look edible, but they did help brighten up the place.

<Just how did this happen?> we said as we walked through the mushroom forest. Workers were actively cutting away at the mushrooms to keep the path clear

<I am unsure. But if I had to guess, it was the workers tending to them 24/7, making sure they grew perfectly or a little too perfectly.> We continued walking until we reached a set of stairs going to another floor.

<the mushrooms grew a lot faster than I could have predicted. Because of this, we are having to make expansions to this room as we speak. They’ve even broken through and spread upstairs.> We went upstairs, and it was somehow worse than downstairs. The mushrooms pretty much dominated the entire room except for a small space the workers had cut out for themselves.

<Where did these orange ones come from. I don’t think Apollinaris made those…>

<The workers found them on an excursion out and brought a few of them back and planted them. The light makes it easier for the human scum to see easier.>

I looked toward Penn, who was completely oblivious to our conversation. I guess my hatred for humans did pass into my children. I looked around and noticed that under one of the massive mushrooms, an area had been carved out with a sleeping bag and a makeshift table

“You’ve noticed that diva,” Penn said, stepping out in front of everyone. “That’s my little home for the meantime.”

“Why are you living here? I'm pretty sure there are plenty of rooms you can use.”

“There are, but you forget, unlike all of you. I can't see in the dark.”


She has a point. I forget, but to humans, this hive is probably pitch black 90% of the time.

<Azuura. Please make her a room and can it be illuminated with the mushrooms.>

<Give me 2 hours>

I nodded. “You will have a proper room soon, Penn. “

She gave a deep bow. “thank you, my queen.”

I rolled my eyes as we headed back down

<The workers work all hours of the day trimming the mushrooms and collecting food for storage. By my calculations, with the amount of food produced, we could triple the numbers of the hive and still remain positive on food>

<HAHAHAH, this Is all excellent news! Very excellent news> I can go nuts expanding the hive, haha; this is very good. VERY. FUCKING. GOOD.

We followed azuura, who took us down  into another tunnel, which took us to another large room

<Is this….>

<Yes, mother. The hatchery you asked for is complete>

The room was massive, several times larger than the mushroom farm. If I had to guess its size, I would say around the size of 2 football pitches. Essentially, the hatchery consisted of 4 individual areas. On the far east of the room was the nursery, where the nurses would raise the young larvae until they were adults. In the north was you would find my personal quarter, whilst in the South, there was the home to the nurse's quarters where they would rest when needed and in the centre of this room was the main breeding area where I would do my main business

see below the HD 4K 2D RENDER I made of this layout using the latest technology available to man


<Azuura what are thease… things>

I put my hand on these weird waxy contraptions. They were similar to the table but had groves that looked like they could fit a human. Weird.

<These tables, mother, are the breeding beds. The room has been split in half on the far right. The beds are designed for men, whilst the ones here are for females.>

He beckoned us to follow as we went north outside my room, where my 3 breeding stock were strapped to the bed. I moved a little bit closer for a look and noticed that the 3 women were sunk slightly into the wax bed, keeping them in place. Their arms were brought under the bed and sunk into the wax, keeping them locked in place at the bottom where these waxy stirrups held their legs up and out to the sides, allowing me to easily fuck them. Additionally, this position was similar to the position used during childbirth, so we wouldn't have to move them for delivery.

<The design is simple. I like it, azuura. However, right now the design is very geared towards humanoids only.>

He looked at me, confused. <this will work fine for demi-humans and any bipedal creature, but if I ever want to impregnate Something else, this may not work.>

“You plan to have sex with more than just humans?!” Sally chimed in. Sally and Penn looked at me like I had just said Something heretical. Also, did she have to say that in the common tongue for Penn to understand?


“Yes, I do. I have no preference for any one type. If it can take my eggs and lay them, then it would be good enough for me. And besides, they may have unique abilities I want.”

The two of them still looked at me with slight apprehension, but I could see understanding in their eyes. My hive must grow no matter what, meaning I have to be adaptable in all ways.

“shall we move on to the men”

Azuura took us to the men’s side, where the other 2 of my captives were. They were on a breeding table, but there was a lot simpler. Their arms and legs were wrapped around the table and secured in place, whilst the table had a slight arch to help push up and emphasize their genitalia.

"My back… fucking kills.” The bunt man complained

“Quiet! She’s here….”

I grinned <I am very happy with your work. Azuura.>

<But we’re not done.>

Huh? Just how much did they get done whilst I was out?!

Azuura led us back to the mushroom farm and into another tunnel; however, this one was a lot larger and longer. The combat units patrolled this area up and down whilst workers flew overhead carrying dead animals and anything else.

<seeing how we’ve cleared out the north of the mana beast, I’ve started expanding into that territory underground. This large tunnel is Something I like to call an arterial tunnel. Its large size makes it capable of accommodating a large amount of traffic. Additionally, it is strong enough to allow us to make smaller tunnels that branch out from it.

On cue, a smaller tunnel came in, and like lemmings, several combat units came out of it covered in blood with several mangled pieces of animal in their mandibles.

<Azuura, I don’t know how to say this is. Fantastic! Excellent work!>

I grabbed him by the head and pulled him in for a hug as usual. He complained and tried to get away, but I didn’t budge; eventually, he gave up and accepted his hugs.

<Mother, we still have a lot to build. Right now, the hive lacks accommodations for everyone.>

<Where is everybody resting for the moment? If there is no accommodation> I tightened my hug a little bit more, causing him to squirm a little bit. I love it when he does that

<Right now, anywhere and everywhere. The spitters have taken residence outside, sleeping in the treetops whilst the rest of us make do sleeping anywhere and everywhere >

I see. <That’s your next project, isn't it?>

He nodded. <Indeed, mother.>

<Well then, azuura, I'll leave you to it. Continue your good work, all of you> I  turned around and made my way back down the arterial tunnel.

< They have been very busy, haven't they sallly.>

<Uhuh. Azuura has been working nonstop whilst you were asleep. I've told him to rest, but he always declines. I worry he will work himself to death.>

I chuckled. <Once he's done with the accommodation, I'll order him to take a few days off.>

<And what will you do now, Mother?>

<the same as usual, expand.> I returned to the hatchery and walked towards my room. Azuura really wanted to make my room feel special. He had built a small set of steps that led up towards a set of large waxy double doors.

<Sally, this is where you leave.>

<Mother…. What if you..>

<No. now. I won't go into hibernation again now; please go prepare yourself.>

<For what?>

<Do you remember that meeting we had with Titus. If my timing is right, tomorrow is the day we will have our first delivery. You will be going to collect them, remember.>

She looked a bit confused for a few seconds but it eventually clicked with her.

<Of course, mother. I'll be ready.>

She headed away as I entered my new bedroom, and let's just say I'm really gonna need to give azuura a break when he is done. The room was dimly lit with mushrooms. Instead of entirely being made of wax, it was a mix of stone and wood from the trees we cut down for the battle on the far left of the room was a small farm where Apollinaris’s mushrooms were growing and on the opposite side was the bed from my original bedroom. But how did it get here? I swear I was just sleeping on it upstairs? Did azuura really drag me away to see that tunnel so he could move this in here? Seriously, that kid….I'm gonna have to reward him.

I moved to my bed and sat on the edge.


 the blue box erupted in my face, and I quickly navigated to the challenges section


A (girl)friend in need….

Apollinaris Wants to raze her home city to the ground. Help her do this…

Reward: 150 points

There Something seriously fishy going on here…..

Andre has commissioned you to investigate the explosion at the Ashdown mansion. Get to the bottom of it, Sherlock.

Reward 50 points and the unique title Detective.

I used to be an adventurer like you……

Remember that quest you took from the adventurer’s guild? Go complete it.

Reward 10 points

An old enemy [COMPLETE]

A familiar enemy of yours lives north of you. It’s time to settle this grudge between the two of you.

Reward 30 Points

Flying Aces

Test your flying prowess in the South and prove that only one species rules the sky.

Reward 30 points

Mystery in the east

An unknown enemy lurks in the east. Tread with caution and defeat them

Reward 30 Points

Tread Carefully

Danger lies in the West. Be careful, Be vigilant

Reward 30 Points


If Genghis Khan, You Khan… [1]

Successfully impregnate 100 people

Reward 200 points and the unique title Breeder

A growing hive… [1]

Increase the hive population to 1000

Reward: 100 points and a unique Unit

Empire building [1]

Claim 100² Km of land as your own.

Reward 250 Points

Gotta catch ‘em all. [1]

Unlock 10 Different units..

Reward 75 points and a unique unit.


<Thank you for the free points.>

I focussed on the completed challenge, causing it to disappear from the menu

Challenge Completed

+30 Points


Now, let's see if all the hard work was for nothing. I pulled up the hive management screen. Instantly, I was bombarded with several notification boxes.

New Unit added

Warrior unit

A combat unit but with a lot more punch. Gone are the mandibles, and welcome thick chitinous blades and a tougher exoskeleton to top it off. Additionally, it moves in a bipedal stance.

Gestation 3 days

Biomass: 600


New Unit added

bio processor unit


A utility and production unit. This unit takes raw edible matter and processes it into bio-serum. Bio-serum is a more potent food source, allowing the hive to get more out of what it produces. Bio-serum is also a great conductor of energy and mana.

Gestation 6 days

Biomass 2000 biomass


New Unit Added


A utility and production unit. An architect can design unique structures and devices for the hive.

Gestation 14 days

Biomass 10,000


New unit added:


A utility unit. A unit made for one purpose and one purpose only to create large tunnels for the hive. Allowing expansion of the hive to be easier.


Gestation 7 days

Biomass 1,500


New unit added


An aerial utility unit. Scouts are the eyes of the hive. They can survey large areas and create a map for the hive to use.

Gestation 3 days

Biomass 300


My jaw dropped to the ground, and my body started shaking. Read through all the boxes again and again to confirm that, and yes, this was true. A huge wave of happiness and relief washed through a part of me, and I was afraid that all my work would be for nothing, but thankfully, that was not the case. I leaned back on my bed and giggled.

<I can't wait for when my fresh breeding stock arrives. I'm gonna have so much fun.>

I opened up my status and selected my favourite skill; I currently have a capacity of  120 eggs. Seeing how we're gonna be having some more guests tomorrow, I should probably pump this up a little bit.

Would you like to upgrade this ability from level 3 to 4

Cost 4 points



120 ---> 240


I did this 2 more times, which cost me a total of 12 points.

480---> 960


Almost 1 thousand eggs. I placed my hands on my stomach. This ability is downright broken; the fact it doubles with each level up is ridiculous, but I'm not gonna question it. I put my hands on my belly, and it felt like a volcano in my stomach as the number of eggs I had multiplied.

I stood up and headed to the personal mushroom farm azuura made. < We've got the eggs. Now we need the biomass.

I looked towards the mushroom farm and licked my lips. Thank you, azuura. Before I knew it, I was devouring mushrooms like a possessed being. The mound of mushrooms slowly shrunk until there was nothing but chunks of mushroom flesh on the floor.

+25000 biomass

+2500 Efficient processing bonus


< It's not enough>

The hive weave lit up with an order to all the surrounding workers, and soon, there was a conga line of them entering my room. I ate and ate and ate. I ate so many mushrooms that I lost count, but that didn’t stop me. I gorged on them for what felt like hours.

+300,000 biomass

+30000 Efficient processing bonus.


New title awarded: Glutton

Your appetite has proven to be never-ending. Not even the gods themselves can match the amount you consume.

(When you eat a living creature, there is a chance that you will get an ability related to that creature)


Oh my, that’s interesting. I wonder if I eat that assassin, will I get his powers? I'll need to experiment with this title later.

<Thank you. That’s enough. I am satisfied… for now.>

The workers all nodded at me before leaving. I followed behind them, making sure to have one last look at my room before I left.  

<I sure did make a mess in here, huh.>

Crumbs of food were spattered all over the floor and on the bedsheets. I'll have to-

<Don’t worry, we will handle it; mother> 4 nurses entered the room and got to work cleaning everything. How did they? Am I really that predictable? Whatever! It doesn’t matter; what matters is that I refill another valuable resource. I looked towards the two men strapped to the tables and licked my lips. This is gonna be fun


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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