Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Ardent Passion

After temporarily sealing Curruid outside of the academy, I was invited to the headmaster's office to meet with Setana on my... complaints.

Sitting opposite of each other in this very cozy office, enjoying coffee, we stare for a good ten seconds before he begins.

"Why did you do it in the middle of the night?", he asked me first, not really trying to intimidate me.

Well, I kinda understand him. Nobody carries a coffin that sometimes whispers seductively to everybody near it. It is a little creepy.

I answered his question, "Because I want to keep this a secret. Take the spear and go back to the high sea."

In truth, what I was aiming for are thorns. Just one scratch can turn people into a bloody thorn bush, which was tested as a viable weapon back in The Great War, but harvesting it proved to be extremely dangerous, as breathing in just a spec of dust can be fatal. The risk was too high.

But in my hands... I can do so much more.

"At least inform me when you do such things.", he stated with furrowed brows.

"I did.", I took a sip of this coffee, "Didn't you see my email?"

"Wait, what?", he took out his phone, looked it up, and widened his eyes, "I didn't see this before..."

Well, that's my fault. I had Utopia hide the mail from Setana so I wouldn't have to talk to him, and to create proof that I did send him a notice in case of an unforeseen situation.

Gaslighting is fun.

"So I want some form of compensation..."

Oh, I just got a good idea.

"I want Curruid, I think I can work something out of it.", I stated with a wide smile.

"As the person responsible for watching over Gáe Bolg, I can't hand you over the beast in its current state.", he crossed his arms.


"As someone who has hunted Leviathans before, Curruid is still weakened. I don't think you have the necessary knowledge to..."

I summoned my knife with a flick of the wrist and swung behind me. That person just dodged by stepping back.

A woman wearing a black shirt and jeans, on that shirt, has the word "Shadow" in white font. She has long maroon purple hair and red eyes...

Huh, the Warrior of Shadow, Scáthach. The person that originally killed Curruid and made it into the spear...


"So Curruid resurrected.", she hummed, "And you want to control that Dragon..."

"Just so you know.", I raised my voice, "I am a very violent person, if things don't go my way... I will lash out."

"You are... serious.", she became cautious.

I turn off the suppression of my gaze and unleash my oppressive aura.

"Give. Me. Curruid.", I stated, "If you don't want this place destroyed."

I have the entire academy as my hostage.

Both of them became silent, getting ready to act...

"I shall Perform the Encore of Insanity.", my eyes lit up in silver light.

And they both jumped at me. I just perform a handstand, spinning around with my legs spread, kicking them both in the face.

"Embrace the Abyss, Dive into Infinity."

Blue fire began to envelop my body, hot enough to turn the temperature up several degrees... I am still holding back.

And they realized how dire the situation is...

"We can still get to a compromise!", Setana yelled at me.

Nah, I just want to wreck your shit.

"Embers of Passion alight! The Madness all Embrace and Reject!"

Then the fire crystallized into silvery white gemstones, breaking off of my body to reveal my new armor. From my shoulders to my left arm is silver plated armor with silver crystals protruding out, then for my right arm, only a silver bracelet with the symbol of the Rose Compass, half colored red and the other half magenta.

"For my Path of Glory! Let the Orchestra Sing!"

I spread my arms out, giggling constantly to myself! Hehahahahaha!!!

"Hear the Melody of Destruction and Passion!!!"

A silver mask covered my mouth, glowing with red and magenta cracks, as if about to burst out. And a tiara adorned with red and magenta gems formed on my head tilted to the side.

"All shall Know the Inferno of my Ardent Soul!!"

I fluttered my hair, from its silver color, strands of red and magenta began to be mixed in. As my heart pumps, I can feel the music inside me~ the rush of Malice and Euphoria~

I want to be more~


Immediately, I dashed around and grabbed their throats— throwing them through the window.

"Entertain me more~", I giggle as I follow them, "Bloodhunt."

I shot forward, leaving a scar of blue flame behind the wooden building. I went for Scáthach, as she is the more dangerous one of the two.

After all, not only did she kill a Dragon... she also trained Cú Chulainn too. A Dragon Slayer and a Hero Creator... heha~

She pulled out a sword from her shadow, clashing it against my silver gauntlet, sparking electricity and fire.

"This is why I don't go to your place, Setanta.", she complained, ultimately disengaged seeing that she was losing.

"I told you before, my name is Setana, not Setanta!", he yelled, weaving Enchantment Runes and applying them to Scáthach.

"Tomayto tomahto! Now focus on this deranged lady!!"

Should I use Escalation? Nah, that would literally erase them from existence. And this isn't the right situation for this combo, it is way too overkill.

But if I have power, why the fuck wouldn't I show it?

Then again, I am too strong. Hah~ the woes of someone who is too overpowered.

"Just give me Curruid, and I won't burn down this entire place!", I proudly declared, casually dodging a sword swing and punching Scáthach in the gut— sending her flying.

"You are being stubborn, woman!!", Setana yelled at me before going into the fray.

I just straighten out the fingers of my right hand. He is huge, and fast too. But I just pushed his punch aside with a slight tap— and stabbed my hand into his chest.

And I ripped his heart out.

Avoiding the blood that almost spilled on me, I kicked him in the chest, sending him flying.

I smiled widely, and I crushed his heart with my bare hand.

Scáthach engaged me again, not caring one bit about the Headmaster. Well, he will live even with his heart missing. He is the person who had gained the power of Irish Heracles after all, he fought against an army for an entire day with his guts spilled.

I dodged the stab coming from my throat, and I grabbed her face with my left hand.

"Sanity Beat: Forte."

I slammed her into the ground, then blasted her face with blinding white fire. This won't kill her~ as a play will no longer be one if the actors are dead.

So I just have her experience all types of unimaginable pain and trauma she had in life! Heha~ to weaponize tragedy...

I threw her towards Setana, who caught her. She looked fine, but her eyes were visibly shaken.

"Sanity Beat: Crescendo!"

White crystals formed on my legs and broke to reveal a pair of greaves. I kicked the air, sending a blazing slash at the two.


The fire crashed into a barrier, knocking both of them away.

"GIVE ME MY LEVIATHAN!!", I yelled at both of them.

Then someone replied to me, "Okay, both parties, chill."

Francis came in between us, crossing her arms with a serious gaze.

"Captain, what is the reason why you want the Leviathan?", she asked me.

"Let my ship eat it?", I stated as if it was the most normal thing ever.


Everyone went silent.

"What? My ship can merge with anything, I'd be dumb if I just left without an upgrade.", I pointed out.

"Would half of Curruid work?", Francis asked.

Half of an immortal Dragon... yeah, that is more than enough.

"Sure, I could work with that."

I return to normal, smiling while looking at the burning campus around me. This place is more like a military camp than a place of learning anyway, with buildings solely for the sake of living and most lessons being practical ones, there is not much that I ruined.

"Well, I'll skin Curruid and take its arms, legs, and back. Draco hide is rare to come across after all.", I smiled, commanding them with Euphoria, "I'll leave things here like this, and you cannot hold anything against me."

"Damn, mind control.", Francis commented, "I should extend my stay into a two months vacation... but Libertas will literally explode without me."

"You do you, Francis.", I rolled my eyes.

Then I summoned Ouroboros Omniscia, walking away with it.

I need an upgrade for Quirinus after all, the skin of a Leviathan would do nicely...

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