Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1408 - Chaos like a chicken

Although Cooper did not know what Hierro was talking about, he also reacted that he was not well-intentioned. He mentioned that he was going to pick up Brand, because he wanted to make use of the “compassion” of the joint mission that year to make Jero stable. After all, he appeared suddenly, and then started talking to himself about the tone of a trial, which made Cooper feel quite strange. Before Cooper delivered a gravitational wave to Murphy’s bedroom, he became the “ghost” of his daughter, but now he understands the real ghost.

A strange appearance like Yero appears in a spaceship, and it instantly rewrites the structure of the spaceship. This is called a ghost! He is clearly familiar with Yero, but Cooper is difficult to restrain and feel fear. Huang Chao meets many reasons for fear: his source and state are incomprehensible, he ca n’t communicate but he conveys negative information, his appearance is the same as humans, The point is, he should be dead!

He couldn’t help imagining what happened to Huang Chao? What does his sudden appearance mean? His attitude is bad, will it harm humanity? Suddenly Cooper’s brain opened …

However, this is the end of everything. From a higher level of existence, Huang Chao resets all the existences of the solar system and the Kagangtuya galaxy, and completely erases the human civilization on this timeline from the timeline. All the three-dimensional material was rewritten according to Huang Chao ’s will. His spiritual power traversed all the stars, and the Kagantuya galaxy as a “testing prop” was directly attributed to nothingness by him. The solar system has returned to tranquility, there are no wormholes in Saturn ’s orbit, no strange gravity anomalies …

There is no trace of humans.

Everything in the world has happened, so the anchoring of the world has not changed; but when the “plot” has completed its use, the human civilization revealed by this world will be completely erased from the universe.

Huang Chao, who was thought by Cooper to be a “ghost”, has become the most real existence in this universe. He exists directly in the empty and cold cosmic space. His own state is constrained by higher dimensions and will not be affected by external factors at all. Impact.

His eyes turned to the direction of the earth, so he instantly crossed hundreds of millions of kilometers, and all the earth at this time was included in his perception. The earth has been cleaned up. Once the wilt disease caused large plants to die, making the desertification of the earth serious. Now Huang Chao is thinking about it. The whole earth is restored to lush, and the green plants cover the surface, returning directly to the level of the original era.

Huang Chao’s projection of this space reveals a meaningful smile, and he has a brilliant idea. So on this “primitive” earth, intelligent creatures began to evolve. Under the impetus of his will, human beings were completely stripped out of this timeline, and the confined solar system began a new round of vital evolution.

Humanoid creatures have emerged in a new era, with the influence of Huang Chao between heaven and earth. The creatures obtain energy metabolism outside the material, just like the previous plant’s wilt disease. On this basis, the creatures of the earth have evolved a brand new civilization. One knight walks the world, holding a sword and shoveling all over the world. The best of them are a red cat and a blue rabbit …

“The dimension of existence is a valuable insight. In this world, I stand at the apex of the dimension of existence. Everything in the low-level dimension of existence, space time is in a solidified state in front of us. We can browse each state at will; and further, we can Interfere with any state of low-level existence. What they mean to us is a novel, comic, or film that can be read freely. In the former, we are readers and audiences, and further, we become authors … “

“It’s very interesting. The low-level existence dimension in a world is like a fantasy world controlled or transformed by me. And is this not the way of existence of the total fantasy world? The key is that before we are disturbed, the subordinate dimension is completely determined , Time can be cut in at will, this operation is mapping us to turn the page or drag the progress bar. “

Now Huang Chao has converged a solar system, and he has begun to transform it into a fixed anchor point. Although the solar system is empty, it is also very different from outer space. The influence of the sun makes the solar system present some kind of “egg” structure. This structure is called a “sun sheath”. It is the “whole” formed by the influence of the sun that Huang Chao converges as the key to the higher dimension of Unicom.

The solar system occupies the vast space of the universe. In this area, the sun occupies 99.86% of the known mass in the solar system, and dominates everything with gravity. At the same time, it is also constantly projecting material, the supersonic plasma charged particle stream emitted from the upper atmosphere of the sun, this particle stream exists continuously, and moves outward at a speed of 200-800km / s ~ ~ the maximum distance of solar wind transfer About 95 astronomical units, which is three times the orbit of Pluto. The solar wind decelerates, condenses and becomes more chaotic here, forming a huge oval structure, also known as the day sheath.

In this vast space, there are planets, asteroids, comets, etc., but all of this adds up to an “egg” from the perspective of the universe. Its scope is already very large for human beings. Countless fantasy world stories have just happened in this tiny position in the “egg”. Huang Chao converges the solar sheath into a low-dimensional node, and by mapping with other worlds, he can superimpose the solar sheaths of other fantasy worlds on the scale of galaxies.

When he succeeds in this step, his existence stands completely above all the dimensions of existence in the fantasy world: he no longer passively enters each world and gains some accumulation, but analyzes and develops from a higher level. use……

Legend has it that before the dawn of the world, the world was chaotic like a chicken, and the state of existence of the solar system was such a “chicken.” When Huang Chao carried the entire solar system’s solar sheath as a node to break the world’s blockade, the chicken’s chaotic state jumped to a higher dimension, such a huge change can be compared to a perfect world. In fact, he was completely within the scope of the day’s sheath, as long as enough material was filled, it could indeed form a pattern of sky circles in this range …

Now that the earth has begun to re-evolve, in order to achieve connectivity and convergence in different worlds, Huang Chao needs to raise his level to the fantasy world IQ. To establish a connection between two very different worlds, what is needed most is not a “physical channel”, because this is logically impossible. What he needs is a conceptual connection of cause and effect. When the two worlds are “a fantasy world” in a sense, this kind of connection is possible.

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