In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 64 – Nicolas Flamel?

Christmas passed, and time moved forward. After the conversation with Dumbledore inside the chamber where the stone was kept, during the next two weeks, Logan focused his time between learning runes and learning French.

“Mr. Taylor, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office.” One afternoon, after his Ancient Runes classes, McGonagall reached to him while he and William were walking towards the library to meet with the rest.

“Is it something bad professor?” Logan tilted his head, confused. After all, it has been a while since he made something that could be considered ‘breaking the rules'.

“No, it isn’t Mr. Taylor.” McGonagall shook her head while rolling her eyes. “Unless… you have done something that might require your attendance to the Headmaster’s office?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, which made William chuckle. “Is that a yes I hear from Mr. O’Neill?”

Coughing, William shook his head. “Not at all, Professor McGonagall…”

“Yes, professor, I’ve been behaving really well lately!” Logan quickly followed, holding the need to elbow William.

“Mm… Is that so? Then, Mr. Taylor, I suggest you go to Professor Dumbledore’s office as soon as possible. I won’t be able to accompany you, but I believe he will be waiting for you.”

“Right away, Professor!” As Logan quickly answered, both of them parted ways with McGonagall, almost running away from her, which made the professor smirk while rolling her eyes. “Damn, dude, next time try not to throw me in the mouth of the lioness!”

“I’m sorry mate, it’s just so funny how most of the time people think you’re doing something off.” William said as he chuckled loudly.

“Whatever… see you later, tell the others that I’ll be slightly late.” Logan said as they almost reached the parting point.

“Right.” William nodded. “By the way, don’t you have quite a record of visiting the Headmaster’s office?”

Logan clicked his mouth as he rolled his eyes. “It’s not my fault. Shit just happens!” As he said so, both of them separated, and soon, Logan reached the Headmaster’s office, only to see Dumbledore waiting there.

“Hello, Mr. Taylor.” Dumbledore said with his usual smile and calm tone.

“Professor Dumbledore.” Logan greeted him back. “Professor McGonagall told me you were looking for me.”

“That’s indeed the case, Mr. Taylor.” He nodded, before pointing at the entrance of the office. “Let’s go inside, it’s better to talk comfortably inside the office.” As he said so, both of them went inside the headmaster’s office after Dumbledore said the keyword to the gargoyle. Both

“Tell me, Mr. Taylor, how are your French studies going?” Dumbledore asked once both of them were sitting in the office.

“They’ve been going good…” Logan answered awkwardly, with an equally awkward smile on his face. The truth is that while he has been making his best to learn French, it hasn’t been all that easy.

Turns out the system did have something for languages, but contrary to what he thought, the languages weren’t French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, or even English. The only languages he could technically learn from the System were Tibia’s Orc, Cyclop, Deepling, Bonelord, Elven, and some other languages from creatures from the game that had their own language, and none of these were French.

The only olive branch he could get was that the system had a potion that made it easier to learn a language but not by much, as it simply helped to boost the part of the brain that takes care of the language. Technically, he could learn to speak the language in 6 months using this potion, simply by drinking it while studying and practicing the language. But the problem was that he didn’t have someone that could help him practice the language. There was Lisandra, but apart from the shared classes they had, they didn’t spend that much time outside of classes, leaving him only learning from books.

“Mm… that somehow doesn’t sound too convincing, Mr. Taylor.” Dumbledore chuckled. “But I believe you’ll manage.”

“Thanks, professor.” Logan sighed. “But is that why you called me?”

“In a sense, Mr. Taylor.” Dumbledore nodded before taking a candy jar. “Would you like one?”

“Yes, please.” He grabbed a lemon drop and ate it.

“I always appreciate someone that shares my taste in candies.” Dumbledore chuckled as he stored the jar before sighing. “For some reason, not many people tend to like lemon drops in Hogwarts. Anyways, I’m digressing. Mr. Taylor, the reason I’ve called you is because I’ve talked with my friend in Beauxbaton, as well as the Headmistress, and they both agreed to receive you in their school.”

Logan’s eyes widened when he heard it. “That means…”

“Yes, you’ll be attending Beauxbaton during the first half of your next year, Mr. Taylor.” Dumbledore smiled. “And what’s more, Flamel agreed to supervise your teachings in runes. Though, I must warn you, Mr. Taylor, that my friend won’t be able to help you constantly, as he’s currently occupied with other matters.”

“That’s fine, Professor. I’ll still have the chance to learn something from one of the best, if not the best alchemist. Not to mention his years of experience.” Logan said excitedly.

“I’m glad that you’re excited by the opportunity.” Dumbledore chuckled. “Anyways, you’ll stay there seven months, before returning to Hogwarts.”

“Huh? Seven? Wasn’t it going to be just six?” Logan tilted his head.

“Well, turns out that Professor Maxime talked me into allowing an extra month for you to attend their fashion week, which will be held in April.”

“Oh… Right…” Logan chuckled awkwardly, which caused Dumbledore to smile.

“I know that it might not sound as fascinating as riding a hippogriff, but I’m sure you will enjoy your stay there.” Dumbledore smiled at Logan, making him flinch.

“So you knew of that haha…” Logan’s awkward chuckle intensified.

“Oh, yes, I do. As you might know Mr. Taylor, few things happen in the school that I’m not aware of, even more, when these things happen to be in front of a teacher who later came to ask me to allow you to help take care of the hippogriffs.”

“Huh?” Logan stopped and tilted his head. “Mr. Kettleburn did?”

“Yes, he did.” Dumbledore nodded. “And I must inform you, Mr. Taylor, that starting tomorrow, you will help Hagrid and Silvanus take care of the hippogriffs herd. Though, I must insist you be careful around the herd. They’re after all, dangerous creatures when provoked.”

“Yes, professor. I’ll be careful.” Logan nodded, without being able to hide his excitement.

“Well, Mr. Taylor. I believe your friends might be waiting for you.” Dumbledore smiled and nodded at him while signaling him to leave.

“Thanks, professor.” Logan nodded and stood up, ready to leave the office.

“Oh, and Mr. Taylor?” Dumbledore called at him. “Madam Pomfrey would like to see you visit the Hospital Wing from time to time.” He smiled.

“I surely will.” Logan nodded with a smile and went outside the office, directly towards the Library.

Once there, and under the pressure of his friends, he could only tell them why Dumbledore was looking for him, which in turn caused them quite a shock.

“So you are not going to be here next year?” Jake asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, or well, at least not for half of the year. I’ll still be here before May.” Logan nodded at him.

“And why do you have to go there? It’s not as if you can’t learn here…” Lyra said, slightly dejected, and somewhat angry.

“Well…” Logan scratched the back of his head. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, for me to learn from the one and only Nicolas Flamel.” He said, unknowing that a first year was passing by without his knowledge.

“I know that but…” Lyra wanted to say something, but just sighed, her friends, Carla and Julie looked at her, almost wanting to pat her back in consolation.

“Shut it Lyra.” Roger intervened with a notoriously serious face. “Could you put yourself in Logan’s shoes? He’s in for a big opportunity. The biggest opportunity he might get any time soon!” He said while frowning at Lyra, who somewhat felt bad.

“I-I know. It’s just that…” She tried to defend herself. She knew it was quite a big opportunity. After all, who wouldn’t want to learn alchemy from Nicolas Flamel, the inventor of the one and only Philosopher’s Stone? It was like learning transfiguration from Dumbledore himself, but even rarer. Everyone at the table understood how important and life-changing it could be for Logan to learn under one of the greatest figures in recent centuries.

“Come on, Roger. Don’t be that harsh on her.” Logan said, trying to calm the tense atmosphere between them both.

“No, Logan.” Roger shook his head seriously. “It’s too egoistical to try to dissuade you from accepting such an opportunity.”

“It’s not like she’s trying to-” Logan sighed and tried to calm his friend, but was quickly interrupted.

“She is!” He shouted as he pointed at Lyra. “She can’t stand the idea of you accepting the opportunity to surround yourself with French beauties! She can’t even understand that such an opportunity won’t come anytime soon! Just imagine it! Being fully surrounded by the beautiful witches of Beauxbaton! THAT’S THE DREAM!” He shouted, before receiving a warning from Madam Pince.

“Mr. Davies! I won’t tolerate your shouts inside the library. Be silent if you don’t want to be banned from the library.” She said, almost apparating behind him, making him flinch and softly nod while apologizing. With a snort, Madam Pince went back to his desk.

“Anyways…” Roger sighed and muttered. “You get my point.” He said, still keeping his serious face. Not noticing how half of the group was giving him a baffled look, while the other half was glaring at him with murderous thoughts. It’s not needed to say that that day, didn’t end well for Roger.

The rest of the week was simple for Logan, classes weren’t an issue for him, and he both enjoyed his time during Runes and Magical Creature care while keeping his grades and getting Ravenclaw house points during classes.

He even spent some time on the Hospital Wing, learning more healing magic from Pomfrey, and with Hagrid, taking care of the hippogriffs, and from time to time learning about other magical creatures under the care of Hagrid, including the herd of thestrals who, surprising Hagrid, were quite close to Logan, not only allowing him to touch them without any problem but also staying by whenever he came.

This was something that Hagrid never saw before, after all, Thestral, while not aggressive by nature, usually kept to themselves and didn’t usually come close to humans on their own accord.

On Friday afternoon while Logan was getting back from taking care of the hippogriffs with Hagrid, feeding them and making sure they had no recent injuries from fights or any other reason, he met with the golden trio in one of the corridors of the castle.

“Logan!” Harry called him, all three of them rushing towards him.

“Hey, Harry.” Logan greeted the lanky child. “Everything good?”

“Yes. All’s good.” He nodded. “Hey, we have a question, and maybe you could help us answer it?”

“Mm? Question?” Logan tilted his head. ‘What could it be?’ He thought for a moment but shrugged. “Sure, go ahead. What class is giving you trouble?”

“Well…” Harry scratched the back of his head, not sure if he should really ask this.

“It’s about Nicolas Flamel.” Hermione intervened.

“Mm? Nicolas Flamel?” Logan tilted his head. “What about him?”

“Do you know who he is?” Ron asked.

“Yes, but why are you guys interested in him?” Logan nodded at Ron while asking. ‘So they’re already on this part of the story, huh.’

“Well…” Hermione was trying to come up with something.

“We have homework to do about him, but we can’t find him anywhere.” Harry quickly spoke.

“Mm? Homework? About Nicolas Flamel?” Logan raised an eyebrow, somewhat amused by the trio’s attempts to get the information.

“Yes!” Ron nodded. “For… for potions!”

“Mm? I would think it would be for History of Magic, but well, Snape’s not necessarily your regular potions professor, so whatever.” Logan shrugged with a smirk. “Anyways, you might find him in books related to alchemy, he’s one of the greatest alchemists in the past centuries.”

“Centuries?” Hermione muttered with a frown before her eyes widened. “Of course! Thank you, Logan! Come on, guys!” She quickly said while dragging the other two, who quickly said their goodbyes, leaving a chuckling Logan who then turned to read the notification.

[Congratulations! Fuck you J.K.! Main Chain Quest has been updated! You’ve successfully played fate’s role and put the trio on their way to discover the truth instead of waiting for Harry to get the hint from a chocolate frog’s Famous Wizard card. Though I would recommend you not to get cocky, after all, you only gave directions.]

[100pts have been earned!]

‘Well, better than nothing I guess.’ Logan shrugged with a chuckle and went back towards his dorm.

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