IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 48

several beeps entered Jack's ears as the alarm clock right beside his head blared, and as annoying as it was, Jack felt refreshed upon waking up. Last night, after he had done his shift, his girlfriend managed to convince him to not go out, just this once, she said, and not only Jack, but Implant agreed to her request as well, with the symbiote deciding to sleep after it had realized that it didn't need to exert energy for the night. And so, with both him and Implant relaxing, the two had gotten their well needed rest, with Jack's body feeling better than before whilst Implant greeted him with energy the moment that he woke up.
Jack's hand searched around the bed, and it eventually found itself on top of Sheila's head, where, just like a cat, she proceeded to rub herself on his palm while sleeping, all it needed was a purr and Jack would undoubtedly think his girlfriend is a cat disguised as a human.

Getting up from bed proved to be quite easy today, and Jack stretched with a smile, ready to take on whatever it is that will happen this morning. He left for the kitchen, prepared breakfast, and afterwards was greeted by a groggy Sheila, after the two ate, Jack went ahead and put his school uniform on his bed, he took his clean underwear in the shower and did his business from there.
He put on his uniform with a smile on his face, and after that he told Sheila that he's gonna take his leave now, the girl yelled a small "YEP!" from the shower as confirmation, and Jack left his apartment from there.

Bus rides were... quite boring, but this day felt different, he could feel it. Implant didn't speak all throughout it though, which was a surprise if he was going to be honest, usually the symbiote would talk about the people that they passed by during the ride, or the person sitting next to Jack, but today he seemed to just want to relax. And that got him thinking, what was up with the symbiote not killing his biggest weakness? He knew that Implant probably hid things from him, and he doesn't really want to push anything but why didn't he kill Shriek? Was he afraid of something? Is it to the point that he would rather keep his biggest weakness alive? If so, then what is it?

Jack shook his head, people kept secrets all the time, and if he was some sort of alien parasite, he would probably also keep secrets from his human host, ignorance is bliss after all.

The two soon reached the school, and Jack immediately saw flash thompson sitting at a bench just outside the building, entering the gates, he was greeted by the well built teen. "Yo." Flash said with his hand raised up, Jack waved at him before going near Flash.

"What's up?" He said, sitting down at the bench that Flash is in. Barring another friend of Flash, they were the only ones on the outside of the school grounds, it seems that he went here earlier than he usually does.

"Nothing much." Flash replied, "What about you? You did skip the entire day yesterday, with your girlfriend telling our homeroom that you're apparently sick." He added with a grin,

"I actually was though, I woke up around 1 pm yesterday,"

"Wait really?"


The two then stopped talking after that exchange, and given that they had nothing to talk about, they simply sat there, contemplating things. After a while though, Jack broke the silence.

"So, I heard that you guys are going to the regionals this week." His gaze was still looking at air as he said this, and Flash, snapping from his daze looked at Jack.

"It's actually today, we're going to leave after class ends or something." He replied, "You should come, we can use a little extra support from our school."

Jack nodded his head, "Sure." He responded, "I'll see if it fits in my work schedule." this caused Flash to frown,

"Right, I forgot you actually got to work."

"Gotta pay my bills." Jack replied, scratching his head.

The two once again descended into silence, with Flash clearly thinking about something whilst Jack just sat there, looking at nothing.


With the school bell ringing, the group stood up and headed for there class, Flash's friend split up from them as he was from a different class, the two silently navigated through the crowded hallway of the school and soon enough, they reached their classroom.

Classes soon started, and Implant finally spoke after that, telling Jack that if he really wanted to become some sort of hero, he probably needs to learn a lot of stuff first, and it was safe to say that he needed to start at school. Jack nodded, and silently asked the symbiote if he could help him memorize the different stuff written at the blackboard, the symbiote agreed at the request. And so, the study session of the two started from there.
To no ones surprise, the class, or classes wasnt that hard for Jack, as the teen simply blazed through each subject without any effort, Implant's input and opinion had proven to be quite useful as well, so it was safe to say that if the two of them studied at this pace, they should be able to be labeled as geniuses by the end of next month. And since it was basically so easy, Jack had thought about having a paid leave just to watch Flash's game tonight, well, that, or he just decides to watch the game for an hour before leaving.

Well, since he wanted to earn money this month, Jack decided it was best to just watch the football game for an hour, he and Flash talked about it during lunch, and the guy couldnt be happier that Jack decided to watch their game. Speaking of which, Jack has been hanging out with Flash and his crew for a few weeks now, and they didnt seem that bad, with flash himself deciding to stop bullying people ever since his eighteenth birthday, which, no one's surprise, got him a pretty good reputation all over school.
That aside, Implant has said that he has been observing Peter Parker throughout the entire day, and the kid was... compared to his Spider-Man persona, quite meek. Implant has even went as far as saying that it was almost as if the two are completely different people, to the point that no one would probably suspect that the fun, quirky Spider-Man is the weak, spineless Peter Parker.

The rest of the school day soon passed, and Jack decided to head to their bleachers, as their school is apparently the defenders this time around, that makes things easier, he thought to himself as he grabbed a seat.

The school's stadium wasnt that fancy, if you could even call it that. Well, he guessed that the proper term should be field but he digressed, he doesnt really care about that sort of stuff. As he waited, for the game to start, Flash's girl, friends sat beside him, each one took a seat that's either in front of him, or right beside him. The one that was the furthest out of all of them was Cindy, she has been silent lately, its like she changed over night or something, Jack had worried enough to the point that he asked Implant if something's wrong with her, and of course, the symbiote answered with her being fine, Jack didn't believe the symbiote one bit but he did decide to leave Moon on her own vices, who cares if she has trouble anyways?

Let Spider-Man handle the hero work.

So, the bleachers soon got filled up with people and the game started, the clock had ticked an entire hour before the enemy team had showed themselves. Jack plans on going home by 6 so that he can prepare for his work and he was more than happy to spend an entire hour on this place for the time being.
Olivia offered him a drink halfway through the game, the girl was surprisingly kind at times, given her reputation that is.

He never really bothered about that though, but just because people think shes mean doesnt mean that its actually true.

Jack sat at the bleachers and watched the football game in silence after that, with occasional screaming as their school scored.

Eventually though, he had to go home, he only heard later that night that Flash and his team won the game.

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