IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 12

“WOHOOOO!” were the words that came out of his mouth as he felt gravity take over his body, he felt weightless, his body thrust forward through the air, from his view he was able to see multiple things, buildings towered over him and there was nothing below that was tall enough to catch him and yet he still felt exhilarated,
And to make things even better, the one that made this all possible decided to speak- Wanna fly? it said, Jack nodded, "Fuck yeah I do," he answered, then spread your arms, it replied, and once again, Jack obliged,
A thin membrane soon spread itself from his chest to his wrist, Flap them, Implant said, Jack once again followed, he soon felt his body rise up instead of falling, the feeling of weightlessness lost itself and on its place came the feeling of being light, people below him looked at him with interest, and some with contempt, and if he was correct he was able to also make out a few people hurling insults towards him, Jack didn't care, he wanted to tell them all that he was no mutant but who would believe him? and he didn't care if anyone saw him now, he had a mask, no one would recognize him outside of it,

Do you know how to steer? asked Implant, pulling Jack out of his thoughts, remembering what the hell that means, panic overcame Jack and he replied with a high pitched- "I actually don't!" and amidst all that, Implant's voice came again,
Then let me, when he said that Jack felt his entire body go numb, it felt like he had melted down into goo, and in it's place came the real body of the symbiote, a hulking behemoth that stood at 8 feet tall of pure yellowish-green muscles,

What the fuck? Jack said, but his voice did not come out, what the hell did you do?!

"Calm down," Implant said, his voice finally leaving his mouth, "I will give you back the control once I put us somewhere safe," and with those words Implant focused, he ignored Jack's rant about how he should have never trusted him, uncaring about such petty things, he would realize soon that both of them being safe is their main interest, not one or the other dying,

Implant curled into a ball, he spun through the air as he fell and when he was only a few feet above ground a tendril shot out from his body, pulling him back up into the sky, he spread his arms and legs, glider like attachments opened themselves up when he did, he was now a 70 feet above the ground, and the night sky view was quite nice, he smiled, revealing a maw full of teeth, "this is good, Jack." he told his friend, "we will enjoy our time together," he said, but Jack simply continued on about betrayal, Implant shot another tendril into the building, using it as a way to turn to the right, judging by Jack' memory, they should be able to reach the docks in a short amount of time, there were abandoned warehouses there, and if he is correct, the guy wanted to train, and what better way to do it that inside a place with massive, abandoned cargos?

They soon reached the docks, "We are here," The symbiote said, he had shrunk down in size considerably, and soon, what was left of the 8 foot tall monster was a kid in highschool wearing a waiter's uniform,

"You actually gave back the control! Wow, I thought you were just gonna take over for the rest of my life or something," Were the first words that came out of Jack' mouth as he took deep breaths,

Of course not, I am a symbiote, I need you to live properly, I do not know why you would think that my goal is domination. Was Implant's reply.

Jack felt glad, but was still suspicious, "So, why did you bring me here?" he asked, and to his surprise, Implant answered, To practice, you said you needed to properly get used to your powers correct? How about we start with you lifting heavy objects first?

"Right, I did but, I thought like saving people would have been good you know?"

Why? Because it makes you feel strong? Recognition can come last, we need you to learn how to use these powers first, so get started, Implant replied again, I will watch you practice so get started!

Jack obliged, " alright, so what do I need to do first? Something like this maybe?" Jack was getting near one of the concrete road blocks found all over the place, and when he got near, he bent down, hugged it, and proceed to attempt to stand back up, it took him a while to lift the object to his height, Not bad, considering that you haven't exercised all your life, Implant commented, and Jack scoffed, "Yeah right, alright, what's next?"

I do not know, you decide, after all you are the human, you must know how your race exercises no?

"Fine fine!" Jack once again sat down, "I swear to god, I am gonna make you wash this uniform," Jack said, bending down and grabbing a small metal cable, he then proceeded to grab the massive road block, and with enough force to break a peanut, Jack inserted the cable straight into it, embedding it deep enough that it wouldn't be lose should he use the cable to carry the block, "Alright, another one," Jack said, but before he could go to another concrete block the sound of Sirens went inside his ears, "Ok, what the fuck?"

Guess we were noticed,

"You think?" Jack remarked, "I'll just get a gym subscription! Get us outta here!" And after those words Jack became no more, Implant growled, maybe it was a snicker, You cunt! Leave!

"Fine, Fine," A hoarse voice replied, and after that Implant broke through the warehouse roof and proceeded to leave the premises,

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