Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Arbiter of Equilibrium

Faith, such a strange concept. Why worship someone? Why worship something you know nothing of?

I just don't get it.

Even then, faith is a wonderful thing. It drives people to do incredible things, this country... Vatican City is a marvel to behold.

Standing in the middle of St. Peter's Square before sunrise, I can tell how people would feel small in this large place.

I am averse to going here, as the people by their faith alone preserved this place so well, that even after hundreds of years, it is still in its prime condition. 

Since there are few people here, I expand my calculation to the entire city, hearing the whispers of the people, the rumbling of the earth, and the harmony these structures play...

Then I hear the rustle of wings against the fabric, the chiming of bells, and the low whispers of fire...

"Found them.", I smiled and walked in their direction. They are on top of St. Peter's Dome.

As I walked there, I began to think back to the information I got from Welt Ealam.

Lughz Dustur the Enigma Code, like their title implies, is an enigma. The nicest and scariest of all Harbinger of Life, due to their disregard for... everything.

They also have 100% of their power, despite being two galaxies apart from the Milky Way. They do have a Herald, that is themselves. Somehow, some way, they made themselves their own Herald, bypassing the limitation of their light reaching this world.

And most damming of all, the Equilibrium they keep the balance of is the harmony between chaos and order. If a world is too orderly, they will cause untold chaos; if a world is too chaotic, they will bring in order. Either Earth is too chaotic for their liking or too orderly...

Can I defeat an Eldritch God at 100% of their power? I don't know, the best I did was twenty, and that was a hard-fought battle. The Solemn Gaze in Siberia was something else, it almost pulled a meteorite from space just to spite me.

Hopefully, Lughz Dustur won't do anything similar.




The point of the Dome is pretty interesting to me. For humans, walking up it is a trial in of itself, all for a moment to mimic the view of God - standing above all, yet not too tall to view people as ants.

I usually distance myself from people, as my role is that of an unknown protector, yet I want people to witness me...

The sun is already up, I can see people gathering in the circle Square. This was a Sunday, so the pope would make his appearance.

I look to my side, and there they are... Enna and Lughz Dustur. Takes the form of a plain girl wearing a white nun outfit, and vibrant blue hair that seems to defy physics, as if burning like fire. Golden eyes, bearing the power of Judgement.

"I came here to take Enna back.", I said plainly.

"Honestly, being with an Eldritch God is better. I respectfully want to stay with her.", Enna denied me.

"Tch, Lughz Dustur, what do you think?"

"I am just here for a visit, think of me as nothing more than a vestige.", they spoke with a serene tone, calming down my mind, "Though I need a companion, someone to guide me through this world. An Angel of another Equilibrium is a great fit for me."

"But I want her back.", I summoned Quirinus, pointing my lance at her, "One way or another."

"Hmm. So do you feel the weight of your sins?", they blinked, their eyes changed. Each eye is filled with dozens of pupils, all moving separately, independent of one another—

Then I feel the weight of it—

The people I've wronged, those who I killed indirectly, I feel their pain, their suffering— this is... heavy... So this is The Enigma Code's power... manifesting Sins into spiritual weight so people would kill themselves...

But to me, who view Sins in a different way. Sins are a part of human nature, it is not something people should reject but instead embrace...

No matter how heavy those Sins are, they are not a burden.

"Oh, so you endured it all... interesting.", a faint smile formed on their lips, "Very well, then. I shall have you as my guide."

"What?", Enna just stare at Lughz Dustur.

"Can I use you as a meat shield?", I bluntly asked. Invulnerability is in their power set, after all.

"I am fine with anything, just that I am an observer of everything. Causality will bend so that I cannot be harmed by reality, yet at the same time I cannot touch reality without my power.", they held their hand out to the steel cage and... phased through it.

"Can you swear that you won't harm humanity?", I asked, gripping my lance as its tendril wrapped around me.

"That I can do, as you all are special to The Pale Court. I do not wish to be on their bad side, as they have my Universal Position, and they do not hold back on anything.", they nodded, "Once their imprisonment ends, I will be on their List if I do anything to you all."

"But you just attempted to kill me.", I pointed out.

"Maybe so, but you lived.", they walk towards me. Strangely, I feel safe around them, even if they stroke my lance, making it hiss.

"Anti-Eldritch weapon, interesting.", they look at their burned fingers, which heal instantly, "So, where do we go now?"

"I have some business here.", I summoned Fallen Starlight and returned Quirinus to the ship. I kicked the bars open, exiting the Dome.

"Charlotte... what are you doing...?", Enna spoke up.

"Well, you know I hate religion, right?", I raised my gun, charging up a bullet with Justice Mist.

"Charlotte, no..."

"Charlotte, yes!", I grinned maliciously, "I'm going to assassinate the Pope! Well, not really, I'm just going to blow up the Pope car."

The Pope should be on parade in a few hours, so I should stake it out here for a bit on top of the Dome.

Enna and Lughz Dustur also followed me. The Eldritch God in question, however, leaned beside me without my disgust rising... they are creepy.

I took out a cigarette and began to smoke it...

"Can I try one?", they asked.

Huh, I think this is the first time someone ever asked for my cigarette without me worrying that they might die from an overdose. I gave them one from my pack.

Lughz Dustur just brushed it against their hair, lighting it on fire. So their hair is really fire.

"Hmm, this is good.", they let out a puff, "That golden bat would enjoy this."

They are referring to The Golden Order... hmm, I think I can arrange something with this.

"So, what is your deal?", I want to know more about this dangerous being.

"I don't know. I just manifest mortal's Sins, and they kill themselves. Mortals of other worlds always describe me as a holy being, even though all I do is make people commit suicide.", they sighed, "I am just an observer."

" many worlds had you destroyed?", I asked cautiously.

"None, as far as I can tell.", they gaze up at the Sun, "I am ultimately a Prosecutor, bringing Sins to light. I am not a Destroyer like Shemiss Aluqdim or Pacmalinn Emvist, nor am I someone who toys with life-like Lichtma Balisk, or the finality like Watafan Mawsil."

"I don't even know how I joined the Harbingers of Life in the first place."


"So you joined one of the most powerful factions without even knowing anything?", I just stare blankly at her.

"Not the most powerful, no.", they corrected me, "The Lords of Annihilation is one of the strongest ones, along with The Elemental Lords."

Then Lughz Dustur turned her head and looked at me, "Tell me about your story, then."

I smiled, "Well... here is the thing."




"What an interesting life you have, Charlotte.", they smiled, "Living so selfishly, all for a selfless reason."

Then they turned to Enna, "Ennael, what do you think?"

"Having lived through that experience as her servant, I want to escape.", she spoke her true desire.

"As the original creator of Angels, I can break the bonds between you and her.", Lughz Dustur casually said, "I won't, as I don't want to displease my new guide."

"Heh.", I scoffed.

"Charlotte...!", she whined.

"Shut up.", I commanded, "Utopia, make another room on the ship for me."

"[As you command, Your Highness.]"

"Oh, that rogue Grand Array is with you. Hello, it is nice to meet you again, ■■■■"

Urgh... what did they just say? It rings my ears. Did Lughz Dustur just say Utopia's real name? Enna seems to be affected too, seeing as she is having a migraine.

"Sorry about that, I forgot mortals can't access the Grand Collective of The Steel Legion.", they nodded to themselves.

So whatever this Grand Collective is... it can affect all living being without "proper authorization". This can be used against me, even if Utopia's information was Purged.

"[Enigma Code, please refrain from mentioning information from the Grand Collective and all matter related to The Steel Legion.]", Utopia spoke for me.

"I will not make that mistake again.", they nodded to themselves.

"Thanks, Utopia.", I smiled.

"[It is my duty, Your Highness.]", he simply stated.

"Don't sell yourself short, My Knight.", I grinned, "You are mine and mine alone, nobody can take you away, and nobody except me can judge your worth..."

You are my property... Utopia.

I hugged my phone, hehe... hehahaha~

"Oh, the Pope is out—"

I cut them off by standing up, aiming Fallen Starlight into the sky.

"By the Power of Akasha.", the bullet began to spin.

"By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder...", the veins lit up a blue glow.

"I shall grant you your Finality.", a low hum came from the gun.

"Fallen Starlight.", and I pulled the trigger.

There was no noise, only a beam of Judgement that split into eight, spiraling like a blooming flower... then they fell, heading straight for the Pope.


Before the beams hit the old man, eight golden crosses appeared, blocking the shots. I see... hahahaha~ a Relic, huh.

"Fragment of the Cross...", I whispered, grinning widely. That is one of the more famous Relics...

"We are getting out of here, Enna, Lughz Dustur.", I ordered.

"Please just call me Lugh.", they stated.

The crowd below was in an uproar, running away and the Swiss guards began to surround the Pope. But by then, I was already gone...

Walking with Enna and Lugh out of Vatican City, I can only smile. Fallen Starlight had done its job, as it is the barrel pointed at God... everything The Almighty created, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirits... they will all be destroyed by the manifestation of humanity's hatred.

The Fragment of the Cross had lost its divinity. Faith truly is amazing, humanity's belief... it is beautiful, yet ugly at the same time.

Absolute faith is disgusting, believing in something unconditionally is their greatest weakness. As I am the one who can destroy that absolute faith.

May the 4th be with you! And today is the day I joined Scribble Hub!

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