Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss


"Alright, everything should be grilled to perfection! As always, first come first serve!", Sun held up his tongs, catching the attention of everyone. No, there are eleven Sun, all managing the grill.

And the crowd, men and women alike came rushing in with their plates toward the ten meters long grilling station. About fifty people I think?

Though I didn't participate in the chaos, instead, I opted to sit on a deck chair and observe the stars. Erin is the same, laying down and sleeping next to me on my right.

And another girl was on my left, she seem mature with long wavy brown hair and orange eyes. Her name was... Melone, which means melon in Italian... as far as I know, she's not a Gem Holder but a person that can use a God Slayer. Only Gem Holders get fake names, so her parents must've really liked melons.

We are all wearing swimsuits since this is a beach party of some sort. Well, it amuses me endlessly that we, the Protectors of Mankind, are out here at a party. But this is fine~ we all need to relax once in a while.

"Erin have it rough.", Melone suddenly strikes up a conversation.

"What do you mean by that?", might as well engage.

"She was having her vacation in California, and after being unsuccessful in finding Surtr's Sword, she got the emergency call to fight a whale. And she didn't get to do much."

"I guess so."

"And her Devil, Ur-Nungal, having an inferior complex and all, is probably chewing her out right this moment.", she sighed, looking up towards the stars, "And I didn't get to use my God Slayer."

She let out an amused giggle, "You stole all the spotlight after all."

"I couldn't let Sun have more credits than me. Plus, it was pretty gross being inside the stomach of a whale... do I stink?"

"Well, not that much.", she shrugged, "But I think you need to wash your clothes, it's probably contaminated with whatever fluid those hentai monsters have in them."

I don't think I need to, with the exception of my leggings, which are made out of silk found in Venus that can be used to weave very smooth fabric. Being from the planet named after the Goddess of Beauty after all. It is pretty impossible to stain or leave a smell.

My leggings though... I'd have to throw those away. Even if no fluid gets stuck on me, the vapor would.

"I'll manage.", I answered. Then I asked her a question, "What's your God Slayer?"

"Caladbolg the Rainbow Sword. I like to call it the Gay Sword for obvious jokes.", she chuckles, "I retrieved it on one of my visits to Ireland— speaking of Ireland, have you ever gone there?"

I shook my head, "No, and I don't really plan to."

"You really should when you... are done with whatever business you have. It's a beautiful and refreshing place.", she stopped herself for a moment, "But don't go anywhere near the Gae Bolg Forest, or anywhere that has a Danger sign. Trust me, you don't want to get lost in the Fae Realm."

I guess I won't go to Ireland for a while.

And someone approached us, carrying two plates full of barbeque meat and vegetable. Dark brown hair and eyes, a kind look to them. He has a nice body, a bit burned, and... are those lightning scars on his body?

"Oh hey, Daniel.", Melone waved at him, then she introduced him to me, "This is Daniel Blake, the guy who can use the Tesla Rail."

"Sups, I brought you guys some food.", he handed me a plate as well as another for Melone.

I take one piece of meat, stab it with a fork.. and eat it. Hmm, this is pretty good, a bit on the heavier side with the seasoning though.

"This is good! Sun really is the best chef—", she was cut off by Sun's yelling.

"I AM NOT A CHEF! I'M A COOK! THERE IS A DISTINCT DIFFERENCE!!", he yelled from way over at the grilling station.

Right, the Six-Eared Macaque. He can hear everything.

"You are doing a great job!", Melone yelled back with a smile.

"I CAN HEAR YOU! DON'T SHOUT!!", and he went back to grilling.

That was certainly something.

"Anyway.", she took a bite out of her grilled carrot, "Daniel, do you want to unleash our God Slayers? For fun?"

"Do we have permission?", he looks to the side.

"It will be fine~ just say we were drunk! The worst HR can do is reduce our salaries, you can't find enough God Slayers to fight Eldritch Gods, and certainly not the right people to wield those.", she laughed, putting her plate down on the deckchair as she stands up., "I'll go grab the Gay Sword!"

"I'll try and stop her.", Daniel sighed and chased after Melone.

I went back to stargazing, looking at the countless stars in the sky. We chose a spot on Western Mu, which isn't very populated for obvious reasons, so light pollution doesn't reach here. I must say, it is beautiful... Yet horrifying at the same time.

Each of those lights that reach the Earth is an Eldritch God, a threat to this world. I don't have a problem with them unless they came into my life without a warning.

Still... The Sun has an Eldritch God...

As I was thinking about Eldritch stuff, a mass of purple tendrils and black smoke. That certainly is an Eldritch Being. So I took out Fallen Starlight from under my deckchair, already charged with Justice Mist.

"Wait wait! It's me, Nyarlathotep!", they transformed into a... uh... very sexy woman? With purple hair and eyes, giving a seductive look. At least she wears a purple sweater, not hiding her chest size at all, and leggings.

I placed Fallen Starlight down with a sigh.

"Why do you look like that? And why did you come out from the sea?", I don't know what to do with this organization...

"First question, I lost a bet to Arco and now I have to be a sexy mommy for two months whenever I transform into a human.", she answered with a straight face, "Second, checking out Shub-Niggurath. Turns out, that bitch was still alive though just barely. So I kicked her ass back to space."

"Betting with Silla isn't a good decision."

She put her hands on her hips, "Yeah, probably.", with a knowing nod she accepted my words.

"Anyway.", she snapped her finger at me, "Nice swimsuit, I'll go grab some food."

"Do you even eat?"

"Nah.", she shrugged, "It's more of a hobby."

With Nyarlathotep gone, I finish my meal in silence. I still find it more comfortable to not speak and just enjoy the meal. I am not a fun person at the dining table, but I certainly am good at having fun. I walked over to the beach concert, yes, we somehow set up it right in the middle of the night and in less than an hour. Music booms as people dance and sing along.


I am looking forward to this since this is my first ever concert. There are three people on stage, two guys and one girl, the drummer who looks to be Indian, the Scandinavian guitarist, and the... British singer and bassist.

"Heelloooo Babel! As you all know, I am Wotan Russsss!!! Welcome to Illuminati! Are you all readying to dance to your heart's content!?", the guitarist with the singular eye shouted very loudly.

A number of cheers came from the crowd, not me though since I don't get affected by mob mentality. I cross my arms and closed my eyes, listening to the music.

It began with a soft tone, slowly building up.

"Embers and Lights. Where are you~", the singer start slow, plucking her bass sharply and began to pick up speed.

"Get rid of the past~ return, to ashes...

Though, we made a choice to fight~

Against the horrors~~"

Then the fun began, with the drummer beginning to play and a rift from the guitarist.




Be aware of who we are! Be aware of what WE ARE!

We are BABEL!!!!





Pain will come for you!

Pain will wake you up from your dream! The nightmare that is USSS!!!!






Unsheathe your blade~

Cock your gun~

We need not speak~!



To rend the clouds in space!

To rend the earth open!




So we fight! We defend!

For Humanity!

For the World!!



I kept on following the beats, and at some point, I was bopping my head to the music— going with the flow. I had to stop myself there, I can't look that silly. That singer, her name was Gray if I remember correctly, she has a really great metal voice.

Though I think I've been here for a bit longer than I thought I would. So I went past the concert and had to dip my feet into the cold water because the crowd spread pretty wide.

Ah fuck it, might as well. I dropped myself into the water and I just float. It's good to bathe in cold water sometimes, but I definitely enjoy having a hot shower more. 

Listening to the melody of the ocean, like a heart beating... I can hear the fishes in the ocean in their bloody conflict

No thought, nothing. Just let the water carry me... the calm waves drifted me further and further. Oh.

"Hey, Charles."

Fishes surrounded me, of all different colors and sizes, there is even a great white shark. And more importantly, the Magnum Opus, rising out of the water on a school of fish. They look beautiful with their limbs covered in crimson scales, majestic with that red mane around their neck, and kind of silly with those goat horns.

"Charlotte.", only the Magnum Opus spoke, "You have done your end of the bargain, now we must do ours."

"Don't sweat it. Just in a day of work.", I smile, reaching my hand out to pet them on the head.

"You will get what you need, so wait.", then they dived back into the water.

So I am getting a few Gems, then what should I ask Kawl for in return? After all, he did request me... heha~ I think I know what to do!

I will ask him for a gun since Seria took the other one back. What gun should I ask for? Ah, maybe a gun that runs on magic, he got that fairy with him. That would be fun.

I swam back onto land, shaking off the water in my hair— I don't like seawater, it's salty and messes my hair up. I need to find Kawl and—

Oh, Melone.

"Sups, Charlotte.", she waved at me, carrying a longsword made of crystal, glistening a rainbow radiant, on her shoulder. So that's Caladbolg.

"Hello, are you going to use the sword?", I asked while squeezing my hair to get the water out.

"Totally.", she nodded with a wide grin, "Nyarla gave the okay."

"Speaking of Nyarlathotep, are they... okay with that concert?", I pointed at the Illuminati concert. I mean, what Gray was singing is blatant racism against them.

"Nyarla doesn't really have an opinion on it, since they kinda understand.", Melone shrugged, "The void outside of the Oort Cloud is full of horrors beyond imagination, that little bit of racism would help humanity survive when we eventually get to space travel."

Ah, speaking of Nyarlathotep. I saw her talking to Sun over there.

"Wait for me, my Fallen Starlight was charged and I need to shoot it too. I'll go talk to Nyarlathotep for a bit.", I still have some questions concerning... the Pale Court.

"Suit yourself, Nyarla is always up for answers. Kinda cool and scary that they just casually reveal the secrets of the universe.", Melone stayed silent for a couple of seconds, and then she walked away.

Guess I'm heading to Nyarlathotep. 

Passing through the crowd of people, I approached the purple woman with a carrot in her mouth.

"I have some questions for you. About the Pale Court."

She spits out the carrot, "Ah shit, Shub-Niggurath talked too much. Hah... might as well."

Huh, didn't think it would be so easy.

"The Pale Court is... how should I dumb it down from a cosmic scale to your level...", she think about it for a bit, "Ah, a crazy bunch who judge others on their screwed justice system. Essentially, a bully. Or being you."

I act like the Pale Court? Am I the Pale Court? No way.

"So what does the Pale Court look like?"

Nyarlathotep burst out laughing, "Hahahaha!! Asking what an Eldritch God looks like is the same as asking if water has a shape. You can't describe the indescribable, Charlotte. But I can tell the Pale Court is made of light and mostly white."

I can guess from the title.

"Does the Pale Court has a name?", I can't keep calling it the Pale Court.

"You can call them however you like, they don't really care.", she shrugged, through a piece of rib into her mouth, eating the meat along with the bone, "Hm, delicious. Heliosol is one such name."

I frowned hearing the name, it's just so... basic. 

"That's just Helios and Sol combined into one name."

"Don't blame me for unoriginality", she shrugged, "Anyway, go and enjoy the party."

I guess I have nothing else to do... wait, I still have a question.

"How much money did I earn from this operation?", I question the Eldritch God who is biting down on a carrot.

Nyarlathotep then proceeded to spit the whole carrot out, ew...

"Ehem, don't mind me.", she faked a cough, "A couple of thousands of dollars and brownie points. I haven't calculated the exact amount but I'll do it once I get back."

She walked past me and stretches her arms. I don't think she even has bones.

"Go have fun! That's what today is all about.", she went toward the concert.

I should go to Melone, and deal with Kawl at a later date.

I really enjoy the company of the people in Babel, well, how could I not? They are the people who protect humanity. And from the context of Sinclair's letter, that was supposed to be my job. Babel is doing it for me, and I guess being a part of it counts as I am doing my job too.

But it still ticked me off that Sinclair was correct about a lot of things. My ego is one of those things, I prioritize myself above everyone else. And I still do. Again, as Sinclair said, I seem to be growing a conscience and I actually felt guilty about hurting Philip.

Maybe it was because I saw how Sinclair acted. Her overbearing and forceful attitude, I really hate it... fuck, she planned this didn't she? She made me reflect on myself... 

I really want to punch Sinclair.

With a sigh, I look around to see Melone swinging around her sword, leaving a rainbow trail as the blade travels. I pick up Fallen Starlight on my deckchair and headed towards her.

"Are you ready to fire your gun?", she asked with a smile.

"Yes.", and I pointed Fallen Starlight at the ocean.

Is it wasteful to use a weapon that can kill gods for fun? Yes. But I don't really care. Sinclair gave me a lance that can channel my powers and told me to use it carelessly.

"Ready?", Melone held the sword with two hands, raising it horizontally, her voice became gentle and calm, "In the Name of Ulster. You shall strike far and true, cleave mountains, split lakes, and rend my foes!!"

She swung her blade, sending out an arch of rainbow towards the ocean. It keeps on growing and in the far distance... wow, its like the whole ocean just became a rainbow for a moment. Beautiful.

Now, it's my turn.

"This is our proof as humans, our independence from the ruler of the sky."

The energy within the God Slayer condensed into a single bullet in the chamber. I pointed it towards the sky, with my right hand firmly on the handle, my finger ready to pull the trigger, and my left hand holding the handguard steady.

I closed my eyes, listening to the whispers of the Fallen Starlight. The grudges of the ancient awakens.

'Born from our labors and unity.'

'Created from His final gift to mankind.'

'And he shall fall by that gift.'

And I pulled the trigger, firing eight beams of pure light ascending towards heaven. Not like a falling starlight, but a rising one. The beams spiral, dancing until they became one singular bullet—


"Did it just... change direction?", Melone asked, pointing at the bullet that just changed direction, heading towards inland Mu.

Dammit, Fallen Starlight has a homing feature. And it defaults to... uh... the Almighty... it's heading for Christ.

"That bullet is heading for Jesus Christ.", I spoke.

"So are you...", she squinted her eyes at me.

"So I accidentally attempted to assassinate Jesus.", I spell it out loud for her to understand. Huh, never thought I would say that.

"We are fucked, aren't we?", she looked at me with her eyes wide open.

"Not if Christ is alive after this.", I put down Fallen Starlight and laid back down on my deckchair, "So just relax, he will come back in three days even if he is killed."

"Alright, alright... let's calm down.", she was the only one panicking actually. I am totally fine with someone else facing the consequences of my actions, especially someone I don't really have an opinion on—

Wait a minute, I am not feeling empathy anymore!

Because Jesus Christ is, inherently, not of human origin, My Lady. So you don't feel any empathy for an alien who tried to be one of you.

Aww... so I am stuck with feeling bad whenever I get bystanders involved... wait, I have a way to make myself not feeling... empathy...

But for now, I want to relax~ and enjoy myself.

"Just laid down, and pretend nothing happened.", I advised Melone.

"Okay...", she laid back on her deckchair, staying silent and generally trying to go to sleep,

I wonder what happens when that bullet reaches Darkovah.


Hoa stands on the top of a building, overlooking the entire city of Darkovah. Her eyes, which exists red and gold rings in them, look at the quiet city in the midst of the night with an emotionless look. She herself wears a red and gold priest, translating cleanly to the burning yellow flame on the tip of her glossy black hair.

Holding her right hand out, she summoned a red wisp the size of a tennis ball. Then two black slits forming eyes appeared on the fireball. It made Hoa bloom a small smile. It floats around her, dancing around to celebrate the joy of its existence.

But her amusement did not last for long, as she snapped her finger. The fireball that was dancing stopped, staying still as it continue to burn. As if Hoa just took away its sentience.

"In this quiet and silent night, let us hunt those who are unfortunate enough to cross our path. For our Lord the Madden Flame, for the Original Fire..."

At her command, from under her robe, a swarm of other similar fireballs came, surrounding Hoa like a curtain of fire. She grins widely— but something went past her - a streak of white light heading straight for Ataraxia.

Hoa has her eyes wide open, realizing the gravity of the situation. That was clearly an attack on Ataraxia, and with how hectic things had been they will head out to find whoever attacked the Academy. And she just so happens to be in the bullet path.

She could not afford to be caught right now...

With an annoyed click of her tongue, Hoa and her wisps vanished like an ember being vanquished.

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