Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 75 - Out of town

Before the long sword in Xia Ruize’s hand could move, Poyun Crossbow’s arrows and laser gun’s bullets were already blazing at the two high-level evil spirits.

The two high-level evil spirits were covered by the firepower and were stunned for a moment. After resisting for a few seconds, they found that they could not get close to the firepower at all, so they dissipated with a bang, and the next second, a large group of rich black directly appeared around Xia Ruize’s body.

Xia Ruize was startled and instantly triggered an explosion of psychic power.

There are two skills in the blood of [Initial Exploration of Minders], one [Hand of Minders] is used to control objects, and now it controls five weapons at the same time, and the other skill is [Mind Power Burst], which is a defensive skill that can instantly All threatening substances around the body are repelled and impacted.

The rich black matter was repelled by the psychic power, dispersed more widely, merged into the night, and could no longer be found.

But malicious perception told Xia Ruize that the two high-level evil spirits were not killed and were still hiding around.

He lowered his head and glanced at his body, his mind power condensed into a protective cover around him, and from time to time he could feel a tiny impact hitting the protective cover, testing the loopholes in the protective cover.

Evil spirits can penetrate a person’s body, low-level evil spirits and medium-level evil spirits penetrating the body will not pose much threat to him, and even defense is too lazy to defend, but the influence of high-level evil spirits is not necessarily within the control range.

Xia Ruize witnessed Cheng Huaiqian’s high-level evil spirits controlling five sergeants with extraordinary abilities in a short period of time, but he didn’t want these high-level evil spirits to pass through his body.

The high-level evil spirit could not help Xia Ruize for the time being, so he didn’t show up at all, and continued to hide in the air. Xia Ruize turned to look at Cheng Huaiqian.

Cheng Huaiqian’s body was covered with a thick layer of black. This layer of black was not a high-level evil spirit, but Cheng Huaiqian’s own demonic energy. These demonic energy could attack, defend, and suppress evil spirits.

So, fighting and fighting, Cheng Huaiqian stopped his hand, and two new beating **** appeared in his hand.

Turning his head, he saw his lover standing not far away, the demonic energy on Cheng Huaiqian’s body spread out, and soon, two huge shadows gradually condensed under the demonic energy, showing that they should have met Xia Ruize, but because of the helplessness No, Xia Ruize simply scattered the two hidden high-level evil spirits.

Xia Ruize immediately attacked unceremoniously.

Previously, the distribution of high-level evil spirits was too scattered, and his mental power could sense the enemies scattered in the air, but he could not gather them together, and attacking the air directly had little effect. Fortunately, Cheng Huaiqian’s demonic air suppressed these evil spirits and drove the evil spirits together to facilitate Xia Ruize’s attack.

Under the combined attack of four laser guns, a cloud-breaking crossbow, and a long sword, the colors of the two high-level evil spirits became lighter and lighter. After being unable to withstand the attack, it dissipated with a bang, dropping two high-level spirit stones one after another.

The high-level spiritual stone was round and smooth like natural jade, warm and comfortable to the touch, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian immediately tried to dissolve the spiritual energy in it.

Two were subdued and two were killed. The whole beach seemed to be the only two creatures left. After waiting for a while, no high-level evil spirits came around, and even if I let go of my mental power, I could not feel the traces of other high-level evil spirits. , the two had no choice but to set off for the road back to the city.

When approaching the city wall, they found that the city wall was noisy. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian continued to approach, and found that there were spirit hunting warriors who had returned to the city making trouble. However, this time, the members of the city protection team were not even interested in arresting them, and they were strongly suppressed. After that, he beat him and threw it directly into the city wall.

Anyway, even if you catch it, you won’t be able to ask anything, and it will be released tomorrow, so why bother?

When Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian jumped onto the city wall, several members of the city protection team immediately watched over vigilantly, and in case they were also restless, they rushed over to suppress it.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian just lowered the brim of their hoods and quickly disappeared into the darkness over the city wall.

Several men in black who had been waiting followed their figures and fled into the darkness, but unfortunately, these stalkers lost track of them as usual.

It was too late, and the two of them didn’t go around to the City Lord’s Mansion, and went straight back to the barracks to rest.

The next day dawned, and it was the fifth day of this mission world. The training during the day was only a small part of the training. The soldiers were suddenly called up and assigned a duty mission to them.

Before, they only needed to be on duty in batches for two hours at night, but now the task is to make them stand guard on the city wall all day.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian noticed that before summoning the soldiers to announce the temporary task, all the corps leaders were called together and assigned the task. After returning, they all looked very serious.

The bearded man leaned beside the corporal chief and said tentatively, “Secondary chief, our training is not over yet, is the spirit stone still considered today?”

“Forget it, don’t worry, you won’t be missing.” The corporal glared at the bearded man angrily, and after thinking about it, he still explained to his four men:

“Today, you are all calm. It is said that there was trouble in the city, and the official team members were transferred to deal with it, and you were transferred to guard the city wall. In any case, if you guard the city wall, there will still be spiritual stone rewards.”

“Before, it was only a disturbance at night, is there a disturbance during the day now?”

Almost instantly, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian thought of those spirit-hunting warriors who were getting more and more irritable. Da Hei Xiao Hei and the system ghost bats were all released. They quickly skipped the entire city and had a panoramic view of the situation below.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were also assigned to guard nearby positions this time. Unlike the previous two nights, there were no official team members with them except for the corps chief, and they received a new order: No one is allowed to leave the city wall. Climb out of the city.

Da Hei Xiao Hei and the system ghost bats went back and forth to broadcast the situation in the city to the two people who were trapped on the city wall. In the small Ping An City, conflicts broke out from time to time.

To the surprise of the two of them, it was not only the spirit-hunting warriors who caused the conflict, but also many ordinary people. When shopping for vegetables, there was one more shell and one less shell. When walking, they accidentally bumped into each other. Big things can become a guide, and the townspeople are inexplicably irritable, and if they disagree, they will quarrel and then fight.

This is not good news.

So that the order in the city that usually only needs a part of the official city guard team members can be maintained, but today is suddenly overwhelmed, and the city guard team has allocated most of the manpower to solve the contradictions between the city residents and maintain order.

Fortunately, they have recently trained temporary team members, and it is better to pull over to defend the city wall.

There was no job rotation, and more than 200 temporary team members just sat on the city wall for a day. Lunch was even brought to them by a few logisticians.

When they are bored, they can’t complain about anything. After all, several conflicts broke out not far from the city wall. Watching the official team members busy fighting to persuade them, if they are unlucky, they will be affected, abused, and pushed to the ground. , the temporary team members felt that defending the city on the city wall was already a very easy job.

Until night fell, most of the city residents went back to their homes to rest, and the regular team members were able to break away from the endless trivial conflicts, eat a hot meal, and continue to return to the city wall to defend the city.

As for the temporary team members who were replaced, on the martial arts field that was called after dinner, the captain of the defense team announced on the high platform:

“After five days of training, you must be familiar with the fighting style of the defense team. Tonight is the opportunity to test your training results. You will be divided into three groups and follow the official team members out of the city to kill evil spirits. After that, your harvest Half will be returned to you!”

The captain’s voice fell, and the soldiers below were a commotion, and many people made a surprise sound, looking forward to experiencing the benefits of using the defense team’s combat method.

Afterwards, the sixty groups were divided into three batches of twenty groups each.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were assigned to the first batch. The 100th soldier, under the leadership of the corps leaders, joined the 20 official guard team members, followed after the official team members, lined up in a neat queue, and participated in the Out of town hunting spirits.

The soldiers of the moat team went out of the city, and they all went through the city gate. Two hundred people gathered in a team to leave the city, lined up in an army formation, lined up outside the city wall, and then took small steps to the city according to the way they practiced during training. Push forward, when there are few evil spirits, use the standard knife issued to kill.

After the number of evil spirits increased, the Spirit Shooting Crossbow officially launched its power, firing broken arrows one after another row after row, then retreated to the back of the team, installed crossbow nu arrows, and shot in turn.

Although the temporary players have not received unified training for a long time, they are all spirit-hunting warriors. They have both physical fitness and basic fighting skills. They have undergone a few days of special training. Shooting at low-level evil spirits can still be done.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian also saw the power of the spirit-breaking arrow for the first time. It was more effective than the spirit-dispelling talisman attached to the weapon. One arrow could even penetrate three or four evil spirits back and forth. Evil spirit.

Of course, the cost of the broken spirit arrow is not low, so the soldiers usually use practice arrows instead. Now they are really on the battlefield, that is, they fired three rounds under the command of the corporal leader, and then stopped using the spirit arrow crossbow. Instead, attack with a broadsword.

The combat effectiveness of the temporary team members who were not available for the Spirit Shooting Crossbow was suddenly weakened. In terms of melee combat, their cooperation was not tacit enough. The team members did not cooperate with each other to kill evil spirits, but tried to hide behind each other. The behavior was so angry that each corporal continued to reprimand him.

An hour later, the first batch of temporary team members were brought back into the city. As for the official team members, they continued to hunt spirits outside the city.

During the entire actual battle, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian carefully observed the state of the other soldiers. On the way back to the city, Xia Ruize “saw” that many soldiers were unhappy because they were reprimanded, or because they had been killed for a long time but didn’t get it. Dissatisfied with a spiritual stone, in short, the expression on his face is not very good-looking.

At the same time, the faces of the corps leaders of each 5th team were not good-looking. They thought that the soldiers under their command were doing well in the training. Who would have thought that after they were actually pulled out of the city for actual combat training, huge gaps were exposed. The minions in the outermost circle are trying to hide in the team during the melee battle?

So much so that the square and upright team was messed up for a while, in stark contrast to the uniform team of formal players in front.

After returning to the martial arts field, the soldiers of each group were disbanded and returned to their respective barracks to seize the time to rest. After the actual combat drills of the three batches of soldiers were all over, a new day of training would start at 4:00 in the morning, and a unified comment on the actual combat tonight. Performance.

Seeing that it was only after ten o’clock, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian decisively left the ghost bats to watch the performance of the other batches of the city guards, and the two went to the Homecoming Tavern. , ready to buy a little more.

Surprisingly, after the two entered the Homecoming Tavern, they passed through the enthusiastic crowd and walked to the corridor secret door of the underground store, where they were first found by the old white head.

The old Baitou suddenly came out from the corner and wanted to grab Xia Ruize’s arm, but was pushed away by Cheng Huaiqian, who was quick-witted and quick-witted.

In an emergency, Lao Baitou didn’t care about this, he leaned over again and whispered to Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, “Old Cheng! Ozawa! Something big happened!”

The old Baitou’s expression was too eager, and the two of them couldn’t help but become serious. They glanced around, walked two steps to the small corner of the bar, and then Xia Ruize used telekinesis to form a barrier to protect the surroundings, and then asked, “What’s the matter? Aren’t you going to leave?”

Hearing this, the old whitehead’s expression almost burst into tears, and he lowered his voice and hurriedly said:

“That’s it! Can’t get out!

When I took Xiaonan out of the city this morning, I was stopped by the city guards, saying that there had been a number of public security cases recently, and they were looking for the murderer, so the city lord ordered that people from outside the city should only be allowed in and not allowed out. Come in, people in the city are not allowed to go out!

I’ve thought about all the ways, but whether it’s looking for connections, bribes, or forcibly jumping over the city wall, I’ve been rejected or stopped. The current situation is that there are still a large number of spirit-hunting warriors and ordinary people who come here, wanting to Together to resist the full moon robbery, but the people in the city have no way to go out! “

Cheng Huaiqian frowned, “Then why don’t you climb over the city wall and leave the city at night?”

“I tried it too! But apart from the eastern city wall facing the Evil Sea, the other three city walls are not allowed to climb over! Even the eastern city wall, the city guards saw that we had a lot of luggage, and there were ordinary people in the team. People, don’t allow us to pass…”

Since the old Baitou found out that he couldn’t get out of the city, he was a little flustered. He tried several times during the day and couldn’t get out, and after trying several times at night, his face was even more ugly, and he subconsciously came to the Homecoming Tavern to find someone. discuss.

But looking around the entire tavern, most of the spirit-hunting warriors were enthusiastically discussing plans to go out of the city to hunt evil spirits. Those he wanted to discuss did not know how to start.

So the old white head could only continue to wait in the tavern, waiting for the possible appearance of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

“The problem is even bigger. The so-called full moon robbery is like a huge conspiracy. It is certain that the city owner of Ping An City is aware of it to a certain extent. I don’t know if he is behind the scenes.”

Xia Ruize discussed with Cheng Huaiqian in his heart. If it wasn’t for the old white head, they would not have realized that this city could only be entered but not out.

Cheng Huaiqian held Xia Ruize’s hand to reassure him, thought for a moment, and asked the old white head: “Are you sure you want to leave Ping’an City?” Cheng Huaiqian emphasized: “You probably also noticed that this year’s full moon robbery is a bit unusual, and everyone I don’t know what you will face after leaving the city, are you sure you want to leave?”

Old Baitou’s eyes shone with surprise, Cheng Huaiqian asked, doesn’t it mean that he has a solution? Immediately nodded excitedly: “I confirm! My intuition has been warning me to leave here. If I can, I even want to leave now!”

“He wants to leave, why don’t we help him?”

Cheng Huaiqian looked at Xia Ruize.

“Okay.” Xia Ruize resolutely agreed.

“Okay, let’s think of a way. You take us to buy some exorcism charms, and then we’ll give you a ride.”

An internal agreement was reached, Cheng Huaiqian said to the old white head.

“Okay, come on, come on…”

Old Baitou was overjoyed and quickly led the two to the secret door. He waited for Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize because they knew the truth and could speak frankly, but he didn’t expect that they would actually be able to help him.

Thinking of the strength of these two mysterious bosses, the old white head felt a little more at ease.

After walking through the long passage again, the wide underground store appeared in front of the three of them. Xia Ruize keenly noticed that the number of weapons placed outside the store had decreased a lot.

“Old Zhangtou, I’ve brought those two guests here again, please treat them well!”

In this introduction, Lao Baitou’s tone was more sincere, Lao Zhang raised his eyelids, glanced at Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, and said lazily: “I have everything I want here, I want to buy it as soon as possible, it is inconvenient to buy goods recently, so I bought it. It’s gone too late.”

Lao Zhangtou’s casual complaint made the three people on the other side of the counter shudder.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian glanced at each other, and after learning about all the items sold in the store, they bought 120 exorcism charms with one spirit stone and one piece, and two other low-level spirit stones worth 30 spirit stones. A small-scale anti-spirit cover, the anti-spirit cover is driven by the spirit stone, as long as the spirit stone continues, the anti-spirit cover will not be broken.

For Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, they have weapons with high attack power. What they lack is the weapon characteristic of [targeting spiritual creatures], and this can be made up by expelling charms, so as long as the exorcism charms are enough, their attack power will not be enough. Need to worry.

In terms of defense, they each have magic energy and psychic defense, as well as defense armor, but they are already worried that the city of peace will be submerged by evil spirits in the end, so they need more defense methods.

After understanding, in small-scale defense, the anti-spirit hood is the best choice, and then think about the inner and outer layers of the city lord’s mansion, how to prepare this kind of thing. To be on the safe side, the two bought two directly.

After some shopping, only a few spirit stones were left on the two of them, and the rest were all purchased for various attack and protection items.

After buying good things, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize didn’t go back to the barracks, but followed Old Baitou back to his house. Then they saw Xiaonan, who they hadn’t seen for a few days.

Xia Ruize was shocked. It was different from the energy and enthusiasm when we met on the first day. After a few days of absence, Xiao Nan lost weight and looked haggard. At this time, he was lying on the bed and fell asleep, but his brows were wrinkled, and he was not sleeping peacefully.

“What’s going on here?”

Xia Ruize asked worriedly.

Old Baitou shook his head with a bitter look on his face, “We don’t know either, this kind of disease is unheard of. I’ve looked for several doctors in recent days, but they’re all helpless. I’m also thinking of taking Xiaonan to see the imperial city.”

“Is it possible that you were injured by a middle-level evil spirit that night?”

Xia Ruize wondered, among the people who left the city on the first night, only Xiao Nan was wrapped in a middle-level evil spirit. Could it be related to this?

“No way…” Old Baitou frowned, “I have dealt with evil spirits for so many years, and I have never heard of such a situation after being attacked by evil spirits.”

Cheng Huaiqian’s expression changed, and he asked softly, “Old Baitou, you have more experience. Do you think it is possible for humans to cooperate with evil spirits?”

The old white head was shocked when he heard Cheng Huaiqian’s question, “Why is there such a doubt? Impossible, impossible, humans and evil spirits have been hostile for so long, there is no possibility of cooperation!”

Cheng Huaiqian continued to ask: “Evil spirits can attach themselves to humans, so is it possible to pretend to be humans?”

The old white head continued to shake his head, “Impossible. Evil spirits can’t flexibly control humans. At most, possessed evil spirits can control humans to commit suicide or tear their bodies to pieces. It is impossible to disguise themselves as humans.”

“Will the spirit hunting warriors become grumpy after fighting the evil spirits for a long time?” Cheng Huaiqian asked strange questions one after another.

Old Baitou frowned and thought about it, and finally shook his head, “I’ve never heard of it, I’ve been dealing with evil spirits for more than ten years, and my temper is not bad.”

“Above the high-level evil spirits, are there higher-level evil spirits?”

Cheng Huaiqian seemed determined to investigate to the end.

This time, the old white head nodded, “I heard that there is a king of evil spirits above the high-level evil spirits, but the king of evil spirits lives deep in the bottom of the evil sea, and can’t rise to the sea or land, but there is no need to worry. “

While Cheng Huaiqian was talking to Lao Baitou, Xia Ruize secretly released a skill [Withered Trees Harvest Spring] at Xiaonan. He didn’t know if this healing skill would be effective for Xiaonan, who is an aboriginal, but it should not have negative effects. .

Xiao Nan originally fell asleep beside the bed with no energy, but he opened his eyes not long after, seeing Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s eyes light up, his mental state seemed to be much better.

I got a lot of information from the experienced old white head. After the old white head’s family had completely packed their luggage, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize took the old white head, Xiao Nan, and Xiao Nan’s parents to the city wall in the dark.

“The two of us will go to the city wall first. Our dress is normal, and the guards will not be vigilant. We will control the two closest guards, and then you will take the opportunity to climb over the city wall and leave.”

Cheng Huaiqian whispered about the plan he and Xia Ruize negotiated.

Old Baitou was grateful and a little worried: “But the guards are not easy to deal with, in case…”

“It’s not a big problem, just wait and see the signal.”

Cheng Huaiqian interrupted Old Baitou’s worries, looked at Xia Ruize and walked towards the city wall. The two of them had been on duty, and they were very clear about the distance between the guards guarding the city wall. The two closest guards were close to each other. A distance of 100 meters, as long as you control two people who are close to each other, a small distance is blank.

As for whether you can control the two moat players?

The strength of these city guards is indeed strong for the scattered spirit hunting warriors, but for Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, they were knocked unconscious without much movement.

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