IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 50

As I flew across indiana, my sharpened senses enabled me to hear different stuff going on around the city, from a group of drug addicts doing cocaine in some random alley to a couple getting it on inside some motel, it was a weird feeling, being able to do this, since after all, just a few months ago I was just a regular kid that couldnt even run fast, and now, I basically flew to another city in a matter of hours, not to mention the trip just being that enjoyable.
Thoughts about how I'm now some sort of superhero flashed inside my head, I didn't know that I would become like this, not ever in my life would I expect an alien suddenly invading my body and turning me into some sort of superhuman, hell, I expected to go home from that school trip and just study afterwards. But, it seems that the ever changing world had other plans for me, I do not know what that entails but I sure as hell would try hard, for exactly what, I do not know.

I felt philosophical as I slowly glided through the streets of indiana, almost forgetting that I am actually here to stop crime. But, maybe, just maybe, I could just fly around without really a care in the world for now?

Well, I guess I would rather not so-

The first crime that I stopped when I got into this city was quite mundane, it was just some random mugging that I heard from across the street. Of course, being the wannabe hero that I am, I stopped it before it got any worse, the man tried to fight back but against someone like me, he was no match and was easily apprehended, the police were soon called and I left the mugged man on the scene to explain what happened. I do not know what kind of description he will give about me but I assume it would undoubtedly be related to the new york devil, hopefully.
I want Implant to have a good name, I really do, though the symbiote is making it hard for me to do so, I don't really care, because the one at risk about this whole thing is not only him, but me as well. I couldnt just run around with a bad name to myself, that would be bad, me turning into a fugitive is also a massive problem, I want a normal life, that's the reason why I havent really revealed myself as the 'new york devil', of course, the main reason is that the monster behind that name is a murderer but I could also say that that's exactly why I will never reveal myself, well, not until I clear my name atleast.

With that in mind, I once again jumped from a tall building, the buildings around here were a little short, but they were still pretty good when it comes to giving me the height that I needed to glide.

I once again listened to see if there are crimes happening around the city, and, of course, to one's surprise, there was. I managed to hear a scream not long after I had jumped, the call for help was pretty light, but my ears were still able to pick it up.

I turned my body towards the shout's direction.

The place I ended up in surprised me quite a a bit, as not only was it far from the building I heard the commotion from, but also that I managed to get myself in the warehousy part of the city, more of like some squatter area rather than a city really, didnt know indiana had places like these.
When I arrived, the crime was already being done halfway through, unfortunately, that means that its one of the more... longer ones. So to say, and of course, if one actually thinks it through, there's only one crime that would take time, and that would be rape. When I came, the girl was releasing huffs of pain as the man that pinned her down held her mouth, she was undoubtedly begging her assailant to stop, but it seemed that this guy didnt plan on doing that anytime soon.

The scene reminded me of Implant's experience with something like this, of course, I wasnt as fast as him when it comes to moving in the air but that hardly mattered, as I immediately sprung into action the moment that I arrived at the scene.

I ran with all my might, and when I reached the struggling duo, I gave the man a good punch to the Jaw, he didnt see me, and that was good.

His neck cranked at an uncomfortable angle and his face contorted from the pain, when he recovered from the hit, he immediately looked at me, and I could see his eyes widen from surprise, although he was wearing a mask, his expression was clear-

He was scared.

And for good reason, it seems that he recognized me as he immediately called me a freak, stating that I was trying to copy spider man, it offended me, but I didnt really let it show. Instead, I punched the guy in the face again, and this was the motivation he needed in order for him to get off the woman.
He stood up with staggering steps as his dick hung low between his legs, I saw his hands shiver as he pulled out his weapon, a gun, I couldnt tell what it was, but I did know that it probably wouldnt affect me, so, I let him be, to see what he would do.

"Listen man, I dont wanna mess with you," The man, pointing a shivering gun at me said as he pulled up his pants.

"You and your superhero gig isnt gonna fly far like that Spider-Freak in new york." I didnt know what was up with people calling us freaks but eh, I let it be.

Seeing that I still didnt talk to him, he fired a shot.

Only for the bullet to limplessly fall to the ground without doing significant damage. I was thankful to this new addition, Implant had said that he can now harden his body and it seems that he didnt lie. A smile bloomed on my face, and my synth-skin followed my expression, rows upon rows of teeth emerged from the place where my mouth was supposed to be, they were un organized and loose, not to mention me not really having a mouth, with it being more of like a mask that had no hole, so it was really a question to anyone as for where these teeth came from.

The man, clearly freaked out by this, fired off another shot. It had the same effect as it had earlier, with the bullet being deflected and falling to the ground.

Seeing that this whole thing wouldnt really lead anywhere,

I rused the man.

He fired several shots as I ran towards him, they of course, did nothing. I easily apprehended him without much effort, I tied him up using Implant's... mucus? I guess? and left him for the cops.

After that, I turned towards the woman, who, by now, was crying on the streets on her knees, she still hasnt put on her jeans.

I approached her,

she looked at me with worry in her eyes,

"You okay maam?" I said to her, my voice was calm and non-agressive.

She didnt answer me, and I let her be, suggesting that she should try putting on her jeans because the cops would soon arrive. Upon hearing this, she hurriedly pulled up her pants, and I smiled, this time, the skin didnt do a follow up.

I asked her several more questions after that, and I escorted her up until the cops arrived, in which, I left her to be in their care. Deciding to patrol the city ones more, I leaned in to see if I could hear any more crimes.

I was inside the city stopping crimes up until 4 am in the morning, and I managed to stop precisely two muggings, three robberies, and one rape in that small amount of time, all the while calling the cops and giving recognition to my name. I called myself Implant, and of course, after calling them four times in a row, they were able to conect me to New York's Devil. and I started running away from them starting at that point.

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