Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

A heart to heart moment

"Charlotte, why don't you wear gloves?", Deliah asked me as we are getting off my sportbike.

"Because I like touching things and feeling them.", but I don't like people touching me.

"I like wearing gloves because I have a garden and wearing protection is always important."

Taking care of something else just sounds like a bother to me. Then again... I do have Charles, they don't count though.

"Charlotte.", my sister called me.

"Yes?", I stopped at a traffic light.

"Would you like to come home?", her voice has a hint of hesitation in it. I see through the act.

"I would like to. However, I don't think I can at this moment... I cannot leave this place for a while, since I am still a Gem Holder."

"Shame.", she shrugged.

"I'll visit when I have the chance.", which usually means if I am in the mood to. Currently... this is enough.

I start my bike again, going forward.

"Who is Enna, by the way?", she asked.

"My bodyguard, I am the adopted daughter of Abigail Sillarco and because of that, my life is full of danger."

"Are there... assassins nearby?", she warily looks around. Her imagination is pretty wild.

"No, because I am the danger. Enna is here to keep me from going overboard.", I lied. Two can play this game, sister.

Deliah stayed silent, urging me to continue to talk.

"You see, I am a very violent person by nature. Because violence is the universal language for all, I just find it easier to talk with my fist more than my mouth.", I spoke the truth. It is much easier to hurt someone than to care about them.

I like hurting people, but I dislike getting others that aren't my toys involved. This is my duality as a human. I don't care if others hate me for it, why should I care?

Hearing my way of life, Deliah became quiet for the rest of the trip.

Huh, I may have a talent for ruining the mood. Neat.

I went and park my sportbike in the parking lot. Oh, looks like the other two are already here. Enna is on a tree, looking around while eating an apple. Kratos is going on a light stroll.

"Come on now, let's go.", Deliah grabbed my hand and drag me gently.

There are only four people who had dragged me around. Seria was... forceful. Athen constantly nagging and shouting. Sinclair was overbearing...

My sister is different. She was gentle and careful around me... even if it's all fake, let this lie continue for a while.

"How was life for you?", I asked her.

"Hmm... I didn't get to go to school, so I was taught by my Aunt how to read and write when she had the time. It was pretty tough for a while, I remember starving for days waiting for Aunt to come back."

I have an... aunt? Wow, you learn new things every day.

She continued, "What I learned was... I can only depend on myself, scavenging in the ruins of Athens just for scraps. Haha~ Aunty was very mad when she found out... and sad too, she kept on hugging me and apologizing for getting myself into dangerous situations. I really put a burden on her."

There was some genuine somberness to her words. I wonder if that's what Athen felt when dealing with me. I mean, she's quick to get angry and shout whenever I do something dangerous.

Deliah took in a deep breath, "The air here is fresh, isn't it?"

I nodded, "Yeah, it's good for your lungs here."

She narrowed her eyes, "So tell me about your childhood since I've already told mine."

So it is time huh— time to make things up.

I look to the blue sky, "My earliest memories were of Abigail, cradling me in her arms. I remembered it was after some sort of big fight."

"Where did you live?"

"Las Vegas, it was a city with no laws. Everything there was chaotic, with all the music and light, day and night was practically the same thing."

"Hm mhm, sounds better than living in a ruin.", she casually remarked.

"It's not, trust me. When gang warfare isn't illegal, going down the street and having your head blown up by a stray bullet isn't an uncommon occurrence.", I retorted.

"Well, I had to avoid the battlefield and be careful to not pick up grenades when scavenging.", she smirked.

Ah, this is one of those "sibling fights". I am sizing up Deliah to see who had a worse childhood. If I reveal my actual past, I will definitely win. Seeing as we both went quiet, we stared at each other and started laughing.

"This is dumb.", I chuckled, looking straight into her eyes.

"Yeah, this really is dumb.", she giggles, covering her mouth with her hand, "Let's find somewhere to sit— ah, there is a bench over there."

We sat down on a bench, giving me a place to rest my briefcase. Deliah breathed a heavy sigh.

"Phew, I think my heart would've burst! I usually stay in one spot nowadays.", another lie. She doesn't suspect that I can detect her bodily functions by touching her.

Ah... this is her way of gaining my sympathy. Unfortunately for her, I turned off my sympathy long ago.

"I would've carried you if you would just say so.", but I continue her act.

"What kind of older sister would I be if I make you carry me? I would be the one carrying you instead.", she pouts cutely.

Yet another lie.

"True, but I wouldn't let you carry me too. I am too full of myself for that."

She chuckled, "Heha~ that's what I like about you, Charlotte. Blunt and honest, your type is hard to come by, sister."

"I know, it just comes naturally for me. I don't dislike liars, but I hate to be one of them. Living without a mask, not hiding my emotions... is what I live by."

Deliah won't be able to understand what I am talking about. She cannot feel emotions, but she understands them; that's how she acts.

Her existence is just a mask.

"So... you found out.", this time she spoke without emotions, completely empty, "Since when?"

My sister also has a good perception, it runs in the family I guess. Or because of my philosophy, it basically invalidates her entire existence.

I only smile, "When we first spoke I knew something was wrong, and when you talked about our parents... it confirmed my suspicions."

"You are very perceptive, Charlotte.", she sighed, "I think you are the first one to unmask me."

She leaned her head on my shoulder, "Charlotte, I don't know why I feel like confessing everything to you. Maybe because we are sisters?"

"I don't know, that's for you to figure it out.", I leaned on her head.

"Hah... no secret can be kept away from you, right?", she smiled.

"No.", being the Akashic Records, no human can keep their secret for long.

"Hmm~ then can I be myself when I am with you?", she mused to herself.

"As you wish.", I nodded, "We are sisters, right?"

"As you say, we are sisters...", there was still no emotion in her tone.

"Charlotte.", she called out my name.

"Yes, Deliah?"

"Can we stay like this for a while?"

"Of course, feel free to. I am here for you...", as you are here for me...

We stayed silent for a long time, leaning on each other and watching the ducks in the pond. This is... peaceful.

Deliah huh... I haven't thought about living with her in Greece. To be honest, I like living as I am now and I don't want to change anytime soon. I might grow complacent, and I'm okay with that.


Huh, Deliah already fell asleep. I changed her position to a more comfortable one - on my lap. Her sleeping face is beautiful and peaceful, nothing like the empty person inside... a mask for her to protect herself with.

Deliah Silvi, a psychopath who lives with her mask on. That must be tiring living a fake life... but I am here for you, sister.

"You can be yourself when you are with me.", I spoke out loud...

Deliah smiled in her sleep. She must've recognized my words. I would like to have some more time with you, make you mine, chain you up— no, let's not go that far, Charlotte.

I stare up to the sky, directly at the sun... did it just... move?

Anyway, I closed my eyes, getting some rest. It's nice resting during this time...

Hello hello~ this is Rhaps, thank you for reading to the end of this Arc, as always, I'll take a two weeks break!

Once again, Thank you for reading and enjoying my story, have a good day, stay safe, and touch grass once in a while!

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