Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 140 - opposition

The truck was moving fast on the rough road. The people on the roof were not afraid of bumps and played cards happily. Only Xia Ruize was unhappy when he saw the bottle of life with a small stock.

There is an upper limit to the life energy that the body can absorb every day. In order not to waste every day, the three of them need to run farther at night to find suitable prey, and sometimes they run around all night.

Fortunately, Gao Hexuan had the satellite in his hands, so he could determine the appropriate target location in advance and track the location of the convoy. Otherwise, they would not be able to find it if they ran out at night.

After more than three days, the convoy finally arrived at the northernmost point of the continent. The land here is connected to the continent where the country of Li is located. You must go around here before you can set foot on the continent where the country of Li is located.

It took another three days for the team to enter the border of Liguo. The relaxed team members were reminded by their respective captains and finally raised their vigilance.

The journey on this road is simpler than expected. Except for the need to stay in the car and bump along with the truck, most of the time there is no need to fight, because there is no shadow of the living corpse at all.

Only the guards at the research base knew that the real difficulty in this search mission was the destination Halls research base.

In order to go all out to deal with the possible mutants, the team finally stopped for a day when it was still a day away from the Horske Base, so that the team members could recharge their batteries and go all out.

Afterwards, the ten vehicles of the same road convoy were divided into three groups of three or four vehicles, approaching the Halls Research Base from different directions.

After seeing the Halls Research Base from a distance, the truck slowed down and only made a slight running sound. The guards who led the team were full of vigilance and carefully instructed their subordinates to do a good job of defense.

The guards’ nervousness was passed on to the team members under them. Although they didn’t know what they were alerting, everyone became nervous.

The sight is full of weeds and withered trees, glowing with an ominous black color, which makes people panic.

As it got closer to the Horsky base, even the soil turned black, as if scorched.

The base building is also black, like a huge black monster lying on the ground, waiting for snacks to be delivered to the door.

The atmosphere in the team became more and more tense. Except for the slightly excited young researcher, everyone else had a serious expression. Their intuition told them that there was danger lurking in the silent environment.

The walkie-talkie that sounded “Zirazila” confirmed everyone’s conjecture.

The walkie-talkie in the hands of the team leader Liu Jie suddenly sounded exclamations and calls for help, but the panicked noise soon disappeared. No matter how Liu Jie asked, there was no response from the other side.

Staring at the walkie-talkie in Liu Jie’s hand, the other people on the roof had a bad premonition, which was soon confirmed. The four vehicles in this group checked the news with each other and found that they all received another group of teams Distress signals, but they are not followed when the situation is unclear.

The back climbed into the cold air, and no one could figure out what happened. Could it be that another group of teams was wiped out in a very short period of time?

No matter how frightened everyone was, the truck drove unswervingly towards the base.

Driving to the decaying building, the truck finally stopped, and everyone jumped out of the truck and formed a team to move towards the building. The surroundings were silent, only the footsteps of themselves and their companions could be heard, but everyone felt that their hearts were clenched. Tight, as if something was spying on them.

Among the group, I am afraid that only the researchers are full of excitement and anticipation.

The research base has been abandoned for a long time. Everyone entered the interior from the collapsed corner. When they encountered an impassable road, they forcibly broke open. Everyone wore full-body protective clothing and gas masks. Watching the four researchers get busy.

The walkie-talkie suddenly sounded again, this time the channel signal of the last group of teams, but as before, after a chaotic sound, no matter how called, the other side did not respond.

Several captains tried to contact the last group of team members, all failed.

The soldiers in the laboratory looked at each other blankly, with suspicion in their eyes.

“How long will it take?”

Finally, someone couldn’t help urging the busy researcher, always feeling that this place was too dangerous and wanted to leave immediately.

The researcher was engrossed in the work at hand and did not respond at all. The team leader glanced at it and reassured: “Don’t be impatient, come on, don’t disturb the doctors.”

“They conduct research on the spot and transmit the data back to the research base via satellite.”

However, Gao Hexuan noticed the abnormality and informed the two bosses of their findings in the heart net.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other and suddenly realized.

After the failure of the first search mission at the research base, they did not expect to bring the data back smoothly. This time, they changed their thinking and sent researchers to conduct research directly in the abandoned Horske Base and transmit important data back. , As for whether the people involved in the mission can safely escape from the Hole base, it is not within the scope of the plan.

At this time, the other two groups of the same road convoy should have been wiped out. Next, they will be targeted.

Xia Ruize put down the gun in his hand, and then squeezed his light arrow tightly, always turning on the space backtracking. If the other two groups of convoys can’t even send out the distress signal in time, the enemy’s strength is bound to be strong, and he can’t be too cautious.

Gao Hexuan had already started typing the code, and a bunch of light gray codes formed behind him.

Time passed by, and the heavy pressure made the soldiers other than the researchers wait and suffer in silence. Suddenly, footsteps came from outside the passage.

The footsteps of “click” and “click” were clear and presumptuous. It seemed that the humans in the building had no reinforcements, and they didn’t even bother to hide.

Everyone who knew that there were no sentries outside the laboratory and that the footsteps would definitely not belong to humans stared at the passage and clenched their weapons.

Only the four researchers didn’t even take a second glance, and continued to be busy with the research work at hand. For their research base, this time is the best and last chance. If they can’t collect enough data on the original virus this time. , the base was unable to organize another search operation.

After all, this kind of action to send people to death can only be used once and the credit will go bankrupt.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and just as everyone looked at the passageway with increased vigilance, Xia Ruize suddenly shouted, “Behind!”

At the same time as the warning, Xia Ruize had turned around to shoot arrows neatly. With a “whoosh” sound, the footsteps disappeared, and the shot arrows and the attacked target disappeared.

The soldiers who didn’t see anything couldn’t help but cast their doubtful eyes on Xia Ruize. They saw that the young man standing in the corner suddenly changed his warm temperament. road:

“The enemy is very fast, agile, and a little bigger than a human, be careful.”

Hearing Xia Ruize’s words, the people in the laboratory suddenly showed different expressions, the guards were horrified, and the others were inexplicable.

Xia Ruize turned to look at the team leader, and asked in a cold voice, “Shouldn’t I explain it to everyone now?”

The captain, who had no time to retract his horrified expression, sighed inwardly as he faced the questioning eyes of others that contained anger, and seemed to be unable to hide it, so he had to explain:

“The monster we encountered is likely to be a monster of a higher level than the super xenomorph, named ‘mutant’, which is different from the higher the level of the living corpse in the previous grades, the bigger the size, the more condensed the mutant’s size, only The most common corpse is a little bigger, but its strength is vastly different, not only is it powerful and fast, but researchers also speculate that it has a certain amount of wisdom.”

After reacting for two seconds, after receiving the information disclosed by the captain, many people were completely blown up:

“What do you mean? Before you came, you never said that you would encounter monsters that are more terrifying than super aliens!”

“Did you know in advance? Then you must be ready to deal with it, right?”

“I quit! Your research base is killing me!”

In the face of everyone’s criticism, the captain looked embarrassed and replied:

“I’m afraid I can’t leave now if I want to. The other party has already set their sights on us… No one can escape, we can only try our best to delay for a while…”

The reason why so many team members are called is that the research base hopes that more people will be more powerful, and the mutants will be delayed for a while, so that researchers can collect more data.

The plan has been going smoothly so far. They touched the interior of the Halls research base and began to conduct experiments to collect data. However, the captain recalled the momentary interruption of the communication between the two groups of teams, and doubted how long they could delay.

Seeing that the captain and other guards were silent and gave up hope of escaping, the others panicked instantly. Did the lunatics of these research bases know that they were here to die? And dragged more than two hundred of them into the water together?

The truth of the mission that was suddenly revealed was unacceptable to everyone. The research base actually concealed the true purpose of recruiting death squads and sent them to a foreign country thousands of miles away to die? !

The angry coalition forces of various bases and the guards of the research base were completely opposed to each other, and in the chaotic situation on the scene, no one found that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were no longer in the laboratory.

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