Infinite Mage

Chapter 113: End-of-Term Report Card (4)


The Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy.

Situated in the capital of the Kingdom of Thormia, the Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy, boasting a history of 200 years, has produced many knights of great achievements.

There were more than ten certified Grade-1 swordsmen, among whom three had even been honored with the title of Sword Saint.

Symbol of courage. Embodiment of unwavering belief.

Anyone in Thormia dreaming of becoming a knight aspired to enroll in the Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy.

However, there was no entrance exam for this academy. Instead, a one-month probationary period was conducted, during which the aptitude of the trainees was assessed before finalizing their admission.

A staggering 300 trainees applied each semester, but only 30 were admitted.

Among these 30, Rian proudly belonged, currently attending classes at the Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy.

Urban Combat Training Ground.

The training ground, replicating the landscape of an urban area, was a pride of Kaizen.

A teacher with cheekbones protruding like a skull sat on the stairs, glaring at the first-year students.

"Today's practical subject is Movement. Specifically, you first years will be assessed focusing on shifting your center of gravity."

The teacher's name was Parca Kuan.

A certified Grade-6 swordsman, he was a master of the blade known as the 'Death Magician' before injuring his leg in war.

"Shifting the center of gravity is a crucial ability for a swordsman. It's where the sword's three rhythms: speed, strength, and accuracy, begin."

Kuan limped up the stairs, then pointed to a robust boy.

"You. Where is the swordsman's center of gravity?"

"Sir! It's the navel!"

"Wrong. You, speak."

Kuan pointed at a trainee with eyes wide like a shark. The trainee quickly stood up, knowing any hesitation would invite a scolding, exam or not.

"Sir! It's the soles of the feet!"

"Wrong. You."

"T-The sword!"

"Drop and give me 200 push-ups."


The trainee stepped out of the line to start the push-ups. Draining stamina before a test was dreadful, but the teachers at the swordsmanship academy hardly cared.

Kuan drew his longsword with a fan-like tip and a comparatively slender blade.

"Where is the swordsman's center of gravity? The answer is external. In Schema terminology, this is called 'external gravity.' Repeat after me, external gravity."

"External gravity!"

The trainees shouted, seething with anger. They were being introduced to a term they had never heard before, just before their examination.

'I really want to do something about this. What kind of teacher is he?'

"I'll demonstrate just once. Watch closely and apply it to your evaluation."

The Colosseum, usually quiet, was enveloped in silence.

"Advance while striking, and retreat while cutting."

Kuan demonstrated advancing and retreating cuts. Despite his limping leg making the display less elegant, the sound of his blade slicing through the air was formidable.

"This is the typical movement of swordsmanship. The body's strength shifts the center, and this shift amplifies the sword's destructive power. Moreover, enhancing muscular strength through Schema can exponentially increase this destructive power."

The trainees swallowed hard. It was a familiar lecture, but their tension was palpable with the exam looming.

"…You're probably thinking of something as lowly as that. But approach actual combat with such a notion, and you'll be dead in three seconds."

The trainees' eyes blazed even more fiercely.

"Remember this: no matter how powerful your strike is, if you're outmatched in movement, the fight is as good as lost. Therefore, swordsmen use their center of gravity in movement according to the situation. For example, like this."

Kuan stomped his foot down, then lifted one leg, causing his body to tilt towards the ground.

The trainees gaped in astonishment. Kuan's axis was tilted over 70 degrees.

Was this even possible? Without being tied to something, maintaining such a posture seemed impossible for a human.

"The power amplified by Schema maximizes the shift in the center of gravity. My center is currently outside my body. This is called external gravity."

Kuan sprang up as if he were a pop-up toy.

"Utilizing external gravity expands the possibilities of movement infinitely. For instance, this is also possible."

Kuan stomped the ground again and fell backward, his body tilting until his back nearly touched the ground, then spun around like a top.

"External gravity isn't an actual gravitational force. It's just extremely strong inertia. Therefore, when rotation is applied to external gravity, the body also rotates."

As Kuan extended his sword outward, the rotation slowed. However, as he straightened up, centrifugal force accelerated his motion.


Standing vertically, Kuan spun at an incredible speed, then abruptly stopped in a graceful, well-poised stance.

The trainees looked at Kuan with astonishment. If they had been in his place, what would have happened? Their ankles would have been severed first, and then they would have been diced into dozens of pieces by the accelerating blade.

Defense was impossible. It was akin to a human being unable to stop a tornado caused by atmospheric pressure differences.

Such explosive external gravity. It was akin to a blade attached to a rotating mechanical device.

'This is the Death Magician.'

A nickname earned for causing death without the opponent even realizing how it happened.

"This is today's practical evaluation. The first is obstacle navigation, and the second is urban combat movement."

"Instructor, I have a question."

"Drop and give me 200 push-ups."

The trainee stepped out of line. While doing push-ups, he wondered, what did I do wrong?

"Always remember, you need to overpower the opponent to get the answer you want. An instructor is not your parent. Don't look at me with those eyes full of desire for praise. It's disgusting. Understood?"

"Yes! I will correct it!"

"Try again."

Having finished the scolding, the trainee raised his hand with a shout.

"Instructor! I have a question!"


"What does the urban combat movement evaluate?"

"I'm about to explain that."

The trainee was embarrassed. He had asked the question wanting to impress Kuan, but Kuan thought even respect was a sign of weakness.

"Urban combat movement. I'll keep it short and end it."

Kuan entered the building. The open front made it easy to listen to his explanation.

"External gravity shines in complex terrains, especially in urban combat where space is limited. The outcome can depend on the level of movement."

Kuan stomped the floor but did not attempt external gravity.

"Stomping the ground generates force to shift the center. This is called the first impact. Of course, there's no time for such madness in real combat, but rookies like you should definitely stomp the ground."

Despite the mixture of contempt and ridicule, the students, awed by Kuan's prowess, were no longer angry.

"However, I don’t stomp the ground for the first impact. If I use my full strength, I would shatter this floor. In the Schema of external gravity, there are various ways to execute the first impact. I'll use the basic muscle vibration."

Kuan contracted his upper body muscles, generating a vibration. Then, jumping up and touching the wall, he bent his elbows to control inertia, creating an extended moment of suspension in the air.


The trainees exclaimed in amazement. It was a situation that normally would warrant a 'Drop down!' command, but Kuan, seemingly too bothered, continued his explanation.

"Using the first impact to create external gravity, leap. Of course, in such a case, external gravity will act in the direction of the wall. By applying this, movements like this become possible."

Kuan walked along the wall. The trainees, slowly raising their heads in disbelief, looked up vertically. Kuan was upside down, his feet against the ceiling.

"External gravity essentially uses the power of inertia to negate gravity. Therefore, there is currently no gravitational force acting on my body."

Kuan walking on the ceiling was beyond wondrous, almost bizarre. But this was no magic trick.

To some extent, wall running was possible even for circus performers without Schema. Kuan, however, had maximized inertia with stronger and more precise power.

As external gravity dissipated, Kuan's body fell with gravity. Stepping outside after the demonstration, the expressions of the trainees had completely changed.

"Everyone, drop and give me 200 push-ups."


The trainees reluctantly lay down. As official students, most could handle Schema, so 200 wasn't an impossible count. But for first-year students with limited enhancement capabilities, 200 push-ups were a strenuous punishment.

"While doing that, listen. The first practical is horizontal obstacles, getting lower with each level. The last stage is impossible without using external gravity. You have 20 seconds. The obstacles are made of real swords, so severe injuries or even death could occur. Of course, I trust no one will be foolish enough to dodge the obstacles. If injured, you'll be treated by Instructor Kaina."

Kaina was the best surgeon at the swordsmanship academy. If mages had healers, swordsmen had surgeons who conducted operations. The problem was the extreme pain of the surgery, especially for amputees, where nerve connections could cause fainting during treatment.

'Damn! Hearing that makes it even scarier!'

"Urban combat movement is simple. Create external gravity and lean against a wall. The longer you last, the higher your score. Understood?"


With faces full of resolve, the trainees watched as Kuan gathered his assessment papers and moved on.

"Starting with number one. I won’t call names, so come up when ready. Those waiting, take a break."

Rian leaned back in his seat, chin propped on his hand. With each person taking at least three minutes, there was ample time.

"How about it, think you can do well?"

It was a rare female voice in the swordsmanship academy. But Rian just turned his gaze away, seemingly unbothered. The woman was a beauty with flowing blonde hair, tall and slim with long limbs, giving a refreshing impression.

Elzain Tess.

The only daughter of the prestigious Elzain family in the kingdom, she had enrolled in the swordsmanship academy to follow in her father's footsteps, the colonial commander.

Her face could look cute or fierce, but her character was always fierce. Exceptionally skilled and unmatched among first-year students, she stood out even among many boys, a natural warrior at heart.

"Sit down quickly. If the instructor sees us, it's execution."

"Oh, the great Rian is afraid of the instructor? He’s too busy grading to notice."

"What do you know? He's got eyes on the back of his head. Besides, why did you suddenly move here?"

"I wanted to cheer you up in case you were nervous."

"When have you ever seen me nervous?"

"Haha. Right, there's no further bottom for you to hit, so why be nervous? You're comfortably at the bottom."

Although such words might upset a typical trainee at the swordsmanship academy, Rian merely pursed his lips in response. Tess smiled. His non-reactive nature was definitely a trait that set him apart from other kids.

Why did such a boy consistently end up at the bottom?

Among the first-year students, Rian was undoubtedly the most diligent in training. In fact, his training regimen was so harsh it bordered on overwork. He tackled it day after day.

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