Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1409 - Stars blink

another world.

Huang Chao in the naughty world of Blue Cat received a notification from the moon. Two people, Blue Cat and Naughty, killed the aliens ’bases on the moon. As soon as they came up, they encountered super-warriors backed by super civilizations. I do n’t know how big the alien ’s psychological shadow is?

Huang Chao unfolded his spiritual power and deeply connected with the computing system of the earth’s civilization. Now he fully grasps the technological civilization and war logistics of the Blue Cat world: the super technological essence of this world gradually reveals with the deepening of Huang Chao’s exploration Opening the veil, Huang Chao has the authority to start the world’s solar system war system, and intuitively see how deep the world’s water is!

He touched his chin and thought: “Well, such a technological background can completely connect with another high-dimensional civilization.”

The command center is quiet, and there is no noise from the large terminal equipment. But soon the tranquility was broken by the blue cat ’s yelling, and the blue cat appeared on the communication screen, and he laughed: “Yellow dog brothers, the aliens on the moon have all been solved! I need to rebuild the moonnet system, this It is a space-based and ground-based facility that needs to be replaced. Please pass it as soon as possible. “

The blue cat on the screen, touching the wreckage of the base of the earth civilization on the moon, the spiritual power penetrates into the base like a cheat screen, and cooperates with the intelligent system attached to his suit to activate the undestructed structure deep in the moon. He will rebuild the lunar reconnaissance system, a file on the screen is instantly transferred, and another processing system beside Huang Chao is instantly parsed.

“Yes, the speed of the machine made our awakening brain temporarily unemployed.” Huang Chao flattened his palm and pressed his hand on the confirmation plane that popped up on the command platform, authorizing Rainbow Bridge to pass the materials for the reconstruction of Moonnet.

Blue Cat nodded to indicate receipt, although no new equipment appeared beside him. Now he also connects himself to the entire lunar communication node. The powerful and flexible spiritual power allows him to guide the landing point of each pass of the Rainbow Bridge: the coordinates represented by the blue cat are now arbitrary positions of the moon. On the three-dimensional platform in front of Huang Chao, the virtual image of the moon slowly rotates. Every time a node is activated, a new bright spot will appear above. There is a subtle light connection between these bright spots. Different states represent the progress of the monitoring and defense network.

Naughty scratching his ears: “It’s not like the big cat you can do.” Blue cat takes itself as the core and dominates the reconstruction of the entire moon net. Although many are completed automatically, but the war caused special accidents and someone needs to make a decision. He accommodated and handled all the trends in all directions, and he resolved the sudden problems of the satellite defense network.

It was not only his amazing intelligence and the ability of Unicom’s technological products that surprised him, but also the patience and handling ability he showed at the moment.

Blue Cat rolled his eyes, because he still had to be centered, so he couldn’t jump in and chase naughty. He hummed: “Shibe don’t treat each other in three days, I have also gone through a long training and test, do you think I’m the same as before?” This is going to be put in the past, I am afraid he will really go to hammer and naughty first.

Knowing all this by remote sensing, Huang Chao smiled comfortably: “Of course, this is a civilized state that I am satisfied with. Everyone can make full progress, restricting them to only their own spiritual elements, but even if they have psychological and personality problems, It will also be inspired by the general trend of civilization. “Although he is a cat, the spiritual awareness, knowledge level, and self-development of the Blue Cat have reached the level of another period of Chinese civilization.

He was so dedicated to the Blue Cat and others, and it seemed unfair to the previous Cooper group: Oh, the big brother is to bring the wisdom creatures he likes, those wisdoms that Huang Chao does not want to bring, he can’t progress to control them to die … …

The use of anti-material weapons by Blue Cat and others marked the intensification of war. Before Huang Chao knew that the world could normalize antimatter, it was also a cold sweat. Now in front of Earth’s “Yellow Dog Brother”, a huge ring accelerator is displayed on a three-dimensional screen, with a huge fireball in the center … This star yellow It’s super familiar. Huang Chao is desperate for aliens, but still gives the order: “The solar system is in a state of war, and the anti-matter manufacturing system is turned on.”

The war machine of Blue Cat World started, and Huang Chao felt an inexplicable sense of joy. Now I can only stick out my tongue in conformity with the identity, it is said that this can “cool” after all, he is the big brother of the yellow dog.

Considering that the Blue Cats could n’t play these super technologies before, the alien ’s motives were understandable. The whole family was young and old, and they tried their luck to get rid of the Blue Cats. “I won and laughed happily and lost my money. I lost my anger and scolded and ruined.”

In the Earth base, the “Awakening” center opened again, the torrent of energy and the fluctuation of time and space spread apart, releasing a circle of ripples in the universe, and the blue cat’s friends have been fully enhanced. Each time Huang Chao is strengthened, the device will be upgraded, and the awakening equipment will eventually become a magnificent and dazzling building. There is only one operation room in the 100m highland building, and the others are support and logistics systems. After receiving the enhanced members, Huang Chao looked at Auntie Chicken and asked, “Auntie Chicken, would you like to strengthen again?”

Auntie Ji said, “You guys have grown up, and I am satisfied. Well, I can also enjoy my retirement life.” Auntie Ji also has no greed power, and simply transferred the commander’s authority completely Huang Chao. She doesn’t have the enthusiasm of young people anymore. Instead of betting on an enhanced chance of success, she can steadily hand over her leadership and enter a leisurely and comfortable retirement life.

Aunt Chicken only taught Huang Chao the command of the base. Now she makes a wise decision to hand over the three powers of the small animal class leader, the head of the small animal on the earth, and the commander of the universe war base to Huang Chao. These three represent the supreme leadership of small animal organizations such as the Blue Cat, the head of the small animal earth and the highest military command. Huang Chao was shocked to know that Mrs. Chicken still has such a big identity. What else can he say, he can only continue in the past and decisively complete the historical mission of the aliens.

“Then I started issuing orders.” Huang Chao stood on the command center with his hands behind him, and in front of him was the entire space warrior team. As the leader of the remaining people, Blue Cat responded: “Brother Yellow Dog, please hurry up.”

The name trivial matter can’t allow Huang Chao to have any mood swings. He said seriously: “I have fully activated the solar system combat system. I regret to say that you didn’t know the real power before. Now, fat boy, sweet girl, you go to The solar orbit, restart the Dyson sphere, and garrison the ring-shaped sun star accelerator to ensure the antimatter manufacturing process. “

“Rainbow Bridge will directly send your space fighters to the Mercury node. Your space fighters have integrated the civilized terminal system. After the deployment, they will directly serve as the core of the Dyson sphere and the stellar accelerator. Our rear will depend on you.”

Everyone has been strengthened to become a comprehensive talent, but everyone still has a better field when dividing the work. Fatty and Sweet Girl’s logistical care and patience have passed the test of the Blue Cat World and can organize stable rear support.

“Fat, you start the stellar lens system in the solar orbit immediately after unfolding the Dyson ball to carry out active scanning of the galaxy. By now, you should understand that the current enemy of the solar system is not qualified to be our enemy. The power behind them is very strong. It may have been done. “

He spoke out the horror news blandly, everyone thought about it, and nodded quickly to agree with him. But no one was alarmed, and no one shouted and cried. A few Shen Ning’s solemn eyes fell on Huang Chao, feeling the composure of the companions facing the crisis, Huang Chao felt extremely happy. It ’s fun to save the world, but it ’s more pleasant to have a team of God teammates.

“Naughty, Feifei, you go to the moon …” “Blue Cat, curry, you go to the Kuiper belt …”

Everyone had arrangements and left in an orderly way to complete the mission.

In the distant sun, the fat fighter and the sweet girl’s space fighter have been connected to the legacy facilities in solar orbit. Fatty sighed: “I didn’t realize it before!”

The light curtain covering the sky and the sun is slowly spreading ~ ~ This is not a literary description. The Dyson sphere light curtain at the atomic scale in front of us is really covering the sun, and the huge light curtain keeps a stable rotation in recent days Looking at the cosmic space in the distance, the surface of the sun is like many thin slices, which appear and disappear from time to time, making the brightness of the sun spread out indefinitely. The already launched Dyson ball has introduced the first abundant energy into the solar system war system, and the material emitted by the solar wind has been captured by the fat and sweet girls, so that the materials they can control are gradually increasing.

Higher scientific and technological civilizations will require more energy, and it is difficult to have an era of “overpowered energy” unless they have given up exploring the unknown and conservatively stayed in the same place and waited for death. But in any case, nuclear fusion is an efficient source of energy, after all, it is the basic “productivity” of stars in this universe. Even if people can build a nuclear fusion power station, they still need raw materials for reaction: where is the entire solar system more conducive to nuclear fusion than the sun? It occupies 99.98% of the mass of the solar system. Without using the material and energy of the sun, if you want to build a civilization across the star system, it is simply to make yourself **** difficult. Even with more advanced energy use, the importance of the sun remains unshakable, because it is what the star system really means.

Auntie Chicken on the beach with her sunglasses looking up at the sky, in the dark blue sky, the sun began to flash indefinitely … She knew that Fatty and others had opened the Dyson ball, and when all this was done, the light within the entire galaxy Qiang must have a base of fat boy and sweet girl to control.

When the distance is extended to the order of light years, the sun turns into an ordinary star in the sky. However, after a few years, the intelligent creatures in the distant space will see that there is a star that will blink wonderfully at some time, just like It was a naughty child blinking …

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