In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy from 10-15 April then took a week to rest

Three sets of Warpstones. Each in different sizes. Tried to refine it but without proper equipment is impossible and using soul forge will betray the purpose of being easy to manufacture and use as long as there’s supply of Warpstones. So I settled with different sizes for now. Lak, her shamans, and a few Eonir wizards or Spellsingers as they call themselves watches as I slotted the Warpstones to a half circular metal plate. Arranged in a set of 5 small stones, 4 medium stones, and 3 large stones. Then I focused on the magic on the large stone and used its power to throw a fireball at the practice target that was already set a distance away.




The explosion deafens my ear and partially blind my eyes. “Hahaha!” I laughed as the smoke cleared out, I found that the explosion was much larger than anticipated. No wonder the Skaven like this thing. A huge molten crater was made on the hill where the practice target stood. The explosion is at least 25 meters in radius while we are only 30 or so meters away. Whether this is the raw power of the warpstone or amplified by my own multiplier needs testing. I give the starry eyed Lak the metal plate after we move a bit further back. Like a child that gets a new toy, she inspect the prototype. Of course, she immediately used the large one and cast another fireball.


This time the explosion is within the first expectation of between 10 to 15 meter radius

“It wasn’t as big as the last one.” Lak said in confusion

“It was amplified with my own powers. How is it, think you and your shamans can make more of them?” 

“Of course. But can I add more stones?”

“Not for now. Adding too much might make it explode or mutate the wearer too much. While you already taught how to control the mutation, rapid changes in the middle of the battle is not good.” Lak nodded at that. She immediately calls her shamans that were watching along. A few of them have burn marks from my explosion but are too excited to bother and crowd the prototype. 


There’s some Eonir at the back. Clearly terrified of what I just made. Something that can allow almost instantaneous casting without first channeling to gather magic power is a first. There’s of course enchanted weapons and staff, but they are limited to just one thing or spell while my prototype can be used to cast almost any kind of spell. While it is limited to 12 spells before needing to replace the Warpstones, most wizards won’t even cast that many spells in one battle. The closest comparison would be a breech loaded rifle against a semi modern rifle with a magazine. Only that magic has the firepower of an artillery. The cost of mutations from using Warpstones are worth it. As I watched Lak begin making more of the spell slot plates, a familiar presence of Tzeentch arrived. 


What are you cookin kiddo?


Managed to get your attention?


Funny little trinket you made


It’s not a trinket if you are interested


Cheeky. I like it. I want it.

Tzeentch immediately offered me 900 souls in exchange for my spell slot creation. Tempting offer, but he doesn’t need to make an offer for this. He can just give it all the reward and take the idea, or even just take the idea. He is probably testing me.


I need something else for this


Oh? What is it?




Hn? What makes you think I have it kiddo?


Kairos? The two headed Lord of Change that can see the future and the past but never the present? He wasn’t exactly subtle



Hhrrrmmmmmmmmmm. Fine.


Immediately the souls exchanged are cut by 600 to 300, but I can get the time concept in exchange.

One more thing


Do not test my patience kid


Share this to every faction


Oh? And why would you do that?


It will be fun

Then there's silence for a while. Followed by a mind shattering laugh of thousands of voices on top of each other. Even with all my Willpower and Divinity, I almost blacked out.


Very well. Surely you won’t regret this. Surely.

Then Tzeentch’s presence withdrew. But not before slapping my mind with visions on what can possibly happen. My invention of the spell slot system with Warpstones are not valuable to the already strong wizards, witches, and others. But by how accessible it would be. While this does not improve the already powerful mages, every magic capable person on the lower end can cast multiple spells they would otherwise have difficulty to. Witch covens getting more brazen and cults of hedge wizards can now leverage even more power on the already spread thin magic universities of the Empire.


I push that vision away. Does not matter what happens. At the very least, the Empire and other Order factions will also have an additional arsenal. Better that rather than being monopolized by Tzeentch and only used by Chaos. Yes, the overall chaos will be greater but that is the price to spread the idea of the spell slot. As for how it will spread, I have no idea.


All that is left for now is to wait till Lak has equipped the shamans she will lead with a spell slot and Druig reinforcing Kal’s position. Then we will assault Laurelorn. Took a long time to prepare, but different from the other Chaos forces, Nurgle is the one that has the most advantage if fighting in his territory.


“You have strayed us from our initial mission and now you want to explore Laurelorn! This is unacceptable!” Shouts a witch hunter captain wearing a hat with many feathers throwing a written order at the table. The Life wizard professor on the other side, throws his own written order to his face.

“Our mission to train our new graduate you feathered turnip! The task to investigate Drakwald’s surge of magic is optional!” The professor shouts equally loud

“Keeping you alive is optional!”

“Indeed, keeping you alive is optional!” The professor parrot mockingly.


Bertrand slurps his soup in the middle. Willfully ignoring the other two. This always happens and he waits until both exhaust themselves screaming at each other before he makes his decision. Though he is inclined to agree with the witch hunter, the initial mission going to Drakwald took a detour north after the Nordland riders request for help. Then the daemon incursion stops as the wizards sense a peculiar activity of magic in Laurelorn and want to go there. He always hates a sortie without a clear goal in mind. Especially if it points to the point of his failure.


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