In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 10 Rescue Part 2

Chapter 10 Rescue Part 2

I step slowly down the stairs. I had been visible the entire time I was in the building because I wanted them to see me. If they pointed their guns at me, they were bad guys. Simple, but effective. Now, as I finished stepping down the stairs into the last room I saw nine people. I could see two of them were mutants. One was a huge guy who had grey skin and bulging muscles, while the other was a girl with silver hair. I'm 99% sure she's the telepath. She looks a little scared, but the reason is obvious. I just swept through the building like a one-man army. She was able to see what happened to everyone, so it would be weird if she wasn't scared.

My second layer of mental blocks is about to give, so I need to hurry this up. I have multiple layers of mental blocks. The first layer blocks the most basic things. Emotions, and only small fragments of surface thoughts. The second layer shows most of my actual thoughts but is filtered through the third layer. It hides the existence of the system and where I'm from. The first layer has already been pierced, so the second is about to give. And if it does, she'll know about my power All For One. Or at least, what she can see in my memories. She may not be able to read them easily.

I stop in front of the eight people in front of me. One of the men is holding a pistol to what I assume is Brittany's brother's head. But now that I'm actually here, I realize that I didn't ask for his description. But he looks terrified and about to wet himself. So I don't think he's an imposter. Maybe another kid, but he resembles Brittany a little, so maybe he is her brother.

"Drop the gun right now or I'll shoot the little gremlin!" the guy holding the gun to his head shouted in a threatening tone. I slowly aim my guns at the floor and drop them before raising my arms.

"Is he Brittany's brother?" I ask the one who seems to be the guy in charge.

"Yes." He says calmly.

The boss guy, who is wearing a fancy suit, looks like he's about to say something, but the girl with silver hair speaks up.

"He can teleport, sense other mutants, use telekinesis, and he's doing something to block me. He also did something to climb the building outside. Don't underestimate him." She said.

That makes the man pause. Then he smiles as he speaks.

"It appears we may have accidentally done something to aggravate you, and I apologize for that. But you came in here and shot up my men, and set me back. I can't just let this go. So, here's what I'm going to do. I-" The man in the suit starts saying, but I cut him off by shooting a laser through each of his limbs using [LaserFingers]. Which Causes him to fall onto the floor screaming in pain.

His men would have normally opened fire and Brittany's brother would have been killed, but at the same time, I used [Telekinesis] to pull the gun aimed at the boy away, and I made every other gun in everyone's hands fly out of their grips. I then used [LaserFingers] to shoot everyone. I shot the guy holding the kid first. Then everyone else excluding the mutants. In just seconds everyone was dead except the kid, the guy in charge because I only shot his legs, and the other two mutants.

The big grey guy roared in rage like an animal and sprinted at me. I used my [LaserFingers] on him, but they didn't pierce his skin. His ability seemed to make him bigger, stronger, faster, and more durable. Like a weaker version of the Hulk.

My own body is exhausted after excess use of all of my abilities, and I am slowing down a little, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I dodge to the side as his fist smashes where I am and punches a hole into the concrete floor. He then swings his arm into me, and it hits me sending me flying across the room. But not before I touch him with my hands and use [Overhaul] on him. He instantly screams in pain as he collapses. [LaserFingers] didn't work, so I used my most powerful ability. I didn't vaporize him, I only messed up his insides. Primarily breaking his bones, so he couldn't move. I fly from the guy's swing and slam into the wall. It knocks the breath out of me, but I recover after a little while.

I look back at the girl and the boy. The boy ran away and hid behind a crate, while the girl with telepathy just looked at me shocked.

I feel dizzy as I push myself onto my feet, and I rush to the big grey guy and jump on his back with one of my arms around his neck. I put my other hand on his head and forcefully stole his power. I used AFO without trying to be careful, and it probably caused damage and he screamed as he fell down. He turned into a normal-looking guy after his power was stolen though. The girl was shocked at what I had done, but that was just the beginning. After that, I used [Overhaul] on him making him turn to dust. Then I make my way over to the girl. She tried to run away, but I used [Telekinesis] to grab her and pull her back.

She screams as she falls backward. Instead, she lands on the floor on her back. She tries to get up, but I'm keeping her down with telekinesis. After I get close enough, I place my hand on her forehead and start stealing her ability. She resists, but I take it slow to make sure that it is taken out safely. I have a test subject to see if stealing an ability that has to do with consciousness will cause permanent damage. Why not use it? I can find out easily when I finish stealing her ability. That guy with [ConsciousnessControl] was inconclusive after all. After around twenty seconds of her struggling, I take her ability.

{Ability Stolen}


{Ability Analyzed}

{[Telepathy] X-gene has been added!}

I focus my mind inward on my new power. I can tell I'll need to practice to get used to this ability, but I can tell enough. I can sense the boy, who now that I can read his mind, I know he's Brittany's brother. I also read the girl who was a telepath's mind. I can see her name's Amanda and I can see... Hmm. It seems I'll have to make a change in plans. It seems she was being forced to work here against her will. It's... Complicated. She's unconscious because of me stealing her power. I can feel that she's just unconscious, and not brain-dead. I walk over to Brittany's brother. He's still hiding behind the crate.

I hear a groan of pain and look at the guy who seems to be in charge. I use my powers on him and see that he's still alive. This isn't over yet. I'll have to come back and finish this...

I ignore him for now and walk over to get James, (That's his name. [Telepathy]) but he's scared. I try and tell him I'm here to rescue him, but he's having what appears to be a mental breakdown. Which is completely understandable. So I sigh and focus on my new power. I use it on him to try and calm him down. It takes a minute, but he finally calms down enough to listen to me.

"James, I'm with your sister. I came to rescue you. Let's get out of here." I said in a soft tone. Trying to get him to trust me. He just nods and follows me. I smile and open another mist gate. I'm really running on empty at this point, but I'm finally done. I pick up the telepath, who I now know is named Amanda. I put her on my shoulder and we go through the portal before it closes. Like his sister, James is scared by the mysterious black portal, but he follows me after he sees me step through.

We step out into the same warehouse as Brittany. She looks back at us coming through but when she sees her brother she screams James' name and runs over to hug him. She cries and he cries. I just set the girl down on a bench and sat down on a folding chair that was nearby. After their reunion, Brittany speaks to me.

'Um, thanks, Axel. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come and rescued me and my brother." She says while wiping away her tears.

"I have no time. I only came here to give you your brother. I'll be back so we can discuss things. I need to make sure there isn't anyone else like you there." I say to her with a sigh as I stand up from my momentary rest. I use a pair of handcuffs I found in the stash on the girl and connect her to a pipe on the wall. "I know you have your brother and you just want to go home, but I need to make sure these guys don't go after you again. So I'll be back soon," I look down at my watch. It's 2 AM.

"If I'm not back by dawn, go to the police and tell them that you managed to escape during all the chaos that happened at the building **** on ***** street. I repeat, don't go yet. These people could go after you. This is a very dangerous situation, one we need to think about. I'll tell you the plan when I get back. And also, this girl was the telepath. She was being forced to work against her will. If she wakes up, don't let her go. I have to talk with her to figure things out." I say as I open another mist gate. She just remains silent as I open the gate and step through again, leaving her with her brother and the unconscious girl.

I step out into the same basement and see the guy in the suit trying to dial a number on a flip phone, but I step on his hand and he screams in pain. "We know who you are! Do you think you'll get away with this Axel?! We know who you look like! We'll get you and we'll Ki-" He shouts in fury at me before I kick him in the face. He grunts and after a moment he spits out a tooth.

"I don't care who you are. Why? Because you're a dead man." I say as I crush the phone. I crouch down and use [Overhaul] on the concrete and make restraints so he can't move. I also use it on him. He screams in pain as I do it. I heal him. Or at least, attempt to. He'll live longer because of it, but it probably messed him up and could cripple him. I'm not a master at using it after all.

I saw into his mind with the latest power I stole and I could see that he had done some awful things. He had sold people. Mutant and otherwise, to awful people who he knew very well would kill them when they were done with them. There wasn't anyone else apart from Brittany though here at the moment. So I'm good with what I have planned.

I also saw that the expensive car outside was his. He had bought it using all the money he got from his illegal activities. I also learned how the criminal underworld worked to some extent based on his memories. I looked into his mind some more to make sure who he told about me apart from Amanda. Everyone who knew was dead, but there were various documents scattered around the office. it would take time to find them, which I didn't have time to do. So that leaves the next best option...

"So, here's what I'm going to do. I'm not even going to speak your name, since you disgust me so much. I'm going to burn this building to the ground. You'll watch everything you've built burn, you along with it. Meanwhile, I'll be putting explosives in that big fancy car you have outside. I'll detonate it and watch it, as well as everything else as it's burned to the ground from safety. And just so you know, I'm going to enjoy it. I really, truly am." I say to him with a smile.

'Fu-" He starts to say a common profanity at me, but I just shut his mouth with [Telekinesis] and use [Overhaul] to seal his lips shut. Permanently. He screams through his nose since his lips have been fused together. I stand up and walk out of the room leaving him there.


I found dozens of gas cans in the warehouse and I took my time emptying all of them into the sprinkler systems. No one has called the cops. Yet. That makes sense. This is a place of illegal activity, so they wouldn't call the cops. And the gunshots were dampened by the building, so no one outside heard them. After I finish, I trigger the sprinklers and the fire alarm. I activate all of them. I can smell gasoline as they come out. I walk out and put explosives under the fancy car as I had promised, giving time for the gasoline I put in the sprinklers to make its way throughout the building. As I hear sirens in the distance, I turn around and squint. After a moment of aiming my shot, I shoot a finger laser through the open door onto the puddle of gasoline that has formed from the sprinkler.

The reaction is instant. The puddle bursts into flames and the fire travels through the hallways into every room and the basement. If there was anyone inside, and they didn't get out after the fire alarms went off, then the fault is on them. Except for the one guy in the basement. That's on me. I yawn as I watch the flames. I can vaguely sense the guy that is in the basement using [Telepathy]. After a little while, he died. In excruciating pain. Exactly what he deserves.

I saw some awful things in his memories. One of the things he did was what I got accused of. Maybe that's why. Maybe I did this cause I wanted to get back at the guy who did this to me, but he was the better option. Those thoughts don't help right now though. I pulled out the detonator for the C4 I had brought with me and put it under the guys' car. I press the trigger and enjoy the show from a distance. The car shoots in the air engulfed by flames before falling to the ground.

I can hear police and fire truck sirens approaching. I waste no more time and open another mist gate back to the warehouse where I left Brittany. What a long night...


John Wick, The Punisher, Nobody, Equalizer, and that one guy who Nicholas Cage acts in that one movie have met a new competitor. One with superpowers and may be slightly unstable...

Maybe I went too far, but I think this is what someone like him would do in his situation. When he first came to this world, he was mostly the other with just the memories of Axel. Now, he is somewhere in between. And yes. I blew up a building in the first ten chapters. And I also stole the idea of the sprinklers from Nobody. That was an awesome scene by the way.

(I'm talking about the movie called Nobody.)

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