In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 2 Prison break

Chapter 2 Prison break

I woke up feeling dizzy. I looked around at my surroundings and found I wasn't in my room. But I wasn't in the medical area either. I was in a different area of the prison. It looked like a maintenance area. How did I get here? Either naturally, or as a result of my new intellect-enhancing quirk, I came up with a theory. And it was proven right almost immediately.

"Finally awake? About time. Any longer and we would have just killed you." A big gruff-looking man said with a snort. He was one of the big names in this prison. Serving a life sentence for various crimes. One of which was murder. I looked around and there were four other men with him.

I tried to move and realized my hands were tied around a pipe. It was all coming together...

After a moment of silence, I responded. "So he decided to tie up a loose end huh? Did you drug me or something?" I said with a tired voice. He just laughed at that. "You already know huh? Yeah, we were tasked with removing you. Chloroform works better than I expected. You were out for a while." He said with a grin.

So that explains that. They drugged me, not realizing I would have been unconscious even without it. Why did he tell me though? "Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "You're not going to get away so there's no point in hiding it." He says confidently. Typical idiot. He would have won with or without saying that normally. But he had to tempt fate huh? After he said that, he gestured at his goons and they started closing in on me with shanks.

Not planning on dying here, I don't waste a second. I use [Overhaul] on the makeshift rope tying me to the pipe. I could have used it on the pipe, but I don't want to know what's inside. After the rope's gone, I stand up as quickly as I can jumping at the closest guy and punching him in the face. Since I have [Strength Enhancer], he is knocked out almost instantly. After seeing one of his goons knocked out in one hit, the leader stands up pulling out a knife. I don't give them any time to recover though and launch myself at another guy hitting him in the gut, and dodging to the side before he vomits all over the place I was standing.

With two of the five down, the other three decide to close ranks to protect themselves. I was only able to take two out because I caught them off guard and used my super strength. But now there's a problem. It'll be difficult to take them down without killing them. Should I kill them? I didn't kill in my past life, or even this one. But it's the logical thing to do. They tried to kill me, so I should kill them. Maybe it's because of what happened to me to get here, maybe it's the fact they're trying to kill me or even the result of choosing the path of a villain. But I don't hesitate.

Silently thanking myself for choosing a ranged quirk, I use [Finger Lasers] on them. They didn't stand a chance. They scream as they are shot full of holes. After shooting them around five times each, I stop. They are dead. I stand there and look down at their corpses for a moment. I wait for the feeling of guilt to come, and it does. But that's it. No tears for taking a life or anything. Just guilt that it had come to this. They tried to kill me, so I killed them. Plain and simple.

After I finish confirming they're dead, I consider my next move. If I leave them here and teleport away using [WarpGate]. The guards will find the bodies and find me missing. I can guess what will happen if I do that, so should I take their bodies with me? But that leaves the pools of blood in the hallway. After contemplating the solution for a while I decide what I should do.

I step away from the corpses and concentrate. I'm not an expert using this quirk since I just got it, so I should take it slow. After getting a feel for it, I use [WarpGate] and open a portal to a location I know well. Central park. I step through and look around to confirm that there's no one in sight. Then I step back in and start dragging the bodies through. After I finish dragging the bodies through the portal, It's time to get rid of the evidence. I step through the portal to where the prison is. I step a good distance down the hallway, turn around, raise my right arm, aim it down the hallway, and concentrate.

"Please work..." I mutter to myself hoping this works. I use my [Explosion] Quirk, and flames engulf the hallway where the bloodstains are, destroying all evidence of what happened there. The fire alarms go off and I flee the scene to a side room where there's less smoke. Then I open up another gate to make my escape.

I step out into the cool night air of Central Park where the two gang members are. It's then that I get a notification from the system.

{Quest Complete: Prison break - You have been wrongly sent to prison. To become the Ultimate Villain, you must do so while not being imprisoned. You must escape!}
{Rewards: [50 VP] [RivetStab Quirk]}

{3 People killed of Mediocre strength. 7 VP added.}

{Achievement Unlocked: First Kill - Kill your first person.}

'Quests? Why didn't I get a notification?'

{You were supposed to get the quest when you woke up from the power integration process, but the system didn't give you the notification until now on account of the situation you were in.}

'Ah, that makes sense. What's with the new quirk? Will I always get a new quirk whenever I complete a quest?'

{Negative. You getting a quirk from a quest depends on multiple things. quests that are of great importance, or great difficulty, have the highest chance. But even mundane quests like helping an old lady cross the road can give one.}

'Ok, then what is VP?'

{VP stands for Villain point. It is the currency the system gives upon completing quests or achievements. It can be used to level up, buy things from the shop, or upgrade the system.}

'Why did I get VP instead of XP for killing?'

{Because it's too complicated. The system creator originally had both VP and Xp, but it was too complicated for some users. So the system creator fixed the issue.}

'And who created you?'

{I can't tell you at this time}

I figured. It's never this easy. But either way, this system is awesome! I might actually conquer the world at this rate! It has so many functions. I'll have to look into them later. But right now I have more important things to deal with...

I look around and see that there's still no one around, and get to work disposing of the bodies. I find a spot far off the beaten path deep in the wooded area of Central Park. I use [Overhaul] to dig a really deep hole. I have to use it multiple times since I'm not an expert at using it, but when I'm finished the hole is around ten feet deep. I then drag and drop the bodies into the hole. After they're all buried, I close the hole back up. With no trace of a crime being committed.

I sigh in relief at that. Chances are, I might be declared dead. I know there weren't any cameras in that section of the maintenance area. I don't know what's going to happen. The guards were probably in on it, and there being an explosion would draw a lot of gazes. The corruption may even be found out. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


After escaping, I needed clothes other than prison clothes. And unfortunately, I was in Central Park, and every street surrounding that was heavily populated and full of cameras. so someone would see me. After contemplating for a while, I made a final decision. I would use [WarpGate] one more time. I was really running out of energy at this point. I had used multiple quirks multiple times after just receiving them. I had pushed myself over and over again and was running on empty. But there was one more thing I needed to do. I needed to get civilian clothes. So after catching my breath and focusing on where I wanted to go, I opened another gate and teleported to an empty alley I remember well. It was the same alley where I had supposedly done what got me put in jail in the first place. I looked around and made sure no one was around. And made my way over to a closed store I could see across the dark street.

I remembered the day clearly when it had happened. I knew I didn't do anything, but I had looked back on that day many times and I could remember almost everything. And one of those things I could remember was this store that was nearby. It was a thrift store. No security, and no one here. I was careful anyway though, because someone might have actually put up a shotgun trap for all I knew. I broke in and made my way down the aisles. I found the section that had clothes and found a pair that suited me. I got multiple spare sets and also a bag that I could put my stuff in. I made my way around the store looking for anything I might need. I found a few tools such as screwdrivers and a flashlight. I opened the register and saw nothing, but I didn't give up and kept searching. I eventually found a back room. In a moment of contemplation, I wondered where I would hide money if I was here, and I looked at one of the vents.

It was hard to reach, but big enough to hide something in. I found a ladder and climbed up, looking inside. And there it was. A small cardboard box. I opened it up and found around $5000 inside. Finally, my luck is turning around. There was also a crowbar in the back room, so I took that too. After I found that, I also found a mini fridge with a few snacks inside. I happened to be starving since I missed dinner in prison, and also used a bunch of my quirks to the limit. So I exhausted almost all my energy. I ate some and stored the rest in my bag for later. After I finished, I left the store. I felt a little guilty robbing the place, but I was in a bad situation. They'd probably forgive me if they knew. Maybe.

I walked down the street wondering what I should do next. I went to sleep early, so I felt mostly fine. I felt somewhat better after eating. But I needed a place to stay. I needed a place where I could rest and prepare for the future. After thinking for a while, I remembered something. In Marvel, there was a group that called themselves the Morlocks. They were mutants who lived underground in New York. Mostly in abandoned subway tunnels. They were Mutants abandoned by the world and forced to live out of sight. I had a vague idea of where they might be. Underground. Maybe I should go find them in the future?

After contemplating for a while, I put it aside for later. I need to find a place to call my own for the time being.


I found an abandoned warehouse! It's the perfect place to call my temporary base. It is absolutely disgusting inside, but it's completely abandoned. The gates surrounding it haven't been opened in years. And the doors are practically rusted shut. I was able to get in because one of the walls had a hole in it. I put a piece of plywood over it to hide it, but I was sure that it wouldn't work well in the long run. I'll have to come up with something else in the future.

There's a thick layer of dust on the floor, and there are no recent footprints other than mine. I explored the warehouse for a while and found multiple interesting things. There's a room in the back that was probably something like a temporary office, but now I'll have to turn it into my living area.

I also searched the crates that were in the warehouse. And what I found, is concerning. It was mostly old stuff, like canned food, and other various items from the 90's. But I also found a stockpile of arms. Meaning guns and ammunition. The guns aren't cheap stuff either. There are AR15s and Glocks. Shotguns and a few sniper rifles. Military grade. The place seems to have been abandoned for at least a decade.

My guess is that this was a stash of some kind, either illegal or by the government, but it was lost either in paperwork or other means. I was extremely lucky to find this. There's enough weaponry for a small army.

After securing the warehouse, I go to the back room and brush the dust off of the couch. I lay on it and ready myself to fall asleep. I'll focus on important things tomorrow.


I'll explain the system more in the next chapter. Also, feel free to give me ideas in the comments. I have a pretty good idea of how the story's going to go, but there's room for improvement. So far no one has commented, but then again, so far there's only one chapter.

I have rewritten this entire chapter because I noticed that the way the system works is kind of stupid. So I replaced the XP with VP. Among a few other minor changes.

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