In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 59 – Runes, oh so sweet runes

“I swear, Professor Vector wants to overcome Snape with her homework!” Roger said as he sat down on one of the seats beside Logan and Jake, sighing as he put a set of books on the table. “It wasn’t a joke when people said she was super strict with her classes.”

“Well, but it’s also an interesting class, isn’t it? I’ve heard it is useful for Curse Breakers when it comes to, well, break curses.” Logan said as he worked on his own homework, which was for Ancient Runes.

“Can’t tell mate, right now we’re on the theory.” Roger said as he opened his book. “How about divination, Jake?”

“Easy.” Jake said with a smirk. “I can’t believe it is a class, predict a death, or two, and done! You get points.” He said with a chuckle.

“I know, right?” Logan nodded. “I couldn’t believe it when the upperclassmen told me about that class. It’s so easy to go through it that it’s not even funny.”

Roger groaned as he heard both of them. “A good thing that I didn’t take that class…”

“Mm? Weren’t you complaining about the insane amount of homework from Arithmancy?” Jake asked.

“That is that, and this is this. Look, I might not look like it, but I enjoy my books and knowledge. Divination is useless if you don’t have the correct trait for it.” Roger said as he started to take notes for his homework.

“Trait?” As he listened to Roger, he couldn’t help but tilt his head.

“He means that if you don’t have seer blood in you, Divination is, basically, gibberish.” Logan said, closing his book while looking at Roger. “By the way. Today’s your first practice session, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Roger nodded without taking his eyes from the homework. Though both Jake and Logan could see a small smile forming on his face. “I’ll finally start practicing with the team today.”

During their second week at the school, Roger went to Madam Hooch and requested to play on the Ravenclaw’s team. He soon was taken to the current captain of the team, a seventh-year girl called Rose Miller, who later took him to take a test with the rest of the interested participants.

Roger tried for the Chaser position, and he has been training during his second year, and even during the summer, every day without exception, and said training paid off, as he soon was accepted into the team as one of the three chasers.

“Great.” Logan nodded. 

“Yeah, finally, all that training did help me get a post!” Roger said, showing how excited he was by making a gut pose. “Also, believe it or not, Cho Chang also made it into the team.”

“Cho did?” Jake asked as he tilted his head. “What position?”

“Substitute Seeker.” Roger said. “They want to train her as a seeker to replace the current one that will be graduating this year.”

“That makes sense.” Logan nodded before rubbing his chin. “By the way, do you want to train with me?”

“Mm?” Both Roger and Jake turned to him. “Train what?” Roger tilted his head as he asked in a confused tone.

“Physically training, I mean.” Logan said with a shrug. “I train every morning.”

“You do!?” Both Jake and Roger asked in surprise.

“Yeah, you never noticed?”

“Of course not!”

“We never see you train, dude.”

At this point, both of them were completely confused. After all, none of them actually saw Logan training.

“I’ve been doing it since my first year.” Logan said, dumbfounded. “Heck, William knows!”

“He does!?” Roger asked flabbergasted. “Why did you never tell us!?”

“You guys never asked!” Logan said as he shook his head. “Besides, you two lazy bums never wake up before 7:00 AM.”

“It doesn’t make sense to wake up so early in the morning…” Jake said with a sigh.

“Right, classes don’t even start before 8:30 AM.” Roger nodded.

“Whatever dude.” Logan said with a shrug. “Are you in or not? You’ll need to prepare better if you’re going to start playing as a chaser.”

“Right… What time do you normally train?”

“I go out fifteen minutes before 6.” Logan said with a smirk.

“Do you even sleep!?” Was all Roger said before slumping down on his books and parchment. “Ha… Fine. Let’s do it.”

“Excellent! That’s the spirit.” Logan smirked, before turning to Jake. “What about you, man? Wanna join on the fun?”

“No… I’ll pass, I love my sleep too much to wake up before 6.” Said Jake as he waved his hand dismissively.

“Suit yourself.” Logan shrugged. “Well, Davies.” He then turned with a smirk to his friend. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning down here in the common room before going to my usual training place.” A groan was all Logan received for an answer.

Even with the shown reluctance, when the next morning came, both Logan and Roger were present in Ravenclaw’s common room.

“Look at you, I thought you wouldn’t come.” Logan said with a smirk as he made some light stretches for his legs.

Roger's first answer was a really big yawn, right before he rubbed his almost closed eyes. “Don’t make me regret this so early…” He spoke slowly. “So? Where are we going? Also, are those muggle clothes?”

“Yeah, they’re really comfy for training, you should get some too whenever you can.” Logan chuckled. “And you’ll see, it’s a really great place for exercising.” Soon both of them were outside of the Ravenclaw tower and on their way to the outside of the castle.

“You’ll need stamina, and build some muscle. On both your lower and upper body.” Logan said as they both walked through the empty halls of the castle. “After all, you’re a chaser, so you really need to have the strenght to throw.”

“Yeah, the practice from yesterday kind of gave me an introductory course to that.” He said with a sigh as he remembered his arm going numb. While Ravenclaw wasn’t exactly a strong team regarding Quidditch, the current captain, Rose, was really strict, and her training regimen was insane, it made Roger question why their team wasn’t that good. Though it wasn’t as if they were last.

“You’ve been training since a while ago, but mostly on your broom, right?” Logan asked as they both finally made their way outside of the castle.

“Yeah. I’ve been doing some light running, but most of my training was done on a broom. Why?”

“Well, my idiot friend, we’ll need to change that.” Logan smirked.

“The idiot part was unnecessary…” Roger said as he rolled his eyes.

Both students soon got to the beachside of the Black Lake, where Logan quickly instructed Roger on some movements, like stretching their legs and arms, jumping jacks, softly running on the place, lunges, and bridges. which the latter repeated without questioning.

“Ha… Well… Ha… I honestly thought… that this was going to be a lot… harder.” Roger said as he swiped the sweat from his forehead, his breathing erratic as he tried to recover his breath after the last squat.

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Logan asked with his head tilted, still in a really great condition, as if he was just out of the castle.

“The exercises.” Roger quickly answered as he stretched his legs.

“What exercises?” Logan asked, confusion clear on his face.

“...The ones we just did…” Roger said.

“Oh!” Logan nodded in a moment of realization “You mean the warm-ups?” before he asked with confusion once again present on his face.

“The… what…?” Roger asked with a lost face, his voice slightly trembling.

“Warm-ups. We were just warming up before starting our training.” Logan said with a smile. But to Roger, this smile was more close to the grin of a Devil. That day, Roger was barely able to attend classes, and even then, others could only see how his eyes were devoid of any life, even his usual ‘checking for cuteness’ activity was absent that day. Jake, who knew the reason, could only pray for his friend, while also thanking all the gods he remembered for dodging such a terrible fate.

Contrary to what Jake and William, who also knew of the agreement, expected, Roger didn’t resign, and the next morning he once again woke up and went to train with Logan, just that this time, Logan could notice a pair of bloodshot eyes were constantly looking at his back during the training.

Time slowly went by, and as classes progressed, Logan saw hope in Runes. In his words, picking Ancient Runes was the best decision he ever made, which by itself is and at the same time isn’t a big accomplishment, according to the system, who thought that it wasn’t a hard competition considering the long list of really bad ideas, along with his the fact that it was amazing that he even had the idea of studying runes to complement his vocation’s spell in the first place.

Coming back to the topic, after studying and reading a couple of books about runes, he discovered that it was one of the available ways to enchant items, as well as to create wards of all kinds. They were even used in old ritual ceremonies to channel magic all around the ritual place, creating runic formations.

{And my Rune Inscription spell makes things easier.} Logan thought as he look at a list of runes he was creating to have as a reference later. Using the spell allowed him to easily inscribe these runes using magic, so no matter whether he had materials at hand to draw the runes or not, he could simply use his finger as a tool once the spell was activated and write the rune.

The reason why activating the spell did nothing at first, was because he actually needed to inscribe the rune, whether that was done using Norse runes like Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, Dalecarlian runes, or using other similar types of written languages like hieroglyphs from different cultures like Egyptians, Mayans, Olmec, Indu Scripts, and even some more recent like modern Japanese, Chinese or Korean could be used, as well as the older version of said languages.

The only thing that he found strange, was that he didn’t find runes that use an English alphabet or even a Latin one, which was weird considering that most of the spells were somewhat derived from Latin and similar languages.

What was most shocking, was the fact that he could even write the runes in the air if needed, though while testing, he figured out that he needed more than simply writing them, as well as to do it fast when doing it on the air. The intent was also an important aspect while engraving runes.

“Well, I guess I should start practicing some calligraphy…” Logan muttered with a sigh as he finished writing another rune from the Elder Futhark runic alphabet, before closing the book about Norse runes.

“Are you done?” Asked William, who also took the class for Ancient Runes.

“Yeah, I just finished copying the whole runic alphabet.” Logan nodded as he stretched.

“It looks like an interesting class. Ancient Runes, I mean.” Cho, who was sitting with them as she had some questions regarding her transfiguration class, said. This time they were the only ones of the usual group present, as the others had a different schedule for the day.

“Well, I guess, I do find it interesting as it’s another way of actually doing magic.” Logan said with a nod as he turned to her. “Let me see your work.” He took her parchment to see how far she had advanced with her homework.

“Yes, and add that there’s so much history kept inside the different runic alphabets. It’s intriguing” William complemented.

“Is that so?” Cho asked with a tilted head. “But how can you do magic with words? Then wouldn’t writing a spell pronunciation make.”

“It’s because they’re not words. Or at least, not the ones we normally use to write or even speak.” William said. “Take hieroglyphs as an example, they’re a representation of the reality that surrounded the Egyptians thousands of years ago, and they used them to transcribe that reality into something that others could later read.”

“Exactly.” Logan said as he quickly run something on the paper. “See here?” He said as he pointed at what he wrote. It was a simple group of three Elder Futhark runes.

“What is it?” Cho asked at the three runes that he wrote.

“This is one of the different ways to write Light using Elder Futhark.” Logan explained as he took out his wand. “It’s actually the simplest one. But it will help me for this demonstration.” As he spoke, he touched the runes with his wand, letting the magic flow through them and creating a simple effect of illumination.

“Wow…” Cho was amused at the show of magic by the runes. By itself, the illumination spell wasn’t even close to what was possible using a simple illumination charm like Lumus, but it was the first she saw this type of magic being used. She was under the impression that Ancient Runes, just like Arithmancy and somewhat Divination, was just the theory type of class, where there was barely any practical use.

“Amazing, right? And this isn’t even the start of what you can do with runes.” Logan said with a smile. “After all, most of the enchantments and the wards use runes to properly work.”

“That’s true.” William nodded. “While not being as flashy as using charms or jinxes, runes are indeed an important part of the Wizarding world.”

“I didn’t know any of that…” Cho said, her eyes fixed on the light rune, as it slowly lost its light after Logan stopped feeding it magic.

“Well, you should study a little bit more about the electives, after all, you’re in your second year, and you will need to pick your next year's electives.” Logan said as he smiled.

“Right…” Cho nodded at the idea of starting to investigate more of the different electives. But she was confident that one of them was going to be Ancient Runes after what she saw today.

“By the way, do you guys think there will be new decorations tomorrow?” Asked William.

“Huh? Tomorrow?”

“Yes, it’s Halloween after all.” William said.

“Oh, right.” Logan nodded as he almost forgot that tomorrow was October 31st. “Well, I’m not sure, they usually use the same decorations all the time, with some difference here and there, so maybe?”

“They change them? I had the feeling it was always the same.” Cho said with a tilted head.

“Well, most of them are basically the same, but some things do change.” Logan said.

“It’s just that you need to be very perceptive.” William complemented.

“Well… I’m normally more worried about my homework, or not catching Peeve's attention…” Cho said with an awkward chuckle.

“That’s true. He can go overboard sometimes.” Logan nodded with a chuckle. “The twins are also something else, I’m pretty sure they’ll try something tomorrow. I would bet for that, no questions asked.”

“Yes, and they will surely try to get you.” Cho said with a chuckle. It wasn’t a secret for anyone that the twins, along with the recently graduated Tulip and Tonks, tried their best to prank Logan, without any success so far, which made it more obvious that the twins would try something to prank him at every chance they get.

{Ha… Hopefully, they don’t get overboard this time…} Logan thought with an awkward smile at the idea of the twins trying something outrageous while trying to prank him.

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