IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 45

Feeling his spidey sense warn him, Peter reflexively dodged the punch that the behemoth of a man struck,


He heard the air above his head contort from the punch. Shivers crawled up his spine, this man wanted to kill him, he knew that, so that would mean that subjugating this man should be top priority, he was too much of a risk to just be walking around the streets of new york, who knows what this man could do to the police if they confront him?

Peter stood up and punch the man's armor, he felt his fingers bend from the punch, it was painful, it made him realize that no matter how strong he may get, he's still human, one that can take damage from punching his enemy's hardened body. He grit his teeth, he had just seen this man run out of the bank with the speed of the jaguar a few minutes prior, he made the ground shake with every step, Peter followed him till he reached this alleyway, where he stopped running and looked at his haul, knowing that the police wouldnt follow him here.

He released another punch, this time, he aimed for the man's head gear, hoping to cause some sort of bell effect, maybe his own armor ringing inside his head would be enough to deter this man? It didnt work, as it only made the man more frantic, though he clearly didnt want his head to be hit, but it seemed to have no effect. His Spider sense rang again and again, his reflexes enabled him to dodge hit after hit, but he was starting to feel tired. He jumped far away from his enemy, to observe him.

The man was breathing heavily, so he himself was starting to get tired huh? "Hey man, I dont really want this. You know?" He said, "I mean, your strong, I'm strong, we're both strong, how about we just go on a body building competition yah?"

The armored man didn't react, he simply took deep breaths, clearly trying to make himself last for another round. If he was trying to take this oppurtunity to gather his bearings, then Peter may nor may not be in trouble. "Dude, calm down alright? No need to breath so heavy. What are you, carrying a thousand pounds or something?"

Peter released his web, a white string of tough silk flew out of his wrist, it hit the armored man's thigh, reminding him of a time where a creature as deadly as this man confronted him, telling him how it wouldnt work, and judging by the man's grin, it seemed that he's thinking the same.

He pulled,

It didn't work, but that always happens, he released another string,

and another,

then another,

both hands soon held unto waves of silk that was inches thick. Of course, the man didn't really take this gently, as he charged once again, despite his body being covered by the tough webbing, he moved as if it didn't affect him at all. Some of the strings got cut as he charged, but most held on, a sign that these web of his aren't that weak.

Peter jumped on the wall, then he attached the string he was holding on the walls, he crawled slowly, afterwards, observing the armored man as he lost balance from his tackle, clearly, it was too heavy for him, he couldn't steer as well. But this alleyway is small enough that he didn't really need to steer, he could easily hit peter if he stood still.
Spider-man shot out another set of webbing, his hands moved like an engine, shooting web after web, soon, the man was covered in white silk, but Peter himself felt his own reserves run low. He knew his web wasn't infinite, that's why he tries to eat as much food as he can before he goes around on patrols, but this was the first time he actually ran low on his webbing, it felt strange, the nausea that came with it he meant. He didn't like the feeling of light headedness that came with him running low on webs, but, mistakes like these is an oppurtunity to learn, he plans to properly prepare in the near future.

The thick ball of silk didn't move, Peter looked at it with curiousity, to see as for whether or not he could come out of such a thick prison.

"Hey uh, Tin man? You there?" He asked, his tone soft, and his voice clearly worried.

No one answered.

Peter sighed and prepared to leave but-


The man broke free. "It's Rhino. Spider Freak."

"Ah. So you are capable of talking. Thought you were mute." Peter replied, he sounded quite happy, but contrary to his voice, he was quite tired, but judging how this man easily broke free from his webbing, he still had strength to spare, despite looking wary himself.

Peter Jumped down. "Now, I know we both had our differences-"

"HUAGGGGH!" Rhino charged, uncaring about what Peter had to say, he took the oppurtunity when the spider themed hero stood in front of his charging area, Peter tried to jump but-

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" A hoarse voice yelled as it stood in front of the Rhino's tackle, it made Peter's hair stand up on it's end. Soon, a monster that stood the same height as his prior enemy was in the middle of both of them, blocking both Rhino and Spider-man from attacking each other.

The new comer released a blow to rhino's gut, but peter could tell, that instead of a punch, he instead hit him with it's palm. Once the blow struck, the fingers of the monster gripped the man's armor, they easily tore through the thick plates as if it was butter, realizing this, Rhino tried to punch the monster's face with all his might, but from that distance, all it did was irritate the green giant.

"Pathetic." It said, as arrogant as ever, but why couldn't peter take off his smile? It is a murderer is it not?

In return, the monster punch the rhino's chest, no, it scratched the rhino's chest, it's attack left three massive gashes that looked like ravines on the man's armor. It then pulled out it's other arm, the one that was stuck to the rhino's gut, and after a bit of effort, it took off the thick armor, revealing the white shirt of the man beneath, though it was only a glimpse, Peter saw it, the toned muscles of the man that he fought moments prior. It didn't take for for the monster to punch the man's gut, causing him to wretch in pain on the pavement of the alleyway.

And then it struck peter, "WAIT!" He yelled out, and the monster turned around, "Don't eat him!"

"I will not." It replied, "I am satisfied with simply disabling him."

And then it spoke again, "What I want, is you. Spider-man,"

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