In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 60 – Point-Troll in the dungeons!?

The next day soon came, and while Logan was walking towards his late morning transfiguration class with his friends, a small girl with bushy hair passed by them at a hurried pace, her head down and with books tightly held close to her chest.

“Huh?” Roger, surprised as the girl almost stumbled her, turned to look at her back. “What was that? Was she crying?”

“Looks like it.” William nodded.

“Ha…” Carla Moncado sighed before commenting. “She’s Hermione Granger. A freshman.”

“How do you know that?” Julie asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I’ve heard some of our year’s Gryffindor talk about her before, well, more like complaining about her before.” Carla shrugged.

“Complaining? Why?” Roger asked, confused.

“It seems they don’t like her bossy attitude.” Carla said. “She goes around telling people what to do, or what not to do.”

“Oh, it’s her.” Lyra nodded. “I’ve also heard some rumors from her, seems she doesn’t want to lose points by others doing things they shouldn’t.”

“Seems like someone might have said something to her.” Jake commented.

“I would bet anything that it was the Weasley youngling, or that Malfoy kid.” Casually commented Johanne, who had her eyebrow furrowed.

“Why? I get Malfoy, he’s a prick, but why the Weasly kid?” Asked Roger, remembering the Weasleys he knew about, who were all great guys, except for the Fifth Year prefect.

“He’s also a prick, a different kind of a prick, but a prick nonetheless. The little asshole doesn’t control his mouth and it’s too stupid to think twice before acting, scratch that, I don’t think he’s even capable of thinking..” Johanne said.

Logan chuckled, of all of them, Johanne had the sharpest mouth, she didn’t speak too much about others, but when she did, it could turn ugly, really fast. But in a sense, she wasn’t that wrong. From what he remembers in the movie, Ron was a real prick to Hermione before the accident with the troll. {Right, it happens today…} The chat reminded him of the troll accident. Halloween, Hermione is crying. It all matched. It was today. {Better be ready to get the point-troll in the dungeons…}

As the day passed, the time for the yearly Halloween banquet finally came, and while everyone was enjoying the exotic Halloween sweets and pastries, the doors to the Great Hall shot open, with Quirrel running inside with a fear-stricken face, getting the attention of all the students as he rushed towards the professors' table, slumped in front of Dumbledore’s chair.

“Troll…” He gasped. “In the dungeons… thought you ought to know…” Immediately after, he fainted and limply fell to the floor.

Not a second had passed when a sudden uproar took place in the Great Hall, all the students screaming in fear at the words from Quirrell.

{Wasn’t this scene different in the movies?} Logan thought as he looked at the scared students.

“SILENCE!” A sonorous voice covered the Great Hall as Dumbledore stood from his chair. All the students calmed down, their attention now fixed on the school’s Headmaster. “Prefects.” With the student’s attention on him, Dumbledore proceeded. “Lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately.” He ordered.

{That’s not really a good idea if we consider that Slytherin’s dorms are in the dungeons…} Logan thought awkwardly as he stood up, looking at the Ravenclaw prefects leading the first year out, following next, right behind all his friends, who, filled with fear, didn’t notice his disappearance after a turn outside of the Great Hall. {I heard Quirrell say there were free points in the dungeon.} He chuckled inwardly as he rushed to look for the troll, turning invisible. It was time to harvest some points. 

Instead of going toward the dungeon, he opened a map as soon as the rest of the students were out of sight. “I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good…” He whispered as he pointed his wand towards the map. {Well Hermione, let’s see if Fate is as strict as the system says…} Logan thought as he made his way towards the bathroom where Hermione has been crying. After all, there was no way to look for something when you have a clear idea of where it would appear next.

Logan started walking. But as he was making his way towards the place where Hermione was, he noticed that he wasn’t the only one, as, in front of him, a couple of younger students were also running in the same direction. {Well, this is great. Things are turning out to be just as in the movie.} Logan thought as he followed the two students, who turned out to be Harry and Ron.

As they all made their way towards Hermione, with the two first-years unknowingly being followed, a disgusting stench reached their nose. {Damn… This is worse than the normal troll’s smell!} Logan thought as he covered his nose. While he knew that trolls were really stinky, it wasn’t this bad when he fought them before in the forest. {It seems like being in a closed space with a troll is the true danger!}

While he was immersed in his thoughts, both kids decided to trap the troll inside a room where it entered, closing the door with the key. Coincidentally, this was the same room where Hermione was. {Shit… They’re killing her!} Logan thought with his mouth wide open as he watched this happen. {Was it like this during the movies? No… I’m sure it didn’t happen like this.} A high-pitched, terrorized scream woke him from his dumbfounded state.

“Oh, no…” Ron, who was almost at the corner of the hallway, stopped and said. His face was pale as a ghost.

“That’s the girls’ bathroom!” Harry shouted. “Hermione!” followed by both of them shouting at the same time and rushing towards the door.

{Shit.} Logan thought with a sigh as he followed but kids, who quickly opened the door. Entering the room after them, he saw how Harry was desperately trying to pull a faucet, which he managed, before throwing it hard towards the wall, stopping the advancement of the troll who was slowly closing on Hermione. Before the troll or anyone else could move another muscle, Logan deactivated his invisibility at the door. “What are you doing putting yourselves in danger, you idiots!” He shouted, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

“Huh?” Both Ron and Harry were dumbfounded, because of how quickly someone came. Harry even suspected that he followed both him and Ron here.

At the same time, another sharp scream came from Hermione, who had to crouch even lower on the floor to evade the moving club of the troll, which thankfully, wasn’t intending to hit her, it was just that the giant idiot was too big and any movement he made reached quite far.

“Move!” Logan shouted as he put himself in front of both Harry and Ron. With a wave of his wand, multiple ropes suddenly shot towards the golem trapping his arms and legs. The next thing the three freshmen saw was the ropes turning into iron chains that trapped the troll, who was trying to free itself. {He. Practicing Transfiguration to turn into an Animagus was one of the best things I ever did.} After mentally patting himself on the back, he extended his hand toward Hermione. “Get over here.” As he spoke, a magic rope shot towards her, circling her before tightening around her body and pulling her towards Logan.

“Wah!” Surprised by the sudden action that didn’t take more than a second, Hermione could only scream, and just as she flew over the troll, a cracking sound could be heard as the thin chains started to break. {Shit. This would be easier if I didn’t have to worry about showing gory scenes inside the school.} Logan thought while clicking his tongue, catching the flying Hermione.

Looking down at the stunned girl that didn’t expect to suddenly fly through the room, he asked. “You okay?” His voice made her snap out of her dazed expression while turning to look at the one who caught her.

“Y-Yes…” Hermione nodded. “T-Thank You…”

“Um… Guys?” Harry suddenly spoke. “I think he’s standing up.” As he said that, his finger was pointing at the struggling troll that was trying to move its uselessly big body to stand up.

“We should run!” Ron said as he tried to urge the other ones to escape. “He’ll soon be up!”

“Tch. Relax. Behind me.” Logan said as he stepped forward, the ropes that grabbed Hermione already vanished as he pushed her behind. With a sigh, he waved his wand towards the troll {Exori.} A magic impact in the form of a slightly blue transparent ball shot to the troll that finally stood up, sending the unbalanced brute towards the wall with strenght.

“Urgh!” It whined in pain after hitting the wall, falling on its rear after impacting the wall. 

Without hesitation, Logan quickly waved his wand again in an upward sweeping motion, keeping it straight towards the creature. {Exori Frigo Hur!} With a quick thought, Logan’s wand started to eject a freezing wind that quickly started to freeze the Troll, leaving an ice statue after a few seconds.

“Wicked!” Ron shouted as he looked at the frozen troll. “How did you do that!” Harry also nodded slowly at Ron’s excitement.

“How did you do that without saying any incantations?” Hermione also asked, eyes wide open as she looked at the frozen troll. Asking herself if this was something all older students could do.

With a sigh, Logan turned toward the three students. “So, before you start with your questions. Care to explain to me, you idiots, why would you be here facing a freaking troll?” He asked with narrowed eyes, waiting for the lack of oxygen to finally kill the troll.

“Um-” Ron and Harry looked at each other and at Hermione, who was also out of words. But even before any of them could try to explain themselves, another voice came toward them.

“I could be asking the same thing, Mr. Taylor.” Hearing that well-known strict voice behind, Logan could only freeze for a second, before sighing and turning towards the door, where McGonagall stood with her arms crossed, and a stern look on her face. Though Logan could swear that he saw her glancing at the frozen troll for a moment.

“Um… Hello, Professor.” Logan said as he smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “I saw two students getting out of formation, and I followed them, only to find them in front of the troll, with Miss Granger cornered by the troll. I couldn’t just leave them to fend off by themselves.”

McGonagall raised an eyebrow. “Is that why you decided to turn the troll into an ice statue?”

“I had to think quick, and could just come up with that.” Logan shrugged, still smiling awkwardly.

Looking at him, she could only sigh. “Professor Snape, could you please unfreeze the troll.” Without speaking, Snape, who was standing behind McGonagall, entered and started to unfreeze the troll, who was unconscious by now. As he did that, McGonagall turned back to the three first-years. “Now, I would like to know, why would Mr. Taylor feel the need to follow you two, Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, here?”

Both of them could only look down as they glanced at each other. But before they could answer, someone else was already talking. “It’s my fault, Professor…” A small, almost fading voice said from beside them.

“Hermione Granger!?” McGonagall frowned, surprised.

“I… I came to look for the troll…” Hermione said. “Because I… I thought I could… beat it… because, you know, I’ve read a lot about them.”

Harry and Ron looked at her, both of them shocked. Logan looked at this in amazement, seeing how the same scene from the movies was coming to life, well, except for the frozen troll and himself.

“If it wasn’t for them… and for him that followed them, I would be dead right now… Ron and Harry caught his attention before it could attack me, and… he trapped him before rescuing me… Then he just froze the troll…”

“And froze it he did…” A low, irritated whisper came from where the troll sat unconscious, as Snape worked to unfreeze it completely with the help of Quirrel.

“Well…” McGonagall said as she stared at the students in front of her. “In that case… Hermione Granger, you’re dumb. How could you believe that you were able to defeat a troll all by yourself?” At this, Hermione just lowered her head in shame, while Harry and Ron couldn’t believe what they were hearing; Hermione Granger was lying for their sake! Feigning that she broke the rules to take them out of trouble. 

“Miss Granger,” Continued McGonagall. “Gryffindor will lose five points for what you did. I’m terribly disappointed in your actions.” She then turned to Harry and Ron. “And you both, I hope you know how fortunate you were that Mr. Taylor was present to save you. A troll is not something that first years can fight. I understand that you did so to help your friend, and for that, I won’t take points from you, but next time, Potter, Weasley, go to a professor before doing something stupid.” She said sternly. “Now, if none of you three were hurt, you can go back to Griffyndor’s tower, the students are finishing the Halloween party on their towers.”

At her words, Ron and Harry looked at each other before going out of the tower with their head lows, trying not to pull more trouble for them. Hermione looked at Logan and thanked him once again, before following Harry and Ron.

“Well, Mr. Taylor.” McGonagall turned to Logan who was still standing there. “I can’t say that I’m not pleased by your actions tonight; you saved the lives of three Hogwarts students.”

{If only you knew that I didn’t have to act… Damn, my points! Couldn’t you come later!?} Logan thought to himself. “Then… Can I go back? I’m sure my friends are worried that I disappeared.” He said with an awkward smile.

“Right.” McGonagall nodded before she smiled. “5 points to Ravenclaw for successfully defeating a troll, and another 5 for acting to save your fellow students.”

“Thank you, Professor.” Logan said with a smile.

“I must say, that I’m surprised by your use of magic, Mr. Taylor.” McGonagall said as she looked at the bathroom. Freezing a troll is not something that any third-year student could easily do.

“Haha… I’ve been practicing quite a lot.” Logan chuckled in an awkward tone. “Then, I’ll be leaving Professor.”

“Right, just so you know, I’ll inform Professor Dumbledore of what had happened here.” She said with a nod while gesturing for him to leave.

“Yes.” Logan nodded and immediately left. On his way to Ravenclaw’s tower, he took a look at the notifications that he ignored until now.

[Congratulations! Fuck you J.K.! Main Chain Quest has been updated! You’ve stopped Harry and Ron from saving Hermione, and did it yourself! The poor idiot (dumber than you) didn’t learn Wingardium Leviosa correctly this time, and you lost Gryffindor 10 points! The ones that were taken from Hermione, and the ones Ron and Harry didn’t get for defeating the troll!]

[100pts have been earned!]

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! Start your way to get the title Copy-Ninja Kakashi! You almost successfully copied Scorpion’s Get Over Here!]

[1pt for the effort!]

{Oy… You’re messing with me, right? RIGHT!? I couldn’t stab Hermione!} Logan thought furiously as he looked at the last notification. With a sigh, he decided not to say anything else, and just made his way towards Ravenclaw’s tower, he knew he’ll soon be bombarded by his friends on where he was.

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