IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 47

Jack's heart ached as he made his way towards his apartment, he felt Implant's distress, it was the first time the symbiote was like this, and his body didn't like it one bit. Thankfully though, his well built frame took the strain with little to no effort, he was thankful that he actually did work out this time around, he felt that if he didn't, then the pain probably wouldn't just stop with a simple migraine and severe body aches, he felt that it would probably be something similar to him having a fever so high that he would probably become some sort of vegetable for the next few days.
Of course, the symbiote also did it's best to help Jack recover his broken body, and he told the teen that eating as much food as he can hold is the best action they can take for the time being. The moment that Jack emptied their freezer, he found his way to their bed smelling like food, and immediately after that he fell asleep.

By morning, the teen felt somewhat groggy, with a headache so painful he might as well pound his head on the concrete wall to make it feel better. That was how bad the pain was, he also found out that he had slept in, Sheila was long gone, leaving behind a note that said she's going to buy groceries later, it also told him to rest quite well, as it was apparently hard to wake him up, with her thinking that he has died in his sleep. But the ragged breathing and the high body heat convinced Sheila otherwise.
What Sheila did when she found out that Jack was clearly bedridden moved the teen's heart, she called his school and pretended to be his older sister, saying that Jack wouldn't be able to come today since he's sick. She also bought the teen a boxed meal from the nearby 7-11, with a note that said [Microwave This.]

The teen felt happy that he accepted Sheila as his girlfriend, she could be caring at times, and in moments like this one, she really has proven herself to be quite capable of caring for another person. In the end, Jack couldn't help but smile as he thought of her waking up in the morning and working hard, the girl was quite sweet and supportive as well, not to mention her keeping his secret to herself, he's lucky to have her as a girlfriend for sure.

A smile crept up on Jack's face, he couldn't shake off the feeling of happiness, not that he planned on doing it of course. He let himself indulge in that feeling as he microwaved his food, and after a while, the feeling died down.

Finishing his meal, Jack threw the empty box unto the trashcan, now that he actually had time to think during his meal, he realized that Implant has been oddly silent, if not he hasn't spoken at all. Usually the symbiote would start their morning by telling Jack the date and time, and yet...

"Implant, you there?" He asked out all of a sudden, there was no answer, and it got him worried, perhaps the symbiote really over exerted itself and decided to rest. Leaving that to it's own vices, Jack walked around the apartment and checked the time, it was 1 o clock in the afternoon, he had slept in so late that he practically skipped the whole day. Seeing that he now felt fine, the teen decided to pack his gym clothes and work out.

The gym he went to was nothing special, just some place where he would train most of the time, the people here were quite friendly and they would often help each other out, at times, he would see some people having arguments but they were easily resolved, the atmosphere was welcoming and the scent was good. Overall, the place was quite good.

He spent the remaining day on the gym, and after a good workout routine, he went back to his apartment to prepare for his work. He showered, put on his uniform, and waited for Sheila, she should be home in about 20 minutes if his guess is correct. And as he did, he couldn't help but ponder, why is the girl so open about him being a vigilante? Or rather, how does she find the heart to still care for him even though she knows he has killed before? It was quite a bizarre thing, her saying that she's not afraid of death he meant, it was a surprise to him when she said that after she confronted him about this whole ordeal.
It never really got into his thoughts before, but now that he's thinking about it, the conversation buried itself deep into his psyche, what did Sheila mean when she said that she wasn't afraid of death?

Jack shook his head, "I'll just let that be, she'll probably talk about it when she wants to talk about it." He muttered, but then he realized something, often times, he would like people to ask him questions, and he would gladly answer afterwards, he wanted attention back then, and he would get it by saying stuff and when asked, he would immediately feel happy about it and explain the entire thing. Surely Sheila isn't that type of person right?

A tingling sensation crawled up his spine, "Weirdo." He said with a smile.

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