Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

A Christmas visit

Athens, is still the same as ever. However the restoration process was accelerated with my presence here, spreading out Reverie to repair the infastructure.

This is supposed to be my home, after all. I have to put in extra effort...

As I multi-tasked, I reached Deliah's house. Well, the smell isn't that obvious since they clean a lot but... fuck my enhanced sense of smell, I can smell sex from all the way here.

I placed Ouroboros Omniscia down and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, Deliah opened the door.

"Welcome, Charlotte!", she smiles at me.

"Hello, Deliah. What are you having for lunch?", I smile and pick up the coffin.

"Nothing much, just some lamb with cheese and wine. There is some low-alcohol juice if you want.", she leads me inside.

The place is decorated with Christmas ornaments that won't be clean up until January 6th... speaking of which January 8th is my birthday. Probably shouldn't mention it since I don't celebrate my birthday, and the Academy starts on January 12th.

I should just laze around after I leave.

"So what have you been up to?", Deliah asked after we sat down at the table, Ouroboros Omniscia behind me.

"Just going around, completing commissions, the usual. And I out drunk five veterans, sending them to the hospital.", I am pretty much immune to alcohol, so it was an impossible fight.

"Hehe... that sounds fun. You can try some of the berries in my garden if you want.", she suggested, "They make awesome juice, though you have to have a high tolerance to poison."

"That sounds fun, I am pretty good at handling my poisons.", I can adapt to anything.



"Anyhow, let me get your present.", and she left the table.

We were having a bit there, you know, sister stuff. There is always an air of passive aggressiveness with us.

I have to remake my mixture now that I have a pipe, my Euphoric Dust burns really well so I have to refill constantly if I switch. Tabacco doesn't do it for me, more of a recreational process.

But I can't deny a gift from my own sister in front of her.

"Here, this is for you.", she presented me with a brown box.

I received it from her, "Can I open it here?"

"Sure!", she happily replied.

Inside the box is a long pipe, about twenty centimeters long. The bowl and shank are made of olive wood, stained with dark oil but still express the grains nicely, the band is made of Sterling silver which gives the pipe a good contrast.

This must be around 500 Dollars... now she just makes me feel bad about buying her the cheaper option...


She pretended to be scared by the price of my gift, I can't detect her lies due to the fact that she is capable of lying without any remorse!! This psychopathic bitch!!

"This looks very nice.", I smile, "Do you have any tobacco lying around?"

"There is a small sample under.", she pointed out.

I lifted the cloth inside the box, and there was a jar with some tobacco inside it. I took a whiff of it after opening the jar, it smelled pretty nice.

So I took out some and packed it in, I sparked some electricity, lighting it up. Let it burn for a bit, I draw the flavor in.

Indeed, tobacco has a nice taste to it. Enjoying the smoke until I feel the need to breathe, I blow it out in a ring pattern.

"This is pretty nice.", I slashed the smoke ring with the pipe, careful to not let the ash fly out.

"Glad you enjoy it, Charlotte.", she pats my head.

"Stop it.", I swatted her hand away, "I am too old to receive headpats."

"You are never too old to receive affection, sis.", she laughed a bit.

"Well, it is only right for you to receive my gift.", I snap my finger, commanding Ouroboros Omniscia to open its sides.

I went and took out two boxes of Fortress Professional Painting Set. Each contains ten tubes of paste that have the world record for the densest concentration of color pigment.

"I always wanted to own one of these.", I can see sparkles in her eyes, "I never had a justifiable reason to switch."

"There you have it, sis.", I need to one-up her somehow... right, this may be risky... "And you have access to my credit card, buy anything you like."

"Are you sure?", she asked me with her true voice, hollow and emotionless.

She's a bit fucked in the head, like me.

"Buy as much as you like, though there is a maximum limit on how much I can spend in a day though."

"How much?"

"A million dollars.", I smile, sliding my credit card over to her.

"Can you give me a moment, please.", she swiped the card and rushed off.

"Utopia, update.", I took out my phone.

"[The third highest Eldritch signature is in Texas, Your Highness. It is not the Fragment, from my Database it is something known as The Malevolent Palace, belonging to The Jesters of Light.]"

A new Eldritch Faction, huh, "What does this Malevolent Palace do?"

"[The Jesters of Light are entertainers who exist for the joy of Existence. Mainyuu Matahatan the Malevolent Palace, in the simplest term, is a Chef, who makes the grandest dishes in the Universe.]"

"Skip it, next."

"[The Starlight Droplet, no Faction, their location is the Arctic. Is the most harmless Eldritch God in the Milky Way galaxy, Your Highness.]"

"How the fuck is an Eldritch God harmless?", I frowned. All that I encountered so far are all crazy in a sense.

"[Because The Starlight Droplet is held hostage by The Pale Court, being the only Star unlucky enough to have a Sword of Judgement stab into their Core and can be detonate any time.]"


So by the factor of having a literal bomb strapped to itself, it has to obey Shemiss Aluqdim...

"How strong is Shemiss Aluqdim's Sword of Judgement?"

"[Capable of wiping off a planet in a single hit. Currently, due to the Cosmic bubble, there are a total of 23 quintillion Swords aiming at every direction toward planets.]"

"Did a lot of Eldritch Gods copy the Template of Life?", why the fuck are there so many?

"[Some copied Incomplete Patterns, resulting in countless worlds receiving Life.]"

So the amount of planet busters will keep on increasing until Shemiss Aluqdim's restraining order ends.

Honestly, I want to watch when that happens. But that would be a long time and I'm not sure if I can handle living for an eternity.

I am only human, after all.

Let's not look at the big picture that honestly doesn't concern me. For now, my plan...

"Utopia, where is a suitable location for me to place my Sanctuary based on your data?"

"[There are two locations that I recommend, Your Highness. The Arctic due to its inhospitable nature, and Atlantis being virtually impossible to find with current technology.]"

So an eternally frozen palace or a castle at the very bottom of the ocean. Yeah, the choice isn't that hard to make.

"Let's choose the Arctic, at least I am fine with the cold.", I draw a bit from the pipe, "Fu... this needs some modification."

I can make it into a vape, might as well turn my Euphoric Dust into a liquid. Something like Sinclair's Lust Breaker.

I hope this game ends soon, so I can enact my plan to break the chains of society. To bring a Revolution.

Heha... hahahahaha!!




Screens, an entire room filled with screens, flickering on and off.

In this room, there is a throne, where a person is sitting with their legs crossed. It was too dark to see their figure, but there was something that she could see, something that filled her with incredible dread and fear.

"So you want to observe the future, Seer.", that feminine voice was soft and serene, yet bear absolute authority.

Those azure eyes glowing in the dark, those eyes made her paralyzed, as if the weight of the world was placed on her shoulder.

"Then look as much as you like, because this is something you cannot stop. The gears are already turning, this future will either lead to the destruction of humanity, or a new age will come. Seer of Delphi, I hope you will be able to see what I am going to build..."

Then all the screens flickered, displaying a symbol of a crown made of blue flame.

"Farewell, Seer of Delphi."

A silver spear impaled her, bringing her back to reality.

She fell onto the ground, breathing heavily.

"Pollax! What's wrong!!", another woman in a white robe came to help her up.

"Inform the Priestess... the Eyes of Apollo just revealed to me someone capable of turning society upside down...", she coughed, breathing in the fume covering the room.

"Let's get out of the Trance Room first, I'll inform the Priestess. So please rest and take it easy, Seer."

Pollax nodded and walked out of the room, her eyes filled with terror. Those azure eyes haunted her mind, whoever those eyes belonged to... must be the most terrible being on Earth.


On an unrelated note, Charlotte is having ice cream with Deliah. Bonding like sisters.

The question of today is, would you let Charlotte step on you?

This is the end of this arc! As always, I'll be going on a 2 weeks break. Next Arc, Libertas! I'm once again trying to write a school arc and validate the School Life tag!! Also, there will be a Side Story!

That is all for now! Thank you all once again for reading this story! Now stand up and stretch, move around to get the blood flowing, if you are in bed, sleep. But most importantly, touch grass!

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