In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 65 – Norwegian Ridgeback…?

A few days passed by since the moment he met with Dumbledore, and while trying his best to learn French in what little time they had left, Logan decided to speak with Lisandra about it.

And the perfect moment came after one of their shared classes finished. “Lisandra, wait!” Logan reached out to her as she left the classroom.

“Oh, hey Logan.” She smiled at him, stopping a few steps out of the door, while Amelia just nodded at him, moving a couple of steps away on the process.

“How have you been?” He asked her after nodding back at Amelia.

“Everything’s been great, adapting to my new classes and all that.” She shrugged. “What about you?”

“All’s well.” Logan nodded before he started scratching the back of his head. “Hey…” He hesitated for a moment.

“Yes?” Lisandra, not accustomed to seeing him hesitate, raised an eyebrow.

“I wanted to ask you if you could help me learn French?” Logan sighed, before asking for her help.

“French?” Lisandra, confused at his request, widened her eyes. “Why do you need to learn French?”

“I kind of got the opportunity to study in Beauxbaton for next year. Well, just for around seven months.” He explained to her.

“Wow…” Lisandra was visibly shocked. “That’s a great opportunity, isn’t it?” She smiled.

“Yeah, that’s kind of why I need to learn French.” He shrugged. “And while I’m kind of advancing in my tries, it’s not enough.”

“Right. You don’t have that much time after all.” She nodded, seemingly pondering on his situation. “Well, I agree.” After thinking for a little bit, she looked up at him and nodded. “I’ll teach you French.”

“Really? That’s great.” Logan smiled excitedly, after all, his major problem was finally solved. “I really appreciate the help.”

“It’s nothing.” She smiled at him. “But, I do need something in exchange.” She suddenly said while tilting her head.

“Yes, absolutely. Just ask.” Logan immediately nodded at her.

“Well, I’ve been having some troubles with my charms classes lately.” She sighed. “And I know that you are kind of the best in charms around our year.”

“If it’s help that you need with your classes, there’s nothing more to say!” Logan smiled. “I’ll help you.”

“Great!” Lisandra smiled. All the while, Amelia, who impatiently stood a couple of meters away from them, just looked at this in a not-so-friendly way.

“Well, I kinda need to go to my next class.” Logan said, suddenly remembering that he had to run to reach his Ancient Runes class. “But, let’s talk next time we share a class to decide on the details. Is that alright?”

“Yes, no problem.” Lisandra nodded with a smile.

“Perfect, see you then!” Logan then nodded at her and at the angry-looking Amelia before rushing to his next class. Lisandra just saw at him go with a small smile, before turning back toward her friend, who was looking at her with reprimanding eyes.

“What?” She asked Amelia.

“You seriously need to stay away from him.” Amelia suddenly said.

“Again? I thought we already spoke about this…” Lisandra sighed at her friend’s comment.

“I’m just saying it for your own good, Liz. He’s not one of us.” Amelia shook her head before turning around to leave the corridor.

“...” Lisandra looked at her friend, before glancing once again toward the place Logan left. A sigh escaped her mouth as she followed her friend toward their dormitories.


Time passed, and to Amelia’s dismay, Lisandra decided to follow through with the agreement made between her and Logan, making it possible for him to learn French at an even faster rate, thanks to the books and the practice that Lisandra provided him. The potion was a true miracle, in his own words, as it saved him from having to cram too much knowledge in such a short time.

Thanks to Lisandra’s help, he managed to get a conversational level of French, even if it wasn’t at a perfect level yet, he could defend himself in basic conversations, which is what he originally needed, the rest he could figure out during his stay in Beauxbaton, and even then, there were still a couple of months for him to practice with Lisandra.

Now, while he still practice an hour or two every other day, this still meant that he had to divide his time between runes, helping Pomfrey, and helping Kettleburn. And with a filled schedule, the end of April loomed over Logan, getting closer to the end of the term.

It was on one of these April days that Logan managed to hear something quite interesting.

“Dragons!” Just as Logan was looking for a book on hieroglyphs, he managed to hear Ron whisper, although, he didn’t made a really good job of ‘whispering’ it. “Hagrid was looking up stuff about dragons! Look at these…” He said as he started to name some books related to dragons and how to take care of or hatch these.

‘Wait…’ Logan stopped for a moment, a scene from the first movie came to his mind. It was of a dragon being hatched. ‘Does it mean that the dragon is already on the way to hatch?’ He listened for a bit to their conversation and decided that maybe it would be a good idea to follow these three for a little while. And to his surprise, he didn’t have to wait for long.

Moments after Hagrid left, the trio prepared themselves and moved out of the library, being followed by Logan who, after keeping things in his inventory, turned. Luckily for him, the three first-years went to Hagrid’s hut, which had all the curtains closed, with smoke coming up from the chimney.

“Who is it?” After they knocked on the door, Hagrid opened the door, while hot air escaped from inside the room, which probably was the perfect temperature to hatch a dragon’s egg, or so Logan thought. “Oh, is yeh three, come in.” He invited them in.

‘Thanks for the invitation…’ Logan thought with a grin as he quickly ducked into the hut before the Golden Trio stepped in and Hagrid closed the door, not missing giving a dubious glance around. Meanwhile, the group of freshmen was trying to cool themselves, given that the whole hut had a stifling atmosphere inside with all the heat coming from the chimney.

“So…” After offering theme tea and stoaf sandwiches, Hagrid sat down, turning to them. “Yeh wanted to ask me somethin’?”

“Yes.” Harry nodded, not beating around the bush, and while the four went back and forth with the mess about the stone that Logan didn’t care about, he was instead standing close to the chimney, looking at the fire that was burning fiercely, causing the stifling hot air in the hut. And sitting on top of the very heart of that same fire, underneath the kettle used to make boil the tea’s water, was a huge, black egg.

‘This is it…’ Logan thought as he looked at the egg. A dragon’s egg. ‘It’s huge… I bet it’s even bigger than a freaking ostrich egg, though I haven’t seen one before to compare them…’

[That egg is around 15 inches, an ostrich’s egg usually goes about 6 inches long, so yes, is more than twice an ostrich’s egg’s size.]

‘Just imagine the omelets you can make with this…’ Logan thought for a moment, chuckling inwardly at his bad joke. ‘But seriously, this thing is huge… system, do you happen to know how long it would take to hatch? Will it be today? According to the movies, it will hatch today.’ Logan asked the system, giving a glance at the trio and Hagrid, who was still talking about the stone and their doubts about Snape, confirming his suspicions.

[That thing won’t hatch today.] The system suddenly said.

‘Huh? It won’t!?’ Logan was shocked when the chance to see a living dragon, hatching right in front of his eyes, broke to pieces.

[No, doesn’t look like it.] Reading the message from the system, Logan’s shock intensified.

‘Damn… I might need to keep track of these guys…’ Logan let out a deep sigh, and decided that the best way was to keep an eye on the golden trio. ‘Now… do I have to name myself Albus Percival Whatever-Comes-After Dumbledore?’ Logan thought, preparing for a long tag game with the three freshmen.

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