Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Christmas morning

"Urgghhh... what the fuck happened last night?", Seria groaned as she woke up.

Meanwhile, I am doing maintenance on Fallen Starlight. I look at her disheveled appearance.

"You drank too much, five people were hospitalized due to alcohol poisoning.", I stated, rubbing some grime off of my gun, "And there is an Angel in the form of a Christmas Tree on Alcatraz."

"What the fuck did you say?", she stare at me, then she held her head, "Urgh... this is the worst headache I had in a while— no, Luci, I won't purge the alcohol in my body, I'm on vacation."

I just sigh.

"By the way, I thought you hate Christianity? Why do you celebrate Christmas?", I asked.

"Huh? Isn't Christmas the holiday celebrating capitalism?", she looked at me as if I just said something outrageous.

"What?", I stopped cleaning.

"Yeah, Santa Claus is the Patron Saint of Capitalism. Why else would I celebrate the holiday that represents America?", her smile widens.

I can only sigh. She is right, today isn't the day of Jesus' birth anymore, but the day to celebrate capitalism.

She is America, if she says so then it must be true. I just shrug.

"So do you have any Christmas present for me?", I asked.

"Yep, it's in the black suitcase.", she happily pointed at the suitcase, "I'm going back to sleep now."

I put down my gun and went for her suitcase. In here, there are a lot of electronics, most likely for emergency response, and a gift wrapped in red and gold paper. It is a small box, I guess it has jewelry in it.

I tear the paper apart, revealing a black velvet jewelry box. The brand is Beast Gem. If I remember correctly, Beast Gem is a front of Beast Inc. - a conglomerate that is famous for its many charity projects.

I open the box, and in it are two earrings. They are silver earrings in the shape of four-pointed stars, and... they are magnetic earrings. She really took my preference of not damaging my body in the equation.

I clipped them onto my ears, and... they fit me very well. 

"Thanks, mom.", I smile, "I do really look like a princess."

Seria is sleeping, but I know she can hear me.

I took off my glasses and took a quick selfie. Then I posted it on my Twetter.

Immediately, I got a few hundred likes. People do like me, it feels great being so... loved.

Hahaha~ I really have the American spirit inside me, I love the attention on me. Both my career as a streamer and a Hunter... I love them.

I went ahead and checked my schedule, I have that now. Hmm... Christmas with my other family.

I called Deliah. She took a few seconds to pick it up.

[Charlotte! Merry Christmas!], she said cheerfully.

"Merry Christmas, Deliah.", I smile a bit, "Sorry I couldn't come today, got a bit of work to go through."

[It's okay, you can come later. And I have a present for you!]

"Present, huh.", speaking of which, I still need to get her something.

[Yeah, I know you smoke a lot, so I bought you a smoke pipe. I hope you like it.]

"I appreciate it, Sis.", I nodded, "I have a present for you too, care to guess?"

I have absolutely no idea of what to give her.

[Hmm... I need another box of condoms right now.]


"It's not that.", I refuse to buy condoms, "It's..."

What should I say? Right, she's a painter.

"It's a set of oil paints, the Fortress Professional Painting Set.", I stated casually.

[That's expensive, are you sure?]

"Well, I am a Hunter. Aside from maintenance, I have a lot of money to spend.", I smirked, "Fifty dollars is nothing to me."

[Oof... that amount hurts.], I can feel her wincing.

"I'm rich and don't have anyone to manage my spending~", I teased. Though in actuality, I have Utopia managing my spending. He keeps my account from not looking too suspicious.

[Anyway, I hope to see you soon.]

"Me too, Sis."

[Bye.], and she ended the call. There is a hint of her psychopathy at the end, she doesn't care.

Well, I can't really blame her.

I shrugged.

I have to meet Lugh later to get her explanation, the Eldritch God needs to be put in her place for summoning an Angel.

But first, a smoke break.




I crossed my arms, tapping my foot. In front of me are both Enna and Lugh, both on their knees.

"Enna, what did I say about keeping her from doing stupid shits?", I stare at my servant, making her flinch. I don't have my glasses right now, so my Eyes of Judgement are in full effect.

"I... have no excuses, she just keeps wandering around.", she looked to her left, "I can't possibly go against the first Star to create Angels..."

I can only sigh.

"And you, Lughz Dustur the Enigma Code.", I stare at her, "Why the fuck did you summon a fucking Angel?"

"Because I am trying to imitate the humans of the current era.", she stated, "Specifically your whimsical nature."

"There is something that goes alongside whims, it is restraint.", I am the worst person to talk about restraints here, "Aren't you all about balance?"

"I keep the balance between order and chaos, everything is perfectly balanced, as it should be.", she nodded to herself, "There is no need for me to interfere, as I do not want to disturb The Pale Court."

"As compensation, in the golden bat's style, I will teach you how to use the Eyes of Judgement.", she proposed, "My style, of course."

Ah, the 'kill yourself' thing.

"No.", I shook my head, "I don't want to kill people."

"No no, people killing themselves is just the side effect. I am just too strong.", Lugh shrugged after saying something like that so casually, "Confession."

"Nah, I'll pass on that.", I am always open for free stuff, but I don't want people to kill themselves every time I look at them. And the multiple pupils thing, that's an instant pass.

"Oh... then... I can give you one of my Feather?", she looked at me.

"Explain what this 'Feather' is..."

Am I really going to collect something from all the Harbingers of Life? Well, this is a sensitive time with those tendrils in the sky.

"A single-use item, as Welt Ealam likes to put it. When you use it, one of my Children will shoot wherever the Feather landed."

"So an orbital lazer.", I stated.

"You could say that, mortals dumb things down too much I may add.", Lugh shrugged.

An Eldritch Orbital Lazer... hehaha... this should be fun.

I need as much weaponry as possible to deal with Theia. My power can cancel out her Authority as the Ego of the World, but she is still pretty tough since Quirinus had no effect on her.

"Now then, about our next plan... we will go to Greece for Christmas with my sister tomorrow, of course on Utopia."

"That seems fine.", Lugh nodded, "Do you want to see Raziel up close? He's beautiful."

"Yeah, sure. Just give me the Feather.", I am curious about that Angel...




Fidgetting with the Feather I just received, it's a white feather as big as my hand with a golden eye in the middle. I got onto Alcatraz. The giant golden tree sings a peaceful hymn, as if it is celebrating something.

The prisoners are all evacuated, and the G.O.C (Global Orenda Coalition) is here to investigate it. I am in my work clothes, being a Hunter I have the right to be here to offer insight. I spotted some Babel personnel too, working with the G.O.C to uncover this mysterious tree.

This reminds me, that there are five Organizations protecting Earth.

The United Nation's own military, the Global Orenda Coalition. They specialize in mystic and arcane arts and is the most well-known Organization.

Then there is the Akashic Insurgency, led by the Goddess of the Hearth, Hestia. They are often regarded as a terrorist group, but they actually secure and research Relics.

The Custodian, the Wardens of Doomsday is their actual organization name. They lock up and keep the most vile of humanity's weaponry under Mu, usually God Slayers, and a whole bunch of war crimes.

The Delphi Temple, situated in Delphi, Greece. They have the ability to foresee the future with their Relic - Apollo's Eyes - and work together with the other four Organizations to prevent calamities that would've ended humanity many times.

And last but not least, Babel Organization. It is a secret organization since it mainly deals with Extraterrestrial entities like Eldritch Gods. There are several super soldier programs, with Project Darwin being one of them, in order to fight against the horrors of the universe.

Carrying Ouroboros Omniscia with me, I approach the 'trunk' of this Angel. Its name is Raziel... is there a trend with Angels having their name end with 'el'?

One of the scientist from the G.O.C approached me, holding up a board. She was about the speak but I flashed my Hunter's License.

"Do you have confirmation if this thing is hostile or not?", I asked.

"Well... no, we are still unsure if this 'tree' is sentient or not.", she shook her head.

"Have you checked the Geiger Counter?", I wondered.

"Yes, nothing out of the ordinary so far, it has the same amount of radiation as a banana. And can you hunt it?"

The eye ornaments of the Angel snapped toward the scientist, making her flinch.

"It can understand human speech.", I pointed out, "And it does not have many blind spots, four thousand eyes in total. And the song its singing has a slight memetic effect, so prepare some equalizer speakers."

"I'll see what I can do, thank you for your cooperation, Voyager.", she bowed her head and left.

I know it will be gone the next day, but giving these guys some tips doesn't hurt anyone. Especially when Utopia had already doxxed the corrupted ones and ousted them.

"So.", I turned my attention to the Angel, "Raziel, how is Earth?"

It hummed, only low enough for me to hear. And it whispered... "Polluted, Tainted, Unequal."

"Yeah, I get it. Welcome to the world of the most violent species, Angel of Equilibrium. This place sucks, and it will suck even more in the future.", I said to it with a smile, "And don't stay for too long, or else people will blow you up."

It hums again, listening to its tune I can decipher what it said, "Angel, Creator, Stay, Objection, Gay."

The fuck do you mean by Gay?

I shook my head, "You do you."

Oh, Lugh appeared beside me, drinking from a pineapple juice box.

"Raziel, my dear Child of Somarin.", she spoke in a serene tone, "Can you do me a favor?"

The tree hummed, instantly agreeing.

"I need you to latch onto someone and be her strength, so that you and her will experience some growth, bonding."

So Enna is having an upgrade?

"What are you trying to do.", I asked, although I already had some vague guesses.

"I want Ennael to be one of my own Angel, my warrior of light.", she stated.

I just rolled my eyes. Of course, she has ulterior motives, she has Order after all.

"You won't take Enna away from me.", I stated, opening up Ouroboros Omniscia, ready for combat.

"Well, that is for the future when you eventually perish.", she held her face, "Like this one, belonged to a dying child who was kind enough to give me her appearance."

I glare at her. She is wearing the skin of someone else...

Utopia sent me a Morse code, [The Satelittes are in place.]

The Hammer of God, or its file name, Project Thor. It is a type of orbital strike attack, by dropping a tungsten rod from orbit. 

As we are tensely staring at each other, something else happened.


A missile hit Raziel, making it hummed in pain.

Lugh widens her eyes, and then look at the smoke trail of the missile. I followed the smoke trail too... and on the very top of the building, I can see two figures.

A woman with golden blonde hair and eyes, wearing a Great War German uniform in an ashy dark green that flows with the win. She looks epic, I have to admit.

And the one behind her... using a binocular to view, he has a toothbrush mustache and with a hand behind his back. Wearing a coat over a white vest, he looks intimidating...

So they are Hitenberg and Lernea... a Jury of the Pale Court.

And when you take the first three letters of their name together, you would get the name of the one that became those two...


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