Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Beast of Thorn

I am not out of Britain yet, well, not really. I am in Ireland.

I have something to do here. That has to do with the forest made of red thorn in front of me... I picked up a commission from the indefinite board, that is to clear out the forest and retrieve Gáe Bolg.

In the middle of the night too, since I don't want to be bothered by anyone.

"By the Instinct and Dream of the Mind."

The gem in my chest began to hum, and particles of Reverie came out, floating around me like motes of darkness.

"Embrace the Abyss, Dive into Infinity..."

My eyes glow a bright silver glow, and I can see the calculations going around me, endless numbers of them...

"I am the Amalgamation of Achievements, Blood and Tears of Humanity is my Might."

Then some of the particles touch my hair, dyeing the tips black.

"Since the Dawn of Time, From the Age of Technology."

I smiled, grabbing the air as Reverie formed a glowing blue fountain pen and a silver book.

"The Grand Machination of Humanity..."

I stepped forward, letting Reverie seep into the ground. An azure blue scarf formed around my neck, fluttering in the wind.

"Is what I shall Build."

I closed my eyes, smiling as I wrote my signature onto the book.

"Because I am the Scholar of Infinity!"

I snapped my finger, and the motes of Reverie flew around, surrounding the entire two thousand acres of thorn made from the flesh and blood of the spear's victims.

With the motes of darkness acting as points, they connected to each other with beams made of Reverie. Then azure panels appeared creating the faces of this polyhedron, encompassing and isolating the entirety of the forest.

"Problem: after shrinking the polyhedron by a factor of two, what is the volume of which it can hold?"

And the polyhedron began to shrink, crushing the thorns into fragments.

The combined power of Reverie and Survive, the imagination that helps humanity thrive, and the instincts that let us be creative. To see the problems and solve them... and when we have no more problems? We make up problems and solve them!

This is the power that Reverie and Survive made Endless Equations. Which is basically math and quiz.

I need to contain every bit of this forest, as a single particle can be lethal, sprouting another bed of thorns from inside one's body. 

But something interesting happened... thorn after thorn breaks, yet I can see something is happening inside. A body is forming...

Gáe Bolg, the Cursed Spear of Blood, was made from the bones of a Leviathan, and there is one thing about European Dragon that all should know about. They are functionally immortal in the form of Dragon's Curse.

And that Leviathan, Curruid, even when it was slain, its body ground down to make weapons, it still lives on. The God Slayer is made by the hands of humanity, but the source of hatred is the Dragon itself—

From the blood of its victims, a blood-curdling roar rang out through the night. And a monstrous Leviathan broke free from the polyhedron.

Its body was entirely black with glowing red spikes, and its head was not like any typical dragon, more like a knight's helmet with its red eyes behind a cage-like visor, and a massive horn protruding out of its head. It looks like a deepsea creature, not made for swimming but rather walking.

"Problem: what do you do when there is a sinkhole?"

The ground blew up as Reverie weakened the structure, making the ten-meter-tall Leviathan fall before it could get a better sense of its surroundings.

"Problem: how high does a two-ton chunk of gold need to be to crush bedrock?"

Then the Reverie in the sky created another polyhedron. With the snap of my finger, the polyhedron turned into a solid chunk of gold— it dropped down, smashing onto Curruid.

It let out another roar, and jumped out of the sinkhole—

I opened my book with a smirk, "Endless Equations: Golden Ratio."

All other calculations disappeared, and all were replaced by something more simple. Ratios. I can see one of the unanswered mysteries of the world, the Golden Ratio.

I took a step forward, creating the perfect ratio between me and the Leviathan—

I swung my leg around, giving the giant beast a roundhouse kick— sending it flying.

"Problem: how do you survive iron spikes?", I snapped my finger, using Reverie to create a bed of spike—

Curruid roared, bending all the spikes under its own weight. Its armor is a bit tough.

I snapped my finger again, summoning a steel ball, and I took a step back to enter the Golden Ratio.

Then, I threw the steel ball, spinning it at the last second— the curve ball hit the lumbering beast, staggering it.

Its armor is good against piercing and slashing attacks, but it can't do anything about blunt ones.

"Problem: what is the probability of dodging a hundred balls flying at Mach 1?"

And a hundred motes of Reverie turned into steel balls spinning in the air. And they shot towards Curruid, making the creature cry out in pain.

Then as it got back on its feet... it began to run.

"Oh no.", it is heading straight for the academy—

Who the fuck thought that building a school next to a death forest was a great idea?

Okay, enough fun for today now. I need to get serious...

I opened the book, and I began to write in the keywords, giving a list of God Slayers so that I could...

"Firepower of Fenghuang Blade, penetration power of Absolute Democracy..."

I summoned Fallen Starlight, and then I closed the book, inserting it into my rifle...

This is another power of this combination is that I can take out attributes of other things and temporarily insert them into one of my weapons.

Fenghuang Blade, the blade forged from the ashes of a phoenix in the middle of rebirth, its flame represents the power of reincarnation. No matter how great the injury is, the target will remain alive.

I need this so that I can keep Curruid alive, I still want a new spear.

Then Absolute Democracy, some crazy dude made iron from the blood of the Native Americans, condensing their suffering into a gun. It represents their pain and injustice, and of course, the motto of Manifest Destiny... and as long as Destiny wills it, anything can be Manifest.

And of course, my favorite weapon, Fallen Starlight. Its light of Judgement seeks out anything I will it to, killing all in a single hit.

"By the Grace of Creation.", I pointed the barrel up into the sky, where the motes of Reverie spun around for dramatic effect.

"By the Fire of Instinct.", a bullet formed inside the chamber, made of rainbow fire coming from Fenghuang Blade.

"And in the Name of Humanity.", then the power of Absolute Democracy was infused into the bullet.

"I shall grant you Finality... well, not really.", I grinned, giggling to myself.

"Fallen Starlight.", and I pulled the trigger.

A beam of rainbow light escaped from the barrel, and then it split into eight beams, dancing in the night sky.

They all fell down onto— oh shit, I forgot it is resistant to piercing attack.

The eight beams strike the Leviathan on its back, breaking off some spikes and just lit its entire body on fire.

Oh, I returned Fallen Starlight to the ship and summoned Ouroboros Omniscia. Might as well deactivate this combo since I don't need it anymore.

It's a shame that I can't show off what my pen can really do.

As a hulking mass clashed with Curruid, literally fistfighting with the Leviathan. Setana, the Headmaster of Lux Academy, and Gem Holder of Cú Chulainn.

Aah, I see, his monster form has his blood literally boiling outside of his body, which means Curruid can't grow its thorn into his body - there isn't enough nutrient for them to hold onto.

I took out a cigarette and began to enjoy the view of a weakened Leviathan and Irish Heracles duke it out.

"Utopia, ready a file of complaint for Lux Academy and a report to the Hunter Association.", I commanded, "The main topic of interest is the Gáe Bolg Forest is a Leviathan."

"[As you command, Your Highness.]", he responded.

You know, I thought he was overhyped at first, seeing how I easily beat him back in Ataraxia. But now that I see it, he was holding back, as I don't think just anyone can brawl a fucking Leviathan.

Oh, he went in for an uppercut, knocking down the Leviathan. It grows, opening its mouth to charge up something.

Is this the famous breath attack? Frankly, I feel insulted. It didn't even use that on me.

However, my expectations were crushed, a briefcase crashed onto the Leviathan's head, making it shut its mouth as it was charging.


And its head blew up.

Well, that was anticlimactic.

"Setana, that won't hold it down for long.", a harrowing voice made its presence known.

Oh, it's Francis, the Vice. She has green wavy hair, coming with a ghostly aura, and tired dark blue eyes. She looks average at best, a bit intimidating to say... not now though since she is wearing pink pajamas.

But this presence... damn. I can't help but smile widely. She is a Herald, I've come across enough Heralds to recognize their strange otherworldly aura.

"You over there.", Francis looked over at me, "You are... oh hi, Sinclaire. You took on that commission?"

I nodded, carrying the coffin with me as I approached her.

"Yeah, I got a pretty solid plan to contain the fragments. Until a Leviathan resurrected.", I let out a puff of smoke, "I didn't expect that, and I am not in open sea to use artillery cannons."

"Right, you are trying to get a Leviathan Hunter License.", Francis shook her head, "Obviously you can't pull a Wisconsin..."

She let out a sigh, turning to Setana who is setting up several Runes around Curruid.

"Do you give permission for Captain Sinclaire to open fire on that Leviathan?"

"It will cause a diplomatic controversy!", he yelled, finishing the seal.

"There you have it.", Francis shrugged, "I hope you can cooperate with us in containing the Leviathan... fuck, I want to escape from that sloppy sack of wet meat... only to find another."

I smiled, "I don't give a fuck."

"Sinclaire, no...", she spoke softly, as if trying to influence my decision.

"Fine~ but I want compensation.", I look at her in the eyes, "I'll bill in later, for now, I have to go somewhere else."

"Don't talk to me like that.", Francis sighed, "I really need a vacation..."

"Francis, can you escort the Hunter out?", Setana said, finishing drawing the Runic Circle around Curruid.

"Fine... but you have to let me into your wine stash.", Francis glared at him, then turned back to me, "Come on, I am sure you have things you want to say..."




After getting far enough from the scene, I stare at Francis with a smile.

"So you are a Guest from the Stars, or are you an Invader of the Cosmos?", damn, this line is cool.

"Well, not really.", she just shrugged, looking back at me with her deep blue eyes like the abyss, yet shining brightly under the night, "You see, I am a Ghost Maker, Herald of the Starlight Psychopomp and..."

Her appearance changed, from her pink pajama into a royal gown, coming with a green glowing mantle that matched well with her hair.

"Elizabeth the Queen of England, first of her name.", she smirked.

A former ruler of Britain is a Herald of an Eldritch God, a Harbinger of Life at that... okay, I was about to be racist. But she is a human, formerly anyway...

"Why did you become a Herald?", I asked. Why did a human like her choose this path of immortality and eternal service?

"No reason really, just a bunch of 'what if' on my deathbed...", she went quiet all of a sudden, giggling to herself, "But, I just want to experience all the wonders of the world, and more."

She turned around, staring at the night sky with few stars dotted on the vast canvas.

"The stories that Sir Drake told me about, he filled my mind with endless imagination... making me think about what I could do if I wasn't on the throne."

Someone who had authority and power in her life, in order to fulfill her passing thoughts, signed a Contract to an Eldritch God...

"And when that opportunity came, I just accepted it.", she turned back to me with a smile, "Even if I became the Grim Reaper, it is fully worth it."

This is what a human is, whimsical and unpredictable. For such a small desire, she is willing to sell her entire existence.

I am a bit jealous, to be honest. Courtesy of the Other Ego of the World, she is the problem that needs to be dealt with soon...

That thing is in my way. I need to kill her...

For my grand scheme...

Of Cleansing Humanity.

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