Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Sharp yet Delicate – Gentle yet Poisonous

After our greetings, we have been sitting here in silence for a minute now. Enna and the man are getting shifty in their seats, while us sisters are having a staring contest. I am winning.

Fortunately for us, Enna broke the silence, "I can't take any more of this awkward silence. Talk! Charlotte, you said you wanted to meet your sister, correct? So fucking talk!!"

"Well, that was a nice ice breaker.", my sister chuckle, "I honestly can't describe how I feel... I am just so... happy to finally meet you... Charlotte."

She held my hands that were on the table... I still hate people touching me. But I will let her... because she is my sister.

"I too, have waited for this day. I just didn't think it would be this soon... there is so much going on inside me... I don't know what to do."

Charlotte, your emotion threshold is going up. You need to calm down unless you want that to happen again.

I know...

I smile, and I leap to the other side— hugging Deliah... I didn't say a word. I just hug her...

Huh... there are tears in my eyes. Strange, I only cry when it comes to my family... I guess I am more emotional than I thought.

Sinclair... was right again. I don't know myself...


"Yes, Charlotte."

"Deliah.", I repeated.

"Yes, Charlotte.", her voice is as calm and beautiful as I imagined.

"I am back...", I whispered.

"Welcome back, Charlotte.", she returned my embrace.

A waiter came... but Enna and the blurry man glared at him, so he went away.

Ah, Euphoric Crystals are growing out of my hands. I crushed them and threw them away in the crack between the chair.

Calm down now, Charlotte... you don't want people to get hurt because of your actions, right? Well... I actually don't care but it would be a hassle...

I let go of her with a smile, getting back into my seat. I can feel my face heating up more...

"Let us order some food, shall we?", she clapped her hands softly.

A waiter immediately came, "What would you like to order?"

Deliah picked up the menu and had a look, then she glanced at the big man and pointed at something from the menu, he nodded, "Two steaks for me and him. Charlotte, what would you like to eat? I'll pay."

"Roasted mantis abdomen.", I replied.

"The same as Charlotte.", Enna followed.

Deliah winced, but her smile returned a moment later, "That's fine."

"What would you like for drinks?", the waiter asked.

"Herbal tea, anyone?", Deliah smile, looking at us.

"I don't like bitter things. So milk should be fine."

That made Deliah chuckle, "Haha~ you are still a kid, after all, can't go wrong with being a bit childish."

I think I am mature for my age— no, I am way too mature for my age.

"I'll have tea.", Enna responded.

"Coffee for you, my dear?", she looks at the big man.

He nodded, giving confirmation. I eyed him with suspicion, and he closed his eyes to avoid my gaze.

"Is that all?", the waiter asked.

"That will be all.", Deliah said.

The waiter nodded and went away.

"So... is there anything I need to know about your eating habits?", Deliah glanced at me and Enna.

"I like to eat in silent, it helps me enjoy the food more.", I spoke the truth.

"I can eat and talk at the same time, with perfect fluency.", Enna said.

"Weird flex but okay.", she giggles, "Hehe, you are really similar to Dad. I think you inherited Dad's habits, he doesn't like talking when eating, only before and after."

Dad huh... I don't know much about him or Mom...

"What are they like? Mom and Dad I mean."

She leaned back on her chair, thinking, "Hmm, I don't have a lot of memories about them. They passed away when I was very young."

"But from what I heard, Dad was the silent but deadly type. He was quite unapproachable back in school, not that he minded. In fact, he really doesn't care about anything, he just does his own things and doesn't mind others joining him. Though he has a fairly dry sense of humor."

The was a pause, she wear a nostalgic face, remembering something.

"Mom was a theatre kid, her performances were so real people didn't even know whether she was acting or not. Quite bright and lovely, though a bit too eccentric. Heha~ she was the best Mom ever."

Seeing how Deliah spoke about Mom and Dad with such fondness made me realize two things. The first one is... I can never know the joy of having parents, I don't know the pain of losing someone close... I can understand pain but I can't feel pain... that is my existence as the Akashic Records. A blessing with the burden of the entirety of humanity on my shoulders.

As for the second thing... despite all of that fondness in her voice, it was too... perfect. As if she was mimicking that emotion. Humans are imperfect beings, we know we cannot achieve certain things so we try to reach them, no matter how impossible it may be. 

It is our desires, the unique nature only we have. Through it, we achieved many things. Becoming the ruler of the land, touching the sky, conquering the sea... and reaching for the star. Humans achieved them all through their desire...

But like all of creation, there are those who are the exception. Those who are labeled as Unique, they are natural born geniuses in different fields, but not to the point of becoming inhuman.

Yet, there are people who are the exception of the exceptions. Those who are human, yet inhuman at the same time.

Ah... Deliah is like me. No. She is much worse.

I am a sociopath, I don't feel some emotions that strongly, but the ones that I can feel... I always express them. Like anger, joy, curiosity, manipulation, excitement, dream, aspiration... 

My sister is different. She is completely devoid of emotions, everything she does are just acting. A psychopath, the worst kind of psychopath too.

However... she is my sister.

I can only smile, seeing how messed up we are. Me being the entirety of humanity, and Deliah being the exception of exceptions.

I closed my eyes and smile, "I want to meet them."

"I still miss them.", that was a half-truth.

Before I can speak another word, a waiter brought food here.

"Let us eat~", she winced as her eyes locked onto my meal.

I guess even a psychopath has things she dislikes. That's quite cute.

Like the last time, the mantis's abdomen was steaming hot. I cut the abdomen up into slices, to the dislike of my sister. It is very soft, and well-seasoned with the marination.

I look up at Deliah, who stares at me with her soft azure eyes. She chuckles and went back to her meal. I noticed her cutting her steak in half and giving half of it to the man.

"Hm? I cannot eat much since my stomach is pretty weak. You see, my health isn't in that great of a shape.", she was telling the truth.

But I want to deny that claim because of that chest...

I swallowed my food and drank my milk. I want to ask her about her condition more, maybe Hope's Miracle can help her... but I am not about to break my principles.

In the end, I just nodded.

After finishing my breakfast, I drank all of the milk and my gaze locked with my sister. She just stare at me with interest, trying to deconstruct me into an archetype.

She's a novelist after all... even if she just wrote one biography about Father, ah, right... she's an artist too. Deconstructing reality and changing it in their image is what they do best. The Gem Holders of those very same artisans proved how reality is just at their fingertips.

"Now that we have finished our breakfast, let's go somewhere fun.", Deliah suggested.

"Can your body handle it?", I asked with a hint of worry.

"It's fine, I can handle hanging out all day and simple labor— ah! How rude of me!", she suddenly leaned on the big man, "This is my fianceé! His name is Kratos, and he works as a staff in a bakery near my house~"

I could guess from the first look. He looks like a himbo, but there is something about him that ticked me off...

Survive, am I correct?

Yes. That man right there is a Former God.

Former Gods, gods who had given up their divinity to become human. The best know case is the Celtic Pantheon, the Tuatha Dé Danann, who gave up their divinity to live amongst the people as lords and kings.

Cratus is his true name~! The Greek Primordial God of Strength~ the most loyal follower of Zeus~ and the son of your old enemy, Styx~

Dammit, I hope he doesn't find out about me beating up his mother...

"Ah, my name is Enna.", Enna introduced herself with a nod, "I am her bodyguard and friend."

"That's cool.", I saw disdain flash in her eyes for a moment.

"There is a nice park here, how about we go there for a walk?", she suggested.

"That would be nice."

"Then let's go.", she raised her hand up, calling for a waiter over, "We would like to pay for our meal, please."

"Of course, here is your bill.", the waiter gave her the bill.

She paid it using cash. Huh, right. Greece is still in disarray so nobody has the luxury to put their money in the banks.

"Thank you for coming.", he bowed and left.

We got up from our seats and existed the diner. I have one last look at the Vampires inside... hm, wonder how can they walk under the sun?

"Charlotte, how did you get here?", Deliah asked.

"I have a sportbike, I rode it from Ataraxia to here.", I pointed over at my bike.

"Are you old enough?", she narrowed her eyes with a teasing smile.

"I am mature enough to drive.", I stated as I walk over to my sportbike.

"Hey um... can I ride with you?", she asked, looking at me with an expression of wanting.

I opened my mouth, then I closed it. I almost went back to my habit of making people beg...

"Sure, but would Kratos be okay with that?", I look at the Former God.

"He'd be fine~ I trust him.", she giggles.

"Then Enna, go with him. You both can take a taxi.", I ordered.

"Very well then.", Enna nodded, then she opened her raven wings, "But I'll fly instead."

"Cool...", Deliah clapped her hands, giddy at seeing the Fallen Angel. Then she glanced over at Kratos, "You sure you won't get lonely?"

He shook his head, and finally spoke, "Today is your day."

"Thank you~", she blows him a kiss.

Meanwhile, I already got onto my sportbike and wore my helmet. 

"Get on, Deliah.", I smile at her.

"I'm coming.", she replied with a gentle smile.

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