In MARVEL With The Ultimate Villain System (Temporarily Dropped Read description)

Chapter 15 “…”

Chapter 15

(Brittany POV)
It was a while after the 'incident' when my parents were contacted by Xavier's school for gifted youngsters. They talked for a while before agreeing to meet with them. It was in the afternoon and two people came. An old man in a wheelchair, and a dark-skinned girl with white hair. I don't know the exact race, probably from the Middle Eastern areas, maybe even Egypt. Ever since I learned of my powers, I have been practicing with them. Axel had even come and given me a few tips on using them. I learned how to sense people's presence. It takes some focus, and I think I was subconsciously doing it before. But I can sense people even from behind walls.

Anyway, after they came in we all sat in the living room and talked.

"So you're also... Like our daughter?" My mother asked.

"Yes, I am also a mutant. I mentioned it before, but let me give you a full introduction. My name is Charles Xavier, and my friend here is Ororo Munrou. I learned of my mutant gift when I was young. And after I grew older, I started, and have continued to use my fortune to help others like me. And I want to help your daughter if I can." The man in the wheelchair said. Is he the person Axel mentioned?

"And how would you do that?" My father asked.

"Most mutants, around 80%, awaken their gifts in adolescence. I have created a school for the gifted to help them control their powers when they awaken them. Accidents can easily happen and I want to prevent them from getting hurt accidentally. Or even worse, hurt someone else by accident." He said.

I wondered what the other students were like for a moment, but I also wondered why Axel didn't join them. He mentioned something about them but I couldn't quite remember... No wait, I remember now. He said they were too optimistic.

They talked some more and eventually decided that we would visit the school and see it ourselves and decide what to do then. After they left I talked to my parents about my decision, I went to my room and found a special bracelet with a gem in it. Axel gave it to me. He said that it allowed two-way communication so that we could be in contact with one another. I pressed it in a specific spot and held it for 5 seconds and then pressed a button on the back. After that, it glowed and I heard Axels' voice.

"Hey, Brittany. Is there a problem?"

"Yes and no. The people you mentioned came. A man named Charles Xavier and a girl who looked Middle Eastern and had white hair."

"Was her name Ororo Munroe?"

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

"I did my own personal research."

"Well anyway, they offered that I could go to the Xavier's school for gifted youngsters. The place you mentioned before."

"Yeah. From what I know, they really do want to help. However, they often get dragged into problems. And that's not even mentioning Charles Xavier."

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's a telepath. Not like that Amanda girl, very strong. Take over people's bodies and shred their minds powerful."

Is he really that dangerous?!

"But from what I know he doesn't abuse his powers. He only uses them when he needs to."

"That's a relief"

"If you go you'll almost certainly be safe. About the same level of safety as going to a normal school. But still, I'm a little worried."

So he is worried about me?

"I... I've been meaning to ask you something but I just haven't had the time."

"What is it?"

"I know what your ability does, and I was wondering if you could make me normal. Take away my mutant gift."

He's silent for a long while after I say that. But he eventually speaks.

"I can. But are you sure you want that?"

"As long as I have it I'm a target. I'd rather be a normal person than be targeted."

"That is a choice not many would be willing to make. However, there's another option."

"What's that?"

"That I give you another ability, or even two that would allow you to protect yourself and your family."

"You can do that? Give me multiple abilities?"

"Yeah. I have an idea of what I can give you too. When is the next time you're free? We can meet up?"

Feeling a little bold, I respond.

"So... A date?"

He's silent for a moment before responding.

"I guess it is."

Wow, he actually agreed? Wait, how old is he? I never asked...

"Wait. How old are you?"

"I'm twenty"

(He turned 20 right before he went to prison)

He's twenty? He's 4 years older than me. It's not too much... Wait, what am I thinking?!

"Okay, I never asked so I was a little worried you were a lot older than you looked. No offense"

"None taken. I understand completely. It's the same as finding out the girl you're dating is actually a dude."



"No offense"

"...None taken"

After talking about the specifics I turned off the bracelet and laid down on my bed. Before immediately rolling over putting my face in my pillow and screaming into it.


(Axel POV)

Well, that was unexpected. I bought two magic bracelets from the shop that allow two-way communication. And I gave one to Brittany in case something happens and she needs to contact me. Not long after she did and told me that Charles Xavier approached her. I got an alert from the system already, but I decided not to interfere unless I had to.

But something unexpected happened. Brianna tricked me into going on a date with her. Was it intentional? I can use my telepathy to find out, but that would be invading her privacy. So I obviously won't... Maybe? No. That's stupid. Maybe?...


After a while of inner debate, I decided to just get everything ready to get my mind off of it.

I go back to my lab and prepare to duplicate very specific quirks and X-genes. I contemplate what to give her and decide the first thing she needs is something that gives her a stronger body. An ability that makes her stronger and faster. But I want one that doesn't put too much stress on her body. So after contemplating for a while, I decided to give her a copy of the ability I stole from the gang member. However, I'll remove the ability to generate air blasts and put something else there instead. Not a quirk, but an X-gene. If anyone tests her DNA and finds something that's not an X-gene than it could be a problem.

After that, she also needs an ability that will allow her to defend herself and her family. So a copy of [Barrier]. And of course, protection against telepathy. Meaning I'll give her a copy of [Telepathy]. So three abilities. Add that to her original ability and it's 4. I have experimented with quirks and X-genes and have learned how many can be put on someone before they start to have problems. I know Giganto Machia had 7. And my record is 9. Fisk really is a monster. I turned him into a Nomu after I locked him up. Right now he's on standby but he's ready to fulfill orders.

But based on my findings she'll likely have problems. The average person seems to start having problems with having multiple abilities when they have 4-5 powers at once. But leaving her with 4 abilities is risky. I think I'll fuse her ability with [Telepathy] causing less strain on her body and making a stronger version of her power while I'm at it. Similar story to the creation of One For All, Actually.

With a plan in mind, I go to Brittany and tell her the basics of what I have planned. While I'm there I ask for her to give me some of her blood and she agrees. After that, I spend a couple days and successfully duplicate her ability and give it to myself. I couldn't think of a better name so I came up with [Mind Influence]. A weak version of telepathy that allows its user to subtly influence people.

I remember a weak telepathy quirk that only allows someone to send their thoughts to someone, and not hear their thoughts. But fusing it into a cocktail can create an even stronger ability. I'll probably do it in the future but not right now.

After thinking about how I wanted to do it, I got to work.


I succeeded. I successfully fused the [Telepathy] X-gene, and Brittany's [Mind Influence] X-gene into one power. I can't be bothered to give it a name though.

While I was making it, I remembered that Charles Xavier's mutation altered his brain helping him control his gift, making him much smarter than the average person as a result. That's why he's known as having the most powerful mind in the world. I don't want her powers to overwhelm her. Otherwise I would add [Intelligence Enhancement] into the mix just in case.

However, another problem emerges. I remember that I told Brittany that I could find people before. It's the reason I was able to find her after she was kidnapped after all. But with it I'm using it to track her and her family. Which is really stalker like. So after considering it, I think I should cut ties with her.

She can defend herself, and I hope she can defend her family.

After all, when I'm done she'll be at least a Beta-level mutant. She'll have 4 powers.

The 4 are: [Mind Influence], [Telepathy], [SuperBody], and [Barrier].

This selection got me thinking about how well they work together. I got into contact with Amanda not too long ago and took back the [LaserBlast] ability I gave her. Since nobody came after her she didn't want it anymore. If I gave it to her as well then she could have both powerful offense and defense while also having telpathy. But that's too much.

Since I've finished selecting her abilities I contemplate what else I can do while I wait, and decide to look at my status to see if there are any quirks of interest. I scan through them for a while and see a few new quirks. I have been getting a lot of VP recently, so I guess I should see what quirks are available. I look through the shop list and find 5 quirks. The first 3 are: [EnergySaver] [BigShow] [Leap].

[Energy Saver quirk - Grants the user greatly increased stamina and increased ability to save energy. Also allows the user to get more out of sleep and be able to go in a sort of hibernation mode.]

[Big Show quirk - Allows the user to increase their size by around three times, also increasing their strength and durability in both forms. (Doesn't work on clothes)]

[Leap quirk - Grants the user the ability to jump long distances and fall from large heights without getting hurt.]

Pretty simple, but they give me more options. Energy saver belonged to Gigantomachia, and the Leap quirk belonged to a girl from the MHA Vigilantes spin-off manga. I've been reading the series since they were copied on the system. Another quirk of note is the quirk that belonged to the main character of the series. But there's one other quirk that I want. The [Overclock] quirk.

[Overclock quirk - Overclock allows the user to accelerate to extreme speeds, to the point that to the user, it looks like nothing is moving. Its true ability consists of stimulating the brain, speeding up the user's perception and thoughts relative to everything else, and allowing them to move at a much faster speed than others. In normal situations, the user can move at speeds approximately three to ten times faster than normal. In emergency situations, when the user's fight or flight response is active, the user can move at speeds a few dozen times faster than normal. The user can move fast enough to outpace bullets. The user can move fast enough to the point that the world seems completely frozen. Overclock also grants the user heightened senses, allowing them to see, hear, and think at hyperspeed. They're able to clearly hear words that have been sped up to three hundred times the normal speed when the Quirk is active.]

Longest description yet. (I literally just copied it from a wiki lol) And for good reason. It's a weak super-speed ability. It increased one's perception of time, as well as their speed in general. I want it, however there's a problem. It is also blanked out. A big problem. Because it is starting to look like the quirks that are missing were specifically chosen to work together.

This is becoming a real problem.

And then there's a seemingly useless quirk, but if used properly can be very useful.

[Sloshed quirk - Sloshed causes anyone who approaches the user to lose their sense of balance, falling into a state similar to inebriation. Those affected by Sloshed become unable to move and act properly. The user can choose who is affected and how affected they are.]

Seems pretty weak, but it's very valuable because it allows me to make people less aware of their surroundings. People who are trained professionals like Hawkeye and Black Widow are still a problem to me even now, but with this, I can somewhat even the playing field. I have [HighSpecs], and it has been a great boon in learning speed. I feel much smarter, but I haven't had it for very long. I currently have 3284VP. I buy the 4 quirks and watch as I get multiple notifications:

{You have gained the quirk: [EnergySaver]}

{You have gained the quirk: [Bigshow]}

{You have gained the quirk: [Leap]}

{You have gained the quirk: [Sloshed]}

{3284 - 175 = 3109VP}

After I get the 4 quirks I experiment with them for a while. But I still can't get the 'date' off my mind.


Name: Axel/???
Level: 3 - 0/5000
Age: 20/??
Species: Human/Metahuman/Homosuperior
System: Ultimate Villain System
VP: 3109

Quests: [ClickToExpand]

Tools: [MentalShields(Lesser)] [PowerAnalysis] [PowerControl]

Bloodlines/Powers: [49+]

[All For One - Allows its user to steal/transfer genetic factors that make up powers/gifts from others, and put them into themselves. And once the user has stolen it, they can also transfer it to others for them to use if they desire (48)]

[Overhaul Quirk - Allows its user to deconstruct and reconstruct matter. Requires physical contact to activate, but not required once a connection has been established.]
[Half-hot Half-cold quirk - Allows the user to create Fire and Ice.]
[Hellfire quirk (C) - Allows the user to create fire and has resistance to fire and heat. But they must cool down after they get so hot.]
[Cryo quirk (C) - Allows the user to create Ice and lower the temperature, as well as offering resistance to the cold.]
[High Specs quirk - gives the user a greatly superior intellect.]
[Black Lightning Quirk: allows user to create and manipulate black lightning. Allows users to be highly resistant to electricity.]
[Air Wall Quirk: Lets the user create circular shields made of compressed air from their hands in order to shield themselves. The barriers can be layered for greater protection, and the user also has the ability to create a dome barrier around themselves to guard against attacks coming from different areas. They can also use the shield to blast people away or fire powerful bursts of pressurized air able to knock down and stun the opponent.]
[Barrier quirk - allows the user to create a translucent barrier around them.]
[Sloshed quirk - Sloshed causes anyone who approaches the user to lose their sense of balance, falling into a state similar to inebriation. Those affected by Sloshed become unable to move and act properly. The user can choose who is affected and how affected they are.]
[Consciousness Control X-gene - Grants its user greater control over their consciousness. Granting many minor boosts to things such as focus, memory, multitasking, and various other things.]
[Telekinesis X-gene - Allows the user to move objects without physically touching them.]
[Mind Influence X-gene (C) Allows its user to mentally influence people to a limited extent.]
[Cell Activation quirk - Allows the user to activate someone's cells causing them to divide and heal them at the cost of their stamina.]
[Energy Saver quirk - Grants the user greatly increased stamina and increased ability to save energy. Also allows the user to get more out of sleep and be able to go in a sort of hibernation mode.]
[Lie Detector quirk - Allows the user to sense whenever someone in close proximity to them lies. Works best with physical contact.]
[Truth Quirk - Allows its user to compel someone to answer their questions.]
[Invisibility Quirk - Allows its user to bend light around them, and their clothing anything they're holding making them invisible. With intense concentration, it can be used to turn another invisible. Works on more than just the visible spectrum.]
[GrowthBoost Quirk - Enhances the body's rate of growth, as in getting stronger or adapting.]
[Big Show quirk - Allows the user to increase their size by around three times, also increasing their strength. (Doesn't work on clothes)]
[Explosive Blast Quirk - Allows its user to create explosive blasts. Size and power depend on users' skill in using this ability and strength. Also gives the user minor heat resistance.]
[Flame Fist X-gene - Allows the user to coat themselves, primarily their hands, in flames, and shoot balls or blasts of flame. Grants heat resistance.]
[Multi-tasking Quirk - gives its user a greater ability to multitask.]
[DNA Decay Quirk - Causes any DNA or organic matter that is separated from the host that isn't caused by a power or other means to disintegrate almost immediately.]
[Telepathy X-gene - A relatively weak version of telepathy. It allows its users to read minds, sense mutants, send messages to people, and to a limited extent influence people.]
[GreyGoliath X-gene - Makes its user huge, grey, and like a miniature Hulk.]
[Laser fingers Quirk - Gives its user the ability to shoot laser beams from their fingers. Has great accuracy, and enough penetration to easily pierce people.]
[WarpGate Quirk - Allows its user to open portals made of black mist, allowing the user and others to teleport.]
[Search Quirk - Allows one to place roughly 100 invisible markers on someone and track their location. Users can also vaguely sense weaknesses in someone a marker has been placed.]
[Scanning Quirk - Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well as to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision.]
[Rivet Stab Quirk - Allows the user to extend black extensions with cracked glowing throughout it from their fingers and spine.]
[Strength Enhancer Quirk - A basic strength-enhancing quirk.]
[Healthy body Quirk - gives the user a healthy body. Affects things like eyesight and how fast someone ages.]
[Intelligence Enhancement Quirk - Enhances the users' intellect.]
[Body Strengthening Quirk - Strengthens the user's body. Makes the user much more durable.]
[HardBone X-gene - Makes the user's bones stronger.]
[BoneManipulation X-gene - Allows the user to alter their bones. Changing their shape and density to some extent.]
[Leap quirk - Grants the user the ability to jump long distances and fall from large heights without getting hurt.]
[Vampire X-gene - User is stronger, faster, can see better, and can focus better. All effects are enhanced at night and lessened during the day. The user even has extendable fangs.]
[Many Eyes X-gene - Allows the user to create eyes all across their body at will.]
[Clairvoyance X-gene - Allows its user to see things from far distances without actually physically seeing them.]
[Fist Spikes X-gene - allows its users to grow spikes on their fists.]
[Snake X-gene - Gives the user snake-like traits. Giving them scales, slitted eyes, infrared senses, and a forked tongue.]
[DiseaseWorsening X-gene - Allows its user to make diseases or conditions worse.]
[MinorTelekinesis X-gene - Allows its user to move objects with a thought. But focuses on fine control rather than raw power.]
[Impact X-gene - Increases the kinetic energy in impacts caused by its user, such as the user's fist. Causing greater damage.]
[SuperStrength/AirBlast X-gene - gives user super strength and the ability to shoot air blasts.]
[Multitasking Quirk - Gives the user a greater ability to multitask.]
[DNA Decay Quirk - Causes any DNA or organic matter that is separated from the host that isn't caused by a power or other means to disintegrate almost immediately.]

Skills: 2
[BodyDouble Lv2 - Allows the user to create a double of themselves. They can un-summon this clone at any time. After this clone has been either destroyed or un-summoned, the user will get the memories of this clone. 2/2 ]
[Monarch's Indifference Lv1 - Allows the user to be indifferent to usually stressful situations.]

Perks: 1
[Luck Plays A Role! Lv2 - Lucky things are more likely to happen to you. And you may get special quests.]


I have been really busy and haven't been able to update. But this chapter isn't really good quality either. I don't even know exactly how long it's been since I updated. Well either way, here's another chapter. I'll be picking up the pace in the next few chapters, or at least I plan on it. If I messed up somewhere in the chapter please tell me. I've been working on it in segments throughout all this time, so I probably messed something up.

I went back and altered the chapter after thinking about it more. Giving the MC too mach power this early is a recipe for disaster. I've also changed my plans on what will happen next.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.