In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 61 – Rune Shield

The story about the defeated troll soon made its way into the rumor mill of Hogwarts, which caused most of the students that were already terrified of Logan, to stay even farther away from him.

As if that wasn’t enough, there was a time when Logan called a student in the library, only for said student to scream and ran away, thinking that Logan was about to do something to him. This, in turn, made Roger, Jake, William, and Carmen laugh all day long as soon as they heard the supposed ‘attack’, while Logan could only sulk, lamenting how misunderstood he was, after all, he just wanted to ask the student for the book he had on his hands.

During his stay in the library, after a few days, Hermione Granger started to show up, and ask for recommendations on books. At first, it wasn’t a direct approach, she just glanced at him from time to time while keeping to her own stuff. But soon she started to greet him. There was this one time when Logan was tutoring Cho and Marietta in their charms classes, and Hermione, after looking at it, sat down and started to listen to the ‘class’, as well as taking notes from time to time.

It wasn’t something that happened frequently, but she did so a few times per week. With normal classes, morning training, and the usual chit-chat between classes and in the common room, the time in Hogwarts passed for Logan, and soon the quidditch season started.

Normally Logan wasn’t that interested in quidditch, and true to himself, he even missed the first game of the season, the fabled Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Though he did hear from his friends how Potter had to hold to the broom for dear life, as the broom acted erratically during a part of the game.

Of course, he knew that it would happen, but it wasn’t as if he was going to interfere with it, and from what he heard, everything seemed to happen like in the movies, so no one died in that game.

Roger, on the other hand, vowed to improve and take the win this year for his team. Something Logan doubted as he didn’t remember Ravenclaw winning any coup.

{Maybe with me here, and Roger’s harsher training, it might be possible?} Logan thought before grabbing Roger’s shoulder. “That’s the spirit. I will increase your training in order to help you, brother!” He said with a serious face, while Roger could only pale as he heard him.

Jake and William, who were looking at them, could only pray for their friend. It was clear that he would be dying soon. And as they expected, in the coming days they could see Roger barely being able to move his body. No matter how they look at him, it seemed that he survived something that didn’t fall short of torture.

But soon enough, the day of truth came, and Roger finally demonstrated that all that training finally paid off.

“Do you think they can win?” Asked Lyra as she sat on the stand, while she wasn’t that fond of quidditch, and actually preferred to pass her time either with her friends or in the library, she wanted to support Roger on their first game. As much as they fought, she still considered him a friend.

“Well, I don’t know.” Logan said as he shook his head. “I know that he’s been training hard, but it’s quidditch, and he’s a chaser. Unless he manages to gather enough points to offset the snitch’s 150 points, a good play from Hufflepuff’s seeker will make him lose the game.”

“We can only hope…” Followed William.

“I still think those rules are stupid…” Jake mentioned. “No matter how hard the rest of the team plays, just a single play can practically win you the game.”

“Well, it’s not a sure thing, but I do know where you’re coming from.” Logan said with a sigh.

Soon, both teams made their way to the field, and at Professor Hooch’s command, the game started.

[And the Quaffle is on the field! Ravenclaw’s new chaser gets the Quaffle! And there he goes! Look at the newcomer! He’s flying fast and sharp!]

“Go, Roger!” Jake, who was an avid follower of soccer, also felt that it was important to cheer for your team with all your might, even if it was a different game. “YOU CAN DO IT!”

“Show those badgers how to play!” William shouted too. Soon the game intensified, and while the snitch was out of sight, all the eyes were on the rest of the players.

[GOAL FOR RAVENCLAW! Courtesy of Roger Davies!]


{Ho… This doesn’t look bad at all.} Thought Logan as he excitedly followed the players on the field. In the movies, everything he saw was the games from Gryffindor and Slytherin, and being honest, he felt that what they showed in the movies didn’t make the game justice. {Was it because it focused too much on Harry?}

[And Samuels sent a great bludger towards Macavoy! That surely hurt! And Davies gets the Quaffle again!]

“He’s good!” Johanne said with a wide smile. The rest of the group nodded as they keep cheering.

[Davies and Stretton pass the quaffle between them! LOOK AT THEM EVADING THE BLUDGERS! AND GOL FOR RAVENCLAW!]

As the game advanced, Ravenclaw kept the superiority in points.


“That was close!” Sighed William. “Cedric is a really great seeker!”

“Yes, did you see how he flew through the field!?” Carmen said with a bright smile, Logan could bet that she had stars in her eyes.

“Carmen, our team is Ravenclaw.” Said Jake with a deadpan face.

“Tch. I know. I’m just saying that Cedric is a great player, right girls?” She asked the others, which also nodded.

{Hope he falls to his death!} Thought every guy that heard them. {Freaking popular kids! What’s so good about him?} Including Logan who was sulking. Though, if he said what he thought, William and Jake would probably glare at him.

With the first game of the season over for Ravenclaw, the whole house had a celebration, and they all congratulated Roger, who was one of the best players of the game, falling short only behind Cedric, and that was only because of Cedric’s position as a seeker, which had great importance to the game.

A few days later, it was already December, and Logan decided to take a stroll to the Room of Requirements, as it was time for him to start practicing some of the knowledge he had learned in runes.

“Mm… What could we use…” He thought for a moment as he looked through the store of the system until finally, an idea came up. “Well, we could try with some defensive, runes, right?” As muttered that, he decided to buy a simple steel shield.

With the simple circular shield, which looked a lot like a buckler without the protrusion at the center, he started to go through some of the runes he knew of and started to write around the whole shield. The whole process felt as if he was writing some kind of programmatic language, which he somewhat knew from his previous life.

{Damn… Why didn’t I focus more on coding before!?} Logan lamented as he wrote the runes on the shield. While it was true that he had some knowledge of coding, it was too basic, and he knew just basic syntaxis. Even then, writing runes wasn’t as complicated as coding, so even the basic was really useful for him.

Thanks to his spell, he could finish his first inscription in thirty minutes. It was a really simple inscription that gave the buckler a somewhat weaker version of the normal Protego charm. As soon as he finished writing the last necessary rune, a notification popped up.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! Create your first enchanted item! There’re multiple ways to grow stronger, and one of them is by arming yourself properly, as a wise greedy man once said, nothing matters as long as you’re overgeared!]

[200pts have been earned!]

“Mm? Overgeared? The heck is that?”

[You fool! You can’t recognize the greatness of Mt. Tai even if you have it in front of your blind eyes!]

{...Huh?} Logan was shocked for a second. “Are you alright?”


“...Right.” Logan decided not to ask further. “Anyways, this is a really great tool, huh?” He said as he looked at the shield. While it was a weakened version of the Protego spell, it was still easy to use. “I can even enchant items and sell them… and if I manage to use my spellbook spells… then I would have a small monopoly inside the market of enchanted items… this is amazing…” Logan’s eyes widened as stars shone inside them. “So much money, at the palm of my hands…” He muttered as he raised the shield carefully over his hands.

After making a second shield, which he decided to call Rune Shield, he decided to stop, as he first needed to experiment with other types of runic enchantments.

“I should have focused a little bit more on this before. This opens a couple of possible paths for me…” Logan muttered as he rubbed his chin.

[I actually think you worked quite fast on this.]

“Huh?” Logan tilted his head.

[With your brain, I would expect you to think of this at least in your fifth year or something.]

“...” Logan’s eyebrow twitched for a moment. “Just shut up and let me have my happiness.”

[Fine, fine. By the way, I do encourage you to sell these, you probably didn’t notice as you don’t have anything to compare, but thanks to your spell, your runes have a better effect than normal.]

“Huh? Really? But the Protego spell was weaker than normal…”

[Well, consider that your magic is quite strong, and you’re already at a level comparable to the strongest professors, if we take out Dumbledore, that is. And you also used simple runes, normally other wizards would need more complex runes, and more than the ones you used to get a similar result.]

“Excellent, so I’ll have a really great business at hand.”

[You should. If you’re not able, then I’ll really doubt your intelligence. More than I do now.]

Logan just clicked his tongue and decided to ignore the system for now. He had more important things to do, like print money-maker items. {I won’t focus on shields, I need clothes more than shields. I really doubt the wizards use shields.} He thought as he started to plan the next item to test the runes.

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