IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 49

The night time breeze was cold, darkness has enveloped this side of the world and the only illumination available was the lights that came from the city. Perched atop one of New York's tallest building was Jack, Implant had decided to not show up for the time being so he was left with the fact that he's the one that's gonna do the patrols, in an unknown amount of time.
Currently, he was video-calling his girlfriend Sheila, who was happily exclaiming about how she herself wanted to do the things that Jack was currently doing, of course, the teen only listened to her rants as he didnt actually know if Implant was willing to lend another one of his race to her, not to mention the fact that she may or may not die from that sort of thing, so of course, Sheila's words would only be dreams that she spouts from time to time.

Jack scanned the area, looking for any criminal activity that may transpire, he currently did not know what's going to happen to him should the cops find him but he didn't care, he knows that Shriek had already been aprehended with a 200$ fine and a week in prison, or maybe she was put inside a hospital? Jack didnt really care, though he was surprised that the girl's crimes were so light that she apparently just needed a week of the streets. He has told his girlfriend about her as he flew across the city, of course, Sheila, being the caring woman that she is apparently decided to invesitagate her, and, surprisingly, she has shown a rather useful skillset on the computer, something that Jack didnt know about up until now. She apparently knew how to "Hack" stuff, well, that, or its just her being so patient that she has managed to find several sites that people post uncanny stuff on. She apparently liked to watch gore, and well, sites where one can usually watch that sort of stuff arent exactly on the main stream of the internet, so, like the patient girl that she is, Sheila decided to find them on her own, and now, she apparently has a list of different websites that offer such content.
Such an act didn't really deter Jack, in fact, he thinks its quite cute that his girlfriend is into that stuff, there's nothing bad about someone wanting to watch gore.

After all her searching, Sheila wasnt able to find anything related to shriek, well, except for a few encounters where she apparently caused severe property damage after using her powers a few years back, and Jack means WAY back. Back when he was still a child even. So, apparently, shriek decided to bring down the orphanage she was on at the time, the reason was unknown but Jack suspects it might have something to do with abuse, mutants are getting discriminated today, he cannot imagine what kind of hell Sheila experienced when she was still inside that orphanage.

Jack spent the majority of his time perched on top of the building, and when his girlfriend said that she was going to sleep, it was only then that Jack left for the streets.

He silently flew across new york, it was still pretty early, so he hoped that maybe he could catch a few criminals here and there. But, it was then that he had an amazing idea, this city was already being patrolled by Spider-Man anyways, so what if he just leaves New York for the time being and go to a different part of the states? He has the ability to do it, and if he asks Implant if he could somehow fly faster, then that a positive answer would be great.
Doing just that, he flapped his arms and spoke, "Say, Implant, can I go any faster?"

Why would you want that? The symbiote replied, sounding rather tired.

"I don't know. It just sounds interesting. Oh, and I also would love to cover more ground doing patrols." He answered.

Well, you studied hard earlier this day, you think about flying faster. The symbiote retorted. Jack was speechless at such a response, so he asked the symbiote again-

"Yeah right, come on, just tell me how to fly faster, maybe you could add like, extra limbs that enable me to get speed mid air?"

There was no answer, so Jack waited.

And waited.

Eventually though- "Implant?"

No answer still.


Jack waited for a bit to see if the symbiote was just being shy, but he soon got tired of waiting and he actually decided to come up with actual ideas that would enable him to fly faster. He thought of different animals, what are the fastest beings on this planet? Well, for one, there's the cheetah on land, but since he's in the air he didn't really need to steal any ideas from them. Which, leaves him to the second and the first fastest animals on the planet- The falcon and the sail fish. - Respectively.

He already had a sail, and though he cannot control it, it did it's job quite well.

So that means-

Jack flapped his arms as fast as he could, and he gained altitude, he got higher and higher until he was at the height where planes flew. Once he was satisfied, he took a deep breath, he then released it. A smile crept up on Jack's face, the thought of acting as some sort of bird lit the flames in his heart.

Jack strapped his arms and legs together, his body was in a diving position,

Jack felt weighlessness as gravity took over his entire body,

it didnt take long for him to bullet straight to the ground,

but the sail on his back enabled him to steer somewhat,

so, as he darted through the air at a high velocity, Jack turned his body left and right, he didnt forget to open his arms at times in order to slow himself down and gain another set of altitude, he continued doing this until he reached Indiana. By now, it was only a few hours into the night, if Jack's estimation is correct then it should only be 12 o clock.

He grinned at the thought of stopping crime, though he did not know just HOW MUCH crime is actually being done in this city, but he did not care.

He was going to stop crime regardless.

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