Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Destiny Crossed

Two days after ending Moby Dick, I went back to Ataraxia early in the morning. The party lasted for a day and we had to clean up the trash. Though instead of hello or nothing at all, I was interrogated.

Now sitting on the empty lower bed of my dorm room, facing both Hoa and Mitsuki who are in their chairs. It's kinda funny how the hot and cold girls work together to make me stay in place.

Well, people always need a tyrant to unite them.

"So, what's up?", I questioned them.

"Where have you been these past few days?", Hoa asked with her arms crossed.

"Been out and about.", I rock my head from side to side, acting as if I didn't roast a maggot-infested whale from the inside out underwater, "Mostly partying somewhere down South, nothing too serious."

Hoa seems particularly angry, "So while we were here looking for you, you left without a word and went out partying? At least you should've contacted us!"

"Didn't you disappear for a few days too?", I narrowed my eyes, having a staring contest with her

"I did tell the school I had private business to attend to.", she sighed, pointing over to Mitsuki, "You take the helm, please."

"Okay, so Charlotte.", Mitsuki took in a deep breath, "I think you don't know this but Ataraxia is quite relaxed with its rules and regulations, however, you still have to report your activities to the Academy. One of the teachers almost called the MAS to look for you."

"It's nothing serious.", I shrugged and smile, "Plus, I never agreed to have my actions monitored by anyone."

I already have Babel looking after me, I don't need another governmental body to know where I am at all times. But from the look of it, Mitsuki wasn't happy, she's an uptight girl after all. That didn't explain a thing about why Hoa is here.

"Why are you with Mitsuki?", I asked Hoa.

"I was pissed about you going without permission. I want to do it too, going around and exploring the city without having to report where I go to the Academy.", she sighed while leaning back on the chair.

"Come on! Writing a report isn't that bad.", Mitsuki chuckles, "After a while, you will get used to it."

That's how Ataraxia keeps an eye on its students and discourages them from leaving the academy ground - with paperwork... wait.

I smile. I just think of something amazing! Hehahaha!! This would be fun!!

"Okay, okay.", I took their attention, "So all I need to do is write a report, correct?"

"Yes! Just write one and you won't have to stay for a two hours lecture from Marina!", she took my hand a little too quickly.

But she let go of it just as fast after sensing my bloodlust. She seem a little startled, I don't really blame her. While Hoa give me a weird look as if she was sizing me up.

"I'll go write one now.", I got up from the bed and head over to my laptop.

Opening my laptop, with Hoa and Mitsuki looking at it with me for some reason. Turning it on, I entered my password...

"Damn, that's a long password.", Hoa commented.

True, I am typing fast and doing some false types as well - touching but not pressing on the key - so the two won't be able to guess the right password. 

"Just thirty-three letters, Abigail's computer has seventy-two letters.", they both give me weird looks. Anyway, I got to the main screen...

Oh, email. I opened it right away... it's from Nyarlathotep. They go by the name Nyarla.

"Oh, my salary.", I spoke out loud, while checking the pay, "Hmm, ten thousand dollars. Not bad."

"That isn't fair! I don't get paid as much as this!", Mitsuki whined, "What did you even do?!"

"Just some business with Mason Inc. Nothing too troubling, since they sponsored me for an advertisement.", I made up a lie on the spot.

"I thought you didn't accept sponsors?", she frowned, with her image of me slowly crumbling.

"I really don't but it's kinda complicated. Because I actually enjoy using their tech, plus their policy of replacement. You can exchange your old devices for new ones at a lower cost than you would buy them originally.", I explained to her but it seems like that was too much for her.

Hoa on the other hand, looks a bit apprehensive. She must've known about Nyarlathotep being someone related to an Eldritch God.

There are two ways Eldritch Beings can exist on Earth. The first one is the most common, sending an Avatar to Earth by the light projected from the stars. They are the most powerful and have the most influence with this method.

And the second one, which is rarely seen. Sending a native species from their solar system to Earth with added bonuses. They are calls Eldritch Heralds.

Hoa is definitely an Eldritch Herald from the pieces of evidence.

"Anyway, let's start writing.", I closed my email and opened up the writing application. And I began to type at a very fast speed, like, my fingers are becoming blurry with how fast I was.

"Holy shit, that's fast!", Mitsuki exclaimed.

"How do you type so fast without making any mistakes?", Hoa asked.

"Will of Survival, my instinctual reactions and processing capabilities are cranked to the max.", I explained to them. Though I'm sure Hoa can do better than me in this regard, she basically lives on energy.

"That's so cool!", Mitsuki was in awe, looking at me with sparkling eyes... no, that's just snowflakes.

"Wait, I think that's enough.", Hoa pointed out the amount I am writing. I checked the word count... two thousand.

Rookie numbers those are.

So I type faster and faster. My laptop can handle it, it's from the future after all. But I do prefer my PC since it doesn't stand out as much as this laptop. 

I mean, look at this thing. A prism pattern with sparkling white and blue, it look as if it was glowing. And the spikes on the side, it's a red flag that this laptop is special. I'll be caught sooner or later, and I would rather keep a secret about my ability to get things from the future and alternative timelines.

I stopped typing "Eight thousand words. That should be enough."

And... send.

"Nobody will read that.", Hoa pointed out what I was going for.

I merely smile, "That's the point, nobody would have the patient or time to read this." Heha~ even if it was all a complete lie~

"That's... I don't even know what to say.", Hoa was flabbergasted, "Just look at this! No breaks, just a single giant paragraph! It's a fucking torture to read this."

"Traumatizing people is what I do best, right?", I winked at them.

They shifted uncomfortably. Because I already traumatized them before.

Mitsuki change the subject instantly, "I've been meaning to ask this...", she pointed over to the long briefcase in the corner of the room, "What is that?"

"A sniper rifle.", I joked.

"You can't bring that to school!", Mitsuki fell for it.

"Mitsuki, Charlotte is joking.", Hoa sighed, then she look at me, "Is it?"

I nodded, "That was a joke, in there is a lance."

"A lance?", they both asked.

"Yup, the jousting kind."

"Oh! Are you going to go on a horse and challenge someone to a jousting fight?! It's going to be awesome!!", Mitsuki was hyped.

But I shot her down, "It's also a God Slayer, so I won't be jousting anyone."

"You have a God Slayer? Are you allowed to have that?", Mituski questioned with skepticism.

I can understand her doubts. How can a not-so-innocent girl like me get her hands on a God Slayer? There is only one way to find out.

I went ahead and grabbed the briefcase. Opening it to reveal the spiral silver spear with Runes glowing in and out of the body. The two look at me with wide eyes.

"Now do you believe me?", I grin, "Or do you want me to demonstrate it?"

Mitsuki extended her hand, but just barely held back from touching it. Well, it is common knowledge that God Slayers will kill anyone who isn't compatible. I am an exception though, since being the Records of Humanity grants me the ability to hold any God Slayer.

I grabbed it, letting the silver tendrils grow and grab my hand, then my wrist, and finally the entirety of my forearm.

"What's its name?", Hoa asked, seemingly mesmerized by the weapon made to kill her kind.

"Rhongomyniad, the spear of King Arthur.", I wink at them.

"The British lost Caliburn... and you have Rhongom‐whatever.", Hoa continue to stare at the lance, "I thought Britain steals other's things, not the other way around."

"Yeah... it's funny like that.", I chuckled and let go of the lance into the suitcase, making it retracts the tendrils. And closed it.

Ah... it's that time.

Instead of putting it down, I carry it with me and walk.

"Where are you going?", Hoa questioned me.

"Just going for an enthusiastic walk.", I said as I took out my phone, checking an email.

[I am in Darkovah, let us meet at a nice cafe somewhere.]

It was from Deliah, my sister. I am going to meet her.

[Meet me at Albion Sheep Diner]

And send.

"Don't worry, I'll just be out and about for a bit."

Mitsuki wanted to say something, but she held back and stayed quiet. Hoa on the other hand, nodded.

"Just get back here early."


After going outside of the Academy on my sportbike, I called Enna. I haven't seen her for a while, kinda miss her pathetic presence.

She flew down from the sky, spreading her raven black wings to the full length of six meters, then she wrap them over her shoulder like a mantle draping over the business suit.

"Sups, Charlotte. What do you need me for?", she asked with a smile.

"I need you for emotional support."

"What?", she gave me a strange look.

"I am meeting my sister. As you cannot tell, I am very excited.", I smile.

Your heart rate is going through the roof, my dear.

I know. I just can't wait to meet my sister... my family. Deliah Silvi, my older sister. There is just something in me that ache... craving our meeting. I honestly can't explain it, this feeling just makes me want to laugh with how much it makes me feel giddy.

"Let's go."

She hopped onto the back and we rode off.

And after a while of going down the road, following traffic laws, and getting side eyes from patrolling officers, I managed to get to the Albion Sheep Diner without anything going wrong.

Well, that was a first for me here.

Ah... I see her, Deliah Silvi, just right there sitting inside. She looks like my adult version, with long silver hair and a thin build... I still don't have that much of a chest, hers is huge. She was wearing a grey dress and brown blouse, a pretty good combination.

"Hey, there is a man with her.", Enna pointed out.

"Shut the fuck up."

And she went quiet. Good, that's how a good slave should be— Charlotte... no, fuck, I can't think like this.

Taking in a deep breath, I talk calmly, "I know there is a muscular man beside her, you don't need to point that out... and you can speak now."

She breathed a long heavy sigh as she got off the sportbike while I park it, "This Contract is pretty annoying at times... Charlotte, can you find a way to end it?"


Here I am~ yes, there is a way to end the Contract~ it's in the Akashic Library~!

Always reliable, but not reliable as Survive.

Eeh... you with that sharp tongue.


Survive, you are supposed to be the emotionless one.

Your opinion does not matter.

Leaving them to their antics, I answered Enna's question, "I certainly can, but not right now."

"You know I'm going to nag you if you get too overbearing, right?", she squinted her eyes.

As I park my sportbike, I nodded, "Yes."

"That's all I needed to hear.", Enna seem to be more happy.

A waiter came to greet us, bowing before speaking, "Greetings, customers. Will you be having your meal inside or outside?"

"Inside, we have someone waiting for us.", I answered.

"Ah, there is one table that said they were waiting. Could you tell me your name so we can confirm with the customers?"

"Silver Royal should be enough."

He bowed and went back inside. So he's going to make us wait like this? 

Oh, not even a minute and he already returned.

"I apologize for making you two wait for so long.", he bowed, "Please, follow me."

We head inside the diner, there are all kinds of people in here... but I can sense a strange presence from them. They are human, but also something... more. Vampires, this place is meant for vampires. 

"Here is your spot.", he led us to Deliah and... a man's table.

Her azure eyes focused on me with a thin smile creeping up. I can see expectation and excitement in those eyes, but... there is something darker beneath that...

We sat down on the opposite chair, with me facing Deliah and Enna facing the big man. I placed the briefcase next to me.

"Hello, my name is Deliah Silvi. What is yours?", she narrowed her eyes, staring straight at me.

"Charlotte, my name is Charlotte Silvi. I am happy to meet you, sister."

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