IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 46

"So wait, wait, wait." Spider-Man, who was waving his arms around said, "You want me to help you find that screaming woman? DareDevil said her name is shriek by the way," he looked at Implant with an impassive gaze, his mask never moving, "Or atleast that's what she calls herself." he muttered.

"Shriek huh?" Implant pondered, so the girl did have a name, that was to be expected, but why does that name feel familiar? He tried to see as for whether or not he has heard it before, to see if she's inside Implant's memories but it was to no avail. She was familiar yet unfamiliar to him, perhaps he recognized her because she confronted them? But why does Implant feel like she is connected to Kletus? Shaking his head, he continued spoke to Peter. "Indeed, I want her arrested, she is a risk I cannot simply ignore, she cannot roam the streets of new York, it is far too dangerous."

Peter scoffed, "Yeah, for you." he then pointed at himself, "But for the rest of us? No. She's nothing but a mugger that can cause police cars to stop in their tracks, she's nothing special." He then looked at the city below them, Implant followed his gaze, Spider-Man gazed at the people of new York with interest, knowing that he keeps some of them safe made him feel elated. That was what Implant got when he read his emotions, it is a bizarre warmth that flows within Spider-Man, it is a weird sensation that Jack, his host, usually doesn't feel. If not he doesn't feel it at all. The teen is pretty much a robot, one that does the necessary just because.

Seeing that his mind was trailing off, Implant once again focused on Peter Parker, "So, you're not gonna help me?" He stated, and Peter, from the corner of his eye, nodded.

"Yep. I mean, it's good that you only want to arrest her and all that but I don't really care, Shriek doesn't cause that much trouble, and I assume that it's probably a good thing." he looked at Implant, "And, compared to you? She's pretty much a saint."

His words got Implant thinking, so he asked- "Then why not arrest me?" and Spider-Man released a puff of air out of his nose,

"Because it's like arresting a dog for eating rabbit." He gave himself a facepalm, and reading his emotions, Implant felt him wince at his own words, "what I meant is that, although you're clearly just some sort of animal, you are also smart enough to recognize when you should stop. My brain tells me that maybe, just maybe, it was your first time on earth and you didn't really know what to do." He took a deep breath, and then he released it, "That is why, when you stopped, I thought to myself that maybe you weren't that bad, just misunderstood," He then poked Implant's side with his shoulder.

"Especially since you had a date with Black Cat."

"That..." Implant was at a loss for words, "Was not a date." He said, his voice firm.

"Yeah, Yeah, convince yourself, still, two vigilante's going out? That's just weird to me." he gave out a small laugh.

"Indeed." Implant couldn't help but agree, it is pretty strange.

Guess he hasn't figured it out? Jack inside him said, and Implant nodded.

Peter then stood up, "Well, that's that for me, I still have people to save, I wish you luck on finding that woman," And just like that, he jumped off the edge of one of the city's tallest building and buggered off. He left the symbiote alone, which immediately started thinking, "Say, Jack, this is where we met didn't we?"

Yeah, though this place is probably where Peter also got his powers. do you know anything about that? Jack asked, and Implant shook his head.
"I do not, unfortunately."

Eh, it's fine.

Time soon passed, with the clock striking at exactly 1 o clock, Sheila called, and of course, Implant explained that he'll be back at exactly three, the girl complained for a bit but decided that she'll go to sleep now, as she didn't really have superhuman physiology, the duo agreed to that immediately, since that would mean that they can technically go back at anytime they want, right as long as it didn't pass 6 in the morning. So that's great.
The two of them soon decided that they'll go to Hell's kitchen, the only place where they have encountered Sheila thus far.

It didn't take long for Implant to go to the territory of DareDevil, and, of course, it also didn't take long for them to find the masked vigilante, as he was only human, one that easily got beaten up every single night. So it wasn't really that hard to find the guy, and to him, it also wasnt that much of a surprise that they found him, it seemed that he knew that they were looking for Shriek as the first thing that he said when Implant fell above him was-

"Ah, so you've finally come."

Of course, taking the fact that the guy was probably pretty smart, Implant immediately decided it was best to get to the point, instead of wasting time. "So, Shriek, do you know where she lives?"

DareDevil, like any sane man laughed at this sentence, "What, you think I'm gonna let you kill an innocent woman?" He readied himself for battle, he was resolved to fight Implant head on. The symbiote giggled at the thought of this twig fighting him, what the hell did he do to deserve such treatment?


Right, killing people.

Shaking his head, Implant impassively waved his hands, "Listen. Human." He demanded, "I do not know what kind of games you are playing but if you dare to not cooperate then I shall leave-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A scream resonated throughout the entire alley, it was extremely familiar to Implant, and he didnt need to confirm who did this.

"Shriek." He muttered with a raspy breath. He looked around, only to find DareDevil himself spralwed on the ground, it seems that he didnt prepare for it this time around. Sucks to be him, Implant guessed.

His body pretty much weakened, the symbiote turned his head towards the source of the sound, and there he saw her, a woman with a scare that ran down her right eye, an eye that was white in coloration, it reminded Implant of the time he spent inside the Oscorp Facility. He shook his head, this isnt the time to think, he thought to himself,

and then he charged.

Another scream surged through the alleyway, causing Implant to stop in his tracks and reconsider the entire situation. Does he jump to avoid the shouts of this woman? He asked to himself as he looked at the edge of the rooftops, they looked tempting, they were a good cover. More importantly though, they would give him enough time to actually think of a plan to-

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Another shout echoed, from the corner of his ears he heard DareDevil cry out in pain, Implant ignored him.

the symbiote jumped.

The woman tried to scream but Implant's frantic movements enabled him to scale the wall, in exchange for destroying a piece of it.

From there the symbiote banged his hand on his head, the ringing felt painful, if he was human he would have puked a long time ago, thankfully, he wasnt. He paced around the rooftops, trying to listen if the woman had left the alleyway by now,

she hasnt.


He wanted to find a way to neutralize her without getting near her, and every fiber of his body surged with bio electric pulses as he thought about different paths on how to take this on, about how he can attack at long ranges, and then it hit him-

What if he harpoons her with his tendril? Implant grinned at the thought of her dead body, "I'll do just that." He muttered, he then heard Jack inside of him yell about what he was talking about. Implant ignored him.

The symbiote jumped off the roof top, he fell on the abandoned street just outside the alleyway, and from there he saw shriek, he didnt waste seconds as he whipped his entire arm and threw a massive tendril with a sharpened tip, the weapon flew through the air with a whizz.
Unfortunately though, he had underestimated the woman as she immediately screamed, causing the thrown tendril to stop midway through and retract back to Implant.

"What the hell!?" He yelled out. His hands on his face, and then he felt it, a creeping sensation at the end of his nerves, it told him that should he take another blow from this woman's screams he would need to go back inside Jack to reciprocate.

Goddamnit. The symbiote thought to itself, he then saw the woman prepare another scream, and just like a cowboy in the middle of a stand off, Implant himself prepared to draw his gun, he whipped his arms in the fastest possible manner, hopefully faster than the woman's mouth could open.

A tendril shot out, followed by a shockwave, the newly shot harpoon darted through the air at the speed of sound, it easily covered the measly distance between the two combatants and hit the woman's thigh. She screamed, though this time her powers didnt activate, it was a pathetic call for help, typical of the humans to do that.

Implant smiled, a grin full of teeth bloomed on his face.

He felt victorious.

Then he prepared to strike the screaming woman down, he walked towards her, but then he stopped, remembering about all the other symbiotes inside the prison cells within Oscorp, he remembered what kind of plan his race had should they escape from their captivity.

"Goddamnit." The symbiote muttered, before growing out a tendril that had a phone attached to it, smaller biomass soon grew out of that tendril and quickly called 911, he told them what happened on this area, barring the fact that this attack was done by him, and after he was done, he jumped.


planning on doing a mass release tommorrow, after that, this fiction goes on hiatus as I am going to re-write EVERYTHING.

I am not satisfied with what things are now, everything feels so sloppy, Jack and Implant's personalities are all over the place, there are several plot threads that haven't been resolved yet with the main plot pretty much moving forward. (I.E I don't really know what to do with my OC Cassie, the one that Jack slept with at the prologue. And that's only the first of the bunch, there are several more.) And though I have resolved some of them on the later chapters, with me actually liking how Flash's sub-plot is going. But that's also another problem as I feel like Flash himself is quite... stupid. I guess, he just isn't the Rich kid Jock I wanted to write him to be.

the mass released chapters would be unedited, but I doubt that the story will change that much.

What I wanted to say at the end of all this is that, I will write and revision the new and rewritten book quite alot, so expect me to atleast take a few weeks before once again posting.

So to all my readers, I will be going on hiatus for the time being.

Oh, and school. Can't forget about that. Haha.

Anyways, thank you for reading this far, I appreciate it.

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