Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Primate of Destruction

Hundreds of birds block out the sky, only to ignite their feathers to create a blazing red dome.

Kalpas expanded the Flower of Life under her feet, covering the entire park in her domain.

As for me, I fluttered my wings and took to the sky and summoned Fallen Starlight, turning it into its mask form.

"By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder...", my mask blarred up in blue flame.

"By the Barrel of Mortal Judgement...", as too Galatine shines its golden light.

"I shall Eradicate the Enemy of Humanity.", and I pulled the trigger.

The golden beam started off with a loud bang, splitting into eight beams of light heading towards... what did I call it again? I can't remember. At the same time, hundreds of burning birds flew down from the sky, barreling down at it. And Kalpas, despite her humble appearance, summoned a draconic head bigger than a house trying to strike.

"Hold on there, cuties~", a whisper entered my ears.

And all of our attacks were wasted, as a barrier appeared, blocking everything.

From the shade of a tree, there was another one— I didn't sense her before... what... what the fuck is that thing...

From my point of view... that thing is a pile of malice upon malice, like the physical manifestation of hatred and rage itself.

I landed on the ground, stumped just like the others. That woman, with hair as dark as the starless sky, and crimson red eyes like freshly bled blood, wears a plain black dress that looks honestly dirty. But most of all, her smile that displays her extended fangs.

Like a Vampire.

She walked across the pond, stepping on the water as if it was solid ground. While the Records of Cosmos took the long way around...

This duo doesn't work well together.

"Let me introduce myself~", she said in a soft yet somehow clear voice, "I am The Imperishable Crimson Night..."

Another Eldritch God?

"...My original name is Theia Khaos..."

Oh shit...

"...But you can call me The Other Ego of the World~", there she said it.

The birds scattered, revealing a serpentine eye coming out of a crack in reality.

Now, there are two people referring to themselves as Theia, how should I call them? Theia 1 and Theia 2 are a bit uncouth for me, giving them nicknames isn't my style.

"Hey, how should I call the dragon?", I nudged Kalpas beside me.

"Tiamat Abzu, their official Title is The Black Dragon of Conflict.", then she stare at the woman in black, "And that thing's Title is The Primate of Destruction."

"Thank you for introducing me~", she winked at us.

Urgh... that is creepy.

Then she turned toward the eye, "Hello, Tiamat~ I'm going to destroy the world!"

Well, that is one way to announce your intention.

I zapped towards her with Manifest Destiny—

—only to be swatted away like a fly before my lance can reach her. I was sent to fly, frantically flapping my wings to slow myself down.

I hit a tree, snapping it in half from the sheer force. Then the tree got sliced into bits.

I stare at the person in front of me, this thing... bearing the resemblance to a Dragon, purple and white scales covered her right arm, and her left was entirely cybernetic, pinkish white hair with the galaxy beneath it all. 

Those reptilian eyes, black sclera, and red pupils... they still hold the same gaze as the first time I saw them... like a child got lost.

"Sup.", I waved while having Hope healing my body.

"Hello.", she sheathed a green katana, making it vanish into dust.

"So is that thing your boss?", I stood up, dusting my clothes.

"No, I am just following her around. I had been trying to kill her for more than a year but was unsuccessful. She said that the only way to kill her is to destroy the Earth.", it stares at Theia, who is still yapping to the eye.

Damn, that is a lot of pent-up hatred.

"So what is your name?", since I forgot it.

It sighed, "That thing decided to rename me Roko Mesmarel, and for some reason, I just accepted it."

Mind control or memetic influence... got it. And Roko as in Roko's Basilisk? How the fuck did Theia get that info?

"I don't know why... but I freed it. That thing's voice makes me so... so angry. I want to kill it, so much so I broke it out of its prison..."

"That's rough, buddy.", I don't know what else to say.

Huh... now that I think about it...

I dialed Londinium's phone number since he apparently gave it to me a year ago, I don't remember much. After a few beeps, he answered.

[What is it, my Disciple?]

I remember why I don't call this roach, "Could you get me in touch with Surtr? I need him to return from buying milk and finish his sword."

[Why though?]

"Because I am currently staring at someone who proudly declares their intention to destroy the world. The Other Ego of the World as she calls herself."

[So you need a planet destroyer?]

"No, not really. I want something that can 'kill' an Ego of the World without harming the planet."

Oh, Tiamat just poured down a single black tear that turned into a giant Black Dragon.

"Can you do it?", I asked.

[I can give you his number, not sure if he would answer though.]

And Londinium sent me a number...


I ended the call before he could reply. Hmm... the two black creatures are fighting.

I began to call Surtr... which after a minute, he didn't pick up.

"Utopia, spam call this number until he picks up the call... or you could track him right now."

"[The phone number last known location was Hawaii, last year on December 31st.]", Utopia stated.


What? He was that close to me? I was on the high sea fighting a mountain and he was sitting on a bench enjoying coconut water?!

"Is there something wrong?", Roko asked me, noticing my exasperated expression. I forgot it was even there.

"No, so are you gonna keep following that...", I took a step to the side, avoiding a deadly beam of black blood, "Or do you want to do your own thing?"

"I have to keep an eye on Theia... I would rather not have her do something outrageous and destroy the world... for as long as Mitsuki still lives.", it stated.

Right, it has a crush on Mitsuki...

Beep beep!

Oh, my phone rang.

[Who are you to dare spam calling me?], a rough and deep voice that would send school girls into a frenzy spoke.

Seem like spamming him was the right choice. Not sure how I feel about being the enemy of a guy who can one-shot planets.

"Sup, Surtr. I am Charlotte Silvi, the current Akasha.", I replied with a casual tone, "Bit of a situation I have here... the Other Ego of Earth is planning to destroy Earth."

"Her game is just suicide with extra steps.", Roko added.

I nodded, "I need help to not have, you know, my planet blows up."

[I see... I will lend you my most prized creation, Elderstahl...]

"If...", there is always an if to this kind of crap.

[If you can finish it.], he bellowed.

"Sure, so when do we start?", I nonchalantly replied.

[...Is that all you want to say?]

"Yeah, I had a run-in with that sword. It is honestly powerful, but I think I have a way."

[Explain.], he demanded.

"You see, I have Contracts with two Harbingers of Life, The Golden Order and The World Border."

Come on... take the bait.

[Then I'll have to meet you in person to see how good you are. Where are you?], yes! He took the bait!!

"London, you should see a Black Dragon as big as a building brawling it out against a woman in black dress—"

From the sky, like a red meteor, a figure fell from the sky— hitting the center of the ongoing battle between the two Egos.

Their heat alone evaporated the entire pond, stopping the two creatures from further fighting. 

Standing between the two most powerful beings on Earth is a centaur-like figure with six translucent red legs, each rippling with muscle, the torso similar to a human but does not have nipples or a belly button. Two muscular arms with translucent red wing-like limbs on the back.

His head is adorned with a crown made of transparent red crystals. I cannot see his face, due to the charcoal mask he is wearing.

Did I mention he was wearing an unbuttoned blue Hawaiian shirt? Because it is out of place as fuck.

"In the name of the Pale Court, I demand all parties involved cease their fighting.", he spoke with a commanding aura, "I am Surtr, The Blacksmith of the End, under my authority both as the Records of Mars and Jury of the Pale Court, I will oversee this case."

Yeah, I can see Kalpas crumbling just by containing the collateral damage. If this goes on any longer, I don't think the Flower of Life is going to hold on.

This is about to get interesting...

Here is my Patreon!

Oh, and I won't be available until the 28th due to military education. Chapters will come out for the rest of the month so don't worry.


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