Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 74 - careful

“Of course.” The official team member affirmed proudly, “We still have to rely on ourselves. Where can those skirmishers who are greedy for profit and fear death can be trusted?”

Xia Ruize nodded in agreement, and the official team members really talked more, and turned to appease the juniors:

“Don’t worry, I heard that you will have the opportunity to go out to hunt evil spirits in a few days, and you will get a lot of spirit stones. As for the full moon robbery, don’t worry too much. The evil spirits can’t get in, we just need to kill the evil spirits outside in the city.”

It was the first time that Xia Ruize heard the specific information of Ping An City’s defense against the Full Moon Tribulation, and he quickly inquired.

On the other side, Cheng Huaiqian was following a taciturn official team member. He didn’t even assign a task to him. The two sat silently in a hidden position. There was no sound except breathing, so Cheng Huaiqian had enough energy to participate in the exchange on Xia Ruize’s side. middle.

According to the official team members, before the full moon robbery, more and more evil spirits will return to the land from the evil sea, the moon will become round every day, and the number of evil spirits will increase every day. , a large number of evil spirits will even attack human cities in turn.

The spirit hunting warriors are not bad, unless they are seriously injured, they will not be easily killed by evil spirits, but ordinary people are different, and low-level evil spirits can easily kill them. Therefore, in order to prevent evil spirits from entering the city, When it is really unstoppable, Ping An City will open the anti-spirit formation to protect the entire city.

After a little hesitation, Xia Ruize asked suspiciously: “I heard that the last full moon robbery suffered heavy losses for the city’s defense team. Didn’t they open the defense formation at that time?” With such a defensive weapon, why did it suffer heavy losses?

Unexpectedly, the official team members were stunned by Xia Ruize’s question, and then asked: “I joined the defense team two years ago. Why didn’t I hear that the last full moon robbery suffered heavy losses?”

Xia Ruize’s tone was stagnant, and he said casually: “I also happened to hear it from people in the city chatting, and I don’t know whether the news is true or not.” Instead, he continued to ask: “Then the last full moon robbery was always open? Has the moat lost a lot?” You should know about things that are closer to time, right?

“I heard from the seniors in the team that the anti-spirit array is always open, and the loss is not big.” The official team member replied hesitantly, feeling that the new temporary team members were young and afraid of death, and they were all concerned about safety issues. They believed in the seniors in the protection team. When the people chatted, they would always exaggerate, so they comforted Xia Ruize: “You don’t have to be afraid, it’s always right to follow the seniors.”

Xia Ruize nodded in agreement, but felt a little strange in his heart. Logically speaking, shouldn’t we have recruited new moat team members to talk about our previous achievements to unite people’s hearts? Why is this official player not so clear about the battle that happened a year before he joined the moat team?

Soon Xia Ruize didn’t have the energy to think about this issue. As time went by, spirit hunting warriors who had left the city began to return to the city.

Unlike the usual spirit-hunting warriors who directly climbed over the city wall, avoiding the vicinity of the city wall to show respect for the city wall, whether it was negotiating or making a conflict, this time, there was a team fighting directly on the city wall!

Several members of the official city protection team hurriedly stepped forward to maintain order and shouted at the spirit hunting warriors who were ganged up in a ball.

Annoyed, the city guards tried to suppress it. Unexpectedly, the red-eyed spirit hunting warriors even attacked the city defenders, and because there were many spirit hunting warriors and few city defenders, the city defenders were crushed and beaten!

Is this worth it?

He was bullied by unreasonable skirmishers on his own site. The angry moat sent out a call signal. Soon, all the guards on duty rushed over, and finally suppressed the troublesome spirit hunting warriors. Unexpectedly, before they could relax, another call signal was sent from another part of the city wall.

That night, during the time period when Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were on duty, four clashes of spirit-hunting warriors occurred in the nearby city walls, and the city guards were mobilized to run around to suppress the clashes.

At the same time, similar incidents occurred in other sections of the city wall, so that in the end, not only the temporary team members who were on duty on the first day were all transferred to suppress the conflict, but even the members of the city guard team who should have rested were called up urgently. Part of it is to supplement the shortage of manpower.

In the end, the disturbing spirit-hunting warriors were escorted to the barracks of the city protection team separately. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who were arrested as strong men, were allowed to go back to rest. It was already after one o’clock in the morning, far beyond the time they were originally scheduled to be on duty.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had solemn expressions when they followed the corps leader back to the barracks where the temporary team members were.

“These spirit-hunting warriors who came back from outside the city all seem to have fallen into evil. They are impulsive, irritable, and extremely irritable. When conflicts break out, their eyes are blood red, and they will attack regardless of whether they are enemies or friends. I went to test it in front of me, and they obviously didn’t know me and didn’t conflict with me, and they had strong malice towards me.”

Xia Ruize recounted his findings.

Four clashes occurred successively near the section of the city wall where he was on duty. In the last two cases, Xia Ruize was transferred to participate in the suppression. He deliberately swayed in front of the spirit-hunting warriors who broke out in the conflict, and found that the spirit-hunting warriors were completely irrational, and they were all against him. Malice, inspired his perception of malice.

“I tested it from a few official team members, and it seems that I haven’t heard of a similar situation before the full moon calamity.” Cheng Huaiqian’s voice was thoughtful, “Do you think that our teammates’ emotional state last night was so bad? A little unusual? I feel that the attitude of the big bull towards us before arriving at the Evil Sea and after leaving the Evil Sea is not small.”

“Can evil spirits affect people’s minds and make people fall into negative emotions?”

Xia Ruize guessed based on what he had seen and heard in the past two days.

“Look again, if the spirit-hunting warriors in the city were controlled by evil spirits before the full moon calamity this year, the situation would be interesting.” Cheng Huaiqian was not in a hurry. As the time approached, the various clues and signs became more and more getting clearer.

Xia Ruize participated in the **** of the troubled spirit hunting warriors, and took the opportunity to put the system ghost bat on one of the spirit hunting warriors. Tomorrow they will know what method the city defense team will use to ask what information.

After the two returned to the barracks, they quickly fell asleep. During the break for breakfast the next day, the two deliberately discussed the conflict between the hunting spirits and warriors in front of several soldiers who were guarding the city wall from 1:00 to 3:00 in the morning.

Sure enough, the few soldiers also naturally joined the topic, and they all said that they also encountered a conflict between the hunting spirit warriors who returned to the city during the process of being on duty. Most of the team’s conflicts broke out after they entered the city. Conflicts broke out directly on the city wall, and some even had a fierce conflict before they even reached the city wall.

The temporary team members originally thought that there would be no major incident when they were on duty. Who would have thought that they would be running around all night to suppress the conflict, and some soldiers were even accidentally injured.

Several people sighed and exchanged information with each other, and they all felt it was very strange.

It is understood that there are many teams of spirit hunting warriors who have worked together for many years and cooperated tacitly for many years. It is inexplicable that some conflicts between them suddenly broke out together last night. Because they are too familiar, they attack each other. The tricks were all aimed at the weak point, and even death occurred when the guards did not have time to stop it.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other with a tacit understanding in their eyes. From this, they speculated that the evil spirits outside the city might have the ability to affect people’s hearts and fill people with negative emotions. Although this was unheard of before, it was what they saw with their own eyes. of.

In addition, the interesting point is that according to the news from the system ghost bats, most of the troubled spirit hunting warriors who were caught by the defense team did not even have time to interrogate, they were locked up overnight, and they were arrested in the morning. It was released under the order of the Lord of the City.

Holding the access card obtained from the cooperating sergeant, the **** who sneaked into the surveillance of the city lord’s mansion reported the news. In the face of the objection of the captain of the defense team, the city lord suppressed all the reasons for preventing the full moon robbery during the special period. Not only did they release all the detained spirit hunting warriors, but also put up announcements in the city to encourage the spirit hunting warriors to go out of the city to kill evil spirits.

As long as the number of spirit stones recovered by killing them reaches a certain level, the city lord will also present reward spirit stones in his own name.

Da Hei specially brought back a notice to the owner. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian thought about this series of events before going to see the city owner, and felt that his behavior was worth pondering.

On the fourth day, the training difficulty was also not high, mainly to practice the cooperation between the soldiers, so that they would get used to playing as a defense team as a whole, rather than the scattered spirit hunting warriors fighting alone.

The result of the not-so-difficult training is that nearly 200 minions got the rewarded Spirit Stones. Many minions were satisfied with such a day, and they worked hard to get the chance to become a full-time team member.

On the fourth night, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian arranged to be on duty from 8:00 to 10:00. At this time, it was just dark, and the spirit-hunting warriors who wanted to leave the city would go out at this time.

Only Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai have counted the number of spirit-hunting warriors who have climbed over the city wall and left the city, adding up to 27 teams. This is only a small section of the city wall, which is enough to show that the city owner’s encouragement announcement is very effective, and the spirit-hunting warriors have been inspired by the city owner. , also forgot the previous lessons, and poured out of the city one after another.

After the duty was over, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai, who had returned to the barracks, set up an illusion and slipped out of the barracks again while the soldiers in the same group had rested.

They went to the Homecoming Tavern first, but found that the street in the pub was even more desolate. Including the Homecoming Tavern, only three pubs were open in the entire street, and even some traces of fighting could be seen in the streets that had not been cleaned in time.

Entering the tavern on the way home, I found that the scene was in sharp contrast with the outside of the tavern. The tavern was extremely lively, and people kept walking up to the small high platform in the center of the tavern to recruit teammates loudly. The first day was even more fun.

The two sat in the corner, keenly aware of a frenetic atmosphere in the crowd, as if they could grab a gold mine if they went out of town, but they couldn’t grab it if they went late. It was clear that the day before this tavern was extremely deserted, and everyone was anxious.

Xia Ruize’s mental power swept through the audience and suddenly found the old white-headed man. He hadn’t seen him for two days. This middle-aged man with white hair seemed to have encountered some difficulties. He was walking around the field with a wine glass, carefully rejecting other people’s applications to form a team. .

“Old Baitou, long time no see.”

When the old Baitou passed by the two, Cheng Huaiqian suddenly stopped them by saying hello.

Old Baitou saw that the two of them didn’t take off their hoods when they entered the tavern, and immediately recognized the person. He sat down at the table of the two with a wry smile on his face, and asked, “Why, are you also going to send people out of town?”

“Aren’t you planning to leave the city before the full moon robbery?”

Cheng Huai was delighted and asked back.

“Hey, don’t mention it, the city owner accidentally released a notice today, saying that the spirit hunting warriors can get more than ten spirit stones by killing evil spirits by themselves, and they can get an extra spirit stone from him, and there is no ceiling!

I don’t want to go out of the city myself. I can’t help my friends. Today, there are five people who have invited me to form a team! Many friends have a good relationship, and I can’t do it without explaining it myself. Alas, if you also want to invite me out of the city, I have said it in advance, and I will not agree. “

The old Baitou was very distressed. His house had been visited by familiar spirit hunting warriors since early morning. After figuring out the whole story, he had to come to the Homecoming Tavern to inquire about the news and declined the invitation to form a team.

Old Baitou has his own concerns. After returning to the city on the first day, he thought everything was fine, but the next day, his nephew Xiaonan fell ill. He woke up several times every night. What are you afraid of, Lao Baitou has been very troubled taking care of his nephew these two days.

“Old Baitou, I don’t know if you have heard the news that a lot of teams have been in conflict recently and have been locked up by the defense team. You have experienced a lot of full moon tribulations, and the same situation happened before the previous full moon tribulations. ?”

Xia Ruize asked in a low voice.

He even used telekinesis to isolate a layer around him, so that only Cheng Huaiqian and Lao Baitou could hear his questions.

Hearing this, the old Baitou had a puzzled expression, thought for a while and replied in a low voice:

“I did hear that there was a fight in the tavern the night before yesterday and last night. This has never happened before. The power behind this tavern is not small. I have never heard of anyone who dared to make trouble here before. Before the Full Moon Tribulation, everyone was busy teaming up to hunt evil spirits, and they didn’t have time to fight in the city.”

“More than that.” Xia Ruize shook his head with a deep expression on his face, “We also heard that last night, many teams came back from outside the city and fought directly under the watchful eyes of the moat, and those close to the city wall stayed there all night. Rest well.”

Xia Ruize continued to reveal “internal” information. The news of the conflict on the edge of the city wall last night seemed to be suppressed and did not spread widely.

This news completely changed the old man’s face, and he lost his voice: “Impossible! It is the tacit understanding of all spirit hunting warriors not to cause conflicts near the city wall!”

Seeing Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian sitting there calmly and not moving, Lao Baitou realized that these two are mysterious and powerful bigwigs, and the news revealed by them is very likely to be true. Thinking of this, Lao Baitou looks nervous. After getting up, fidgeting and struggling for half a minute, the old white head suddenly lowered his voice and said to the two of them:

“Old Cheng, Ozawa, I have lived a long time, I have seen many things, and many people laugh at me for being timid, but I know for myself that the reason why I can live so long is because I am not a good person. Good forebodings often come true, so live very carefully.

To be honest, since I came back from the day we cooperated, I have inexplicably had the idea of ​​leaving Ping An City to avoid this full moon robbery. After that, I was very careful not to leave the city again, but the various news I have heard now makes my Not only did the idea not fade, but it became stronger and stronger.

Anyway, I’m going to take Xiao Nan tomorrow. You two are beyond my judgment, and you must be fully prepared, but I still advise you to avoid this full moon robbery in Ping An City if you can. “

After quickly finishing this sentence, the old white head got up and left without waiting for the two of them to speak again, and rushed out of the door of the tavern. The figure quickly disappeared within the coverage of Xia Ruize’s mental power.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other, and Xia Ruize saw the sparkle in his lover’s eyes.

Under the wide cloak sleeves, Cheng Huaiqian held Xia Ruize’s hands together, his voice full of interest: “Interesting, the situation is getting more and more complicated, I think this mission world is getting more and more interesting.”

The three mission worlds in the white paper area are very simple and straightforward, and you can just rush forward. However, this mission world is different. It seems that there are traps everywhere, hiding many secrets, which fully arouses Cheng Huaiqian’s interest.

“Then are you going to the City Lord’s Mansion or out of the city?”

Xia Ruize understood and asked with a smile.

“Go straight out of the city!”

Cheng Huaiqian’s voice was affirmative. There is no special news from the city lord for the time being. It is better to go out of the city and experience it in person. What happened to the spirit-hunting warriors who went out of the city in the past two days?

Xia Ruize had no objection, and the two did not try to find other teammates. After leaving the city twice in a row and guarding the city wall for two more nights, they learned a lot about the city wall of Ping An City. They simply found a section of the city wall by themselves. We climbed over the city wall together behind the other team out of the city.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian quickly noticed the changes outside the city. Just after one night of not leaving the city, the number of evil spirits outside the city suddenly increased.

The number of low-level evil spirits that could only be seen before being close to the green cordon, this time, they encountered them not long after they were far away from Ping An City. As a result, many spirit hunting warrior teams did not go further at all, but killed evil spirits not far from the city wall.

There are more teams out of the city tonight, and they can still see each other faintly. Unlike the previous two days, I never saw other teams along the way, as if only my own team was out of the city.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian unceremoniously let go of their hands and feet to kill evil spirits wantonly.

Now there are only two people, Xia Ruize simply took out the laser gun and used the laser gun itself to attack the evil spirit, and found that it takes three bullets to kill a low-level evil spirit.

But after sticking an exorcism talisman, a low-level evil spirit did not run away, and the battle was easier than when outsiders were around.

The two easily broke through the siege of the evil spirits and went all the way to the vicinity of the green cordon. This time, the middle-level evil spirits did not set a trap, but huddled on the other side of the green cordon waiting for their prey to come to the door.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were even happier. After dissolving a low-level spirit stone, Xia Ruize worked hard to dissolve another medium-level spirit stone in the past two days. Ranked Spirit Stones are very powerful, adding up to 0.3 points of physical fitness.

The reason why it adds up is because the effect of the middle-level spiritual stone he dissolved is +0.1 in strength, +0.1 in agility, +0.1 in spirit, and nothing else, as long as it can increase the spirit attribute, Xia Ruize is very interested and happy. Collect a lot of intermediate spirit stones.

The two of them fought happily in the swarm of evil spirits, consuming many exorcism charms, and successfully reached the red warning line.

“how are you feeling?”

Xia Ruize, who is always observing her lover’s situation, asked Cheng Huaiqian.

Cheng Huaiqian smiled happily, his tone full of indifference:

“Staying in this environment for a long time does make people feel irritated unconsciously, but I’m used to this state, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Before he met Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian could not get high-quality rest all the year round, and was very short-tempered and irritable, but he was calm enough and sober about his state. As a result, when he didn’t want to let himself be irritable, he also had enough control.

Therefore, Cheng Huaiqian is very sensitive to his emotional changes. Now he is in a state of not falling asleep for three consecutive days and facing a lot of troublesome work. Every strand of hair is written with irritability.

But he was able to forcibly restrain these irritable emotions and prevent them from jumping around. Even, this way of controlling his emotions made him feel like he was holding a few struggling fish in his hand, which was not interesting.

“And you?”

Cheng Huaiqian in turn cared about Xia Ruize.

Xia Ruize blinked suspiciously, “I don’t seem to have any special feelings, except that I am a little nervous when I need to take care of multiple directions when fighting, everything else is fine.”

“It may be because your mental strength is high and you are resistant to this kind of emotional pollution. Then let’s keep walking and go to the beach to see.”

Cheng Huaiqian was relieved and wanted to move on.

He thinks that high-level evil spirits are still very useful. This time, maybe he can conquer two more, kill a few by the way, and try to get high-level spirit stones.

The two crossed the red warning line side by side. As before, after a few steps, the thick fog quickly dissipated, revealing a more rounded and bright moon and a sky full of stars.

Ahead, the waves of the evil sea were unusually turbulent, and the sea wind whistled like a sad sound.

The two stood on the beach quietly watching this magnificent beauty. It didn’t take long for four black shadows to rise from all around them at the same time, growing in size, and finally reaching a height of five or six meters.

“Yo, it really is more than before, very good, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

The corners of Cheng Huaiqian’s mouth twitched, he clenched the knife in his hand, and charged at the huge high-level evil spirits in front and left.

On the other side, Xia Ruize held a long sword and faced the high-level evil spirits. The strange thing was that he did not put away the laser gun and Poyun crossbow. On the contrary, he took out a few more guns, and finally, a Poyun crossbow. and four laser guns appeared around Xia Ruize.

Facing the high-level evil spirits in the Ascension Mission, Xia Ruize cautiously showed his current strongest attack form, the full-armed state of melee weapon attack and multi-range weapon control.

Fully armed, Xia Ruize can be called a mobile artillery turret.

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