In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 1 The beginning of…

After I messed up and copied my older draft and posted it on Scribble hub, I realized that I may in actuality be an idiot. Maybe. I'm still pretty smart compared to some people though. Like seriously, who puts sunblock in their eyes?! Some idiots did that during the solar eclipse! They did it to "Block the sun" as it said on the label. I really can't make this stuff up anymore... They're the reason shampoo bottles say "Don't eat" on them. Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience. And the author's rant. I hope this draft is 10x better for everyone. The previous one was kind of a mess. The MC mentioned the Avengers before even knowing he was in Marvel. So yeah, hopefully, I did a better job this time.


Chapter 1 The Beginning of...

I woke up in pain. My head was hurting, and my body was hurting all over. My mind was a blur processing through it all. Eventually, my mind cleared up and I was able to look around and see what was going on. I was on what appeared to be a hospital bed. There was no one in sight. My memories were in a daze, and then I remembered. I remembered everything.

I was in a prison in New York. Specifically, the medical area after other inmates had jumped me. Eventually, after waiting a while, a doctor along with a few guards came back. They looked pretty annoyed. The doctor was this prison's head doctor, and his condescending attitude had led to him being attacked by inmates on multiple occasions. But he usually had a guard escort. So he has yet to be physically injured. He walked up to me and looked down at me. He really had to 'Assert his dominance' huh? Typical.

"Mr Axel Randolph, your behavior of constantly picking fights is becoming a problem." The guy said as he looked down at me. I could remember his name was Peterson. But, he had made a mistake. "I was jumped in the hallway. I was attacked by five guys, I didn't start the fight." I said honestly.

"Excuses might have worked in the outside world to some extent, and allowed you to weasel through life, but in this prison the rules are different. You'll take responsibility for your own actions." Yep, it was this kind of guy. Makes you feel bad for doing something wrong, without you actually doing something wrong. But not wanting any trouble I just nodded.

Mr Peterson gave me the usual "I may have made mistakes but I can learn from them," speech. But he didn't really mean it. He had said this kind of thing many times before. Eventually, after enjoying the sound of his own voice for long enough, he ordered the guards to escort me back to my cell. I knew for a fact that if I sustained injuries this bad, I was supposed to be allowed to heal for a while before being sent back to my cell. But I wasn't stupid enough to believe that this was an accident.

The walk was long and painful since my legs were bruised and sore after getting attacked. But every time I slowed down I was jabbed by one of the prison guards. So I had to keep a brisk pace. After a few minutes, we reached my cell. They locked me inside and left. I looked around at my cell. It's the type of cell that has bunk beds, with four beds in total. I had three roommates. I ignored them and just laid down on my bed with a grunt of pain. They ignored me too since I was 'one of them' or whatever they were calling it.

I sighed as I remembered what had happened for me to end up here. I... Was living a normal life. I had a loving family and a girlfriend. I was moving up in the world. But, that all changed when I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I could remember clearly. For the longest time, I thought it was just a mistake and the truth would be exposed. But after evidence surfaced that I knew was false, I realized it was no accident. It was someone's plan.

In short, someone framed me for an awful crime. The kind I can't say, and the kind that makes people in prison try and kill you if they find out. Yeah, you can probably guess what kind of crime I'm talking about. Looking back, I think I have a good idea of who did it. During the trial, I was one of the suspects. Along with another guy. The son of a rich family in the US. He acted oh so confident throughout the trial. Why? Because he knew that he would win. Why? Because he shifted all the evidence that would incriminate him, over to incriminate me instead. Or his father did.

I sighed as I remembered what happened after all the evidence surfaced. Before, my family had known that it was a false charge and supported me. But, evidence kept piling up. And eventually, it had shifted to hesitation. It was a lot of evidence. Finally, after it had all but been proven that I had done it, they had decided that this was my problem. That no kid of theirs would have done something like this. And practically told me that they disowned me. I had two siblings. An older brother, and a younger sister. With me being in the middle.

After the trial when I had a chance to see my family. My older brother had waited until we were alone and said never to bother coming back home. It had hurt, I'll admit that much. Being disowned by my family for something that I didn't do hurt. It hurt a lot. And under normal circumstances, I would probably either die in prison or never be proven innocent. I had insisted I was innocent and didn't take the plea bargain. The plea bargain essentially forces you to admit you're guilty, so you get a lighter punishment. Or, go through with the normal method of being found guilty and go to jail for a VEEEEEERY long time. But if you plead guilty, you close off the avenue for proving innocence later on. You admit to doing it and even if later on evidence comes along that proves without a shadow of a doubt that you are innocent, you still can't do anything since you took the plea bargain. I didn't take the plea bargain. It's a really messed up situation overall. And that's how I ended up here. Well, not entirely.

But that's what I remembered about this life. I remembered something else too. Another life. I remembered dying and meeting with someone. And they gave me another chance. A chance to become something great. I was Axel, but I was also... Someone else. And if I had to say who I was now, then I would say that I am both. But, I am more of me than who I was reincarnated as. And I don't intend to rot away for a crime I didn't commit. I plan to get revenge. Axel was too nice a person to do so. He didn't take the plea bargain and was going to take the full sentence of twenty years instead of admitting guilt for something he didn't do to reduce the sentence. But even doing that, his family didn't believe him. They didn't want anything to do with me? Well, so be it.

I'm not sure if I'm Axel and just gained these memories, or if I'm someone else and I took over his body. but I'm leaning towards the latter. I don't feel like I'm Axel. I feel different. Like I'm someone new. And I know that I won't make the same mistakes as Axel. He was too kind. Kindness isn't bad, but it indirectly got Axel into this mess in the first place. I'm not going to let that happen to me. I'll be someone else. I'll be someone better...

'System activate'

A few seconds pass, and just as I start to get worried, something happens that makes me smile. In my mind I see text spelling out words.

{System installation activated}
{System installed}
{What would you like to be?}

I really did get a system huh? Well, I guess I should apologize to whoever reincarnated me here. I said that I didn't believe him when he gave me the option and that this was stupid. But now I should apologize. After I add a mental note to apologize when I can, I consider the question placed before me. A Hero or a Villain? Hmm. After what I've been through, this can be the backstory of either a hero or a villain. I contemplate the options. If I choose a Hero, there's the possibility that the system won't allow me to do villainous acts. Such as escaping prison, even if I was wrongly convicted. I don't want to be tethered down by some AI and forced to be in prison for twenty years. And usually, heroes start with crappy gear and have to go through hardship to get strong. No thanks. The decision is obvious.

'I choose to become a Villain'

{Affirmative. Choice selected.}

{Scanning host memories and personality for compatible starting package... The three most compatible options have been chosen. You can choose one of the three options for your starter package. Or if none suit you, you can choose the default villain starter package.}

After it said that, I was shown three things.

{All For One Power package}

{Joker Starter Package}

{Princess Peach Starter Package}



{Yes host}

'Why am I the third most compatible with Princess Peach?!'

{Because you have similar personalities}


{You both have problems saying how you feel. You often react negatively to how you feel. Another word for it is tsundere.}




{Host? Are you there?}



'...What does it do?'

{Access to all power-ups from the Super Mario games. Also for some reason gives the one who uses it a weird attraction to plumbers.}

'Choose the All For One package'


{All For One Power Package chosen. You have chosen to become a villain. And you have chosen the powers of one of the greatest villains of all time. All For One. This villain was strong, but he made mistakes that could have easily been avoided. Do not make the same mistakes as him. In addition to the power of All For One, the host is allowed to choose ten quirks from the MHA world to assist in growth at the start. One powerful Quirk, (excluding One For All and New Order) five Quirks the original All For One had at any point and four basic Quirks are the limits of what can be chosen.}

{Once your choice of quirks has been selected. User Permission is required to Activate the Power integration process. The user will be unconscious for 1-2 hours during this process. After it is complete, selected quirks will be integrated into the host's body.}

Huh, that's probably going to hurt. An integration process? Hmm... Remembering something important, I want to confirm something and ask the system a question.

'System, are you able to search my memories if I ask you to?'


'You're only able to if I allow you to right?'


'Search my memories of my previous life and compare them to this life to figure out if I am in a fictional world from my previous life.'

I can remember from my encounter with the person who reincarnated me here that I'm supposed to be in a fictional world. And I have an idea of which one I'm in based on the memories of this life. There are familiar things that shouldn't be here. A mention of mutants, and Stark industries existing in this world. I took a gamble getting All For One without consulting the system, but even without being where I think I am, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine.



{Process complete. Memories of this world confirm a 97% chance of being in a variant of the Marvel universe.}

After it said that, moments in this life that suggest being in Marvel flash in my mind. Yeah, I know for sure I'm in Marvel. I know mutations and quirks are basically the same thing, so AFO should work on it. I also remember a certain fan fiction where there is a similar situation to mine, with someone reincarnating with the All For One quirk into Marvel, but that guy was an idiot. I am not going to make the same mistakes. I'm going to be smarter, and I'm not going to be a down-bad idiot obsessed with goth girls like that guy. With that thought in mind, I start choosing the quirks I'm going to start off with. After a while, I finish and look at my choices.


[0. All For one Quirk - Allows the user to steal and transfer abilities.]


[1. Overhaul Quirk - Allows someone to deconstruct and reconstruct matter at will. The quirk also gives minor telekinesis, but it only works on matter that is actively being manipulated.]

Five originals.

[2. Search Quirk - Allows one to place roughly 100 invisible markers on someone and track their location. Users can also vaguely sense weak points on someone a marker has been placed.]

[3. Laser Fingers Quirk - Allows users to shoot laser beams from their fingers.]

[4. Warp Gate Quirk - Allows its user to open gates made of black mist that allow the user and others to teleport.]

[5. Scanning Quirk - Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well as to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision.]

[6. Explosive Blast Quirk - Allows the user to create massive explosions at will. Has a secondary effect of giving the user minor heat resistance.]

Four basics.

[7. Strength enhancer Quirk - A basic strength-enhancing quirk.]

[8. Healthy body Quirk - gives the user a healthy body. Affects things like eyesight and how fast someone ages.]

[9. Intelligence Enhancement Quirk - Enhances the users' intellect.]

[10. Body strengthening Quirk - Makes the user's body tougher, much more durable, and resistant to damage.]

I look at my selection with a smile. I had a few other choices, but considering where I am, I went with these. With these choices, I can escape at any time with [Warp Gate]. And I plan on doing it tonight. I confirm my selection and am met with more screens from the system.

{Choice selected}

{Power Integration process will begin in 1 minute. The host will fall unconscious during the integration process, so it is recommended the user lie down. The process will finish in 1-2 hours.}

I am already in my bed, and it's already late in the day, and there isn't anything that I'm required to attend. So I wait for the countdown to finish. I just hope nothing happens while I'm asleep. As the timer hits zero, I fall into blissful sleep. Completely unaware that I'm actually in excruciating pain, but it is being blocked by the system.



Some people might not know, so here's an explanation of what these mean. 

'...' Means that the MC or someone else's POV is thinking. 

"..." Means MC or someone else is talking. 

{...} Means the system is talking. 

I do plan on writing this series for a while and eventually completing it. But that may not happen. So, if this series gets dropped after chapters 60 - 80 something, then I warned you here. Also, in case any of you are wondering what's going on with the Princess Peach joke, recently I have constantly been shown ads that show Princess Peach this, Princess Peach that. So, I decided to make that joke. How did I come up with it specifically in that form? It took Something like twelve drafts. And yes. I consider Princess Peach a villain. The reasons are strictly personal.

(Lol not really. I just think it's funny)

In case you didn't know, I referenced Meta essence Gacha in Marvel when I mentioned the down-bad idiot. It's a good series, don't get me wrong, but he was kinda dumb. And it's the main inspiration for this series. I may make mistakes, but I'll try my best to make this story awesome. I may have to rewrite chapters a few times. If there are inconsistencies please say so in the comments.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.