In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


When the waystone Kal’s bring is set, the winds of magic are returned north. The previous altered winds that bring sudden increase in daemon incursion to Nordland are gone. The frequency of daemons appearing immediately falls and the unbound daemons that are already in the material world slowly disappear with the lack of magic to sustain their existence. Or look for more victims to slaughter and sacrifice to prolong their presence within the material world.


This however has an unintended consequence of concentrating magic within Laurelorn forest. After all, like the pressure of water flow being the most powerful at the point where it is blocked, so does magic concentration being the most pure at the point where it is dammed. Being so close to the north with only the narrow sea between Laurelorn and the northern wastes then added with the raising of the world’s magic due to Valariel’s herdstone, the three waystone Valariel and her herd have placed are simply unable to divert the winds of magic properly and quick enough.


The winds of magic that were supposed to be diverted from northwest, to south, and to northeast are pushed even further south from the northern winds of magic. With the waystones unable to divert the winds of magic quick enough, the winds closest to the waystones eventually stopped flowing. And when the winds of magic stop flowing, warp stones formed.  A stone of concentrated chaotic magic. Powerful and dangerous but highly sought after. An uranium equivalent for magic that is always active. An ingredient to amplify all things magical and for wizards, an alternative source of magic and different against winds of magic, the wizards need not tempt fate against Tzeentch. Though this only means that they are switching from a danger to their souls and others to a danger of mutations on their body. They are formed in a half circle line connecting the three waystones Valariel’s herd have set fast enough to be seen with the naked eye. Which means there's an awful lot of them.


“Kal! Gather as much as you can. Prepare some forges and provide the gatherer with plenty of escorts!” I ordered Kal who nod and gathers his beastmen


This is certainly unexpected. While this means that I can get a steady supply of warp stones anyway and make powerful weapons, and guns, this will attract the attention of those Skavens. I finished my work on creating beast paths connecting my herdstone and the three waystones that have been set around Laurelorn. Expediting travel time between the four points.


“Lak, gather the warp stones! Make them into totems to protect your camp! Dorn, do the same and Druig, get to the northeast through the path I make and reinforce Kal’s position!” I give out my orders through my communication earring.


While this seems good, this is a very bad situation. If a warpstone can form, this means my waystones do not work as intended and if warpstone can manifest, then daemons can manifest even more easily inside the forest. Not to mention the added chance of demonic incursion from my trial. This also means more delay to my march to Laurelorn. I won’t march my herd to slaughter and until many have warpstone enchanted weapons that can help them fight against daemons will I march.


I think again on what I can do in the meantime. It is not proper to research new weapons and how to make guns when our manpower is divided like this. I can make a few prototypes, but that is through soulforge and it might be difficult for my herd to replicate. The quickest way is to abduct a Skaven engineer and that is not easy nor subtle. The increased size of my beastmen will prove hindrance in tight spaces. I am not eager to reenact what it is like when a space marine encounters the Squat again.


Other than that, I can teach Lak and her shaman division to use warp stones for quick spells. The disadvantages of mutations are insignificant with my concept power and the disadvantages of daemonic incursion are lessened significantly when using warp stones. Then I realized what I am trying to make and even managed to feel annoyed. I fucking hate DnD and its Vancian magic system of spell slots and here I am, reinventing spell slots because it is safer.


“Kal! Forge new weapons added with the warp stones. Those will be our primary weapons in our march north. I will leave for Lak and assign her what to do.” I said before flying through the beast path to the northwest where Lak is. The time it took to the northwest was halved. Allowing me more time before night came. I don’t know why the Nurgle daemons in Laurelorn haven’t launched an attack yet. But it is prudent to prepare everything before the night comes. As I land on the camp, a few warp stone totems and some normal ones are already erected then small makeshift groundwork raised with mud and held together with some vines. I see that Lak makes use of Eonir magic well.


“You there, I need that batch of warp stones.” I said at some beastwomen shaman carrying the newest batch of warpstone. As they drop the stones I check their hands for signs of mutations and see that the effects are minimal as of now. Only discolored skin and some new fingers. Beastmen are more susceptible to mutations, and only this much despite my alteration to stabilize their gene is fine.


“Any attack when gathering these?” I start

“Only if we venture too deep into the forest.” One of the shamans answered. This is strange, as this means that there is something holding the daemons back or the Eonir elves deeper inside are still fighting. Either are unreliable but at least I still have time if true.

“Where’s Lak?” I finally ask

“Inside the tent. Breeding the Eonir as usual.”

The Eonir did catch Lak’s attention. More than usual. Might be just a new fascination. I told the shamans to leave the warp stone batch at some workplace as I leave to pick Lak.


Time to make something new to this world.


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