Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

World Breaker

"It is time to Awaken, Quirinus."

I whisper and the wind begins to roar. I pointed the lance toward the sky, infusing it with Hope's Dew and Euphoric Crystal, creating a storm of crystal and gold.

"The Glittering Light of Humanity, may you be released from your bindings!!"

The storm above me grew more and more, thunder began to strike from the static energy. It grows more and more, covering even the horizon.

"Split the Heaven and Rend the World!!"

Drops of glittering gold began to fall, raining down upon the world.

"In the Name of Humanity!!", I swung the lance down, commanding the storm to go down upon the world, "Carve a Path to the Future!"


And the golden rain came down in a heavy fall, blanketing my vision with only gold. Since the ship is in the Storm's Eye, very few drops landed on it, but...

Every drop of rain carries a Seed, which blooms into a crystal spike that paints the land, corrupting it with a beautiful crystal forest.

I stepped onto the edge of the ship, and ah~ I could hear it faintly, the cries of the people who suffered from the growing crystals on their bodies, entire houses entombed in crystals.

What a sweet melody.

"It will only take me an hour to wipe off a continent...", I let out a breath, "This will be fun."

I jumped off the ship, traveling with the golden rain. Hehahahahaha~ cry, and let me hear your scream, People of this World.

Landing in front of a city, right outside of its gates, it was all covered in Euphoric Crystals that destroyed whatever beauty and history this wall had. And soon... it will be nothing but a memory.

"Sanity Beat: Salvation.", I stabbed Quirinus into the ground and took my stance, taking in a deep breath—

And I punched forward, triggering the Euphoric Crystals inside the city.


The entire city exploded, shattered into a pile of dust. Now all that remained was a foundation where a city once stood, which quickly became a forest of crystal structures from the golden rain.

Hmm, that mountain over there looks nice, towering above the clouds. I raised Quirinus toward the sky, it roared once again.

There was no audience for me, so I didn't say anything and let the wind and crystal compress, condensed, covering the entire lance in a brilliant magenta light. Charging it up.

"Enuma Elis.", and I thrust forward, unleashing the compressed power of the storm.

A beam of magenta light shot forward, slowly unravels into a vortex full of crystals going fast enough to tear reality apart. The vortex bore through the mountain.

Then I swung my lance in a circle, dancing with it and wreaking havoc upon this world, tearing up the land, changing geography, turning all into a barren wasteland.

Fu... this is therapeutic.

I ended the combination of Euphoria and Hope. For I am going for another.

"I Dream of a Hollow Voyage, Beautiful and Nihilistic."

Electricity began to crackle around me, and the world flashed black and white for a moment before being filled with vibrant colors.

"Embrace the Abyss, Dive into Infinity."

I held my lance toward the sky once again, and lightning bolts struck around me.

"I follow the Passion all Chase and Reject, for my Dream and Aspiration to come."

In flashes of light, a suit of silver armor dawned upon me, shining brightly like a lone star in the sky.

"To bring Endless Joy upon the World."

I pointed my rifle forward, opening it up for a silvery crystal bullet to form inside it. Then I closed it, awakening Fallen Starlight.

"For the Path that brings Suffering."

My eyes flash into a silver color, burning with a blue flame in them.

"This is my Symphony for Humanity."

And I pulled the trigger, shooting a single bullet. In the same motion, I let go of both Quirinus and Fallen Starlight, teleporting them back onto Prydwen.

Then, I chased after the bullet, following right next to it. With each step I took the ground shook, shattered, and blew up.

I kicked the bullet upward.

"Symphony of Hysteria: Manifest Destiny."


I found myself in the air, where I punched the bullet, changing its direction.

Then again, I kicked the bullet forward.

Each time I do this the bullet became faster and faster. Until this play of mine became a blur on its own.

It didn't take me long to find a temple, maybe about 30 seconds. I punched the bullet in that direction, making it pierce the walls.

In a flash, before the people who dressed as East Asia monks could react— I began to move around, punching and passing the bullet over to myself again and again. Each time I aimed for a monk, piercing them with a bullet.

Like all of my arsenals, this bullet too is an instant kill attack. All of those who were pierced by my bullet turned into crystal statues, shattering upon a single touch.

I moved on, punching the bullet in a different direction.

Oh, this looks like a palace of sorts. With my analysis, I can see people training in martial arts of some kind, training their bodies day in and day out.

Too bad I am not in a good mood, so no granting salvation to you all.

"Symphony of Hysteria: Passion Bloom."

I kicked the bullet into the sky. With a deep breath, time slowed down for me, almost at a stop—

I changed the direction of the bullet downward, kicking with full force in this frozen time state.


And time resumed, the bullet hit the center of the palace, from where a crystal flower burst out, covering fifty percent of the structure, then...


The wind pressure I generated from above crushed the remaining fifty percent, along whoever survived the initial burst became fine paste.

I landed on top of the crystal flower, taking in the fresh air of this primitive world of conflict.


"Who are you to be bold enough to attack and destroy a Branch of the Tempest Sword Sect?!"

Five people surrounded me, wearing blue robes made of silk, each of them carrying a straight sword. They look old, maybe the leaders?

"I am the Silver Princess of Humanity.", I humored them, "I did nothing wrong."

"You killed five hundred disciples of the Tempest Sword Sect—", he suddenly stopped talking, looking down at his chest and found... a hole.

"Why should I care about killing some pest?", I tilt my head to the side.

"You— you—!", the man with a hole in his chest pointed at me, specifically, the heart I have in my hand.

"Speak up, fakes.", I crushed his heart in my hand.

Before he could answer, his head was sent flying. And I, from their point of view, had yet to move from my spot.

The remaining four spread out, gauging at me.

Oh, it's here.

I hopped down into the flower, right at the same time as a massive storm hit them before they could act, bearing thousands of tiny Euphoric Crystal shards. A microgram of my crystals is more than enough to put a person into a drug coma. For these people, being hit by those needles is more than enough to kill them from the sudden drug intake.

The blow was so strong it shattered the petal shielding me from the storm. So I quickly took off again, carrying the wind with me.

Now where should I go next?




After destroying a few hundred villages, towns, and cities by simply running at my full speed, killing thousands of people, and ripping off their skin from their bodies with velocity alone for about thirty minutes, I finally found a big deal.

A city situated on a raised plateau. Flying ships come and go... no, they are patrol ships. And it looks like they are run using arcane means.

"O' Ancient Souls of Divinity, May you be Forgotten."

I held my hand out, forming a ball of light sparking out electricity.

"O' Spirits of Nature, May you return to Nothing."

My will, my dream, my desire to rewrite the world for my own, condensed into my own special magic.

"To you, Constructs of another World..."

I lightly pushed the ball up, letting it go of my hand.

"...May your Existence be Denied."

My magic is the power to apply my outlook on the world, to make it fit my point of view, to create a world that I deem fit for humanity - to render all magic null, to make all fantastical things mundane.

"Phantasmal Denial."

The ball of light unravels itself, bursting in all directions... and the carnage begins.

The ships drop down from the sky first, the walls which seem to be maintained by magic collapse, and then explosions erupt from inside the city from systems malfunctioning.

Ah~ music to my ears.

I threw a front pick, blowing away the crumbling walls with air pressure alone. Then I took a step forward, running through the city and carrying the wind with me, sending buildings and people flying.

Fu... this is it.

I reached a giant palace that's about the size of the Forbidden City, it is also in flame. I walk in by crashing into the wall, even if the door is right next to me.

I stuck my hand into one of the people running away from the fire, pulling out their hearts. Like before, there is no hard stone that would indicate a Life born from The Plague Garden. I stuck my hand into someone else's stomach, pulling out a small glowing gem that was a bit warm, not organ warm but it was like campfire warm.

"Which Template of Life is this from?", I wondered.

Not that it mattered to me, as I had found the cream of the crop here, walking toward me with fury emanating from his entire being.

Then a blue screen popped up.

[The Strongest Fighter of the Ramev Continent]

[The Fist who brought the land to its knees]

[Herald of The Flaming Hearth]

[The King of Iron Fist]

Oh shit, it's a Herald.

A man with his top off, showing his muscular but lean physique, a hole in his chest that continues to spew out fire. He wears a cage helmet shrouding his expression in darkness. His fists cracked with glowing white veins... He's based on a Mercurian.

I appeared right next to him, punching his stomach— huh, my attack was blocked by his hand.

But I still sent him flying into a pillar.

Then I look at my left gauntlet, it was shattered by both the punch and him squeezing my hand a bit too tightly.

Well, against an Eldritch-powered fighter, this is to be expected.


I dodged out of the way from an incoming punch. That was fast. I delivered a roundhouse kick to his back, putting him into the ground and shattering the tiled floor.

I'm not wearing Ars Goetia right now, so my punches are weaker. I can't get it because, well, it's on Earth and not on this planet.

So I zapped myself far away, kneeling down to touch the group.


Fifty percent of the palace broke apart and floats around me.

"Listen to me and transform."

The materials around me turned into chalk, floating around me in a whirling storm.

"Bend logic and change."

At my command, the chalk then changed into Pure Blood, the second to last step of the Philosopher's Stone...

But today, I'm not making an imperfect one.

I raised my hand and punched the ground, sending a massive shockwave that disturbed the blood, sending them out in all directions.

I see the King of Iron Fist walking through the blood as it burns and morphs his body. To be frank, Pure Blood is like battery acid, but is always at boiling temperature. His skin and flesh should be melting right now, not burns.

For those who were unlucky enough to escape? Well, they got melted away.

"Why are you doing this?", he asked me, barely containing his fury.

"Relieving stress, I got a big thing coming up fairly soon so.", I spoke as I stretched myself.


"People? Me killing people?", I scoffed at him, then I shattered my helmet, making him flinch with my gaze, "This world's life is but an imitation of my World, can it really be called killing people if what I am killing isn't considered human?"

"I see, so you are a Jury—"

I grabbed his face, trying to break his cage helmet but it seemed like that was beyond my ability.

"You guessed wrong~", I chuckled, smiling as he began to drown in Pure Blood, "I am not a Jury, if it was really a Jury, you wouldn't be standing here."

I let go of him, turning my back as he coughed, the Pure Blood burned and warped his throat, making him unable to speak.

"You see, I don't have a lot of occasions to use my full strength, and frankly speaking, I have no idea what I'm capable of.", I haven't even used Malice yet!!

"Can I destroy a civilization? From the look of it, maybe? I'm just having fun here."

I summoned Galatine, pointing the gun at his burning core, halting his attack on me.

"This gun right here uses the light of Judgement as ammo, as a Herald, you know what Judgement does, don't you?", I smirked.

And pulled the trigger.


He tried to dodge it and attack me at the same time, resulting in his right arm getting cut off by the beam of light. The pain to his soul made him fall to his knees, hugging the bleeding stump.

I kicked and splashed some Pure Blood onto his arm, cauterizing the wound and sending him into a world of pain.

"I don't have the time for you, so I'm gonna go now.", I took a step back, vanishing right in front of him.

Following that was a massive gust of wind, pushing the Pure Blood from the palace into the city, and once again, carnage is the name of the game.

Huh, this place doesn't belong to The World Border but another Eldritch God...

I stopped on top of a mountain peak, looking up at the sky with the sun gazing down upon the world.


I dodged a beam of fire from the sky, then I ducked from a swipe from behind.

"Herald of The Pale Court. Why. Are. You. Here?"

A torch made out of wood and carried my eight legs made of stone, it stares at me even without eyes. This is The Flaming Hearth, the Eldritch God of this star. Ah, the dread is very real. I can't take on an Eldritch God at full power.

Well, it's time to dip.

"Utopia, start the engine, fast.", and I ran away, carrying the wind with me.

"Where. Are. You. Going?", it chased after me, skittling near the speed of light.


"Open, Book of Akasha.", I summoned my book, and electricity began to crackle from it.

There are a lot of God Slayers that can destroy the world, I don't use them because why the fuck would I want to ever destroy Earth?

Well, this isn't Earth.

"Come, the End of the World, the Final Stage of Samsara.", black goo began to bubble out from the book, "Kalki."

"What. Are. You. Doing?", The Flaming Hearth lunged at me.

A bronze sword formed from the Reverie Goo, which I grabbed and threw into the ground.

The Flaming Hearth stopped, staring at the sword curiously... before returning to the chase.

I turned back, winking at the Eldritch God, "Delusion."

With that, I returned to the ship which was already moving.

"Welt Ealam! Quick!!", I commanded with urgency, "Go go go go!!"

The iridescent portal opens right before me, and Utopia goes full throttle into the gateway between worlds.

And soon, we ended back up on Earth. I dispelled the combination and laid down on the ship.

Hah... hah... that was fun.

Well, that's enough stress relieving for the day, I should probably go back to enjoy El Dorado one last time...

It is a beautiful city, after all.

Once in a blue moon, there will be an amazing wuxia, and I found it.

This one is highly underrated so give it a try!

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