Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

A toast!

I return to the camp with a refreshed mindset, letting loose once in a while is really good for my mental health.

The sky is pretty dark now, but the students are still wide awake partying.

I created another pair of leather gloves and stepped inside.

"Everyone, I have something to say to all of you.", I clapped my hands, getting everyone's attention.

"I want to congratulate you all for making it this far on this journey, and thank you all for not dying, Francis would've given me an earful, you know how she is."

The students laughed at the expense of Francis, who quietly took it all in. Did I ruin my relationship with her? Yes, but that's the cost of turning to a foreign Eldritch God, to be my enemy.

"Anyway, although I can't give you an authentic Hunter experience we did make a monumental discovery. So, congratulations to us all."

Everyone clapped following my example.

Now, here is the hard part, how the fuck do I speak normally and hide my massive ego?

Nah, I don't like hiding myself more than I already am.

"Since you have completed this field trip, each one of you will get a recommendation letter to be a trainee Hunter if you choose to submit it to the Hunter Association in France. I'll cover the fees so don't worry."

One of the students raised her hand, "Professor, how did you become a Hunter in the first place?"

"When you just escape from a civil war, you need money, right? I, the Gem Holder of Gilgamesh, decided to strangle the nearest creature I could find. It's a good way to catch the attention of the Association. Oh, and I forgot to mention, if you like animals and view them as something more than food, don't join."

With that, I return to the main topic at hand.

"Now then, we will be returning to the ship tomorrow. In the past few days, you are used to the lifestyle of a Hunter so we'll only rest to have lunch and stop for the night, other than that, full speed ahead."

Is three days enough to make it back? Maybe?

"So like usual, we will wake up at sunrise, clean the camp and move."

I look over all of them, "Did I make myself clear?"

""Yes, Ma'am!!"", they answered in unison.

"For now, do as you like. Just make sure to wake up early tomorrow.", I walked over to Ouroboros Omniscia, opened it up, and took out some packs of beers, "Wardens are limited to three cans, the other however, go ham."

I placed down a few dozen beer packs on the group, then moved the coffin somewhere else.

"We are getting drunk, boys!!"


"Eliot, show these fucks who's boss!"

"Chucking them all down!!"


While they are having fun, I have something else to do.

Cranking the anti-memetic effect to the maximum, I made my way toward the castle of gold. 

El Dorado, what a beautiful and mysterious city you are. How can you be a Dungeon and host a chained god at the same time? The math isn't adding up.

I could just look up my book but that isn't fun... well, that mystery I can leave for another day.

I went to where the Dragonborns were residing on the other side of the city. I see Huascarn sitting by a firepit with some children, telling stories of the past.

I sat down right next to him, listening to his tales. He is some sort of elder as he is the oldest person here. And some of his stories are interesting to listen to.

Like how he once defeated ten monsters back to back, it seems like this Dungeon periodically spawns powerful monsters or a group of moderately difficult monsters. I just got unlucky and didn't get to go against them.

He glided his hand over his weapon, a spear.

"This spear here, I got from the previous High Protector. He died buying time from a pack of a hundred monsters so that the other warriors could come and do the cleanup."

His voice was full of nostalgia and fond memories. He felt the guilt of abandoning his leader, the powerless nature of his own existence. In the end, no matter if his form changes or not, he is still a human.

"Sir, what do you think about that strange person?", a kid asked.

Oh? Is this about me?

Huascarn went silent for a moment, "Miss Silvi, huh. To be honest, she scares me."


"Never have I faced someone carrying such a large amount of darkness inside of them, I wanted to run away but something in me told me that I shouldn't."

Am I really that scary? Well, for someone who permanently turned a region into a forest of crystal just an hour ago on a planet, and got a twelve-digit kill count the first moment I meet the people of another planet.

"But deep inside her is a light, a light that shines through. One that captivated me."

Interesting, a light inside of me despite me being a human of darkness. I guess it's the concept of Yin and Yang, there is good in evil and vice versa. From an objective standpoint, I am a villain who does heinous deeds. But it is all for the sake of humanity... and myself, mostly myself.

"You can't help but awe at her presence, she has an unnatural charisma that gravitates your eyes toward her."

Like always, I carry myself with confidence. Humanity is a social race, they thrive when there is someone with charisma to lead them. A leader has to be brave and confident enough to lead.

But I don't plan on becoming a leader of anything, I am a voyager, a pioneer toward a Dystopia, the trailblazer that will open the path to a new era.

Well, for the trailblazer part, I guess Sinclair already took it. She did open another path for me, giving humanity another chance.

Hmm, it's time to make my appearance known. I stood up from my seat, walked a bit back, and turned down my anti-memetic.

"Huascarn, I'll be leaving soon.", I stated, spooking him and the children out.

"Y-Your Highness! I apologize for not welcoming you sooner.", he bowed to me.

"It's fine.", I waved it off, "I want to say something and give you some instructions."

Before he could reply, discs made of Justice Mist formed and organized into staircases, I stepped on them to reach his height and grabbed his face.

"I want to say that you and your people are strong, enduring so much hardship for hundreds of years. You all deserve to be under my protection, like the rest of humanity.", I spoke with a soft and reassuring tone, "So until you can stand back up with your own two feet, reintegrate with the rest of humanity, you have my unlimited support."

I waved over an observation drone of Utopia, it's a ball that fits well in my hand and uses gyroscopic force and lift to stay afloat. I gave it to Huascarn.

"Just say what your people need, me and my loyal knight will help.", I gave the drone to him, "Say hi, Utopia."

"[Greetings, Huascarn of El Dorado.]", Utopia followed my command, "[If you need anything, you just need to tell me, as I am merely an extension of Her Highness.]"

"I appreciate it, Sir Utopia.", Huascarn curcled up the corners of his lips into a faint smile.

"And one more thing.", I took out my Hunter's Badge, showing it to him, "When people come with this badge, know that they are friendly. But don't get too close to them."

Then I summon my Book of Akasha and the pen, startling the High Protector a bit, "Avoid and reject these people at all cost."

I drew the Korean flag. Since this is a collapsing Dungeon, the Koreans will try to claim it as their own as they did with the Minos Labyrinth.

"Can I ask why we need to avoid these people?", he curiously asked.

"They will try to take this city, which belongs to you and in turn, belongs to me.", I took a deep breath, "This may be a prison that trapped your people, it's monsters terrorizing you day and night, but in the end, this is where you rest after a hectic day."

Before he could voice his opinion, I continued.

"I know you want your people to get out of here, you can, I am not objecting. But if anyone wants to take this place from you, and by proxy, from me, never give it up, this is the command from your ruler. You don't have to fight anyone, just tell Utopia if anyone wants to take El Dorado... I shall give them Hell."

"Y-yes, Your Highness.", he bowed down to me again, "I will follow your command and protect your land from all."

"Good.", I pat his head and turn my back, "See you at a later date, Huascarn."

"Goodbye, Your Highness."

With that all settled...

It is time to go back.




I decided to take a detour, walking around and letting myself get lost in the city. There are very few two-story tall buildings, only one-room houses that are enough for a family to sleep together and do their daily chores.

Besides the golden castle and the graveyard that take up thirty percent of the city in the center, there are a few watchtowers with men stationed to keep a lookout for monsters as the tall structures around here.

This feels fairly similar to Uruk when I visited Gilgamesh's mindscape... yup, I'm calling them mindscapes from now on.

I am not a person who enjoys the gaudiness of gold, but I must admit, it's growing on me. I don't dislike going all in on gold color at all.

I made my way to the castle, it's really big despite being one big Boss arena, looking up so much really annoys me. I'm tempted to blow the top half off but I decided that I'm going to be charitable today and keep everyone at peace.

Going into the Boss arena, I look down into the entrance of the place... huh, Francis had already plundered the rest of the loot. I guess she's a bit of a kleptomaniac being a queen and all.

Can't do anything about that, I pissed her off enough for it to get old.

Well, maybe I should wander around some more...

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