In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 11 Aftermath (Updated)

Chapter 11 Aftermath

What a long night... I step through the portal into the warehouse and I see Brittany and the girl named Amanda talking. But they stop the moment they see me.

"There was nobody there. I destroyed the guy in charge's fancy car on my way out, so that was fun. Anyway, the building has been destroyed, as well as any evidence of me being there, and you being kidnapped because you were a mutant. They kidnapped people. That's what they did. So unless you tell anyone, they won't have any reason to think you're different compared to the others. Don't tell anyone you're a mutant. That'll only make the situation more complicated, especially if they know what you can do." I say as I walk towards them. The telepath girl, whose name is Amanda, glares at me. I just give her a glance before turning back to Brittany.

"I didn't get a chance to thank you, but thanks. I don't know what would have happened to us if you hadn't come." Brittany said with tears in her eyes. It was a traumatic experience after all.

"The chances the police would have found you are slim. And from what I know, they probably already know about where you were, but they don't do anything about it. The situation is complicated, and I hate it." I said.

"What do you mean they knew? You said that was a place where people are trafficked, why wouldn't they do anything?" She asked.

"The problem is simple if you think about it, but people don't want to think about it. So no one really notices. This trafficking business pays a lot of money. There was a very expensive car out in front of the building. Like really expensive. The guy in charge of that little operation was the one who owned it. For a business like theirs to run efficiently, they need people working with them. And who works with them? Politicians primarily, people in high positions, and some members of the police. Who looks away when it's convenient for them, and in return they get some of the profits, or even some of the 'Merchandise' as they put it. So yeah, the world sucks. We all know that." I say with a sigh. I mean, the same thing happened to me. Police have falsified evidence, witnesses changed their stories, and the victim was threatened into saying I did it. So yeah, this world absolutely sucks.

She just had an expression that was a mix of horror, disgust, and understanding. I feel bad having to tell her this, but it's reality. Her brother James looks awful and looks like he's about to fall asleep. I check the time and it's very nearly dawn, at 6:12. I turn over to look at the girl named Amanda and use my recently acquired mind-reading power on her. I can feel some resistance now that she's conscious, likely the result of mental blocks put up as a result of her using her power. I can see that she can feel me there, and as usually happens in this kind of situation, she immediately tries not to think of the secrets that she knows. Which causes her to think of them. Since I can see what she's thinking, I can see her thought process.

'Don't think of this, and also that, crap! I thought of that! Better not think of... Agh! Wait, I used this tactic before, what did they do that made it difficult for me?'

Something along the lines of that. It was kind of funny, but also made the situation hit harder. After a few more seconds of looking into Amanda's thoughts, and Brittany getting nervous at my silence, Amanda finally speaks.

"I know that you took my power and you know my situation already. And judging based on the fact I'm still alive, you plan on helping me or using me. Which is it?" She asks angrily.

I just stare at her some more. Both to clear my thoughts and look further into hers. I can also feel that Brittany is shocked at hearing what she said. I too wonder what I'm going to do next. I hadn't really thought about it. After thinking about it for a while, I decide what to do.

"I obviously would like your help, but I'm not the kind of person to force someone to work for me. But it would be nice if I had help. So, I'll give you a few options.

Option number 1. You go home. I'm going to pay a visit to the other people who know about you. I'll remove evidence of your existence, but I'll be there to free other people who have been kidnapped. Since I am going to do this, you can just go home and live life like normal. I may fail and come to you and warn you, but I'll only do it if it comes to that.

And option number 2. Details can be discussed later, but you work for me to some extent when I need help. I won't make you do anything you don't want to do. You get the idea. You win either way, but I also win either way. It's a win-win situation. Simple as that." I say as I explain her options to her.

She looks thoughtful for a while before answering.

"I... I need to think about it." She said with a huff.

"I can agree with that. But to make sure that you don't reveal too much info on me, I'll be taking liberties to ensure you don't say anything. I recommend you don't move. It'll sting a little, but it'll be over in a second." I say to her. As I finish, I walk up to her and place my hand on her forehead. She tries to back away, but I grab her before she can.

I had talked to the system about using a combination of [Search] and [ConsciousnessControl] to possibly track people, and do other things like see what they see and hear what they hear. And like in the MHA anime, remove someone by activating a self-destruct ability I placed on them remotely. After a while, the system gave me an answer. I would need to level up the system, and then I could accomplish some of those things, but if I wanted anything else other than just getting a sense of what they're feeling, I would need a telepathy-type power. And I had gotten one. I would need to level up the system and get a special tool in order to get a stable working version, but if it's just one person, I can do the most basic version of what I was trying to do.

I placed my hand on her head and transferred a power I had recently stolen to her, [LaserBlast]. I also placed a 'special' marker on her using [Search] and had the system after a few modifications as well as an added feature.

{Trasferring ability [LaserBlast]...}


{Scanning for connection...}


{Running final scan...}

{No problems found}

I have a connection to the power I transferred thanks to both [Search] and [ConsciousnessControl]. I can only do this once or twice, maybe even three times with the system still at its current level. I'll have to level it up in order to do anything more. But I can use an extremely basic version of what All For One used on Lady Nagant. I can't self-destruct anyone, but I can track Amanda's location and also read her mind to a basic extent. I'll have the system keep watch so I won't be invading her privacy. But if she does anything, I'll know.

She looks shocked for a moment as I transfer the ability into her, but pushes me away after I finish.

"W-what did you do?!" She asked panicked.

"Not much, I just gave you the means to defend yourself. I gave you the ability of that one guy who could shoot lasers. Use it wisely, and don't let anyone know what I can do." I say sternly.

I can see she has a shocked look as she realizes what I can do. although she had a basic idea before, she now knows I could transfer powers and not only steal them. But I just smile internally. I opened a mist gate to an alley I had been to near where I could see where the girl lived.

"This leads to near where you live. It's an alley on ******** so you should be able to get home on your own. I'll come and talk to you in the future, but that's later. And here's a reminder. If you tell anyone, I'll know." I say calmly. I know I don't have to act menacingly.

She just nods meekly, still shocked at what I did. I can tell even without telepathy, that she thinks I placed something on her. She isn't wrong. After hesitating she steps through the portal and I close it. I look back at Brittany and her brother and start talking. I tell them another reminder of what to do. I also tell them some 'Special Information' that they would need to know. After a few minutes, I open another gate and they step through. I close the gate behind them.

I yawn in exhaustion but I know I have more work to do. I looked through what the system had recorded when I was reading both Amanda's and the gang boss's minds. (I won't speak his name.) I saw a few people who knew about her and a few other places. The night was almost over, and there was an ever-so-slight lightening in the sky. I was going to be beyond exhausted after I was finished, but oh well. Time to get to work.


(Brittany POV)

I did as he said and acted like I had escaped from the group during the attack. After they took us to the station for an interview I went with the story that Axel said I should use. I had made sure James fully understood the situation and would lie too. I explained the basics. How I was kidnapped in my home, but I didn't know why. How I was threatened using my brother, and my brother was threatened using me. I had been there the whole night until there was a fight. I could hear gunfire, screaming, and yelling. Eventually, someone came through the door to where I was, but they were ambushed by the guy who was in the same room as me. He managed to win, and after he was finished, he untied me and talked to me.

He said he was here to rescue me and anyone else who was here. And I told him about my brother. He had me follow behind him for a while, but I was blindfolded so I couldn't see what he looked like exactly. He had me wait in a room near the exit for him. And when he came back he had James who was taken out safely. He then told me to go and call the police. The building exploded before I could make contact since there weren't any phones around and I had my phone taken.

The story was taken with skepticism, but my brother agreed with the story. Also, there was evidence supporting it. What little that had been found from the remains shows that people, (or maybe only one person) had gone through and killed everyone. Apparently, Axel had dumped gasoline into the water sprinkler's pipes and it was sprayed throughout the entire building, which was awesome. How did Axel think of that?

I don't know really anything about him, but I do wonder where he came from. I was a little worried before but now I know he's not a bad guy. He risked himself to rescue me. I don't know what his mutant ability is exactly and I'm dying to know, but oh well.

(She wasn't listening in on MC and Amanda's conversation.)

There was a lot of questioning, but eventually, me and James were allowed to see our parents. They were hurt, but they were fine. I cried as I saw them. They had bandages on their eyes and my dad's left eye was swollen shut, but they were alive. I had never really wanted to hurt anyone in my life, but knowing that the people who had done this were dead, I felt... Satisfied? That idea feels wrong but there's no other way to describe it. It was justice. And eye for an eye. I was glad that they were gone. And they weren't going to do what they had done to me to anyone else.

I'm glad I'm alright obviously, but I'm also glad that my parents aren't worried anymore. I know my parents were horrified at what had happened. But now everything can go back to normal. I hope.


(3 Days after rescuing Brittany)
I look at my status in contemplation. I have had a major upgrade. I went through and cleared out the rest of the trafficking ring and rescued everyone. There have been a few people who have been arrested having been tied to the operation, but the people that are really in charge are untouched. *Sigh* How unfortunate.

On a side note, I finally finished that one quest.

[Quest: Power thief.
Details: Steal 10 powers of any kind.
Rewards: 25VP [???]

I got a perk. It's called Luck Plays A Role. It makes me lucky apparently. I'll have to see though.


Name: Axel/???
Level: 1 - 0/100
Age: 20/??
Species: Human/Metahuman/Homosuperior
System: Ultimate Villain System
VP: 809

Quests: [ClickToExpand]

Tools: [MentalShields(Minor)] [PowerAnalysis]

Bloodlines/Powers: [31]

[All For One - Allows its user to steal/transfer genetic factors that make up powers/gifts from others, and put them into themselves. And once the user has stolen it, they can also transfer it to others for them to use if they desire.]

[Overhaul Quirk - Allows its user to deconstruct and reconstruct matter. Requires physical contact to activate, but not required once a connection has been established.]
[ConsciousnessControl X-gene - Grants its user greater control over their consciousness. Granting many minor boosts to things such as focus, memory, multitasking, and various other things.]
[Telekinesis X-gene - Allows the user to move objects without physically touching them.]
[Truth Quirk - Allows its user to compel someone to answer their questions.]
[Invisibility Quirk - Allows its user to bend light around them, making them invisible. Works on more than just the visible spectrum.]
[GrowthBoost Quirk - Enhances the body's rate of growth, as in getting stronger or adapting.]
[Explosive Blast Quirk - Allows its user to create explosive blasts. Size and power depend on users' skill in using this ability and strength. Also gives the user minor heat resistance.]
[Flame Fist X-gene - Allows the user to coat themselves, primarily their hands, in flames, and shoot balls or blasts of flame. Grants heat resistance.]
[Telepathy X-gene - A relatively weak version of telepathy. It allows its users to read minds, sense mutants, send messages to people, and to a limited extent influence people.]
[GreyGoliath X-gene - Makes its user huge, grey, and like a miniature Hulk.]
[Laser fingers Quirk - Gives its user the ability to shoot laser beams from their fingers. Has great accuracy, and enough penetration to easily pierce people.]
[WarpGate Quirk - Allows its user to open portals made of black mist, allowing the user and others to teleport.]
[Search Quirk - Allows one to place roughly 100 invisible markers on someone and track their location. Users can also vaguely sense weaknesses in someone a marker has been placed.]
[Scanning Quirk - Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well as to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision.]
[RivetStab Quirk - Allows the user to extend black extensions with cracked glowing throughout it from their fingers and spine.]
[Strength enhancer Quirk - A basic strength-enhancing quirk.]
[Healthy body Quirk - gives the user a healthy body. Affects things like eyesight and how fast someone ages.]
[Intelligence Enhancement Quirk - Enhances the users' intellect.]
[Body Strengthening Quirk - Strengthens the user's body. Makes the user much more durable.]
[HardBone X-gene - Makes the user's bones stronger.]
[BoneManipulation X-gene - Allows the user to alter their bones. Changing their shape and density to some extent.]
[Many Eyes X-gene - Allows user to create eyes all across their body at will.]
[Vampire X-gene - User is stronger, faster, can see better and can focus better. All effects are enhanced at night and lessened during the day. The user even has extendable fangs.]
[Many Eyes X-gene - Allows user to create eyes all across their body at will.]
[Clairvoyance X-gene - Allows its user to see things from far distances without actually physically seeing them.]
[Fist Spikes X-gene - allows its user to grow spikes on their fists.]
[Scales X-gene - Gives the user lizard-like scales.]
[DiseaseWorsening X-gene - Allows its user to make diseases or conditions worse.]
[MinorTelekinesis X-gene - Allows its user to move objects with a thought.]
[Impact X-gene - Increases the kinetic energy in impacts caused by its user, such as the user's fist. Causing greater damage.]

Skills: 2
[Invisibility - Allows its user to bend light around them, making them invisible. Works on more than just the visible spectrum.]
[BodyDouble Lv1 - Allows its user to create a double of themselves. They are able to un-summon this clone at any time. After this clone has been either destroyed or un-summoned, the user will get the memories of this clone. 0/1 ]

Perks: 1
[Luck Plays A Role!: Lucky things are more likely to happen to you. And you may get special quests.]


I gained a lot of VP from completing the quest of rescuing Brittany and killing her captives. I also got even more from

I gained 4 abilities from my rescue of Brittany, but I only have 3 since I gave one to Amanda for her to protect herself. I gained:

[Flame Fist X-gene - Allows the user to coat themselves, primarily their hands and arms in flames, and shoot balls or blasts of fire.]

[Telepathy X-gene - A relatively weak version of telepathy. It allows its users to read minds, sense mutants, send messages to people, and to a very limited extent influence people.]

[GreyGoliath X-gene - Makes its user huge, grey, and like a miniature Hulk in terms of strength and durability.]

These abilities are powerful, and I have more than a few Ideas on what I can do with them, but the only one really useful right now is Telepathy. So the others will either be given to others or saved for a rainy day. Then, there are the 11 abilities I got from the other people I rescued and eliminated at that trafficking ring. I got:

[HardBone X-gene - Makes the user's bones stronger.]
[BoneManipulation X-gene - Allows the user to alter their bones. Changing their shape and density to some extent.]
[Many Eyes X-gene - Allows user to create eyes all across their body at will.]
[Vampire X-gene - User is stronger, faster, can see better and can focus better. All effects are enhanced at night and lessened during the day. The user even has extendable fangs.]
[CatEye's X-gene - Gives user eyes like a cat. Includes slitted pupils. Its user can see better in the dark.]
[Clairvoyance X-gene - Allows its user to see things from far distances without actually seeing them.]
[Fist Spikes X-gene - allows its user to grow spikes on their fists.]
[Snake X-gene - Gives the user snake-like scales, slitted pupils, the ability to sense infrared, and the ability to spit venom from their teeth.]
[DiseaseWorsening X-gene - Allows its user to make diseases or conditions worse.]
[MinorTelekinesis X-gene - Allows its user to move objects with a thought.]
[Impact X-gene - Increases the kinetic energy in impacts caused by its user, such as the user's fist. Causing greater damage.]

These were the abilities that I stole from the captured mutants. The most useful is easily [Clairvoyance]. It allows me to see things without actually being there. I got it from one of the people guarding the place. He was a mutant working for the people who kidnap and experiment on mutants. But he's dead now. It only allows me to see, and not hear things. It could be improved later though. Maybe it would allow me to hear things if I use it enough.

I stole the Vampire ability from another guard of the place. The others are from the people being held captive. The vampire one is interesting. It doesn't give the user the need to drink blood, but it does give a minor weakness to the sun, and it does give most abilities a vampire would have, so that's interesting.

I wanted to hide my existence and not blow my cover, but I'm not holding back anymore. I'll still try to hide my existence, but I won't hold back as much anymore. I've been in hiding for months, now I'm going to be a little more active. But of course, I'll be careful.

I also have two Telekinesis abilities now. But the way they work is different. The original one I got from that one guy allowed him to pick up a car. And me using it flung a whole group of people into the ceiling. But the most that this one can do is pick up a person. But that doesn't mean it's the inferior one. The original has much more power behind it, but the second one is much more accurate. Meaning it allows more fine-tuned manipulation of objects. So by combining the two, it makes me more powerful than before.

The others are pretty useful. The [Snake X-gene] is awesome. I can probably give it to someone and let them use it, but being able to spit venom in someone's eyes when they don't expect it is going to be really useful if I get pinned.

And then, there's [ManyEyes X-gene]. It allows me to create eyes all across my body and see out of them. Seems pretty weird and not that useful, but is actually very useful. What if I gave Cyclops from the X-Men this ability? He would be even more OP. Being able to have multiple eyes that can shoot lasers. The same thing goes with other eye-related abilities. Also the added benefit of a far greater field of view.

And then again, I wonder. I only have 31 abilities. Still a lot, but not much in the grand scheme of things. Apocalypse probably has more. A whole lot more. And I don't think I can win against him as I am now. I have a lot of powers sure, but he has a lot of experience using his. A whole lot of experience. Thousands of years worth. Which far surpasses me.

I'll have to continue practicing and creating combinations. I wonder though. The [DiseaseWorsening] ability reminds me of something from my past life. I might be able to make great use of it.

I also have learned a few places by going through the minds of people with my newly acquired telepathy power. I figured out quite a lot about Fisk. I learned about a few ways to find him and about how he operates. But again, I will have to look more into it later.

After I rescued Brittany, I completed the quest and got my rewards. There was obviously the VP, but I also got a very useful skill.

{Quest Completed: Rescue - A friend of yours has been kidnapped, as well as her brother. Rescue them. Bonus rewards will be granted based on how well you do.
{Rewards: [100VP] [+58VP] [???]}

{Hidden reward has been revealed}

{A Skill has been added: [BodyDouble]}

{[BodyDouble Lv1 - Allows user to create a double of themselves. They are able to un-summon this clone at any time. After this clone has been either destroyed or un-summoned, the user will get the memories of this clone. 0/1 ]}

{User has decided not to walk the path of either the Villain or the Hero. As a reward for being righteous enough to save someone, and evil enough to kill all in his way, you have been granted a power that will help you on your journey.}

This is n awesome skill! And moreover, it allows me to be in two places at once! Yes! I was thinking I was going to have to save up and buy [Double]. The quirk Twice had from MHA. But that thing is likely 10000VP or something like that.

Putting that aside, after gaining so much VP I have decided to upgrade the system. It will unlock more things in the shop and will increase its capabilities. So I do just that and tell the system to upgrade using 100 VP.

{100VP taken}

{System upgrade initiated}

{System upgrading...}

{System will be unavailable for the time it is upgrading}

{System upgrade will be completed in about three hours}

So I won't be able to use the system for three hours huh? Well, that's too bad. I guess I'll have to do everything on my own huh?

As I watch my VP go down by 100 I wonder what I should use the rest for. After considering it, I come up with a few ideas. Maybe I could buy Super Regeneration? Maybe I can buy a quirk like Brain Washing? There are a few possibilities. But there's one ability I really need. I just didn't think of it until now. But I probably won't be able to buy it. It's that OP. Also, I need a system tool...


*30 minutes later*

After sitting on the couch for nearly an hour, I got bored and decided that I should just do something productive while I wait. I practiced with my new powers and figured out a few things. The X-gene that allows me to manipulate my bones isn't very useful at the moment. I've tried making bone spikes and it hurts about as much as one might expect from their bones forcefully breaking out of their skin. But it does offer an advantage. It allows me to fix my broken bones. A form of regeneration. I had to use [Overhaul] on my broken flesh since it didn't heal after I broke the skin. Now all I need is super regeneration and it will be all set.

And let's not forget my new skill. I tested my body double skill and it has some interesting results. It was weird looking at myself and knowing it wasn't me. But after I undid my clone I got its memories I know it was even weirder in the reverse position.

I did a few tests to figure out what the limits are with this ability. I can only make one clone. That's it. But it's only level one, so I can probably make more in the future. For now at least. After summoning my clone I figured out that it doesn't have my abilities. I have to give it abilities from my own stockpiled powers. So that's bad. But duplicating powers would be too OP. Luckily it seems even if I de-summon this clone

There's a counter next to the skill, and it shows how many clones I can make. This skill only allows me to make a single double for now. But this double has as strong of a base as me. So after testing by giving it an ability, deactivating the skill, and then reactivating it, I learned it keeps the abilities it has. So I gave it three abilities. [FlameFist] [FistSpikes] and the [Vampire] X-genes. I decided on only X-genes and not quirks because I don't know what would happen if my clone got kidnapped and it was discovered that he had something other than X-genes

I did a few more tests. such as placing a marker on my close using [Search] and then deactivating the skill, then reactivating it and the marker is still on the clone. I tested using telepathy on my clone. It works, and once the system is upgraded, I'll be able to create a sort of hive mind. When the system is upgraded to level 2, I'll be able to place makers that can do a whole lot more than just track people's locations and sense weak points.


*Even later*

After testing my abilities for a while and contemplating, I decided what to do tonight. It's still day right now. In order to do it, I need to steal their powers from them while they're asleep. That way all they know is it just disappeared. And they won't make any connection with me unless I reveal myself in the future. Everything should be fine...

I wonder though. Where is Wade Wilson? AKA Deadpool. I remember watching the movies and I remember particularly the first movie. Ajax and one of his subordinates. No, wait, Francis. His name's Francis. He had an ability that increased his reflexes and reaction time, as well as making him not able to feel pain.

And then there's his subordinate, Angel Dust. Wonder how she got that name? She had super strength and super durability. She was strong enough to throw Colossus around like a rag doll and almost win if he didn't have help at the last second.

And then there's Russel and Juggernaut from the second Deadpool... Wait, did I accidentally kill Russel? That guy with the flame-fist ability has an almost identical ability to him. Was that actually him? He had a similar attitude...

Yeah, that was a mistake...

Oh well, it's too late to look at the past now. I'll just have to wait and see if I eventually encounter him. I'll keep an eye out for the institution he was at. Although chances are this world is different. I may steal his ability, but then again, I may recruit him. He seemed all too eager to join a gang...

I'll have to wait and see. I'll keep an eye out for what was in the second movie. If Cable shows up, maybe I can steal his time-travel device. But then again, I seriously doubt that he will show up.

But stealing Ajax and Angel Dust's powers is open for me. They will also know things that I will want to know. I wonder if I should track down Wade now, place a tracker on him, and then wait until he joins Ajax's little mutant experiment. Then, I'll place markers on Ajax, Deadpool, and Angel Dust. After that, I'll wait for a good moment. After I've figured out everything about how their operation works, and how to benefit from it, I'll steal what they know. They developed a way to forcefully activate the X-gene. I might be able to create a much more efficient way to do so. I also might be able to cure Wade from his cancer. But then again, maybe not.

And continuing on about villains I can profit from, there's Adrian Toomes. AKA Vulture. In the movie Spider-Man Homecoming, he was a pretty relatable guy. He was just an average guy, but then he put almost all of his savings into his job of clearing debris after the invasion of New York, and then Stark took over the cleanup. But since Toomes had invested so much into the job, he basically lost everything. Heck, if the woman in charge had just said that he would be appropriately compensated, as was likely what she was supposed to do, the vulture never would have been created.

Like seriously, all she had to say was,

"Tony Stark will compensate all parties involved for your work and time, you don't have to worry."

And that's it, no Vulture. *Roll Credits*

All jokes aside, I think I'll have to consider whether or not to help Him. I would probably benefit the most if I let it happen and play events to get him on my side, but he just wants to support his family and help his daughter have a great life. He isn't a bad guy. Even when he killed the guy in the movie, he did it by accident because he thought the gun was meant to immobilize and not incinerate people. Would I really risk their lives for my ambition?

...The fact that I'm considering it says a lot. But I don't even know if things will play out like they did in the movie. I'll wait and see, then decide.

After regaining focus, I put my attention towards my abilities. I practice with them for half the time I'm waiting for the timer to finish and spend the second half doing various other things around the place, such as working on creating my own guns. I used guns in the place I rescued Brittany from as well as the other groups I raided to hide my powers. But I also need to be cautious. I have used [Overhaul] to deconstruct and then reconstruct the guns I'm using to remove the serial numbers and any way to trace them back to me. I've made sure that there should be no way that they can. But then again I could be wrong.

After a while, the system upgrade is completed.

{System Upgrade Completed}

'System, open the shop.'

Immediately after I said that a screen appeared in front of me that showed multiple options, there were a few new things. I scrolled through the options.

I had scrolled through before, but there was new stuff in the section for physical items. I can buy physical items like cash, guns, and even materials like gold. One new thing was magical items.

Magical items:

[Minor healing potion: A blue potion made from magic that greatly enhances the body's ability to heal, even allowing a form of regeneration that can heal scars. Stronger potions can even regrow limbs] = 40VP

It was a healing potion. Like from a typical fantasy RPG game. But there was more.

[Enchanted Dagger: An enchanted dagger that has an enchantment that makes it cut better as well as being much more durable.] = 30VP

[BeginnersBookOfMagic: A book that gives a beginner knowledge on how to use magic.] 50VP

[Telekinesis Bracelet: A bracelet enchanted with a spell that allows its wearer to use telekinesis using their magic power.] = 120VP

[Magic Enhancement Drug: A drug created by alchemists that greatly increases the users magic power, but has various side effects that steadily increase with prolonged use.] = 85VP

[Berserker Warrior Serum: A blood red serum created by a lost kingdom's alchemists. A mix of Hydra and Troll blood mixed with various other ingredients. Its effects cause greatly increased perception, strength, speed, durability, regeneration, and pain resistance. Warriors who use it are nearly unstoppable on the battlefield. Its flaws cause a greatly reduced lifespan, as well as causing the user to become very easy to anger. Its name comes from the rage exhibited on the battlefield as well as the bloodshot eyes and visible blood vessels during battle.] = 390 VP

[Divine Warrior serum: A modified version of the Blood Berserker Serum. It gives greater strength, speed, durability, perception, and regeneration. But it is weaker than the Blood Berserker Serum, only around 30-40% as strong, but it doesn't have any negative side effects.] = 550VP

[Crimson Demon Serum: A magical serum created by a massive pervert who was transferred to another world. If injected into someone, it will grant them extraordinary magical abilities. They will also get blood red eyes and lose their memories. This ability is genetic, so later generations will be born with this ability. Also has a weird side effect of making anyone who uses it have permanent eighth grader syndrome.] = 1100VP

All basic magic stuff. Except the things at the end. They are like magical super soldier serums! And the last one! That's from the anime Konosuba! What the heck! It's a serum that enhances magical power! I'll have to remember it.

Scientific items:

[Stimpak: A medical syringe from the Fallout universe. Has the ability to heal even fatal wounds such as gunshots.] = 35VP

[Jet: A drug from the Fallout universe that allows its user to speed up their perception of time.] = 20VP

[T-60 Power Armor: A suit of T-60 Power armor from the Fallout universe. (Batteries not included)] = 600VP

[Advanced Night Vision Goggles: A pair of advanced night vision goggles from Call of Duty Modern Warfare.] = 120 VP

[Trigger: A drug that enhances someone's quirk. From the world of MHA. Has various side effects, although a lot safer compared to previous versions.] = 60VP

[Quirk Eraser: A completed version of the drug from the MHA world. Created from a quirk that rewinds living things to a previous state. Once injected into someone, it rewinds their quirk factor and erases their quirk.] = 200VP

[Quirk Eraser Cure: A cure to the quirk eraser drug from MHA. Made using the same methods as the quirk eraser just set to undo the originals effects.] = 180VP

[ALZ-112: A genetically engineered retrovirus that could cure Alzheimer's Disease. ALZ-112 not only repairs brain cells but genetically enhances them, to the point of being able to give chimpanzees a human level of intelligence.] = 350VP

There's a lot of stuff to process. Various drugs. From Fallout and MHA. But also ALZ-112? That's the stuff from Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I contemplete what to buy with my remaining 709VP. After a while, I decide that it's been long enough. Time to get serious.


{Tool added: [PowerControl]}

{709 - 150 = 559VP}

The power control tool allows the system to take manual control of my powers. Therefore, it can do things automatically for me.


{Quirk added: [Multitasking]}

{559 - 20 = 539VP}

A basic quirk that improves multitasking. Pretty simple. But I'll likely need it in the future, because I'm starting to have problems with using multiple powers at the same time. So it's best to get it now and get used to it.


{You have purchased: Stimpak x1}

{539 - 35 = 504}

In case of emergencies. I don't have a healing or regeneration ability yet.


{You have purchased: Beginners Book of Magic}

{504 - 50 = 454}

I need to know how to use magic, even if only a little. I'm glad I can learn it on my own. I don't want to expose myself to Kamar Taj and have them snooping around. With this, I can do a lot more on my own. I'll have to research Enchantments in the future. And finally, a quirk that removes the risk of someone getting my DNA.


{[DNA Decay Quirk - Causes any DNA or organic matter that is separated from the host that isn't caused by a power or other means to disintegrate almost immediately.]}

{454 - 15 = 439}

It's a quirk that causes any DNA, meaning fingernails, hair, blood, skin, dandruff, anything, to disintegrate when it is removed from the host. Meaning me. This will make it impossible to get DNA from me.

I decide to save the remaining 439VP for later until I see something in the powers section. I look at it and see two quirks. I look at the two quirks on my system panel and wonder if I should get them.

[Black Lightning Quirk: allows user to create and manipulate black lightning. Allows user to be highly resistant to electricity.] 120VP

[Air Wall Quirk: Lets the user create circular shields made of compressed air from their hands in order to shield themselves. The barriers can be layered for greater protection, and the user also has the ability to create a dome barrier around themselves to guard against attacks coming from different areas. They can also use the shield to blast people away or fire powerful bursts of pressurized air able to knock down and stun the opponent.] 110VP

The first one originally belonged to All For One, while the second belonged to Nine. They are both pretty powerful. Part of me wants to get the black lightning quirk because it's super cool. But the Air Wall quirk is more practical. But still... Which one should I get? 

I'll decide later.

After that, I check the time. I'll go steal more powers from people I marked later. But right now, I'll look through the menu and see if there's anything I missed. Also, I'll have the system see about upgrading what was only barely working before. Making my [Search] quirk more powerful.

After I decide what to do, I get to work.


(Unnamed base location of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

A certain bald black man wearing an eye patch is reading through various documents at his desk. His job is to know things. And he knows a lot of things. But he can't see everything, as hard as he tries. He scans through the documents and makes a few connections here and there, but he doesn't find anything particularly off. He pauses at a few points as he reads them, but he resumes as normal every time. He pauses for a particularly long time as he reads a document about multiple violent incidents in New York.

A human trafficking ring was dismantled in a single night. Almost everyone responsible for it died. There were a few survivors, but their accounts were not much to go on. But the ones who were kidnapped had some useful info. Some of them were mutants, and their abilities were gone. He makes a few possible connections to other things he knows about, but he doesn't know the whole story. He's a professional, so he won't make assumptions without evidence. He skips past the file and moves on with his work. He'll have someone look into it...

He takes notice of a possible empowered individual in New York. It was caught on security camera footage. It shows a man exhibiting greatly increased strength, speed, agility, and reaction time. He stops a mugging and saves a woman. But what's interesting is what else is shown. It is only shown three times in the video, but there are blue electrical arcs on this person while he's using his 'abilities'. It's likely tied to how his ability works.

I have been informed of every reported enhanced individual as of late, as part of an initiative I'm putting together. I order my men to figure out who he is and put someone on him, and also to investigate what happened in the trafficking ring that was taken down.


(Unnamed location)

A large bald man looks out the window of his high-rise. He looks out onto the city he is trying to save. He has had success, but progress is slow. But recently, a problem has emerged. Multiple bases of operation operated by some of his 'Friends' have been taken down. It's a problem, but not too big of one in the grand scheme. However, he has sent some of his best men to investigate. There are a few possibilities, but nothing definite. So he'll have to wait and see what happens.

"Mr Fisk, you have a call," A man in a suit says behind him.

He never says his real name unless they are alone and there is an important client involved. This must be one of those times.

"Thank you, Wesley," He says in return.

He looks back out the window for a second before turning around to take the call.


I had to extensively rewrite this chapter. I actually fused the next chapter with this one, making this the longest chapter yet. I'll still post another chapter next Friday, but consider this the first Chapter of the week. I mentioned it with another author's note, but I need help deciding the name for the quirk that is marked with question marks. Please comment and give me ideas.

Also, Please choose which of the two quirks MC will get between [Airwall] and [Blacklightning].

(Update 5/23/24 I have modified the poll one more time. I'm sorry, but after thinking things through some more, I've decided that the MC can't buy the super soldier serum from the shop. I'll make it so that he can't buy things from Marvel. Besides, I'm pretty sure I said that in a previous chapter. Sorry but I'll have to redo the poll.)

Also, I found this

I was just scrolling along and doing some basic research for this fanfic and I found it. It's a massive list of over 500 quirks that some guy came up with. This will help me write this series. I'm just giving credit where it's due.

And again, if anyone has any recommendations, please comment. 


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