Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Christmas Mayhem

"Alfonso, it is tougher than it looks.", the woman spoke calmly.

"Then we need more firepower, doing it the American way as people say it.", the man nodded.

She nodded back.

"By the Power of the Pale Court,

They who created Life,

Mother who cradles all Spark,

Father who watches them Grow."

A Karabiner 98k appeared in her right hand, she pointed it at the Angel, who now looked at them intensely.

"Formation.", she ordered.

Hundreds of Karabiner 98k appeared behind her.

"The Destroyer who Banish all Falsehood,

The Guardian who Protects the Truth.

I am the Jury of the Pale Court,

And I shall Judge your Sin."

And she pulled the trigger, her gun did not fire, but the rest shot beams of golden energy, carrying the power of Judgement. They seared the tree, making it scream and all of its eyes focused on the woman.

"Bark pierced, but minimal internal damage.", Alfonso reported, "Dolfy, try artillery next."

"Roger—", she flinched.

Below and far away, Lughz Dustur opened their eyes. Hundreds of pupils in each one, making Dolfy recall and feel the pain of the millions— no, trillions of people suffered at her hands, at the hands of Adolf Hitler. Not only the people who died in the Great War but dozens of planets she destroyed for The Pale Court. They weighed heavy on her heart, like shouldering the entire sky.

A pistol formed in place of the rifle. She let out a tired sigh...


And she shot herself in the head, dissipating into particles of golden light.

Then she reformed behind Alfonso, walking around him to get to the front.

A Jury of the Pale Court cannot easily die, as for them to die, both the Sinner and Witness need to die at the same time.

"The Enigma Code is here, alright.", she sighed, rubbing the back of her head, "We aren't combatant, dammit."

"Still, that Angel of theirs is still a threat—", Alfonso got cut off as a beam of blue energy shot right through him, killing him instantly.

He vanished in golden glitter, only to reappear next to Dolfy with a frown.

"Seems like the Akasha girl does not welcome us, either."

"Well, our title is The Greatest Evil after all.", she shrugged in response with a crazed grin, "Hating the one who drove so many to die is only normal."

Alfonso took out his binoculars again, "Seems like the Angel is retreating while The Enigma Code is staring at us."

"What about the Akasha?", Dolfy asked.

"She wants us to come down...", he frowns again.

"I'll go.", she stated with an evil grin. Dolfy was inching to get closer to Charlotte.

As a Jury of the Pale Court, they took an Oath to never again harm the Children of the Pale Court. For the Greatest Evil, this fact still holds.

But, they still held onto their prejudice. Their view had changed, they no longer saw any race, no matter the skin color or origin.

As long as a person is from Earth, born under the gaze of Shemiss Aluqdim, they are... Aryan.

However, they do not take kindly to the worshipping of Foreign Gods - as that is blasphemy against Their Light of Order and Judgement. For their goal of eliminating false worship...

They need Charlotte.

"Talking is something we do better anyway, with just our voice alone dozens of worlds fell to ruin."

If there is anything they are confident about, it is their voice.

Each Jury of the Pale Court carries a special Blessing, given by their Lord and Light.

For Judas Iscariot, it is the ability to gain temporary power for 30 pieces of silver. As that was the amount he took to sell out the Son of God.

As for Adolf Hitler, their voice is their primary source of strength. The man who drove millions in his drive for glory, for his people. Their voice touch the Heart and make people go mad, fueled by the visions of glory and salvation.




"Utopia, add killing Hitler to my resume.", I smiled, lowering Oroboros Omniscia.

"Seem like we have some disturbance.", Lugh sighed next to me, "They tried to kill my Child, and here they are..."

I look around, the researchers are running while more armed forces get to the site. Lugh has the ability to reveal herself to whoever she wants to, so her being here isn't a problem.

The problem is the Angel being unsummoned, and Hitler.

I sighed and took command, "Secure the surrounding area, find safe spots to hide near cover. The enemy has access to explosives so be careful."

With Euphoria, they understood and followed orders. Man, I can lead but it is such a hassle.

I got on the move too, sliding down the rocky terrain using the coffin as a board. I took out my phone and called Seria.

[Yeah, I'm awake. What's the situation?]


"Hitler.", I stated, "Call Nyarla, right now. Adolf Hitler is in conflict with The Enigma Code."

[Slow down there, girl. You are saying that Hitler is fighting against that woman?], even she was baffled by the situation.

"Actually—", I shut Lugh up with a glare.

"Yes, but I feel like their aim is not her... but me.", I stare at the person in front of me.

Golden blonde hair along with glowing golden eyes, carrying an icy glare to them... I have the same feeling as facing Iscariot...

"Pleasure to meet you, Silver Princess of Humanity. My name is Dolfy Lernea", she let out a snicker, "I am here for a proposition."

"You handle the situation with the SFPD and G.O.C, I'll handle Hitler.", I end the call.

"Was that Abigail?", Dolfy asked with an amused tone, "I used to dread over the fact the Third Reich had to face her."

"What do you want?", I stay firm and don't want any bullshit. Today is Christmas for fuck sake!

"To end false religions, and bring forth the True Light who blessed us humans.", her smile grew wide, "I was never a fan of religions, they blinded the purpose of humanity! As the race created by The Pale Court, we cannot worship anyone but the True Light!!"

As much as the person in front of me is Hitler... she is right, religion is a disease that needs to be eliminated. But to worship the Sun, I don't agree with that.

"Then... let us have a... Bet.", I glance back at Lugh, "You will join too."

My eyes sparked a golden glow before turning to silver.

"Let us play a Game, of Destiny and Despair."

My hair turned partially golden, stopping halfway going up. I snap my finger, summoning Walpurgis Festival.

"Embrace Infinity, Dive into the Endless Abyss."

Then I summon the Emblem of Monte Cristo, wearing it on Ars Goetia. The emblem lit ablaze, burning a green fire that turned golden.

"Salvation afar in my Hands, I am the one who deals the Dice of Destiny."

The cursed coins began to flow out of the Gate of Akasha, floating before they even hit the ground.

"I offer you the power to change your Fate, alter it to a Destiny you can control."

Golden gloves formed on my hands, and Ars Goetia dyed a golden color.

"Through the Path of Pain and Despair... I shall show you Salvation."

I smiled, grabbing the golden pocket watch...

"All or Nothing, are you willing to bet?"

"Of course.", Dolfy nodded.

"Game... Set.", I clicked the watch and grinned.

"This game shall be a simple one.", I click the watch again.

"Blackjack.", the watch was replaced by a deck of golden cards, with the numbers and symbols in gleaming silver.

The world around changes, the golden coins turned into betting chips. And it roped in three people aside from me, that's right, three.

"The rule is simple, as is the winning condition."

A gambling table formed in front of me, and I began to shuffle the deck of cards.

"It is Blackjack, you have to beat the dealer - me."

Each of them was forced into a seat, Lugh, Dolfy, and... The World Border. Welt Ealam appearing as an Automata of bronze, it's kinda stuck to me through Romulus.

"Though the twist is simple, every time you win against me you will lose all the chips you bet, but you can only bet more than half of your current amount. Every round you lose or forfeit your chips will double the amount you bet.", I explained, putting the deck of cards down on the table and spreading them out, "Any question?"

"Why are we playing to lose chips?", Dolfy asked, though she could tell these are not normal coins.

"Each one of these coins is Cursed, they have the power to warp Destiny and twist it for the worst outcome.", I explained.

She bloomed a wicked smile, "Will I be able to keep the coins?"

I nodded, "Just don't kill too many people."

Then a screen appeared, [How many rounds will we play?]

"Four rounds, that should do the trick.", I picked up a card, the Ace of Hearts.

"And the win condition is that you have to discard all of your coins. After that, I'll listen to your request.", I placed the card down and shuffled again.

Lugh glanced at Welt Ealam's golem, "As Welt Ealam's acquaintance, I must warn you they are very good at games."

[ ;) ]

I just roll my eyes, "Well then, what do any of you want from me?"

"To end all religion and Jews. They don't deserve to live under the light of The Pale Court.", Dolfy grinned.

Yup, still racist.

"I want to bring Ennael into my fold, to take her under my wings. Can you do that for me, after your end?", that was Lugh's request.

[I would like you to be in a Tournament—]

I raised my hand, stopping Welt Ealam from typing.

"I refuse to be in a Tournament Arc.", I glare at the Automata, "And while I'd like to actually kill someone... nah, I don't want to fight in a systematic function."

I like to go wild and be as brutal as possible.

[You will crash a Tournament hosted in my <Star System> as a {Final Challenge} to <Test> how far my <Worlds> are.]

"So you want me to kill everything in sight.", I feel my smile growing.

[ :) ]

That gave me my answer. This should be fun, I've been holding back for far too long...

"Alright, now that everything is laid out... shall we begin?", and everyone nodded.

With a snap of my finger, all of them receive a hundred chips each. I shuffle the deck again, no trick, no nothing. Because Blackjack as a game is designed in favor of the dealer. And the Game of Hope automatically rigs the game in my favor.

I am not too worried about Dolfy winning, or Lughz Dustur since she's kinda an airhead. The problem is Welt Ealam...

I deliver the first few cards to them, flipping them to see what hand were dealt to them. Ace of Spades in Welt Ealam's hand, Three of Diamonds for Dolfy, and Queen of Clubss for Lugh. I got my card, a Ten of Diamonds.

Lugh bet sixty chips, Dolfy put in fifty-two, and Welt Ealam bet ninety-nine. Now the game truly begins.

For the next cards, I can only smile at how ridiculous this is. Welt Ealam got a King of Diamonds... the other two, Lugh got a Two of Hearts and Dolfy got a Seven of Clubs.

I got my last card, which was hidden from them. I slide the card back to peak... a Nine of Spades.


"Do you want to raise?"

Lugh and Dolfy nodded. I handed out two cards for each of them, a Jack of Diamonds for the dictator and a Two of Spades for the Arbiter.

"I will continue to raise.", Lugh stated.

"Same~", Dolfy raised her hand.

I deal them more cards, a Five of Hearts for Lugh and a King of Spades for Dolfy.

"Looks like I lost~.", the dictator shrugged, she wanted to lose and get the cursed coins. More chips appeared next to her, the total being a hundred and fifty-two.

"Do you want to keep going?"

"Yes.", Lugh nodded, staring at the deck of cards.

The only way she can win is by drawing an Ace. Which I am pretty confident about not drawing it. Plus, I don't think any sleight of hand is going to work with two incomprehensible beings in front of me.

A Four of Diamonds. Her amount was doubled.

Then I turn to the Automata, which has a smiley emoticon displayed.

I flipped my card, revealing it. Then I drew another card, an Eight of Clubs, to end the round. Hah... I can't beat an Eldritch Gamer...

Its chips vanished, and now Welt Ealam only has a single chip left.

I took back all of the cards and shuffled them. Then the next round starts.

I dealt the first set of cards. A Two of Hearts for Welt Ealam, an Ace of Spades for Dolfy, and a Jack of Spades for Lugh. I got an Ace of Hearts.

Welt Ealam put in its last chip, while Lugh pushed all in, and Dolfy bet a hundred coins.

The next set of cards... a Three of Hearts for Welt Ealam, a Four of Diamonds for Dolfy, and a Six of Clubs for Lugh. I have a King of Hearts after peaking.

The only way for Welt Ealam to win is by getting five cards under 21.

"Do any of you want to continue drawing?", I asked.

"Hit me.", Dolfy stated with a smile.

I deal her another, a Ten of Clubs. She tapped the table, so I dealt her another one, a Ten of Spades. Her chips immediately doubled, which satisfied her. Two hundred and fifty-two coins in total... I need to do something about her...

"I will raise.", Lugh said calmly, staring intensely at the deck of cards.

I did as she requested, dealing her a card... a Nine of Diamonds. All her coins doubled, which she wasn't very happy about despite her dull expression, landing her three hundred and twenty chips.

Then it was Welt Ealam's turn... the Automata taps the table, so I dealt him a Five of Hearts. I kept going, a Four of Clubs...

It tapped again, and the deck gave it an Ace of Diamonds. That sealed his fate...

"You won.", I sighed.

[As easy as taking candy from a child :) ]

"I did warn you Welt Ealam is very good at games.", Lugh smiles, getting to jab at me for a tiny bit.

"I will add a rule to this game, seeing that one of you is losing on purpose...", I glare at Dolfy who just smiles back, teasing me, "You need to win one round in order to keep the coins."

And Dolfy was sent into an internal panic, she couldn't just get what she wanted easily. You have to work for it, don't you remember how much effort you put into climbing the ladder and becoming the Third Reich's dictator? You had the resolve and hysterical enough to continue a war that lasted for almost thirty years, not even counting the aftermath - the Cold War.

You had the charisma to send millions to die for a lofty cause. I want to see it, the Sinner side of the man deemed as humanity's worst dictator.

I began to shuffle again, "Welt Ealam, I have a question. Why do you want me to crash your game?"

[It is always fun to keep variables around, you never know what might go wrong and how fun it would be.]


"I'm always happy to kill some glorified monkeys.", then I turn to Dolfy, "I can't believe I am doing this but... what do you usually do when on your Jury duty?"

"I destroy worlds with my voice~", her golden eyes glow, "I and Alfonso would rise through the ranks of nations, driving countries to start wars that would last for decades, making them follow the footsteps of our humanity, creating weapons that would ultimately end their world. Just like what I did..."

"So do you feel guilty about the lives you threw away?", I finished shuffling.

"Never had, and never will..."

This is pretty bad... I can't let her win at all. These coins of mine are pretty destructive.

I dealt them their cards, an Ace of Clubs for Dolfy and a Three of Hearts for Lugh. I got myself a King of Hearts.

Once again, Lugh bet all in, while Dolfy bet two hundred chips.

The next few cards were dealt, another Ace for Dolfy and a Seven of Diamonds. I smiled as I peeked to see a Queen of Diamonds.

"I would like to draw.", the dictator requested.

I dealt her a Six of Clubs, which was not enough for her, and then her next card was a Four of Spades. 

I look over at Welt Ealam's automata...

[ ;) ]

It noticed my sleight, swapping out the Two of Clubs for a Four of Spades. But it didn't say anything, which is good. Her chips doubled, landing her a total of four hundred and fifty-two chips.

"I am not good at this, am I?", she sighed, rubbing her forehead in frustration.

"I shall raise.", Lugh said, not caring a bit about my trick.

I dealt her a King of Clubs, then I flipped my card over. Then I look into her golden Eyes of Judgement.

"Do you want to continue to draw?", I asked, hovering my hand over the deck.

"No.", she shook her head.

I smirked, normally this would result in a draw but... I drew a card for me, an Ace of Hearts. This game is always rigged in my favor, after all.

"Do you accept defeat?", I spun the card on my finger before placing it down.

"I yield.", she raised both of her hands. With that, her coins doubled.

"Now for the last round, we will do something a bit different.", I took away the cards and shuffled again, "The Game of Hope is always a Death Game, so to keep the spirit of the game~ if you don't win this last round..."

I ignite the green flame from the Emblem, transferring the fire to the deck of cards.

"Your soul will be burned.", I smiled, placing the shuffled deck enveloped in green fire on the table.

Dolfy ended up laughing, "That is the least concerning part!! I can't truly die, you know?"

I summon Galatine in response, aiming it at her head, "I know, I fought the Dino King before and learned it the hard way— speak of which, WHO THE FUCK TAUGHT A DINOSAUR HOW TO USE A SWORD?!"

That question frustrated me for more than a year now!! 

"Oh, that was Lilia.", she casually said, "The First Jury of the Pale Court."

"Thank you.", I nodded, then I stared at her, "Seriously? The First Jury?"

"He's a pretty cool guy, a bit of a genocidal maniac but hey, we all are a bit genocidal~", Dolfy shrugged, taking one of the chips and flipping it, "You see, I don't think you are strong enough to fight against Juries from different planets, much less different species."

I clicked my tongue, she understood my tendency to fight... and my weakness against other species. Obviously, I have a conceptual advantage against humans and humanoids being the pinnacle of humanity. But against things that have body plans completely different from humans? I have to learn and process before being able to beat it.

Well, that doesn't include my Domination...

"Let's play. How much are you willing to bet in the final round?", I smile, spreading the deck out, "This will be a bit different, instead of me handling the cards for you... you will choose for yourself."

"Is this Blackjack anymore?", Lugh frowned, looking at the cards.

"Well, this is a Blackjack inspired Game of Hope. My game, my rules.", I picked a card first, an Ace of Clubs.

"All in then.", she states, pushing all of her coins in front of her.

"Three hundred.", Dolfy said as she snapped her finger.

They drew their cards, Dolfy got herself a Four of Hearts, and Lugh got a King of Spades.

I drew again, this time hidden from them both. With a peak, I smile. A Queen of Hearts. Blackjack.

Next was their turn, a Ten of Clubs for Dolfy and a Six of Hearts for Lugh.


They continue to draw. And... they both bust.

"Why is it so difficult to win Blackjack?", Dolfy grumbled.

Well, this game is in my favor. I did try to balance it out with the amount you can bet... except for Welt Ealam over there... I honestly don't know how it escaped my rigged Game of Hope.

"Now with the game done and we have only one winner... as for the losers, your soul now belongs to me—"


Damn, before I can properly end the game... Dolfy committed suicide. Her body vanished in golden particles... that is one way of getting out of a Death Game.


"The Juries don't fear dying, as long as the other half is still living.", Lugh smiles, "Now, will you take my soul, or are you incapable of binding an Eldritch God?"

"Yeah no, I don't want to keep you around...", I want to get rid of you, in fact.

"That is unfortunate, as I can provide you with so much more.", there she goes using her sweet and calming voice, "I can give you an Angel—"

"Nope, I'm not listening.", I plugged my ears, "The game is over, fuck you!"

And the Game shattered, so I ran away, leaving Welt Ealam and Lugh. The worst kind of people are those I can't punch in the face.

"Utopia, are you here!!", I yelled out as I jumped off land, heading straight for the water.

Then a mechanical silver hand rose from the water— letting me land on it. Then a mechanical mermaid came out of the water, its tail transformed into a pair of wings stuck to its lower back. Spiky and thick legs, just how I like it~

"Enna! We are going to Greece!!", I commanded as the hand lowered me to the entrance.

She came flying towards me, barreling into the entrance while I casually walked in.

And fucking finally! I got rid of that fucking Eldritch God, she's somebody else's problem now!! 

"Let's make this the last journey before I become a teacher at Libertas!! I can't wait to take my frustration out on children!!"

Hooray for my angst year!!

I have one year left to let out all of my angst, and my victim— err, precious students will be the ones to handle it for me!!




"So I was unsuccessful...", Dolfy sighed as she laid on the rooftop, "Say... The Pale Court doesn't allow us to kill, but... we could do something else."

"What would that be then, Dolfy.", Alfonso asked.

"Instead of a politician... how about we be an influencer.", a smile adorn her face, "Your face is well-known, so let me have a bit of fun..."

"There is something about the modern era that I found quite interesting...", he handed her a smartphone, showing a Vtuber.

She grinned widely at the image of a blue bunny girl laughing in directions, "This could work... Alfonso, get your brush ready..."




"Hmm, what do you think of this play, Welt Ealam?", Lugh asked, sitting down next to the bronze Automata.

[Very fun.], it replied with a blue screen, [What will you do now, Lughz Dustur?]

"You are my guide now—"


The Automata ran away before Lugh could finish. She just sighed.

"Might as well perform this child's Last Request and head to that bat's location to laze off...", her face was enveloped in blue fire, burning her form away, "To Kill a mafia's daughter... I might get onto Shemiss Aluqdim's List for this stunt."

They return to their true form - of a golden angel in a white robe, their face being a blue flame contained by a cage of gold. Behind that cage and fire are countless eyeballs, snapping around looking at everything, Judging everything.

They pulled up their hood, spread their pure white wings, and vanished.

Lughz Dustur the Enigma Code

Dolfy Lernea the Sinner half of The Greatest Evil of Humanity

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