Infinite Mage

Chapter 112: End-of-Term Report Card (3)


'My already strong mental resilience has greatly improved. Now, I can even control the Immortal Function to some extent.'

Shirone's specialty was the Defense Form of the Four Way Formation. Like most who specialized in defense, teachers had expected Shirone to become a defensive mage.

However, the Immortal Function reversed that tendency. Now, his strength in resilience became an essential element supporting his offensive power.

Around 20 seconds later, Shirone gritted his teeth and attempted the final acceleration. The score broke through 340 points as a fearsome speed caused a sonic boom.


The measuring time ended, and the buzzer sounded. Shirone closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Despite dozens of children gathered, silence filled the hall. Everyone was staring intently at the scoreboard.

410 points.

On average, it meant enduring 30 seconds at a rate of 13.6 pulses per second. Notably, the last 5 seconds were rapid strikes exceeding 15 pulses per second.

"It's incredible. What's with these kids lately? Are they really going to become our seniors next semester?"

"No matter what, promotion will be tough. His theoretical grades are average. Raising the score in such a short time isn't easy."

Shirone looked back at Canis. It was an unspoken declaration – could he become a senior too?

"He's truly amazing, that boy."

Arin admired him with pure amazement. Infinite mental strength through the Immortal Function, and the resilience to control it. Adding to that his unique magical affinity to imbue mass into light.

He could only be described as a mage specially favored by the gods.

"Hmph, only now can he be called a worthy rival."

Canis's fighting spirit flared like never before. Initially, he thought it was just a difference in attributes. But Shirone's demonstration shattered that illusion, surpassing even in a contest of physical strength.

After glaring at Shirone for a long while, Canis turned away abruptly.

"Let's go, Arin. It seems our tour here is over."

As Canis and Arin walked away, the students felt a sense of relief. Although Shirone wasn't representative of Class Five's level, the satisfaction of outperforming a disciple of an Archmage was universal.

"Shirone, that was epic. Bombed the test, but I feel great. So what if he's an ArchMage's disciple? How dare he underestimate Class Five of the magic academy?"

"Shirone, and also Yiruki and Nade. Are you guys really planning to promote this time?"

"Well, we're just doing our best."

Shirone evaded a direct answer. However, Nade, having secured third place, was overjoyed at having passed the practical exam.

"Hahaha! Of course! Get ready to treat us seniors properly! Come on, let's practice from now. Call me 'Senior'!"

A chorus of complaints erupted from the students.

"Such arrogance! Fall flat on your face!"

"If he's a senior, I'd rather not attend school!"

"How can you be so confident about promotion when you might fail the theory? I'll pray every night you don't get promoted!"

Nade, unfazed, stood tall and laughed amidst the jeers. His amicable nature with all students made it bearable.

Shirone and Yiruki quietly slipped away.

'Ah, so embarrassing.'

The final practical exam had ended.

Summer was fading.

Cold winds blew in the mornings and evenings, and the plants prepared to don their colorful autumn attire. Yet, the days remained warm, and the children were busy burning through the last of the semester.

Only a week remained. Classes had ended the previous week, leaving only the final exams.

The exams were scheduled to start with Class Ten, proceeding daily in sequence. On the sixth day, Class Five students, with hearts about to burst, made their way to the examination hall.

Shirone's group nibbled at breakfast and arrived early at the exam venue.

The exam lasted a grueling 12 hours with only a 5-minute break. Compared to regular schools, it was almost like hard labor, but maintaining concentration was as crucial as knowledge for the students of the magic academy.

The exam questions were categorized into Types A, B, and C. The questions were the same, but the answer arrangements differed, to prevent cheating and lucky guesses.

Shirone had Type A, Yiruki had Type B, and Nade had Type C. Assigned to different examination halls, they came out to the hallway to ease their tension before the start. With half a year's worth of effort on the line, even the most mischievous couldn't help but feel stiff.

Nade shivered continuously, despite the warm weather.

"Ugh. I'm dying. How about you, Shirone?"

"I feel like throwing up. One mistake in any problem, and it's over. Especially in math."

"Let's stay calm. Anyway, we have plenty of time. No need to get tense until we actually get the test papers."

Reassured by Yiruki's words, they calmed down. But at the sound of the bell signaling the start of the exam, anyone would turn pale.

"Let's go in. See you later with smiles."

"Yeah. Let’s go!"

The three parted ways, each entering their respective examination halls, promising to see each other in 12 hours.

The Supernatural Psychic Science Research Laboratory.

Shirone and his group were busy grading. The test papers were impossible to leak, but Yiruki perfectly recreated the questions.

A Savant's memory knows no oblivion. It was as if filing papers in a drawer in their mind, to be taken out and read whenever needed.

As Yiruki called out the questions, Nade wrote them down, and Shirone found the answers. They worked till dawn to recreate the entire set of exam papers.

Exhausted but determined, they began matching their answers. Since Yiruki recreated Type B, Shirone's answers had to be aligned one-to-one.

"Phew, I'm nervous. I think I might have botched a few subjects."

Nade groaned. However, having weaker subjects was common for everyone.

"I feel the same. Actually doing it, this is really brutal. Even if you score perfect in other subjects, failing just one means it's over."

Shirone was unusually anxious. Even with his insight, he couldn't guarantee his promotion.

The three separated to apply their answers to the reconstructed test papers, each with a mix of hope and trepidation for what the results might reveal.

"Anyway, that's what the study group is for. Come on! Let's finish grading first, then see."

As hours passed, the contours of their scores began to emerge.

Nade was the first to jump up, punching the air.

"Yes! I did it! Average of 82 points! Broke 80 in every subject!"

Though he didn't score exceptionally high in any subject, his balanced performance across all subjects led to a solid 82-point average. The once-troublesome kid, who had looked down on Class Four, was now overjoyed with the prospect of advancing.

Yiruki and Shirone, however, remained silent. The real celebration would only come when all three were confirmed for promotion.

Having finished grading, Yiruki leaned back in his chair, wiping off sweat.

"Phew. Done. 87 points. Scored a low 80 in language. If I had got one more question wrong, that would have been it."

"Wow! So you passed too? Congratulations on Class Four!"

"Well, it's not bad. Feels pretty good."

Without delay, both Nade and Yiruki turned to Shirone. Their first collective goal, simultaneous promotion, hinged on the last member's success.

But Shirone was unresponsive. Yiruki noticed his still hand, not moving to grade.

"Shirone, what's wrong? Did you mess up the exam?"

Up close, Shirone's face was pale as a sheet, a clear sign something was amiss.

Nade asked anxiously, "What's up? How many points did you get?"

"86 points…"

"Wow, that's great, isn't it?"

Nade was genuinely surprised. They had set a goal for everyone to advance, but actually hearing it felt like a miracle. Shirone, a peasant's son, had lived a life far from academics. Yet, in just six months, he had achieved an average of 86 points.

Comparing it to Yiruki's 87-point average, achieved with a Savant's memory, made it clear how desperately Shirone must have studied.

Even Yiruki was puzzled. "Isn't that... good? Is there a subject you failed?"

"It's just that, I can't remember."

"Can't remember? What do you mean? Explain."

Shirone chewed his nails anxiously, unable to recall.



"What was the answer to the last objective question in the math proofs?"

"Oh, that one? The one where you had to link two mathematical expressions for the proof? That was a long answer."

Realization struck Yiruki mid-sentence. "Don’t tell me…"

"I can't remember. What proof I thought was correct. I tried solving it again, and it's the same. But I distinctly remember agonizing over two options with just 10 seconds left."

"How many points is it worth? If you got it wrong?"

"78 points…"

Yiruki and Nade grasped the gravity of the situation. The last objective question was worth two points. So, the result of this one question determined promotion or repetition.

"How can you not remember? What option number did you write?"

"Number 3. But I had Type A, so I can’t verify."

Nade frantically pulled out his exam paper. The cruelly long proofs filled the page. Frankly, Nade had also gotten this question wrong. Probably, only Yiruki in Class Five could solve it easily.

Shirone, clutching his head in agony, said, "It was either 2 or 3. I remember suddenly thinking of the answer with 10 seconds left. But... I can't remember what it was."

Such a situation could occur under intense time pressure. Nade and Yiruki, long-time magic academy students, understood well enough.

But this was a matter of promotion. Failing meant another half year in Class Five.

Nade was beside himself with impatience.

"Damn! I can't wait!"

"What are you going to do?"

"We have to check it ourselves. Let’s ask Teacher Siena. She’s our class advisor."

Feeling equally restless, the trio left the research group and headed for the exam hall.

As they had spent a full day grading, Class Four exams were currently underway. Sneaking into the building during lunch break, Shirone and the others waited anxiously for the teachers to return. After about 30 minutes, Siena appeared in the hallway. They rushed towards her.

"Teacher! Teacher!"

"Huh? Why are you here? Class Five's exam ended yesterday, didn’t it?"

"The last objective question in the math proofs of Type A! What's the answer?"

Siena looked puzzled. Although her specialty was chemistry, she participated in grading as all teachers reviewed the papers at least three times. Even if it wasn't her field, her expertise made student-level math trivial.

"Why suddenly ask that?"

"Quickly! This is really important."

Reading the urgency in Nade's eyes, Siena recalled the last objective question, a notably challenging one that had stuck in her memory.

"Oh, that one? For Type A, it's number 2, right?"

"Number 2..."

Shirone froze as if struck by a hammer. The answer he had chosen was number 3. He had gotten it wrong. His score was 78 points. Just 2 points shy of promotion, the thought made him feel suffocated.

"Number 2... Number 2..."

Muttering the same words, Shirone suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and then collapsed. Right before hitting the floor in the corridor, Nade quickly supported him.

"Shirone! Are you okay? Snap out of it! Aren't you supposed to be invincible?"

"Number 2? Why... how could it be number 2..."

"Teacher, we have to go now! Thanks for your help!"

As Shirone was dragged away, he kept mumbling the same thing. Watching silently, Siena chuckled and returned to the teachers' lounge.

"Those kids, do they ever get tired? Always so energetic."

The teachers' lounge was bustling with grading activities. Siena, too, settled down to continue her work. Then, on a whim, she opened a drawer and pulled out the Type A math proofs paper.

"The last objective question, right?"

She reviewed the problem, mentally solving it, and then smiled brightly.

"Ah, it's number 3."

Shirone Arian. Promotion confirmed.

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