Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Absolute Mania

Britain isn't my favorite place, especially London where I am staying. I mean, I almost got shank five times in a morning walk.

I figure I should stay here for a few days, sightseeing the historical buildings and taking pictures for Utopia. He can't take them himself because, you know, being a ship and all.

I should've gone to Scotland or Wales... as I was invited to Buckingham Palace, to speak with the Lord of London, who is the proxy for the Queen. The Fairies must've warned the royal family about me...

Like this, there was a Fairy standing in my way. I pretended to not see it, in order to step on the Fairy and erase it out of existence for being too close to me. Its scream was music to my ears...

The other Fae freaked out and flew away, seeing that I was the manifestation of their antithesis. They will be erased when approaching too close.

I turned right, facing an office door. I knocked on it.

"Enter.", a stern voice spoke from the other side.

I opened the door, smiling to signify that I am a prideful person with nothing to fear. I meet with someone who honestly should be in the grave already, old and fat...

Your classic old man, Rudel Churchill.

"You are lucky that I am still here for rest.", I spoke first, "I would've been chilling on my ship going back to the sea if not for your calling."

I made it clear that I don't respect him, and playing into my Sinclaire persona that I am someone of the sea, unbound by nation. I would make enemies of anyone and everyone if it deemed that my freedom is endangered.

"W-Well yes, it won't take you long.", he was clearly startled, "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth had requested us to inspect your ship—"

"No.", I said sternly, "My Prydwen is not the Prydwen you are looking for, the shape is too different from a small vessel or a shield. Do you not see the giant modern turrets I owned?"

I can feel him composed and enraged, "You proudly named your ship Prydwen! How did you think the royal family wouldn't get suspicious—"

I summoned Ouroboros Omniscia, crashing it down onto the table— splitting it in half from the weight alone.

"I am technically a Hunter, but for most of my life, I am a Leviathan Hunter.", I lifted the coffin up, staring down at the man who tried to get on my ship, now trembling at the prospect of facing my rage, "The only rule I know and follow is the rule of the sea, it is a free-for-all battle royale."

"If you want to get to the ship, you need my permission. Good luck getting that.", I smiled, "So instead of wanting to go into my ship, how about the report?"

"Y-Yes...", he tried to calm himself down, "The report of yours has... different interpretations... on one hand, the Crow Watchers think you are in the right for killing the Spriggan. But the fairies at the scene said that you deliberately agitated it..."

To that, I just laughed, "Hahahaha!! Really? Do you trust the words of tricksters more than your own kind? I only eliminated the danger! There is nothing wrong with killing a Spriggan, it is just as simple as putting down a raging bull. Why spare the thought for something inferior?"

It is ridiculous to think that I would think about it. Humanity has trampled over nature many times and will step on the body of Mother Nature for the rest of time. Violating nature is as natural as breathing for mankind.

"I am a Hunter, and a hunter must hunt. My prey are monsters born from this world, do not mistake yourself, my hostility towards the creatures of this world - a natural progression."

"Even if you make an enemy of a whole nation?", he grumbles.

"I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to make an enemy of a Hunter, and by proxy, every Hunter in the world.", I stated.

Hunters are essentially free people, unbound by nation, unbound by most laws. That makes them able to travel to any place that needs them, with the exception of government-funded groups, but that makes them vulnerable in countries that don't protect foreigner's rights. That is why we banded together in a community, kindred spirits I supposed.

Making an enemy out of a Hunter is making an enemy of the entire organization. Well, not that extreme, but Hunters would be dissuaded from working with people who antagonize one of us. At best, hesitant to accept jobs, if not outright reject offers.

I am no longer smiling, "With just one word from me, expect the safety of your people to be in peril. Who would want to work with a place that treats one of their best this bad over a ship, they would wonder how you treat others of their occupation?"

"Are you threatening me?", he frowned, seeing this as a clear provocation.

"No, I am just warning you.", I turned around snapping the coffin away, "Try not to make a fuss out of public domain names and question Hunter's ethics, we are doing everything we can to protect the people, out of the goodness of our own heart or for a pay."

With that, I left the palace. I don't really mind making an enemy of Britain, but that would make Seria proud of me... you know, she hates anything British.




Back on the streets of London, I decided to go to a quiet park to smoke.

Is it bad for the environment that I am out here smoking while feeding ducks that are most likely Avalon? Letting them breathe in the sweet scent of burning psychoactive crystals? No, but I don't care.

This is a public space, even if I do get weird looks doing it. Huh... a goose is angrily going towards me.


I just kicked the goose in the neck, making it fear me and go away. It would die soon, as I injured it just enough so that it would die from internal bleeding, slowly, painfully.

Is it cruel? No, I don't feel a need to empathize with mere animals. It is only cruel if I am projecting as if it was a human, it isn't. Making it die slowly is just for my peace, I would be gone the moment it dies and nobody can blame me if I'm not here.


I summoned Galatine, and took a shot at the figure on the other side of the pond—


Something cleaved the golden beam in half, blowing up two plots of land.

"Avalon.", I stood up from the bench.

The ducks in front of me stare, "We have found The Fragment of the Universe."

I took off my glasses with a wide smile.

"Yeah, inform Kalpas since they cannot see it.", I stated, summoning my lance in a flash of lightning.

"Already did so.", the cat appeared on my shoulder, grinning.

Then an earthquake followed, making everyone in the park run away to take shelter. And a human body of earth formed beside me, flowing reddish brown hair, clear green eyes, the body that wears a robe over her own body...

Huh, so Kalpas is the one who stole Enkidu's corpse.

"Arbiter of Righteousness is who I am."

Around formed countless weapons made of Justice Mist. Pulling from the soil to fly around me.

"Embrace Infinity, Dive into the Endless Abyss..."

My eyes lit up a silvery glow, fueled with prejudice and conviction. Even my suppressors cannot contain my gaze...

"The Righteous Flag all stood under, One I shall wield with unrelenting Judgement."

The weapons stacked unto one another, forming a pair of translucent blue wings, embracing me like a robe.

"The Conviction to Eradicate all that is Evil."

I took a step forward, my hair turned a deep blue like the depth of the ocean itself. That is how deep my Judgement shall penetrate.

"The Prejudice to Bring All to the Light."

Then I pointed Quirinus, enveloped in blue fire, at the figure on the other side.

"This is my Creed of Justice!"

We are going to destroy the Records of Cosmos in the most honorable way.

With a swing of my lance, I commanded, "Let's gang up on it!!"

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