Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 139 - set off

Of course, Cheng Huaiqian just wanted to think about it. After all, they were planning to participate in the “searching” operation of the research base. If the research base was chaotic first, it might not work.

So the three of them just sat and watched the rescue teams at various bases become lively, and the research base gave everyone a day to consider whether to join the mission.

The rescue team members originally took this as a joke, but unexpectedly, the leaders of the rescue team had completely different attitudes.

So far, everyone can see it clearly. The co-authors are aware of their own base, and the captains are also aware of it. In the end, only the bottom-level team members who didn’t know about it were kept in the dark and carried to the research base.

Before dinner is the deadline for registration given by the research base. Those who are willing to participate in the search operation can continue to stay in the base, while those who are unwilling to participate have to leave the base, borrow their parking lot for one night, and leave at dawn the next day.

Dongzi was looking for Xia Ruize and the three of them all day, and it was not until the afternoon that they finally blocked people in the dormitory.

“How many of you will participate?” Dongzi asked straight to the point, and took the initiative to show his sincerity: “I plan to stay anyway, this is obviously an extended task, and it is difficult to encounter such a clear extended task. Don’t miss it. The daring and the timid will starve to death, do you want to fight together?”

After listening to the researcher’s speech, Dongzi realized that the search task is an extended task, and for the testers, they can freely choose whether to participate.

If you participate, you may encounter more dangers. If you don’t participate, you can gain a lot of physical stats from daily hunting of living corpses.

After thinking about it, Dongzi decided to stay and participate. Although the difficulty of the task has increased visibly to the naked eye, it is difficult to encounter this kind of extended task that does not need to be developed and directly placed in front of him. He has experienced more than a dozen task worlds, Only met three times.

So Dongzi approached Xia Ruize and the three again, trying to pull the three of them to stay together and take care of each other. He had seen Xia Ruize’s combat power with his own eyes, and he was a help worthy of winning.

“We stay too.”

Xia Ruize smiled, seeing Dongzi relieved, and then complained:

“That’s right, Ma Wuye is not fat, and if he doesn’t complete the extended mission, he has no future. The one in my team will not go. Hey, this kind of world, where you stay is not always this disgusting environment, what’s the difference?

Okay, I can rest assured if I get the permission of the three brothers. If we are assigned to a team at that time, we will take care of each other more. “

Dongzi was rejected last time, and this time he didn’t think about joining the team of three, but as a fellow, it’s okay to take care of each other without affecting him, right?

After getting a positive answer, Dongzi left happily.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian sat side by side in the corner to discuss arrangements. Gao Hexuan was doing all he could to find relevant information about the last mission in the research base, and prepared in advance. The three of them formed a small world of their own, very leisurely.

However, this dormitory area was actually quite chaotic. Some were yelling, some were yelling at the table, and some were trying to persuade them. In short, the whole day was extremely chaotic. Until the end, the lists submitted by the captains kept changing.

The research base has obtained a list of people who are willing to participate in the search mission. More than 600 rescuers were sent from various bases, but only more than 200 were left in the end.

The guards sent all the people who were leaving out of the inner area of ​​the base and returned to the original parking lot, and the dormitory area was suddenly empty.

Those who stayed ate a more hearty dinner, and the atmosphere was much quieter and silent than the previous days. After all, many people stayed half-forced, or were tempted by the reward given by the captain, or threatened by the handle given by the captain. In short, only a minority of people like Xia Ruize and Dongzi took the initiative to stay.

At the thought of having to travel tens of thousands of kilometers across the continent to look for virus data, many people feel their scalps are numb and their hearts are full of despair. Even eating delicious food cannot completely soothe their injured hearts.

On the contrary, the research base was very excited. After all, they had been preparing for this for a long time. After dinner, they brought everyone to the auditorium to arrange grouping.

More than 200 people will be divided into two roads and take different routes. More than 100 people in each road will be divided into ten cars, each car will be divided into 12 people. The team leader of each road and the team leader of each car will be studied. The guards at the base served as the guards, and the rescuers from other bases, no matter what their previous identities were, were ordinary team members in the search mission.

The next step is to arrange the personnel of each vehicle. The research base did not forcefully separate the people who were originally acquaintances. On the contrary, it adopted the personal opinions of the team members.

Xia Ruize’s teammates in the car were all familiar faces. In addition to Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan, there were Dongzi and Qin Feng in the same car, as well as Bai Mengru and her two teammates, who were in the same car. Captain Cui Wenyang.

Carrying out new tasks with familiar teammates can always calm the anxiety in my heart.

After being divided into groups, Xia Ruize and others also met their new team leader, Liu Jie from the research base. Liu Jie looked younger than most of the people. When he introduced himself with a smile, he showed two small tiger teeth and his eyes were clear. He had a big smile and seemed to get along well.

In addition to the grouping, the base also explained the roadmap in detail, making sure that each team member is clear about their plan to ensure that even if there is only one car left, they can continue to move towards the goal.

It was late at night, and everyone went back to the dormitory to rest. After dawn the next day, as people in the parking lot left, the short-lived research base became much quieter, and the newly recruited team members were busy all day. , supplies for travel.

From trucks to weapons to logistics materials, all are provided by the research base. It has to be said that the research base has abundant and high-quality materials, and the safety and functionality of the trucks are far superior to the original base.

Not to mention weapons, the power and convenience have been greatly improved, which makes the team members who load the materials by themselves feel more confident.

In addition, military training was arranged in the morning and evening, striving to make these fighters from various bases run in as soon as possible.

After two days of preparation, the team finally drove out of the cave.

It was not until the departure that everyone knew that the trip was accompanied by researchers. A car was assigned to a researcher, and the team members were responsible for protecting the safety of the researchers.

As compensation for everyone, each team member received a bottle of life developed by the research base.

Xia Ruize and the three were the happiest. The bottles in the research base were much larger than those in the future base and could store more life energy.

They have been staying in the base for the past few days, and they have to sneak out of the small door on the side of the base every day in the middle of the night. They seize the time to collect enough life energy and come back overnight. It is really hard, and they have always wanted more life bottles. Now The wish came true, and looking at the young male researcher assigned to their car, naturally there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

The vehicle Xia Ruize was in was the second vehicle of the No. 2 team, and the lead vehicle was the guards at the research base.

The convoy left the research base and embarked on a long journey to find a mission.

During the whole day, the team members used the living corpses on the road to test the newly acquired weapons. It was very easy to use, and the shooting stability and power were great, which could easily solve the threat.

In order to hurry, the team did not stop to rest at night, but just changed drivers, leaving a small number of team members to work at night, while the others were in the hammocks in the carriage, taking the time to rest amid the shaking of the vehicles.

Fortunately, with life energy in hand, I can sleep deeply if I don’t want to sleep.

The warriors with strong bodies were able to hold on, and the researchers with weak constitutions were tortured with pale faces, but they all held on to their teeth and refused to slow down the speed of the convoy.

In the arduous journey of day and night, constantly rushing out of the corpse, the only thing that can make people feel gratified is probably the three meals a day. In order to reward the hard-working soldiers, the logistics do their best to make every meal rich and delicious.

All the way to the north, after leaving the border, I encountered fewer enemies, because the area I passed by was also a desert without people before the catastrophe, but now it has only become a desert without people.

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