IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 13

Implant eventually found a good spot for them to hide and transform back, and once they did, Jack complained with excitement, "Dude! What the fuck! That was great! Where the hell have you been my entire life?" was what he said in quick succession, to him, it really was just unexpected, "Escaping from cops? Really? That was possibly the most adrenaline filled moment I have had in my entire life and I cannot believe we did that! When am I waking up?! Holy shit!"

Alright, Alright, best get back to your apartment and get some rest, or else you might miss your school tomorrow, Was Implant's reply, and he was right, with easy steps, Jack stepped out of the run down alleyway Implant had found, not as a monster, but as a regular human being, one that has suddenly appeared out of nowhere,
"But before I get myself home, how about we both get chocolate first?"


Once they have reached a small ATM machine, Jack grabbed around 100 dollars from his savings account, well, there goes that, he thought, he was planning on not getting any money from it up until he has reached 18 and he currently has only over 2000$ inside but he guessed that this is probably more important than his 18th birthday,
The two eventually reached a convenience store, and from there they listened in to the news, "It had been a day since Tony Stark has been kidnapped, and so far, the criminals responsible have not reached out, I am here live in the Saharah desert in an attempt to ask the locals on what has happened here when he visited and-" A woman in a tight business outfit spoke loud a mic was in front of her, the place looked scorching hot, and he doubts that he would ever visit the place in the near future, still, it was interesting, apparently Tony Stark was a massive Jackass and that a lot of the opinion that revolved on the whole event was apparently people saying that he got what he deserved, and maybe they were right but Jack didn't really care about the scandals regarding celebrities, so he did not really know what Tony did in order to get such a bad opinion, not that he cared of course,
"I'll take this box of chocolates please," Jack said as he put a box of Kit Kat's in the convenience store counter, "and maybe this sandwich as well," He added, pointing at a packed sandwich placed inside a heater, the clerk looked at him funny, "The entire box?" He asked, and Jack nodded, he did not know what was up but he guessed that it was probably weird for him to buy this thing when a supermarket was just a few blocks away, "Oh, I didn't really want to go there, it's just too far for me tonight, you know?"

"Oh, I didn't mean that," The clerk replied, "I was just surprised that you somehow managed to find that thing, I would have used it to restock my shelves tomorrow but I guess you can buy it at the price I bought it for, 70$," The guy offered, prompting Jack to eye him suspiciously, "Ya sure?" He said, and the clerk nodded, "Of course I am, why else would I offer you then?"

"Ya, I guess you are right," Jack replied, giving the man more than half his current money, "how much is the sandwich though?" He asked, and the man replied with around 2$ and Jack added the price to his payment, "Thanks, I guess." And with that, Jack left, all the while carrying his small box of chocolates,

on his way out, the teen saw a young man, just a little older than him pass by, Implant told him that the man was armed, he did not know how the symbiote knew but apparently he had a gun, and so, thinking that this place is gonna get robbed, Jack said a small remark, in hopes that this guy would not do what he is about to do- "Dude, there are so many jobs out there," He said, and the guy's eyes widened for a bit but he continued, his gaze now made of steel,

"Leave while you can then," he said, "What do you know anyways?" he added, and with that their conversation ended, Jack left the man alone, uncaring about the store, why should he? The place has CCTV's and they already saw his face, transforming now would lead to him getting caught.

Jack continued with his night, but on his way out, once again, though this time he was actually out of the doors, he met one of his classmates, Peter Parker, "Dude! I heard you got sick earlier, you ok? and it's midnight!" He exclaimed, and the teen looked at him in surprise, "yeah, I just got out of bed this night, and uh, I had a fight with my uncle, I just think that I should get some fresh air," the nerd replied, and Jack nodded, "You probably shouldn't enter this place," He warned, "Something bad is about to happen here." Peter looked at him, and shrugged, saying that he will be fine, and he probably should just leave him be for now, Jack wanted to say that a robbery was about to occur but Peter pushed past him and went inside the convenience store, "Welp, there's that," he muttered, and Implant added his own part,

His mood is sour, but, that kid, he feels different. He said, "Yeah, yeah, different yadda yadda, the guy's a nerd, let's leave him be," Responded Jack,

Your mood is also sour, said implant, Jack stayed silent afterwards,

Ignoring the robbery that is about to occur, Jack continued on, with the thought of making an essay for his presentation later that night,

They were a fair bit of distance away from the store when they heard it, a loud "No oOoOO OOO!!!" From the distance,

Seems that kid has gotten himself in a tight situation, Implant commented, and Jack ignored him, Do you want to be a hero Jack? He asked, and Jack still ignored him,

Fine then, after Implant said that Jack felt his world go null, he had once again gone into a second person perspective from his body,

You prick! put me back in control! He demanded, but Implant was adamant, "No Jack," He growled, "Let me do this," He said, opening up the chocolate box and eating all of its contents, including the plastic wrappers, Jack felt his Implant tighten as it ate the chocolate, he did not know if it was arousal but if it was he was concerned, did he just by the alien an aphrodisiac? Either way-

God damnit! Jack yelled internally, but Implant was already off to save the night, with a massive leap, and a fast glide, Implant closed the distance between him and the robber in an instant, he looked at the ground below, seems that a crowd had gathered around an old man, Peter was right beside him, crying, ignoring them, Implant tracked the running killer with his eyes,

The man was starting to get away, but Implant was faster,

The killer eventually found himself inside and alley, and when he was about to open a door that presumably led to an apartment building, a monster found itself on top of him, he hit the ground as his body couldn't support the creature's weight, he felt himself get lifted up, and when he once again came to, what he saw was a mouth full of teeth,

his head got swallowed up before he even yelled out a scream,

Implant disappeared from the alleyway, never to be seen again,

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