Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

City of Marbel

I decided to check on Enna, she was taken... no, abducted seems like the correct word. About six months ago, a woman introduced herself as Lugh and just... casually took my servant away.

So that's why I am heading to Vatican City, I'm currently in Rome as a tourist on my ongoing journey to track down Theia, as I am the only person who can perceive Roko, due to my Eyes of Judgement and my Fate Value.

Sitting on one of the seats of the Colosseum, feeling the ancient air and history of this place. I cannot help but smile.

Rome, the city where modern civilization began. It may be a shell of its former glory, but it still have that magical feeling to it. I can feel the vestige of the people who once lived here, their cheers echo through time.

Rome the empire had vanished, its only remnants being this city. But Rome the Concept lives on, becoming synonymous with humanity.

"The city of brick that became the city of marble, now it stood as the monument to mankind's achievement.", I muttered, sipping my coffee.

I moved on from milk a while back, now coffee is my preferred drink. I just like the taste of it more. And I have to admit it, I am becoming more like Sinclair by the day.

Just food for thought.

"Let's go somewhere else, Roko isn't here.", I took out my phone, "Utopia, how are the satellites?"

"[Surges of cosmic energy everywhere, indicating Elderitch presence. But from what remained of my Memory Bank before I was Expunged from the Grand Collective, I am unable to detect anything similar to The Original One.]", he stated.

"What is the closest Eldritch signature?", I asked, humming to myself. It would be interesting to meet another Eldritch God, they usually provide insight if they are collaborative enough.

"[There is currently one in Vatican City, from my remaining Data they are known as Lughz Dustur the Enigma Code, also known as the Arbiter of Equilibrium]."

Lughz Dustur... Lughz... Lugh...

Ooh... I see it now. An Eldritch God kidnaped Enna.

"Is Lughz Dustur dangerous?", I have to make sure.

"[Extremely dangerous and volatile, as it is the nature of an Eldritch God carrying the most dangerous Attributes. Order, Equilibrium, and Judgement.]", he replied, showing me information from my phone.

Virtually invincible to all attacks, creating Angels, and this part that worries me the most... they can force people to be their own Judge, Jury, and Executioner.

I kinda see it, I met them before though briefly. I was so easily soothed by their voice, that it was borderline creepiness.

And to top it all... a Harbinger of Life. They are all control freaks, plus the Equilibrium Attribute...

Yahweh, The Three Rings, God itself, were Eldritch Gods of Equilibrium.

The brain damage trait.

I walked into an alleyway, only to break someone's arm off, tearing it away from a man's body. Well, he did try to stuff me into a bag.

Another guy tried to attack me from behind, only to get splashed by my coffee, scalding his face. I used Malice to keep my coffee hot, and drink it that way to keep me warm.

I did expect myself to get into trouble, but with the Mafia... this should be fun.

I snapped my finger, summoning Ouroboros Omniscia above the ground. It fell down, combined with me pulling it...

It crushed the pelvis of the gang member.

Another guy tried to tackle me, but I spun around him. My hand dug into his spine— and I crushed it into pieces.

Oh, there are a bunch of people that was observing, running away. I opened the coffin, launching the spears which impaled all four guys.

I lit my cigarette, taking in a deep inhale...

"Hah... at least think twice about attacking a Hunter.", I sighed, turning on my anti-memetic and walk away.

Now... why would they target me...

"Utopia, is there any suspicious activity in Italy?"

"[Currently, the Valentino family is conducting a country wide abduction of Greek women.]"

"Valentino... Valentino...", that sound familiar... it is just out of my grasp...

Was it something before my resets? Probably nothing important. After all, one thing I found out about my World of Chalk is that the more I try to held onto my memories, the longer it last.

Though I should probably report this to the Hunter Association and get the help of the U.N's private military to solve this.

I have the tendency to do property damage, it is just so fun to do... it took quite a while but I managed to reign my love for destruction in.

For now, let's head to the Arch of Janus, there is something I must do there...




Like any other building in this magnificent city, the Arch of Janus stood there as if it still held onto the remains of this city's glorious past. But it is crumbling, this monument for a greater period.

"Reverie...", I whispered, letting the essence of Imagination and Creativity flood through my left hand.

Then the sludge travels up the building, shaping all around the ruin... then it takes the form of the missing pieces.


The Reverie turned into brick and concrete, restoring the Arch of Janus to its former glory...

I've been fixing up monuments around the world wherever I go. I said it before, right? No matter how Beautiful or Horrific these Wonders are... I shall Restore them all the same.

The past may not have the right to dictate the present, yet history is something all should learn and remember.

People are coming to the site, seeing it being fixed and renewed in front of them, I guess I have to move on now.

I walked away, blending into the crowd... and somehow, amidst these people... I meet the Wolf Mother...

A woman in a business suit... I briefly encountered her a while back. Her brown hair was cut short, showing a bit of grey at the tip... Olivia, the secretary of Romulus, and The Lupa. Her golden eyes saw right through my disguise.

"Fate seems to hate me.", she showed a disdained smile, "To think I would meet the killer of my son."

"We had no choice, we acknowledged each other, and that is the reason why one of us must die.", I shrugged, "...what happened to his company?"

"We liquidated all of our assets and closed down. All profit was donated to charities around the world... that is what he wished.", she snorted.

I see... he still did good for humanity even in death.

"Very well then, do you want to fight?", I asked, ready to summon Galatine.

"I would love to... but Romulus wouldn't want to hinder you.", she stated, pointing her claws at me, "So when this game of the World ends, I will be coming for you."

"I welcome the challenge any time.", I walked past her, "I consider you gods pests, but sometimes, pests can be beneficial. Keep being that, keep living in your own Delusion."

And I vanished from the site. This trick is always fun.

I would like to visit the Pantheon and see if I can repair anything, but I don't want to meet any Roman gods. It would be awkward...

So, Vatican City it is, time to get back Enna.




Wandering the halls of the Vatican Museums are two people. 

One is a woman with ebony feathered wings draped over her shoulder, raven black hair, and pale golden eyes. She was following a step behind a hooded finger.


That figure took the form of a woman in a white cloak, which vaguely resembled a nun's outfit. She has vibrant blue hair as if it were fire and golden eyes that bring comfort to whoever looks into them. She was not beautiful, but rather quite plain, her presence reminded people of a childhood friend who became distant, familiar yet not at the same time.

"Ennael, tell me a story, whisper to me her history.", she glanced back and blinked.

For a moment, Enna saw the woman's eyes— each eye with dozens of pupils in them— then she blinked again, returning to normal. But that brief moment... she felt it, millions, billions even, of eyes staring at her simultaneously.

Judging her very being...

The Eyes of Judgement.

And the idling woman is Lughz Dustur the Enigma Code, the Arbiter of Equilibrium, and...

The most dangerous Harbinger of Life.

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